Your Majesty's Poisonous Concubine

Chapter 822: What's up with him


There was no bright light in the Hall of Nourishing the Heart. Under the dim light, Grandpa Li did not find that the person was Qin Youran at first. At this moment, he calmed down and his eyes were bright after he discovered that it was Qin Youran.

"Miss Qin!" Grandpa Li looked excited, but his voice was quiet.

It was probably also the threat from Qin Youran before, and he knew the severity.

"Well, it's me."

"It's great to see you, Miss Qin." Grandpa Li's eyes were red.

When Qin Youran saw this, she felt uncomfortable, "What's the matter with Grandpa Li? The emperor?" "The emperor is him, the emperor is him..." Li Gonggong choked up, and he looked at the inner hall with red eyes, which was normal for the emperor. At the resting place, Qin Youran saw this and immediately understood. Guessing that the emperor might be there, she ignored Grandpa Li and walked quickly inside.

Fortunately, there is only Grandpa Li in the Hall of Yangxin who serves the emperor. Otherwise, she really can't move around like this at the Hall of Yangxin.

But think about it, the emperor is also pitiful, and there are usually so many people waiting around, but now only Li Gonggong is left.

Qin Youran's thoughts changed when she walked into the inner hall and saw the emperor with an old and weak face. She felt that the emperor was not pitiful, but too pitiful.

How could the emperor become like this

Qin Youran was surprised, really surprised.

You know, she came back from the desert a few days ago and met the emperor at that time. At that time, she was sitting in the imperial study room with high spirits, and the emperor who was suspicious of her, and this middle-aged man who seemed to be ill at the moment, really It’s impossible to mix them together...


Qin Youran walked to the bed and wanted to call the emperor, but found that the emperor closed his eyes, not as if he was asleep, but as if...unconscious.

Is the emperor sick

But it didn't look like it was sick.

Grandpa Li walked in at this moment.

He was crying and choked and said: "The emperor has been suddenly unwell since the first two days. At the beginning, there was an imperial physician to treat the emperor, but the emperor could not find out what disease the emperor had. He said that more observation is needed to find out. , As a result, His Royal Highness King Yi and the Queen Empress suddenly asked the emperor to be brought to the Hall of Yangxin, and all the palace members in the Hall of Yangxin were sent away. If I hadn’t insisted on staying, I’m afraid it’s here now. In the heart hall, there is only the emperor left..."

Speaking of this, Grandpa Li was angry and scared.

"The Empress Empress and His Royal Highness King Yi didn't know what was going on. They actually replaced the guards at the gate of the Hall of Cultivation of Hearts. Those who are now guarding outside actually treat the miscellaneous family and the emperor as prisoners.

How can we be so bold, how can we be so bold! "

Qin Youran thought to herself, I know what's going on. They are rebelling. Since they are going to rebel, naturally they are bold enough to come.


Qin Youran looked at the emperor who was lying on the top again. She was just a guess before, but now she is almost certain.

The emperor is poisoned, not a sudden illness.

If it is poisoned...

Qin Youran thought for a while, squatted over to the bed, picked up the emperor's wrist, and began to pulse him.

Her medical skills are not very good, but she still knows a little bit.

Grandpa Li watched her actions from the sidelines, his eyes gleaming even more.

Saved! Saved!

The emperor is saved!

For Grandpa Li, Qin Youran's appearance is a savior.

Qin Youran found out to the emperor that the emperor was really poisoned. As for what the poison was, she couldn't tell. After all, she was not a true healer, and she knew very little about these things.

But what was strange to her was that she was poisoned by being able to pulse the emperor so easily. What happened to the people in the hospital

Was it deliberately unable to find out

Well, it's very likely.

Qin Youran thought for a while, and suddenly thought of something, she reached out into her arms and fumbled for a while, and soon she took out a white jade-colored ceramic bottle.

Without saying anything, she opened the cork of the ceramic bottle and poured out a pill.

Grandpa Li gave the emperor what she was going to feed, and quickly asked, "Miss Qin, what are you?"

Although he believed Qin Youran, but...

The defensive heart is indispensable, especially at this time when there is no one else around the emperor, so he must protect the emperor even more.

Qin Youran didn't feel any dissatisfaction because of Grandpa Li's inquiry. Instead, she looked at Grandpa Li, and after watching for a while, she nodded slightly.

This grandpa Li is really loyal to the emperor.

She explained to Grandpa Li: "Don't worry, this is a detoxification pill. I don't know what the emperor's poison is, but this is the detoxification pill that can cure all kinds of toxins. It is definitely beneficial to the emperor if taken."

"What? The emperor was poisoned?"

Li Gonggong was shocked when he heard this, but fortunately they are now in the inner hall, and the soundproofing effect of the Hall of Cultivation of the Heart is not bad, otherwise, people outside will hear.

Qin Youran glanced at him dissatisfied, Grandpa Li quickly covered his mouth and looked at Qin Youran apologetically.

For his loyalty to the emperor, Qin Youran didn't care about such small issues with him anymore.

She continued: "Yes, I just took the pulse for the emperor and found that the emperor was poisoned."

"This, this... But why didn't the emperor's name come out before?" Li Gonggong didn't doubt Qin Youran's words, he just doubted.

Really very puzzled.

"Who knows." Qin Youran sneered and said nothing.

Both the Queen and Yun Hao were able to control the entire palace, so what was the difficulty of buying one or two imperial doctors.

No matter what, Qin Youran stopped explaining to Grandpa Li, but stuffed the detoxification pill into the emperor's mouth.

The detoxification pill melted in the mouth without the emperor's swallowing, the medicine directly flowed into his throat and into his body.

Speaking of this detoxification pill, I have to talk about Qingfeng.

This detoxification pill was produced when Qingfeng was in Nanzhao. At that time, they waited for the formation of Nanzhao to restart, so they stayed there for half a month. During the half month, Qingfeng had nothing to do. After doing it, I studied these things.

It happened that they had obtained some Tianquan water from the Tianquan in the desert before, so Qingfeng developed this detoxification pill.

A detoxification pill made with the desert spring as the main material.

After Qingfeng made a good understanding of the poison pills, one person divided some of them and put them on their bodies, saying that they were prepared.

Qin Youran now trusts Qingfeng's pills many times after the pills researched by Qingfeng have saved her life, so when Qingfeng gave it to her, she sent it to her body and carried it with her all the time.

Unexpectedly, this detoxification pill will work at this time.

When Qin Youran was in a daze, the emperor who took the poison pill also reacted.

He moved his eyelids first, and his face was relaxed and hideous, so that the father Li next to him was almost crying. After that, he even vomited a mouthful of black blood.

Now, Grandpa Li really cried.

"Miss Qin, what happened to the emperor?"

Grandpa Li knew that Qin Youran would not harm the emperor, but the emperor is like this... I really can't let him think about it.

Qin Youran picked up the emperor's hand and signaled another pulse.

"Don't worry, the poisonous blood has coughed up, and the emperor should be able to wake up soon, so don't worry."

"Really, really?" Grandpa Li couldn't believe it.

Is it really that simple

"Is it true? You won't know later."

Qin Youran finished speaking and got up and walked away.

There is nothing wrong with the emperor for the time being, and she has to think about the next thing.

If she hides here and does nothing, she will be found by the queen sooner or later, and if she is found then, it will be a dead end.

Therefore, she has to do something.

But what is she going to do

At present, what she wants most is to send a message to Yunyue, but in the current situation, how can she send the message out.

Qin Youran was extremely distressed.

At this time, she heard footsteps coming from outside the Hall of Yangxin.

(End of this chapter)