Youthful Spirit

Chapter 44: Bell stealing and repair


After hearing the bell tones after class, Su Song picked up the phone and walked out. She was going to the top floor.

When he was about to close the office door, looking at the kapok tree outside the window, Su Song still felt lingering in his heart. He experienced too many various and full emotions this day.

Moreover, she knew very clearly that she was no longer the same Su Song as before.

How did you spend this long alone afternoon, it's actually fragmented again. Su Song can only remember the trivial matter of chatting with Yu Shan on WeChat.

It was lunch time further ahead. Wang Zhao went to the cafeteria for lunch. He brought it to the office to eat with her.

This was the first time they had a meal together, and it was also the first time in her life that Su Song had such a frightening meal. If someone suddenly appeared, what should she do

She didn't dare to chew and sent the meal to the throat of the esophagus, so she was swallowed many times.

When Wang Zhao handed her water, the corners of his lips were full of sneers.

Regardless of whether it was or not, Su Song thought it was a sneer. He even suspected that it was he who deliberately watched her good show to create this meal, making her now both scared and excited.

"Laughing fart."

After hearing this, Wang Zhao put down the inferior chopsticks and looked at Su Song with a smile, but did not speak. He was sure that Su Song would be defeated before him.

Su Song was chewing on the food, not daring to swallow it, and said vaguely, "Such words like'laughing fart', can't a teacher who teach by example say it?"

"No. I just think it~ You who say this are particularly grounded."

"Be down-to-earth... Just say that I have no education."

Wang Zhao picked up his chopsticks and continued to slurp the rice, chewing it, and said, "No. I feel it! Man, you should live like this, and be generous. It's a fart if you are constrained by your education!"

His mouth was full of rice. When he said "fart", several grains of rice were sprayed on Su Song's face.

It's funny and embarrassing.

They just stared at each other, and the movement stopped.

About three or four seconds! Then they started laughing together.

Laugh, laugh out loud.

Su Song cast his eyes to Wang Zhao, a bit cruel, and grabbed several grains of rice with his hands funny and angrily. Before grabbing all of them, Wang Zhao on the side deliberately spoofed several grains on her face.

Everything is in the sun, everything is so natural and beautiful.

Su Song also let it go and hit the strange hands with a snap, and his palms hurt a little.

Then they seemed to wake up, they knew that these actions should not be done.

These actions are too out of the ordinary.

Teachers and students would not do such actions.

As a result, the atmosphere began to be embarrassing...

"I am sorry... ... "

"I also think raising up is a fart!"

Their voices sounded at the same time, Wang Zhao was faint, and Su Song was excited.

Wang Zhao's head was originally lowered, and he looked up at her again, his eyes were shocked.

Su Song didn't understand, why did he do this? Say something like this

Does this mean that Wang Zhao's behavior was implicitly allowed by her? As she said herself, upbringing is a fart!

The emotions accumulated for a whole day may not really break out until now.

There seems to be a wayward child in her heart, she is screaming strongly:

"Education, I have obeyed enough. I want to start to live truly and generously."

Next, they stopped playing and talking, and they ate very quietly.

However, the atmosphere is not at all embarrassing, it is very ordinary, usually like an old couple eating.

After eating, Wang Zhao cleaned up the mess and then left.

what? Just left

what is this? Su Song was a little angry, but she also knew that she had any reason to be angry

Bored, even a little disheartened, still unwilling.

Why is he

Su Song pinched a little, and stood beside the window involuntarily, watching him walking downstairs, watching the white plastic bag in his hand, which contained the lunch box they had eaten together at noon.

There was a sentence and a warm picture in Su Song's heart: They had a boxed lunch together!

For some reason, Su Song looked at the plastic bag glowing in the sun from a distance, and felt soft in his heart. The kind of softness that is about to melt.

It was broken, and when she was inattentive, he looked up while she was staring at the bag in a daze.

Su Song secretly told himself that next time he must stand by the wall and stretch his head and look at him. You can't stand in front of the window blatantly. This way, he will laugh!


This guy even raised his hand to swagger! ? Are you looking for death


Su Song closes the curtains and shakes! Let you shake! Who rarely looks at you!

At that moment, she had completely forgotten her identity in this school.

She is not a teacher, she is just herself, her name is Su Song.

A person who wants to be alive.

With this warmth, she didn't want to let go and let it go. This was a hard-won salvation.

she knows.

The phone rang.

Wang’s disrespect: [Teacher Xiaosu, are you stealing your ears or stealing the bell? 】

Su Song's belly, this dog! Very dear to myself.

cough! The word dog, girl octopus has been chanting in her ear recently, so...

Cough! Su Song experienced for the first time that speaking without education, it really makes people very happy!

So she couldn't bear to stay in her heart again, and a few more words, this dog!

This dog, shit!

Finished [shit talk! ], click to send.

Su Song thought to himself, do you have both!

She is greedy, she wants to steal the bell and fix it.

When Wang Zhao looked at the three words sent by the person who remarked as Su Zirong, he suddenly had a strong intuition. This person must be behind his back, cursing himself happily.

Wang is disrespectful: [To be honest, did you scold me just now! 】

Su Zirong: [You really are the legendary mathematical genius! 】

Wang's disrespect: [Yes! So just say it! Dog genius. 】

Su Song didn't want to talk to him anymore, and put his phone aside.

She was standing against the wall, she really wanted to know, did he throw the bag in the trash can

She turned secretly and looked through the curtains, but there was no one there.

He is no longer standing there.

Su Song suddenly became more sober, she told herself:

Su Song, stealing the bell, isn't it right? Fix it, can you make it up

The surroundings are quiet, but the heart cannot be quiet.

Su Song understands that there are too many dilemmas in this world.

Although there will also be a lot of judgment standards to help you deal with it rationally. However, in addition to the most sensible rational response, there are also very important things that should not be denied by the so-called criteria of judgment.

Su Song, she just wanted to seize her salvation.

So she thought, this time, can she be allowed to be selfish

She is too greedy for such a joy to be with him.

Wanton, arrogant, and generous.

Independent thinking is a unique ability to be born, but Su Song feels that he has only truly achieved it from this moment. Most of the previous thinking was stuck in the mental framework given by the parents.

Be truly independent, free, and start to look at your surroundings again, start to recognize yourself, start to re-choose your attitude towards life, and be extremely eager to grasp this budding love...

Su Song reached out and closed the door, she told herself:

Please be prepared to go to steal the bell.