Youthful Spirit

Chapter 32: The silly son of the landlord's family


Wang Zhao, who let go of the report, was inevitably immersed in the restlessness, unable to let go for a long time.

Such an obvious knowledge error, being placed in front of him like this alive, is simply a delay to him.

Wang Zhao immediately drove it into eighteen layers of hell, pressing it to the bottom. Draw out a brand new math test paper in an attempt to soothe my restless heart. But within ten minutes, he still felt uncomfortable, so he had to obediently take out the so-called "report" and read it again.

The rigor required by mathematics absolutely does not allow him to let go of any mistakes, so he must find the fault, otherwise it will be as uncomfortable as if he can't breathe. Although Wang Zhao is not the material for studying literature, he still has some basic knowledge of report literature. He knew what was wrong with that article.

At the same time, he also knows how to respect the achievements of others. So instead of directly writing or drawing on that report, he tore a piece of paper again and wrote down points that he thought was wrong. The corrected content is as follows:

"First, there are four errors in the format. The title is not centered or bold, and there is no blank line between the title and the body. The font of the body is the same as the font of the title, and the line spacing of the body is too narrow.

Second, in terms of content, I think at least three things are wrong. First of all, the title is vague and sensational, which is inauthentic. Secondly, there are too many obviously emotional words and the author's personal views in the text. Finally, the length of the article is too long, exceeding a thousand words, and the report is concise.

In the end, why are there so many exclamation marks and facial expressions! "

After finishing writing, Wang Zhao felt very happy and ecstatic. He hurriedly passed the report to Yu Shan, who was aside, and asked her to bring it to Ye Xiaoman.

After Yu Shan read the paper, his face twitched in surprise.

It happened to be class time at that time, so she could only hold back her laugh desperately, and she felt that she was almost dead.

After finally waiting for the end of get out of class, Yu Shan picked up the report and slapped it on Wang Zhao's desk.

"Hey! Why are you so serious? This is just an entertaining article written by Mantou. Entertaining article, don't you understand? She just writes and writes casually, you just look at it, and smile casually by the way."

Wang Zhao still said very seriously, "How can it be done? It takes a lot of time and energy to write this. If it is so, shouldn't it be taken seriously?"

One of Wang Zhao's consistent attitudes is that if he decides to do it, he must try his best to do it with the most serious attitude.

Otherwise, don't do it.

So of course he didn't understand. In fact, in certain moments and certain scenes, seriousness may just represent incomprehension. Or use a very fashionable word now, straight man.

"..." Yu Shan was instantly convinced, and she thought to herself, why do I bother!

Wang Zhao is a student of mathematics, and rigor is the prerequisite for everything. And Mantou only records with an entertaining mindset, and she also only records with an entertaining mindset. The attitudes of the two are fundamentally different, so why bother with it

Yu Shan turned to look at him worriedly and said, "What should I do? The landlord’s stupid son, how do you make your girlfriend happy in the future? Do you know, if you keep on doing this with girls, you will be lonely It was born. This is not your sister threatening you!"

At this time, Yu Shan was like an old mother, breaking his heart.

What about Wang Zhao? His face instantly became serious again.

He corrected it and said, "This sentence has a very serious generational error. It turned out to be a son, so it should be a mother! Why is he a sister again?"


Yu Shan turned black for an instant, and blurted out, "No! I don't have a son like you. Besides, I don't want to have a son like you, it's really sad."

Then she sat back in her seat angrily, she thought and thought, still very unwilling to give up! Turning his head to look at Wang Zhao with a circled face, he made up his mind.

No, we must educate him well.

So Yu Shan dragged his chair and moved to the aisle, patted the "report" with one hand, and continued to give painstakingly.

"The mistakes you pointed out, do you really think that Mantou would not know? This article can almost be regarded as the black history of her writing. Of course, the same, it can also be regarded as the black history of my behavior.

Mantou gave you this thing, not to hand in a composition to make you pick the wrong thing. We take the initiative to offer our jokes, we just want to share this feeling with you, and we also hope that we can have a good time together.

Besides, in this article, Mantou laughed at herself. But what can be done even if it is bad! This is not an exam!

The happiness at the time was real, so this messy remark is interesting! Its meaning is to record such a joy, not to compare competitions or the like. Understand? "

Even now, that incident has passed for several days. Wang Zhao still couldn't explain his feelings and feelings at the time.

But he was very certain that Yu Shan was different from everyone he had contacted before, and different from those who only knew how to pity him.

If she is true in her heart, if she wants to speak, she will be truthful. Otherwise, she would just shut up. She disdains false words.

Wang Zhao looked down at the report, pressed his palm on it, and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry. I have always understood how to deal with numbers, but I really don't know how to deal with people.

Also, you said that this is a mood, a joy.

I think I understand. It should be like I finally solved a math problem that has always troubled me, so similar, right? In the past, every time I had such joy, I would be happy for a while, and I also longed for someone to share it, but..."

Having said that, Wang Zhao realized that he had said too much, too much truth in his heart.

This kind of self is too unlike Wang Zhao.

Wang Zhi would not say these inner words to outsiders, he would not.

But then, he really said it.

Yu Shan blinked her big eyes and said, "You can share with us in the future! Especially Captain Lin, do you know one of his ways to relax himself? It is to challenge abnormal math problems. He is just like you. Super abnormal."

Wang Zhao looked at Team Lin who was sleeping on the desk, then turned his gaze back and stared at Yu Shan.

He thought that if there was no last sentence, he might be moved to tears.

And now, he can only mutter silently in his heart: This friend, it is really a bit speechless!

Wang Zhao looked at the piece of paper on which he had written, his own clever paper, which was really dazzling on the report.

He pulled it out, crumpled it into a ball, and made a parabolic shot, hitting the trash can.

Wang Zhao turned around and said to Shan, "I think we can have a good time together."

Yu Shan nodded with a smile.

How good, many things can be simple when you are not familiar with the world.

Therefore, sincerity can also be exchanged for sincerity.