Youthful Spirit

Chapter 12: Old iron man


The street where the grandma's grocery store is located is called Mian'an Street, a very important commercial street in the early days of liberation.

At that time, there were foreign grocery stores, cotton and silk shops, handicraft workshops, foreign shops, tea houses, pubs, snack bars, etc. on both sides of the street, which were important commercial centers at that time.

Only later, with the development of the economy and the shift of focus, this place has gradually declined into an old city, and it is no longer prosperous.

Now, most of the younger generation lives in new urban areas, such as Yu Shan's parents. The rest are basically older generations or children who can go to school nearby, such as grandma and Yu Shan.

In the once prosperous streets, many shops are basically closed, and only a few small daily shops are lingering. This includes the grocery store of Yu Shan's grandmother and the iron shop of Team Lin's adoptive father.

The school where Su Song works is on the other side of Mian'an Street, called Mian'an No. 1 Middle School. Its predecessor was Mian'an Academy, founded in the third year of Guangxu, with a long history and was once a provincial key middle school. It's just that with the decline of the economy, the corresponding resources can't keep up, and the status is also lost.

Now it can only be regarded as a public high school in city m, ranking behind the city's first middle school. Compared with the City No. 1 Middle School, both teacher education and online rate are quite different. In the past, at least one or two students were admitted to Tsinghua University or Peking University every year, but in recent years, Fudan University has been the best.

The school is very close to home, so Su Song always walks to and from get off work, and he can get there in about ten minutes. In the direction from home to school, you always pass by Uncle Lin's iron shop. Su Song can often see Uncle Lin holding a rice bowl and sitting on the threshold to eat.

As long as Team Lin is not at home at school, he is always used to this when he eats alone.

Today, when Su Song passed by the iron shop, he happened to see Uncle Lin sitting down with a rice bowl. Before Su Song came to say hello to him, he heard Uncle Lin say, "Teacher Song, I'm going to work!"

"Yes! Going to work!" Then Su Song stretched out his head with a smile, looked into Uncle Lin's bowl, and asked, "What is Uncle Lin eating this morning?"

"It's too troublesome to cook the porridge alone, so I just cook some noodles." After speaking, he deliberately picked up the noodles for Su Song to watch.

It is always easy for a person to eat and drink Lhasa alive, because everything becomes indifferent easily for one person. But Su Song knew that as long as Team Lin came home, Uncle Lin would definitely cook a table full of food, unambiguous.

Su Song joked, "Uncle Lin, you save your stomach and save it for the weekend to eat and drink with Captain Xiaolin!"

Uncle Lin smiled happily, every time he mentioned Team Lin, he would smile proudly on his face.

Ordinary people, after middle age, their greatest pride is their children.


Those eyes were very bright, as if shining with silver light.

Su Song suddenly noticed that there were already a lot of gray hairs in his hair.

The white hair was also shining in the sunlight.

An ordinary father, a father and a mother, also pulls the child up in this way. Moreover, he grew up to be such an excellent boy.

What a thing to be proud of!

"Uncle Lin, it's great that Captain Xiaolin has a father like you!"

Uncle Lin stopped holding the noodles, looked at Su Song thoughtfully, then lowered his head slightly, staring at the noodles in the bowl and said, "That's right, I think, I'm an illiterate and incompetent dad, Treated that kid badly."

Parents will always feel guilty and indebted in the face of some material conditions they are unable to meet.

"No. Uncle Lin, the most important thing for children is that they can grow up in a warm home."

Yes, a warm home, not a cold home.

Su Song, how she understands the difference between the two, because she has experienced it deeply.

People say that home is the warmest harbor. This sentence is not entirely correct. Because some homes are, and some are not.

Uncle Lin laughed and laughed at himself, "Indeed, my iron shop, nothing else, but the temperature is high enough."

"Yo~ Uncle Lin also learns black humor."

Uncle Lin scratched his hair and smiled, "Haha~ Is it because people are dark? So it's black humor?"

Su Song laughed, thinking about how to explain the so-called black humor

After a pause, I can only give up. Anyway, it is humor, a gesture of life.

Uncle Lin understands a life posture better than himself, so what qualifications does he have to explain!

In front of him, he is just an extremely ordinary worker in this world, doing rough work, but his eyes are so gentle.

He has been injured, and he knows the malice in the dark parts of this world. However, he still loves this imperfect world.

Regarding Uncle Lin, Su Song heard his grandmother talk about him.

When he was born, there was a famine and it was very bitter. Ordinary parents can't even raise a newborn child. He is an outcast thrown by his biological parents by the river. Fortunately, a passing iron master picked him up, raised him, and then taught him ironing skills. When he grew up, he naturally inherited the mantle of his master.

The ironsmith named him Lin Siyuan. But because of professional reasons, neighbors in the neighborhood are used to calling him Lin to strike iron. Because of long-term labor, the body is thinner, the skin is darker, and the personality is honest and honest. Now, the pleats on his face when he laughed have reached the age that even Tibet could not hide.

When he was young, he had begged a daughter-in-law from a foreign country, but soon after the wedding, the daughter-in-law took away all the jewelry and savings in the family and ran away. Since then, he has been single and has been living alone.

Twelve years ago, a nearby couple of foreign tenants who came to work here owed hundreds of thousands of debts because of gambling. Later, desperate, both committed suicide, leaving a six-year-old child behind. The police contacted people in their hometown, and no one wanted to take over the child.

Later, Uncle Lin adopted the child.

Sometimes fate is so magical. Like the iron master of the year, he did what the master did in the past, giving a child who was also homeless, a warm home.

Just like his name, drinking water thinks about its source.

As for the adopted child, no one knows what his name was before. People only know that since then, he has a new father, a new home and a new name.

Since then, his name is Team Lin.

Su Song heard that Yushan said that Uncle Lin felt that being able to go to school and become a young pioneer is a kind of supreme honor, an honor like a great hero.

Because it was something he had never gotten before, but was extremely eager for it.

So he hopes that his children can have this highest honor.

The "team" of Team Lin is the "team" of the Young Pioneers. It is a father's greatest blessing to a child.

Su Song looked at the light around Uncle Lin's body, and felt very beautiful.

With a smile, I suddenly remembered that Hans, who was holding the accordion in the movie "The Book Thief," was so gentle and kind.

Su Song knew that for Uncle Lin, he didn't need to understand what black humor was.


Su Song suddenly let go, letting go of the little bad mood caused by his grandmother's words just now.

So he smiled openly, and his voice suddenly floated a bit. She said, "Uncle Lin, I'm going to work first!"

Su Song stepped on high heels and walked forward.

Yup! The sunshine in the town is so good, and the people on the streets of Mian'an are so warm and kind.

Su Song thought, he was lucky enough. After the once despair, you can also push away the dark clouds and see the beauty. Then you can continue to laugh, continue to face the light, continue to learn kindness and warmth.

Therefore, it doesn't matter if the young man in the sun can't be his own.

The remaining warmth that I have embraced has spread to the rest of my life.