Youthful Spirit

Chapter 22: Like is a force (4)


When Wang Zhao returned to the school, he could see the school gate from a distance, with the dean’s back and back, so he dropped his head, ran under the south wall of the school, found a fulcrum and turned over.

At the moment when the foot fell on the ground, I heard the sound of something hitting the ground, a loud bang, and it was very heavy. Then he rolled to Wang Zhao's feet again, and it was a thermos cup.

The water splashed all over the ground, and it fainted black on the gray ground.

Wang Zhao looked up, and there was a girl standing next to the flower garden. The schoolbag had been packed up and placed on the edge of the stone, holding the bottle cap in his right hand. It seemed that he was about to go back to the classroom, but when he was drinking water, he was shocked by the sudden fall from the wall.

Wang Zhao picked up the thermos cup, walked in her direction, handed it back to her, scratched the back of his head with the other hand and said in a whisper, "I'm sorry, I scared you."

The girl looked up at him, as if frozen, without blinking her eyes.

The expression on his face was not so frightened to lose his soul, it was a complex and simple expression that was also unpredictable.

Seeing that she did not respond, Wang Zhao shook the thermos cup in his hand and said, "Yes."

Such a crisp teenage voice, just like this, burst into the ears of girls.

She regained her senses, but still froze. Staring at Wang Zhao dazedly, he immediately lowered his head and stared at the water cup for several seconds before slowly extending his hand to pick it up.

When she was relieved, Wang Zhao had already turned and walked a few steps.

The girl's knuckles turned white.

The hand was shaking slightly. But I can't tell if it's because of nervousness or excitement.

However, it was only an instant that she mustered up her courage and shouted at the figure who was walking forward, "Senior Wang Zhao, come on! I believe you..." Yes, I always believe.

She secretly rehearsed this sentence many, many times in private, but after all, she still failed to shout all at once. Because, I have never dared to expect that, I can shout to him, even if I just shout to his back.

But now, he heard it.

Yes it is! Wang Zhao heard it.

He became stiff behind his back, stopped, and stopped moving.

Because of this sentence, someone said to him three years ago. And it was a large group of people who had yelled at him.

It's just that he failed.

So, that became a hurdle he couldn't step on, and he didn't let go of his own demons.

Wang Zhao looked up at the sky.

This is a blind corner on the edge of the playground. There are no tall buildings or tall trees, so the sky looks so secret and empty.

The sky is visible, unobstructed.

It is such a sky that makes people misunderstand how free people are in it.

But are there walls all around? What comes from it

Even if the physical size of the human mind is so small, the gap between the iron railings of the windows on the fence is much larger than the width of the human mind.

But what? Ever escaped

At this time, the sky was bright and the sun was strong, Wang Zhao could only squint and watch with difficulty. But there was only a whiteness in front of me, and I could not see anything at all.

What a futile effort, just like the self back then, it was just an inexplicable moment that destroyed all the past efforts, the brain was white, so white that people despair, and that they should die.

After a long while, Wang Zhao recognized it, bowed his head, and stopped looking up.

He turned around slowly, with the corners of his mouth raised as much as possible, and said to the girl, "Thank you! So do you, come on!"

When he said to come on, he issued instructions in his mind, commanded himself, and raised his hand! Make a cheering gesture! Like it was then!

However, the dangling hand was indifferent.

Anyone can smile brightly as long as they want.

At this time, Wang Zhao smiled brilliantly, but only he knew how splendid the so-called splendor was.

Laughter can be programmed by man, perfectly programmed.

Wang Zhao looked at the girl not far away, his tight face slowly relaxed. She smiled brilliantly, different from her own true brilliant.

He had forgotten how long ago, he could also be like that, smile so brilliantly to everyone without any complaints.

It's just that it doesn't work anymore.

Smile from the bottom of my heart and learn to pick people as I grow up. It only wants to smile so brilliantly and sincerely in front of a handful of people.

For example, Su Song.

Wang Zhao is rejoicing, okay! And Su Song. Let yourself not give up on yourself, let the faint light deep in your heart continue to shine.

Can meet her, and she believes in herself. I just agreed to her, she must do it, and be the most explosive person in her mind.

It was because of her that a powerful force rose again in her heart, pushing herself forward boldly.

How good! It looks like one person's efforts alone, but there are actually two people behind it. It was in her own body, and it was stolen from her.