Youthful Spirit

Chapter 16: Two people’s deliberate deliberation (1)


As soon as Su Song walked out of the door of the complex, he saw the crowds in front of the bulletin board, standing in an orderly manner. I thought, this is really strange! Did something happen? Did it go on the first day

There are more than 20 steps in front of the complex, and Su Song stands on the top and looks down. Taking a closer look, in a small open space that was vacated by the crowd, a female classmate was entangled with a male classmate!

And the point, this figure, how familiar!

Su Song smashed his head and was furious! Really a girl who doesn't make people worry.

Su Song hurriedly ran down, pulled away the crowd, and walked up. Before he had time to speak, he was invited to catch the demon together.

"Sister Song, do you have a rope? Hurry up and help me! You must take this kid to the No. 1 Middle School. How can he be here. I'm so angry."

Team Lin stood blankly, and the octopus girl on his back looked very angry on the surface, but when she looked carefully, she knew that, in fact, she was about to cry and was very aggrieved.

Su Song tried his best to say in a very gentle tone, "Octopus girl, it’s only the first day! Show off your octopus sucker so soon! This will scare your classmates and you won’t be able to make friends. , Shall we come down?"

After that, Su Song glanced at Yu Shan and then looked around the "watching" eyes, and sighed again in his heart! Alas~ I have a strong premonition that I will not worry about my future work. After all, I have to face these young and energetic flowers!

Su Song retracted his eyes and looked at Yu Shan a little less, so he took the opportunity to wink at Team Lin and reminded him to say something soft.

"You come down first! I will explain to you." His voice was very small, but also very gentle.

Team Lin bent his knees slightly after speaking, Su Song hurriedly helped Yu Shan to get her off, finally he could breathe a sigh of relief. Su Song had known her in the past few days, and it didn't matter if she was laughing and joking, but once she got real, it would be super uncomfortable, even grandma.

Teachers in the comprehensive building came out one after another, and the students onlookers gradually dispersed, but there were unexpectedly unwilling to disperse among the onlookers.

A girl who kept a student's head like Yu Shan appeared in front of Shan with a very excited look, and stretched out her hands expectantly.

"Hello! My name is Ye Xiaoman! I want to make friends with you."

Su Song looked at her, a little surprised, this looks too similar! The same hairstyle, the same chubby face, the same big eyes, and the same height. The point is that there are deep dimples on your cheeks when you speak.

At first glance they are twins!

Su Song suddenly became a little confused, let alone being kind, her thoughts were messed up, and now suddenly a person who looked like her suddenly appeared.

The girl didn't respond when she saw Yushan, so she directly took Yushan's hand.

"Hey! What's your name?"

"My name is... Yu Shan."

Yu Shan was still dumbfounded, but it was also regained.

"Mantou! I told you not to run around."

Another person appeared.

A boy wearing big panties and flip-flops, with dark skin, looks like a wild boy who has been naughty since he was a child, and went up and down into the water. He yelled and walked towards Yu Shan in their direction, and then at the moment he saw Yu Shan, he was obviously shocked.

The boy with big pants pointed at Yu Shan and said to the girl, "You...couldn't she be your long-lost twin sister?"

Then, rubbing his eyes to confirm again, "This is too similar!"

Su Song looked left and right, feeling that he was right, nodding his head in extreme agreement.

The girl named Ye Xiaoman swayed Yu Shan's hand from side to side, and said to the boy with big pants with a proud face, "Hey~ That's the fate you can't envy!"

Yu Shan obviously hasn't buffered it yet, and has been in a loading state.

"You... called?" It turns out that the two words can also be a bit stuttered.

"My name is Ye Xiaoman, you can call me Mantou." After a pause, Mantou classmate glanced at the Lin team behind Yu Shan and continued, "Can I call you Octopus just like him?"

Yu Shan paused, his face a bit heavy, obviously still thinking about the Lin team lie to her, but quickly said with a bright face, "Yes! By the way, don't we have a meeting? Let's get together!" Then the little hand hooked the little hand and was about to leave.

Yu Shan was angry, it was too obvious, because when he turned and left, he deliberately bumped into Team Lin.

The boy with big pants patted Team Lin on the shoulder and said, "Let's go together too!"

Team Lin was a modest and courteous child, and he left after saying to Su Song. It was not like Yu Shan's disapproval of his six relatives. He was impolite and left.

Su Song stood on the spot, looking at the four distinct backs, wondering why he was always the one who stared at others in a daze? Like a person left in place...

Was left in place, but no one noticed.

Su Song twitched at the corner of his mouth, just like that, mixing into the crowd.

I can't tell what kind of mood it is, but sometimes I deeply know that the flow of people is a good hiding place.

Conceal the fact that oneself is forgotten, the fact that a person is forgotten by oneself.