Your Majesty's Poisonous Concubine

Chapter 8: In power


Qin Youran frowned, this king actually took everything up, he was not afraid of death

Or, speaking out would be more terrifying than death.

Qin Youran looked at Qin Yinyin, and just came to catch the fleeting glimmer of triumph in her eyes. Looking again, she was already looking like a miserable and tragic powerlessness.

However, it does not matter.

"Father, do you think someone has the courage to do this kind of thing?" Qin Youran paced to Chen's side while asking. Without waiting for Qin Zhenyuan to answer, she looked at Chen's and said, "Now I can answer your question. Yes, what if Qin Yinyin was seriously injured by me? What if Jiading was killed by me? Could it be that I would not fight back or scold me? If I didn't fight back yesterday, what Dad saw today would be my corpse !"

The words Zhuji shocked the hearts of everyone present in vain.

Chen gritted his teeth and argued, "What are you talking about!"

"The soup I sent yesterday is the second lady's personal servant girl. After I drank it, I woke up in the wood shed. After that, this servant had a bad intention. If it weren't for my self-harm and physical resistance, wouldn't I have lost my body long ago!" Qin Youran asked with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Could this slave be able to buy the second wife's personal maid? And why did His Highness the Third and the two younger sisters appear in the courtyard outside the wood house so coincidentally? Why did the family who died and wounded appear again? Isn't all this what you want to eliminate? Drop me!"

Qin Youran's rhetoric is so eloquent that Chen cannot tolerate any more sophistry.

Chen's body softened and sat slumped on the ground.

"How about this, I think the second lady knows well." Qin Youran puts her hands around her chest, leaning sideways and squinting at Chen's."

As the mistress of the Qin Mansion, you abused your power just to terminate your marriage contract with me, so that your daughter would be on top? It's a pity that Qin Youran, my Highness, disdains to be engaged to any majesty. You and your daughter plan hard, but it's wasted. "

"You're talking nonsense!" The Chen family and Qin Yinyin shouted angrily at the same time. At this time, the scene was completely reversed and Qin Youran was already in control!

"Then you edit it? Explain?" Qin Youran raised her eyebrows playfully.

"I, I..." Chen's mind was in a mess at this time and couldn't think of any other words. She twisted her head to look at Qin Yinyin. Qin Yinyin fainted and passed out.

Qin Youran rolled her eyes silently in her heart, and looked at Qin Zhenyuan. He wanted to know how this distinguished military commander, who holds a heavy hand, would handle this kind of family affairs? "Father, I think you have already understood clearly how this matter is. According to the house rules, how should you deal with it?"

"From today, the golden seal of Chen's power will be stripped away. From now on, you will handle all affairs of the Qin Mansion. Leisurely, you, as the eldest daughter of the Qin family, will be punished by you." Qin Zhenyuan looked ugly. It seems that the facts of today's incident are almost as what Qin Youran said.

He was heartbroken. He thought that the Chen family had taken good care of Qin Youran all these years. Who knows, such a scandal happened today!

What a shame!

"Master, you can't, you can't treat me like this! Empress Empress won't allow you to treat me like this!" Chen Clan tremblingly climbed to Qin Zhenyuan's side, and moved out of the queen's name in panic.

Chen is just a cousin of the Queen’s cousin’s family. It doesn’t really matter to you, but because he married the town.

The generals of the National Congress, the Queen, and the Chen family are much closer.

But Qin Zhenyuan has always avoided the close relationship between the Qin family and the imperial family, and now the Chen family's mention of this has added fuel to the fire.

"The queen is here tonight, and I have no right to take care of my Qin family's family affairs!" Qin Zhenyuan flicked his robe sleeves and sighed very furiously. After that, you will give one to your father and four highnesses."

After all, Qin Zhenyuan bowed to the Fourth Hall, and then waved away. He didn't have a face to say anything about the matter tonight!

When Qin Lele and Chen saw that Qin Zhenyuan really just waved their hands and left, they yelled in fright. They turned back to Qin Youran's sorrowful appearance. The big red seal made her look like a desperate ghost in their hearts. Chills.

Qin Youran squinted at the one who could not scold or rush after watching a good show for the whole night, and asked tentatively, "His Royal Highness, would you like to take a step first? Qin family affairs, for fear of tainting your ears. "

"It's okay." Yunyue said coldly, without any intention of leaving.

Qin Youran smiled on her face, but cursed in her heart, and then ignored him when she asked.

Yunyue's eyes were dark and he couldn't distinguish his thoughts.

Qin Youran turned to look at the trembling people in the room, and sat down in Qin Zhenyuan's position, lazily holding her cheeks, her gaze fell on the already unlovable Wang Cai. In time, a few words were left behind.

"Chen Clan... He has a rod responsibilities of fifty, and was locked in the Buddhist hall for three months, during which time he was not allowed to take a step out of the Buddhist hall."

"Qin Lele, but he was a little stupid and didn't do anything, so he'll be thirty."

"Wang Cai, drag it down... and die."

(End of this chapter)