Youthful Spirit

Chapter 19: Like is a force (1)


That day, the reconciliation and final agreement reached between Yu Shan and Lin's team under the banyan tree, that night Yu Shan told Su Song all in one mind, including some of their previous stories.

Finally she asked, "Sister Song, why would one person want to be better because of another person?"

correct! Why

The next second, I thought of myself like that.

Isn’t that what Su Song was like as a sophomore? I met a person named Wu Huaiyue, and then wrung a barren heart to become better and better. However, before Yushan asked her, she never thought about why.

Or in other words, that is an answer that I dare not even think of.

"Because I want to be with him."

Finally, it came out.

Although, being good does not promise to really be together. But it is undeniable that it is a real and powerful illusion force, acting on the heart bewitched by light.

A person always "demands" to force himself to be better. Because "being for something" represents a steady stream of motivation. As long as it is "not available", there will always be motivation.

It's just that some "requests" will never be "obtained" for a lifetime.

Su Song pulled the corners of his mouth, uglier than crying, and repeated, "Because I want to be with him."

Finally faced myself.

Acknowledging that she was so persistent, led her to break through herself and find another herself.

How lucky to meet him! It's just that after luck, there are unexpected misfortunes.

After the misfortune, Su Song knew so well that no one would like a broken person.

It is impossible for her to find someone together.

Not to mention, with him.

Su Song was drowning in the sudden self-compassion, and kept sinking. It was Yu Shan's shock that pulled her back.

That night, after hearing this answer, Yu Shan, who was very quiet, yelled, "Yes! Sister Song, I just want to be with him and go to the same university together."

The voice is extremely exciting.

How simple it was when I was a student! Because I like a good person, I turn that love to exchange concepts into a reason to study hard. As a result, I slowly learned the advantages of that person, and slowly forged a better self, and stepped into the future.

It’s just that everyone’s approach is different. Su Song back then was extremely forbearing, and the kindness in front of him was extremely public.

Zhang Yang needs capital, and that capital cannot be given to oneself, it must be given by the other party.

In this world, there are so many people like Yushan and Team Lin that there are so many people who like each other overtly and secretly, but there are a few people who can like each other like Yushan and Team Lin.

In reality, there are many secret joys that are hidden and dare not let it go.

Isn't Su Song like this

I used the love that Wu Huaijue didn't dare to express and had nowhere to put it in to grow myself. And you can't support each other with double likes like Yu Shan and Lin team.

But no matter what the situation is, liking is a kind of force.

It really acts on yourself, pushing yourself forward, so you start to do work, and you have energy. It is like doing work in the concept of physics, transforming one form of energy into another form of energy.

This is what Su Song secretly liked.

In fact, it's not humble, it's just a little bit regretful and distressed.

Yu Shan emphasized again, "I want to go to Beijing with him and go to university."

With such powerful words, Yu Shan lowered his head and said that the octopus girl, who is always bold and shameless, is shy.

Su Song stretched out his hand to pinch Yu Shan's chin and raised her head.

The face is red.

The flushed face has a dazzling light that cannot be concealed, which is very dazzling.

Su Song laughed at her and wanted to tease her, but she suddenly jumped into Su Song’s arms and chuckled lightly and said, “Sister Song, I used to study very well, and it’s the kind that can be the first grade in the school, you Believe it?"

The second that Yu Shan hugged her, the second that the words fell, Su Song didn't know how to express the powerless feeling mixed with fear.

Yu Shan's words were indeed clearly heard and recognized, but why did they drift away so softly and weakly, together with her body.

Su Song knew clearly that he had goose bumps all over his body, and he instinctively wanted to tremble but failed to tremble. This is a kind of plain but incomprehensible fear, how powerless it is to fear a person suddenly holding oneself!

Su Song is sick, unable to resist, unable to avoid, unable to accept.

After the incident that Su Song dared not recall, she was diagnosed with depression. She habitually wears a mask and laughs against her will, which is her protective color. But secretly, at the same time, she instinctively resisted too close contact with people.

But this time, when he was hugged by Yu Shan, it was strange that Su Song was not emotionally upset, did not resist the hug, and did not push away from Yu Shan.

She just froze.

In other words, being frozen, being weakened by the same fear.

As a result, the instinctive anxious reaction was suppressed.

Su Song even clearly felt that she was trying to respond. She tried to nod her head, although she still had a deep sense of powerlessness around her. So weak that Su Song couldn't even be sure, whether he nodded, and whether Yu Shan received her response.

It can only be said that everything happened too fast.

Resonance is often a momentary thing, and it has already happened without each other's reaction.

At that moment, they felt each other strongly and believed in each other.

Therefore, Su Song does not resist Yu Shan’s embrace, and Yu Shan also confides his secrets to Su Song.