Youthful Spirit

Chapter 24: Like is a force (6)


Admiration, Qing Qing Qing.

It was the first time in my life to explain my name in this way, and it came out unconsciously.

Let it take its course, Chen Qingqing himself couldn't tell, whether this kind of explanation was deliberate or destined

However, no matter what the situation is, Chen Qingqing thought, he wouldn't understand it, right

A girl, why only explain her name to him like this.

Chen Qingqing immediately raised her head, trying to catch something from his face, to answer her doubts, or let her give up, or let her look forward to it.

Yup! He would not understand what he meant by "Qing Qing" that he deliberately mentioned, and what kind of girl's thoughts were hidden. He was so obvious in a daze, his expression so natural. It's like myself there, my whole body is tight.

People who don't care are always indifferent! Chen Qingqing understands.

Wang Zhao paused in confusion, unable to tell whether it was "clear" or "softly", and finally just nodded and said, "Hello! My name is Wang Zhao."

She knew that his name was Wang Zhao, and she just called him Wang Zhao Senior, didn't he hear it

The little man in her heart is roaring, but she can't. The corners of her lips twitched at best, the angles were so subtle that they were not a smile.

Yup! I just think too much of it. How could Chen Qingqing not know, but she just didn't want to recognize it clearly.

She stood there, trying to dissuade herself.

The little man in her heart pointed to her nose and said, idiot! He doesn't care if you know his name! It is even less possible for him to guess that the unexpected person he met inexplicably when he got over the wall actually knew him; even less likely to know that the girl in front of him was changed from being a "little Taimei" because she admired him. "Three Good Students"...

He would never know.

Will not. unknown.

But, knowing that, it's still very sad.

The girl who loves fantasies, the girl who is addicted to it, is so imaginative and loves to deceive herself.

This is how the girl grew up while imagining dreams and recognizing reality.

In the future, when she grows into a truly confident and gentle adult, she may laugh at this young, ignorant and naive time. But they will definitely be grateful, because fantasy brings them hope and strength.

Longing for fairy tales, longing for the prince in the story. So, when one day I could meet the prince in the real world, Cinderella tried her best to get close, chasing it in the most clumsy way in the world.

For many people, growth starts from chasing a dream, or someone. Isn't it? While chasing hard, while dreaming about success, it's just that there is no idea about the beginning of a possible encounter.

At the beginning of the moment, what should I do to gain attention gracefully

Even Chen Qingqing herself had never dared to imagine what she met today!

So, she was too at a loss.

At a loss, there is only doubt. Why is there no such illusory external atmosphere

What was supposed to be an ordinary morning, turned out to be a girl's fantasy dream, a real and bloody beginning. As a result, the girl became a little bit more vigorous and wanted more gorgeous, gorgeous dreams like idol dramas.

Therefore, Chen Qingqing was puzzled.

Why, the sky is not bluer because of this, and the sun is not brighter? Why, everything still looks so normal? Idol dramas are not performed like this! At least there must be a rainbow or music!

However, the real reality is to wake up the illusory class bell in time, ringing so ironically and ear-piercingly.

This is how disappointing.

The person who changed the trajectory of his life, the person who was extremely far away from his own world, the person who had been thinking about it day and night, just fell from the sky suddenly. Moreover, I said to myself, come on!

But... it stopped abruptly like this

That's it, there is no follow-up? Just like that, he left

He ran forward.

Chen Qingqing stood there, looking at his background, and wept silently. After wiping it off hard, he picked up his schoolbag and ran behind him. After a while, he was out of breath.

Chen Qingqing stopped in front of the teaching building where "Senior Years" was written.

Watching him continue to run forward, the corners of his clothes are flying, the wind is blowing under his feet, and his hair is waving to both sides.

Once, it could only be a scene I imagined, so it's so close in front of my eyes!

Chen Qingqing suddenly no longer felt sad. Suddenly I realized that it is a happy thing to like him, just to like him, and to treat liking as one's own.

But if he is greedy, trying to respond to him is an unhappy thing.

He ran upstairs and disappeared at the entrance of the corridor.

Chen Qingqing also turned and walked back. She hummed softly as she walked, humming the song she often listened to.

[Look at me how small I am

Because you have a dream

Maybe you won't stay for me

Then let me stand behind you

I can follow you behind

Like a shadow chasing light and sleepwalking]

Standing in front of her "high school" teaching building, looking up at the sky, in fact, the sky is really blue!

Chen Qingqing confessed silently in her heart:

"The girl who almost broke the jar back then was because of you, a new force rose from the bottom of my heart and pushed herself forward.

thank you! Senior Wang Zhao, let the tiny girl have a dream and move with strength. "

Later, in the third year of high school, the school's recognized as the most handsome male teacher explained the conceptual work of physics in class and said:

[Like, is a kind of force.

The force stolen from others is applied to oneself, pushing oneself forward, just like doing work in physics, transforming a liking for a person into a liking for oneself and even life and the world.

So when you grow up, one day you will find that what you have been missing is not the person back then, but all the efforts you made to like that person back then.

Even if you fail to be with that person in the end, those efforts are not in vain.

Because it was those efforts that quietly shaped who you are now. 】

At that time, a boldly naughty boy in the class asked, "Then, is there such a person in the teacher's heart?"

That teacher, his personal affairs can be said to be the most gossip thing for teachers and students in the school. Because, who can believe that such a wise, young and handsome man has no girlfriend for more than five years. Colleagues who worked in the same class at the time were quick, and they had both sons and daughters.

For so many years, he is the only one who has been single.

The classroom is extremely quiet, there is no rustle of pen across the paper, only the extremely faint breathing of the whole class. Everyone raised their heads, held their breaths, and stared at him on the podium, for fear of taking another breath, interrupting the hard-won secret.

He said, "Yes."

Then turned around and wrote on the blackboard, Li.

At the end, he stayed for a long time, his back was upright, and he said to the students, "Like, it is a kind of strength. She told me this sentence."

The whole class is silent, some have understood, some are wondering.

At that moment, no one was a teacher, no one was a student, they were just young people.

That night, Chen Qingqing wrote in her diary:

【Like is a kind of force, pushing people forward, to be brave, to work hard, and to become better.

And the effort after liking is not for being together.

Because if you like it, it's good. 】

Yup! If you like it, it's good.

Later, Chen Qingqing understood that young people like them too narrowly, and they always target people.

In fact, a song, a meal, a small thing, and even a good weather. All should be liked, life can have a lot of likes.

Therefore, people who know how to like can have infinite power to face this turbulent and unkind world.

At that time, Chen Qingqing was already a truly gentle and confident woman.

She is no longer the same girl that year.

But I will miss it forever.

That girl back then.