Youthful Spirit

Chapter 4: There is someone in my heart (2)


The moment Su Song put his hands around his waist, that heart moved slightly, and he murmured something.

Su Song, she knows all about it.

However, she didn't dare to admit it, or rather, she didn't want to.

Because of this shallow relationship, in front of the five-year secret love, it counts.

Isn't that heartbeat a betrayal of the emotions that you have maintained in the past

Is it betrayal? she does not know.

She only knew that this was obviously the first time she had hugged him. But why, why did the throbbing when holding him, swaying to say no. He even lied to fanfare, saying that it is the familiarity and understanding that should be possessed day and night, and the natural understanding.

Su Song pointed to the throbbing and said, you are lying.

Immediately he was puzzled, but why did you lie

Su Song didn't know, that heart was always cunning and complicated.

I can't tell, I can't tell.

Su Song can only tell himself that he is too suspicious, please don't think too much.

However, the problem now is that those holding hands refuse to let go.

Originally, I only wanted to stand on my friend's standpoint, and after saying that encouraging words, I immediately evacuated.

But why is it greedy now

I was unexpectedly greedy.

But why, the hands you are holding now, are you reluctant to let go? Are the standing feet unwilling to go back on strike

The remaining rationality in his head is also drifting away little by little.

Su Song took a deep breath, trying to wake up, but, as a result, his nose was full of breath.

There is a faint smell of sweat.

A taste that belongs to boys, a little drunk.

Su Song then thought, just now, he ran from school, right? All the subtle movements of his hair rising, the corners of his clothes curling up, and the shoelaces jumping up immediately appeared in his mind.

Then, the heart accelerated again.

Su Song felt awkward and turned his head over at a loss.

As a result, the right ear was close to his heart.

Wang Zhao is quite a bit taller than Su Song, so now her ears are absolutely very close to his heart, so close that she can clearly hear his heartbeat. She was so close that she could clearly distinguish the heartbeat, which was different from Wu Huaiyue's back then.

Su Song began to sigh with emotion. It turned out that the heartbeats of people are different from person to person.

It turned out that I could be keen enough to distinguish the difference in heartbeat.

I thought it was just a hug, for him, and also for myself.

I thought that holding him was probably just like holding the lonely self back then. It is the same as Wu Huaiyue hugged himself back then, the encouragement of a senior to his younger generation.

It turns out that it's not.

It turns out that holding him is really just holding him.

Hold him, that's it.

He is not an abstract representative of those people in memory, he is just him.

He is Wang Zhao.

Su Song twitched the corner of his mouth and screamed softly, "Wang Zhao."


Su Song thought, calling him by his name is indeed a bit awkward, and it's better to call it classmate Wang Zhai.

"Student Wang Zhi, thank you."

Su Song suddenly wanted to say thanks to him, so he had to say it immediately.

But I don't know why.

"But don't ask me why I want to thank you. Because, I don't know."

Su Song chuckled after speaking, yeah, I really don't know why.

Wang Zhao nodded blankly and said, "Okay."

His head was turning rapidly, and his tentacles stretched out, trying to catch something in Su Song's words and tone.

After he said "OK", Su Song withdrew her hands and took a big step back. Then he raised his hand and swayed, and said to Wang Zhao, "You go back, be careful on the road."

Looking at her, Wang Zhao desperately caught a certain bit of scraps in a daze.

Knowing that he really caught it, he pulled a corner of his mouth at an unknown angle and smiled.

Wang Zhao is big, so he looks slightly dull. But the real he is not dull, especially in front of the people he cares about, he is very keen.

Wang Zhao said in his heart that I was caught by me, how could I let it go.

The big step that Su Song took back was just a small step for him.

He took a step forward, he stood back in front of her, and he leaned over to hug her.

He attached to her ear and said, "I thank you too."

The breath of talking, Qiaoqiao, fell in Su Song's ear.

As a result, the breath easily rubbed the roots of Su Song's ears red.

He didn't know, but Su Song knew that his ears were hot.


When I was held by Wu Huaiyue, I didn't have any hot ears. Now it is hot.

But why

Su Song panicked.

She was too flustered, and he was too bad.

He was unyielding, he continued, saying every word, "However, I know very well why I should thank you."

The breath was hot, and Su Song's body trembled.

Her dangling hands were at a loss, she muttered in her heart, it turned out that it was called electric current.

It turns out that the current is real.

It really exists.

Su Song thought, because he relied on eating two years longer than him, so did he underestimate him

Also, is the last sentence he specifically said, is it frank or provocative

However, the answer is not important anymore.

Because no matter which kind, she lost.

Lost in a panic.

Panic, you need to be bold to cover up.

Su Song stretched out his hand boldly, rubbed the hair on the back of his head fiercely and said, "You're welcome."

However, this cover up exacerbated the panic and even added guilty conscience.

This is the first time in my long 23-year-old life that I touched a boy's hair and touched my scalp.

Muttering to the touch, Wang Zhao's hair is so soft.

And the fingertips said, shuttled among them, I really want to get lost.

At this time, all the senses are blended, which fascinates people and even falls.

Chaos makes bold.

Su Song's hands that had been hanging in the air boldly embraced him.

She thought, it turned out that the two people collided with each other.

Not only is he greedy, she is also greedy.

[There is someone hidden in everyone's heart.

However, did he change people at a certain moment in a quiet moment

And you haven't been able to notice it? 】

Su Song remembered meeting Wang Zhao for the first time. He was in tears when he was in the crowd. His eyes were very bright because of the tears, a kind of light that would flow.

I was very strange at the time, and for a moment I lowered my head and laughed.

Laughing at someone's tears? Can't explain it. So to this day, Su Song still doesn't understand himself at the time, why the moment he saw him, he laughed...

It was a long time later that Su Song, who returned to the north, was once on the subway and heard a junior high school student next to her happily saying to her girlfriend, "He failed the exam this time, and no other girls asked him to explain the test questions. I’m very happy because no one robbed me."

Su Song looked at her with a low eyebrow and a small smile, and thought, what the girl didn't say, probably, he will be all mine from now on.

Su Song smiled sideways, and at the moment he smiled, he remembered himself who smiled when he met Wang Zhao.

So the question that had been perplexed for a long time was suddenly enlightened.

At that time, I was probably just like this girl! The snicker is because of snickering, just like the kind of snickering that a commoner girl picks up a down-and-out prince.

---Wow! He was there and met by me.

It is this kind of ecstatic mood.

Su Song thought, probably the heart always understands and understands everything earlier and more thoroughly than the head.

It's just that the heart is always good at it, hiding, tucking, and deceiving.

It turned out that the person in my heart had been replaced long ago, two years ago when Su Song was "dead end".

[There is a kind of person who must meet when he grows up.

Maybe multiple, maybe one.

After I met, the next road became very different. 】