Youthful Spirit

Chapter 14: Qin Huaiyang of Unexpected Providence (1)


In 2017, on the day the freshmen reported, although Su Song was not a class teacher, as a teacher, he was also going to a meeting to receive education, let alone a new teacher. First, there was a mentoring meeting for teachers, and then a freshman meeting for the whole school.

When the teacher meeting was halfway through, Su Song started to doze off, opening his eyes on a mission, while secretly hurting himself. He really broke his studies!

In the past, I could hear it from the beginning to the end in a serious manner, but now I only spent a few days with the octopus girl, it's not enough! As I thought about it, I thought of the previous night, the Octopus girl made a serious speech at home.

She said, "In a meeting, what is a meeting? It's not that the person holding the microphone opens the brains of the people underneath and holds a big knife. Generally speaking, it is not looting or brainwashing."

Grandma asked her to eat several chestnuts, and then asked, "Tell me, what is looting?"

The octopus covered his head and glared his eyes and shouted, "It's a threat! Threatening students to give up their brains and ideas."

Then, grandma picked up the broom directly.

Thinking of the octopus girl jumping around at home, Su Song couldn't hold back for a moment, so he burst out laughing. Hearing the movement, the male teacher in the front left turned his head to look at her, so he met his eyes.

Su Song’s first reaction was to feel extremely embarrassed, and then he blinked at a loss, thinking in his heart, I am a new teacher, this is the first time I go to work, my first meeting, and that’s it. Isn’t it very uneducated? ? Will it leave a bad impression on people

Then, like a little mouse, he looked at the teachers around him vigilantly.

However, I found that, except for him, the rest were lowering their heads in their dreams!

Ok! He looks quite young, maybe he is a new teacher just like himself. Su Song thought, after all, there are only new teachers who can't learn the old fried dough sticks, so they will endure it so hard to listen to the lecture!

Su Song looked at him in embarrassment, saw him smile and nod his head, turned around, picked up the pen and didn't know what he was writing.

After a while, he handed a note to Su Song, and Su Song hesitated to catch it, always feeling as if he had a handle in his hand, panicking.

It says:

【Hello there! My name is Qin Huaiyang. I just came to this school to teach last year, and I teach physics.

If I guess right, you are the legendary psychological teacher! 】

After reading the note, Su Song raised his eyes and met his eyes again, this time looking a little more.

He smiled very brightly. The boy had fair skin, narrow eyes and thin lips. A slight squeeze turned into a red line.

Su Song wanted to reply and looked down at his desktop. There was only a mobile phone and no pen. When he just wanted to raise his head to borrow a pen from him, he already handed it over.

After Su Song took it, he smiled at him, then lowered his head and wrote: [Hello! My name is Su Song. It's the psychology teacher. 】

The legendary psychological teacher...

Su Song handed back the paper and pen to him, muttering in his heart, this name contains two place names! Is it because of his parents, one from Qin Huai and the other from Huaiyang

It turns out that the name can also be named like this.

By analogy, if it's from Shanghai and Hainan, then it's Shanghai South~

But, it's like a train station!

Su Song couldn't help laughing again.

Sure enough, the octopus girl is well-deserved and powerful. The rigid self, in just a few days, was so acquainted to find "fun" by himself, and the brain circuit obediently kept up with the fish circuit of the octopus girl.

Su Song looked at him as if moving his lips to say something. He guessed it was "What are you laughing at?", but he was not sure, so he asked with his lips, "Huh?"

He turned back to write again, Su Song stared at the back of his head, thinking, this head is not as big as the familiar head in her memory. Sure enough, people with big heads are relatively smarter!

The note he handed over again read: [I said, what are you laughing at? 】

Su Song looked at him, shook his head, a little in a daze, because she thought that the first time she saw Wu Huaijue, it was also at a meeting, an extremely boring meeting. At that time, there was also a boy next to him talking to him, but at that time he just felt that he was disturbing him, so he responded indifferently.

Thinking about myself at the time, I was a little arrogant, even very selfish.

But now I don't think that way anymore. I just think that most of the time everyone will find it quite boring. Two people who are boring, take a chat to entertain the boring time, maybe they can discover the new world, such as the method of naming.

It's really good! But why hasn't it been found before

So, this is probably a kind of growth! I began to see where there is no difference between others and myself, and I no longer centered on myself, so I began to understand others, tolerate others, respect others, and even learned how to be humble.

Years, that's how to pull people to maturity.

Qin Huaiyang turned around again to write, and then handed the note and pen to Su Song.

[I heard people say that you are a big p, so I am a little curious, why would you want to work here? But many people in big cities are yearning to go! 】

After reading it, Su Song smiled softly. Because of this question, too many people asked her since she came here, and she has gone from being a little nervous at the beginning to coping freely.

Indeed, untrue things will come true if they say too much.