Youthful Spirit

Chapter 40: He stands in the light (2)


"Your current expression is a bit... serious!"

After Wang Zhao finished speaking, he pulled his face with ten fingers, and the whites of his eyes were exposed.

He was pretending to be ugly and making faces, he was like a full-fledged child, trying to make Su Song laugh.

Su Song's surface was still calm and expressionless, but his heart was already overwhelmed with joy. She tried to pretend to be cold, and said, "This kind of trick can only tease little kids."

Wang Zhao had already seen her through, and he also knew that the best way to expose was to continue to add fuel to the fire and let her expose herself.

So he continued to roll his eyes upward and stick his tongue out.

With his dark skin, he has no image anymore. He is really ugly. Su Song finally couldn't help it, and was amused by success.

She said, "It's silly!"

Wang Zhao's little trick succeeded and he was very happy.

He said, "Slightly ~ laugh! You still dare to argue that you are not a child."

At this time, he was completely disdainful of "you are a kid".

At that moment, Su Song was stunned for an instant.

This seemed to be the first time that she clearly and truly felt that she was treated as a child and coaxed by coaxing the child.

Su Song stared at the big boy in front of him with emotion. It turned out that it could be the feeling of being loved as a child, that's it.

For Su Song, who was originally an adult, this feeling was very strange, confusing the strangeness of time and space.

Is there such a thing? When I was no longer a child, it was the first time I really felt the kind of joy and happiness that belonged to a child's exclusive love.

How do you describe this feeling

Su Song only knew strongly that the expression of his aggrieved emotions and the unhappiness and sadness that he concealed under this clumsy method could be seen, and the person who saw it did not choose to ignore it.

He chose to care.

And now, the one he cared about was trying hard to make himself laugh.

This feeling of being seen, cared for, and loved by the truth is really, really, really good.

Only now did Su Song know that people can be loved like this.

When Wang Zhao saw her smile, he made a uglier and even more disregarding face.

Su Song was suddenly sad.

How weird, his good, make myself sad.

He was good enough to make people want to cry, and he was good enough to make Su Song doubt himself.

Doubt yourself, is it worth having such true love

A 22-year-old adult felt the love of being treated as a child for the first time. It turned out to be from a teenager two years younger than himself. What is the situation

why? When she was really a child, she couldn't be given this kind of affection? Why are parents so stingy and unwilling to give her this kind of love exclusively for their children

She wanted to know, what the child's Su Song did wrong? So that the parents want to treat her like that.

Su Song really wants to know.

While Su Song was still in a daze, Wang Zhao had already walked up to her, and now he was half squatting.

He pointed to the cup and asked, "Is it good?"

Su Song looked at Wang Zhao, who is now shorter than himself, with his eyes close in front of him, so clear. So, she now moved her mouth again but couldn't speak.

Destiny's screenwriter always likes to spoof.

So Su Song could only nodded blankly, but still moved her mouth hard, because she wanted to ask him how she knew she liked drinking honey water.

However, there was still no sound, just like a dumb acupoint was suddenly clicked, but no sound was made. Su Song felt that he was so useless.

Wang Zhao understood what she wanted to ask, and he said, "You forgot! Last time at the commissary, I ran into you buying honey. At that time, I asked you, do you like to drink honey water? You said yes. So I just saw you on the table. Yes, I will get it for you."

The dumb point was suddenly unlocked again, "Class is now."

Su Song didn't know why he suddenly had a voice again, let alone why he had to say this clueless sentence to him. In fact, what she wants to say in her heart is, are you so good to every girl

How terrible it is to have such an idea.

What's more frightening is that her term is "girl" instead of "teacher".

Wang Zhao replied, "It's okay. This class is a Chinese class, and I don't even have a Chinese class."

Su Song turned her head and looked out the window. The leaves of the kapok tree were shining in the sun. She had difficulty saying, "I just..."

Wang Zhao snatched her words and went on to say, "I just lied to Teacher Qin, and the dean was not looking for him."

He looked at her, her eyes were still red.

He thinks so that this year can pass quickly, and he can quickly become stronger.

He can guard her upright.

Later, when Wang Zhao, who was promoted to be a father, watched his son holding Yushan's little orange and said, "Don't be afraid of oranges, brother protects you." When he suddenly burst into tears, because he remembered himself back then.

Back then, he failed to say it himself, "Let me protect you!"

Wang Zhao, who was no longer a teenager, suddenly understood that the growth of a boy started when he really wanted to protect someone for the first time.

Wang Zhao grew up because he wanted to protect Su Song.