Youthful Spirit

Chapter 45: Get married in situ after assigning objects?


Standing on the top floor, the field of vision is empty, and there is only the sound of wind around.

All the turmoil seemed to have been swept away, Yu Shan couldn't help but stretched out his hands to embrace all the wind blowing on his face.

The wind in my ears was whistling, but my heart was so peaceful.

Under the setting sun, the lone smoke was straight.

Gu Yan is because of the sunset alone, right

I didn't want to think about it all day, but still remembered the morning break exercises and the Lin team standing on the podium.

The wind in September is refreshing and the sunshine is very gentle.

Behind Team Lin is the clear blue sky. Under the clear blue, he is wearing a black T-shirt and gray sweatpants.

Yu Shan stood in the dense crowd of students in the school, clearly separated from the rostrum, and had poor vision.

But when the wind blew, Yu Shan, who looked at the podium, felt that he could clearly see the wind picking up the fine bangs on his forehead.

He twitched the corners of his eyes slightly, tickling him because of the blowing and falling broken hair.

Team Lin has always been very ticklish.

When he was young, Dad Lin made fun of him. It seems that he will be someone who will love his wife in the future!

Yushan went home and asked her grandmother why, she said, "It's an old saying! People who are ticklish, either love their husband or fear their wife."

At that time, Yushan was keen to pretend to be a family, and even more keen to play the role of father and mother with the Kobayashi team, of course, he understood that it was the meaning of husband and wife. Therefore, Yushan was also naturally happy to think that Team Lin would love him for a lifetime.

Children, all the likes and affections you can think of will only last a lifetime.

Thoughts were withdrawn, and the people on the stage began to speak.

"Dear leaders, teachers, and classmates, everyone, I am Team Lin from the third and fifth class of senior high school. It is an honor to stand here today to represent everyone..."

A clear and nice male voice came to Yu Shan through the speaker. Yu Shan felt that the voice was arrogant and wanton, laughing at her for being bad.

He stands on the stage and represents all the students. How many times is this

Yu Shan couldn't remember clearly, anyway, many times.

Starting to look at him on the stage, Yu Shan would have a sense of superiority and pride of an old mother, but that slowly changed.

At first the feeling of being proud with him disappeared, and then it was replaced by a deep inferiority complex.

His voice on the stage is so nice, it sets the surroundings quiet.

At the end of the speech, applause broke out.

At that moment, Yu Shan felt that time had stopped, and she began to feel sad.

Yu Shan remembered the test paper that had just been sent out in the morning, the bright red score, her and his, and the gap between them. After Yu Shan worked hard for more than two years, she was finally no longer naive.

She has always thought naively that hard work can change everything.

Can I change my score if I work hard? of course can. However, the extent to which it can be changed depends on good luck.

It may be said that effort can change the score from one digit to two digits, but it is unlikely to change a single digit to three digits.

There were people all around, loud applause, but for Yu Shan, it turned out to be abnormally quiet and cold.

She was finally willing to face her real grades now, so the promise she made during the first year of high school was like a joke.

People like her even want to be admitted to Tsinghua University!

She felt that her heart was pinched so that she couldn't breathe.

The applause around was harsh and too sharp.

Because the applause is for the one who was once so close to him, who thought he would be together for the rest of his life.

However, from now on, I will slowly lose him bit by bit.

When Su Song reached the top floor, he saw Yu Shan standing in the light.

She turned her back, she faced the setting sun, and she opened her hands.

She was like a bird about to take off, and the bird's body was coated with a soft light.

Seeing all this, Su Song suddenly felt soft in his heart and didn't want to go any further.

No one would have the heart to destroy such a beautiful painting, right

Su Song probably can guess why Yu Shan called her here, and why hasn't she been like that? Of course she understood that anxiety and weakness.

Before Cinderella became a princess, she met that wonderful prince.

This in itself is both beautiful and cruel.

After standing for a long time, the sunset turned red and Su Song slowly walked to her side and looked at the sunset side by side with her.

The afterglow of the setting sun was like a gentle hand, gently stroking their thin shoulders and the powerlessness of being Cinderella.

They looked at each other, and then turned their heads away and continued to look at the sunset, silent to each other.

The just right slightly drowsy wind fluttered between them, communicating silently for them.

At this time, silent is better than sound, which is probably what it means!

"Standing on the playground today, surrounded by people, and Team Lin was standing on the podium, I was suddenly very scared, afraid that he and I would be in full swing on this road, and we would never find each other again."

Su Song turned his head to look at her, moved his mouth lightly, but still did not speak.

Yu Shan continued, "He stood in the dazzling light, and I sank in the crowded sea. He couldn't see me, and I couldn't step towards him."

Su Song certainly understood that there were too many such moments in her short college career.

Wu Huaiyue always stands on a high platform, and she is always submerged in a sea of people.

She is not even Cinderella, she will never be seen, she will always be the background color.

What kind of mood is that

He is the prince on the high platform, and I am just a commoner under the crowd.

"I'm not the kind of person who makes trouble very unreasonably, but today I inexplicably pissed him off and didn't want to bother him."

Yu Shan turned his head to look at Su Song and continued, "I don't know why, but I suddenly felt very aggrieved, as if this whole heart was crushed."

Su Song saw the tears being coated with brilliant but not dazzling golden yellow in the afterglow, which was very beautiful.

The princess is fragile, and Cinderella is also fragile.

Su Song stretched out his hand to touch, but only so lightly, it shattered the entire glass bottle.

The shards fell, shimmering.

"When he talked to me today, I felt so noisy and upset, I couldn't listen at all, and even wanted to tell him to shut up.

But, I shouldn't be like this! What am I betting on him! What did he do wrong

I think I listened to him very seriously, and I thought I was hiding it well, but he understood it instantly.

He quietly collected the test papers, and he dragged me to the sky bridge in a daze.

None of us said it broke, but we all knew it too well. "

Yu Shan began to cry, and she murmured vaguely, "He knows me too well... I... What a good boy like this! Have I occupied him for too long. .. God is going to take it back! Then... and then give him to an excellent girl who can be admitted to Tsinghua and Peking University, right... a girl from Tsinghua and Peking University... ”

Su Song suddenly wanted to laugh very unscrupulously, okay! He really laughed, and then was beaten by Yu Shan.

"Laughing fart." After speaking, wipe all the nose and tears on Su Song's body.

"Not every girl at Tsinghua and Peking University has been assigned to such a boy. It's easy to cut? You think Tsinghua and Peking University can still be assigned to them!"

"Ah! Really? Tsinghua and Peking University can still assign objects, I really want to go."

Su Song looked at Yu Shan's tearful deer eyes and shook his head. This silly girl, she really cried silly!

There is no way to distribute work, but I still want to distribute objects.

"Just dream about it! In this world, the marriage rate is not known to be dozens of times lower than the employment rate."

"What! The assigned person can still get married in situ! Ooo~ I want to go to Tsinghua University!"


Su Song was helpless, "Okay! Try hard to enter Tsinghua University and get married in situ."