Your Majesty's Poisonous Concubine

Chapter 74: The evidence is like a mountain


Qin Youran glanced at the things on the ground and shook his head slightly.

The people around were holding their breaths, the fire on the stove made a "cracking" sound from time to time, and the soup in the small pot was also bubbling with a "grumbling" aroma, overflowing with aroma.

"Aunt Chen," Qin Youran asked suddenly: "Ms. Ding said it was your dowry maid, and she is in charge of the big kitchen. These two points are reasonable, after all, she is her own confidant. However, I have something to do. I don’t know, please ask my aunt for advice."

Aunt Chen gave a dry smile, "What's the matter, you say."

Qin Youran glanced at Mrs. Ding and asked, "What is her monthly salary?"

Chen's heart tightened, and she really asked about this. She thought about it for a while and said, "This... I don't remember it clearly. I have to go back and check it before I know it."

"Oh?" Qin Youran chuckled, "Whether you remember it or not, this lady thinks, no matter what, it is impossible to reach so many, right? Look..."

As she said, she leaned slightly, and picked up one of the papers with the dagger in her hand, which was a silver ticket.

"Well, three hundred taels." She picked up another one, "Yo, two hundred taels."

"And this," Qin Youran sighed, "It's actually a title deed."

Aunt Chen's face became more and more ugly, and she cursed in her heart. She knew that Mrs. Ding had searched a lot in the past two years, but she did not expect to be so presumptuous.

"Hiss..." The other people took a sigh of relief, with a look of astonishment on their faces. No one would have thought that Lady Ding would have swallowed so much privately without showing up!

Qin Youran put those things down and said to Granny Ding, "Explain."

"This... I..." Lady Ding opened her mouth and couldn't say anything. What could she say? With her monthly money, it is impossible to buy these things. Even if the Chen family attaches great importance to her and rewards her, they will not be rewarded so much. Three hundred taels are already the most!

The Chen sighed secretly, "Leisure, in my opinion, it takes time for such a slave to be tried. I think you have a bad complexion. I heard that Le Qiao came over to make the medicine? Let's take care of it. Now, let me try this woman and send the final result to you at that time, how about it? Oh, your complexion is really bad

Great, do you want to find a doctor? Doctor Liu of Rejuvenation Palm..."

Before she finished speaking, Qin Youran waved her hand and said, "Thank you for your concern, but now I am in charge of the Qin Mansion by my father's orders. If these minions don't set the rules properly, they can't do it. If you forget who is the master, this lady is afraid. These trivial things can't complete the father's trust, the aunt said, right?"

Chen opened his mouth and was about to say something, Qin Youran continued: "Auntie isn't thinking about it, intercede with her, and open a side to her, right?"

"I… "

"If it's a trivial matter, but with so much money, the source is unknown, just so confused and confused, it seems..."

"Miss, you don't need to check it," Lady Ding said suddenly: "This money... I won it back."

Qin Youran wanted to laugh, "Oh? You won it?"

"Yes," Mrs. Ding bit her lip and nodded and said, "The old slave has a bad hobby, that is, he loves gambling. When there is nothing to do, he often goes out to gamble. In the past few years, he loses less and wins more, just... accumulate these. ."

"Oh," Qin Youran's voice stretched, she didn't say anything else, the room fell silent again, she still held the dagger in her hand, the cold light shone, making people look terrified.

This silence caused people, the Chen family was about to step forward and say something, and someone outside said: "Miss, I got the things."

"Come in." As soon as Qin Youran's voice fell, he walked into a housekeeper outside with a few books in his hand.

"Read." Qin Youran ordered.

Jia Ding cleared his throat, opened a certain page of the ledger, and read it aloud.

Before he finished his words, Mrs. Ding weakened and collapsed to the ground.

Everyone's eyes widened, and then they understood that this is clearly the book of the pawnshop! What Mrs. Ding said was all false. It was not a gambling win at all. It was because she stole something from the mansion and sold it or pawned it!

Up to now, the evidence is as strong as a mountain.

Qin Youran looked sideways at the Chen clan, "Auntie Chen, Madame Ding is so courageous, some things were rewarded by the palace, she even dared to sell them, this... won't it be the courage you gave her? ?"

Chen took a sigh of relief, this charge is unbearable, Qin Yinyin is also

I am anxious, her wedding is about to happen. If this happens at this time, her marriage must be sloppy!

She was about to step forward to speak, Chen hurriedly held her arm, motioned her to calm down, smiled reluctantly, and said: "You Ran, this is not a joke, you know, there are too many things in this mansion, I Although I said that I was in charge, I sometimes couldn’t do my best, especially in the kitchen. I couldn’t come and inspect it personally. After you’ve been in charge for the past few days, you should understand the hardship, right?"

When Qin Youran heard this, a smile appeared at the corners of her mouth. She didn't look at the Chen family, but at Granny Ding.

What did Granny Ding not understand when she heard Chen's words? Chen had sold her as an abandoned son! Leave her alone!

She immediately became anxious and knelt forward and climbed a few steps, "Husband... Auntie, you can't ignore me, these things, you..."

"Shut up!" The Chen cried out angrily, "Do you still dare to speak arrogantly and sophistry? Don't look at the situation in front of me! I trust you so much!"

Qin Youran calmly watched her acting. In fact, Qin Youran knew in her heart that no matter how courage Mrs. Ding was, some small thefts were completely normal, but... she definitely didn't have the courage to do such a big thing.

There is only one reason, that is, she is just a person who is in the early stage. She may be instructed to deduct a small part of the property privately. The big part is to be handed over. The reason why so many were found this time should be because of these two. There were too many things in Tianfu, and the Chen family was punished and sent to the Buddhist hall. The idlers couldn't wait to enter her yard, so Granny Ding couldn't get in for a while.

But now the Chen family is obviously going to lose the army and protect her commander, and she wants to abandon Ding. Even if it is a retrial, she does not admit it, and she can't take her down only by her side words.

Qin Youran didn't want to chase and fight, this time knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger, so that everyone in this mansion could see whoever said it.

She slowly said: "In that case, Aunt Chen said the same, and such a rebellious thing, just..."

"Just hit her..." Before the Chen clan finished speaking, he heard Qin Youran speak slowly, but said firmly, "Shoot with the stick."

There was a dead silence around, and even everyone's breathing stopped in unison. Everyone could hardly believe their ears, and the Chen family was also startled.

(End of this chapter)