Youthful Spirit

Chapter 28: Wang is disrespectful (4)


Wang Zhao and them were walking in a crowded crowd, and the minor tunes humming by Yu Shan mingled in the noisy sounds around.

Those are young and frivolous voices, vigorous and high-spirited.

At this moment, these all sounded in Wang Zhao's ears, at the beginning of his high five.

A brand new.

Wang Zhao couldn't help raising his head, looking at the sky and thinking, is God planning to treat himself gently

The world is noisy.

However, Wang Zhao unexpectedly felt that the world was very quiet and deep.

This silence hidden in the crowd finally gave him the courage to face his true self.

In front of outsiders, in my heart, the real Wang Zhao.

He thought carefully about the unreserved pity and pity given to him by outsiders over the years.

He got used to these things, so slowly and numb.

Sometimes, it is not the sharp things that really hurt people, but the seemingly round things.

Without edges and corners does not mean that it will not hurt people.

For a long time, no one can really understand. In fact, what Wang Zhao least needs and least wants to see is the so-called distress that these outsiders have been tirelessly giving, wearing the cloak of regret.

Wang Zhao even crazily hoped that someone could scold him, yell at him, call him rubbish, call him a loser, call him a black sheep.

The harder the better, the less merciful the better.

Then he will stand up desperately to defend himself.

He will let everyone see, he is not a waste.

He, Wang Zhao, can still be the Wang Zhao who is still dominating the Olympic mathematics with his head up high.

However, no one scolded him, and no one mocked him. It also means that no one helps him to wake up and see his true situation clearly.

People just kindly felt sorry for him.

This situation made him more and more confused.

Because of that senseless kindness, it discouraged him, disgusted him, and made him lose a certain focus.

So, slowly, the feeling of powerlessness given by the outside world was eroding the inner Wang Zhao.

Wang Zhao, he is young, even too young.

Being young means that there will be some blind arrogance that is disadvantageous to oneself.

And that arrogance will make him unconsciously in the subconscious, making himself truly pitiful as others wish.

Therefore, Wang Zhao, he must be lost.

He began to allow himself to pity himself, so after a certain point, he completely exiled himself.

He puts himself in a world where he thinks no one can understand him, in a world where he only knows how to pity him.

In this world that made him desperate.

But now.

He suddenly realized that it was not.

In this world, there are still people who cannot pity him.

Poor people can no longer be pitiful, they can be treated as normal people.

How strange to say! How could anyone take such a meaningless thing so important

However, for a talented teenager who once stood at the high point of the imo (International Mathematical Olympiad) and is highly anticipated, this strange thing is not surprising, and how natural it is.

How important it is to him.

Who knows that the capital that once made one's head high, one day became his own tormented dagger

What kind of feeling is that

People who have not experienced it will never know.

Wang Zhao thought that from the very beginning, he was just an ordinary learning child, and he would not be considered a genius boy. Then, his failure is a matter of insignificance and how natural.

Then, he doesn't have to bear these heavy pity.

These kindness to sharp pity.

In that case, how good it should be.

Later, Wang Zhao also thought that he was really a guy who didn't know what was good or bad, and looked at the goodness of outsiders coldly.

However, he also questioned, isn't the "goodness" of outsiders also another form of not knowing good or bad

I don't know how or not I think I'm spreading "good".

However, they have seriously thought that those "goodness" are not "goodness" for the person who is being charitable.

If people can understand, think about what they need when they do it to others.

that would be nice.

Thinking about what people need is the real kindness!

Now, Wang Zhao finally sees himself and others relatively clearly after the failure.

What kind of moment is this

Many emotions flashed through Wang Zhao's heart. There was moving, ecstasy, fear, and even trembling.

Wang Zhao, he was desperate for this world. He once deeply hated this hypocritical world.

And now, he was actually treated tenderly by the world.

Caught off guard, was treated with tenderness.

What an accident! So he dared not turn his head to look at them, he was afraid they would disappear.

He was afraid that this was just a dream.

Wang Zhao only dared to stare at the sky, and suddenly felt that he was like a newborn baby.

Standing at the beginning of life, after opening his eyes, his curious eyes were full of all the beauty and longings that seemed to be similar to this world.

He is no longer a poor person, he is also a person who can have expectations for the future.

A person who was once deeply abandoned, after all, met someone who knew him in this barren world.

Meet someone who understands him.

How good this is!

Wang Zhao still bravely turned his head to look at them.

In the sun, in the crowd, they smiled brightly, they stood beside them.

He saw their beautiful profiles.

This is so moving!