Youthful Spirit

Chapter 5: Meet Wu Huaiyue (1)


Su Song looked at Wang Zhao's back, upright and tall, with a wide back and narrow legs. When he walked, his trouser legs were swaying, which was a bit swaying.

Su Song could see clearly, the back of his head was also shaking lightly.

He could see it and grinned, Su Song laughed that he still likes to stare at the back of other people's heads, especially boys.

Wang Zhao took a few steps, then suddenly turned around and waved to Su Song.

Su Song was taken aback, my God! Snickers were caught again, still so dazzling.

A thought flashed in my mind, was he sent by God to heal himself

So, is it a cure or a cure

Su Song saw him grinning with his teeth bare, his skin was already dark, so he lined his teeth brightly.

This person is so silly to laugh! Su Song once again tirelessly affirmed this person's stupidity, with a certain kind of cheer.

Su Song raised his hand with disdain, fingertips down, the back of his hand facing forward, and moved his wrist forward to make him go quickly, which is annoying.

Su Song turned and walked back, and couldn't help but smile again.

I have always loved to laugh, but for a long time, the laugh was false and painful. Because it was just to deal with all the strong smiles from the outside world, which always made her hate herself worse.

And now, I can finally smile honestly and honestly.

It feels so good!

Su Song raised his head and glanced at the sky. As Wang Zhao said, the sky is really blue and blue.

The words that came out of my heart when I just hugged him are now being repeated again.

Yes, I met someone, and then the next path changed completely.

Wang Zhao was one, the second one I met.

So I remembered that person.

In Su Song's life, the first person to change her way was called Wu Huaiyue.

In his sophomore year, at the Teacher's Day celebration meeting, Su Song saw for the first time with his own eyes that the most popular god in the Faculty of Science was the senior of his class.

At that time, Su Song attended the meeting as a student representative, sitting at the very back end of the meeting room, but she didn't go fishing in troubled waters just because she was sitting back, doing her own thing.

As the son of a teacher, she has always been a good student with a full role model, sitting upright, listening carefully to the speech on stage, and occasionally applauding. Of course, I also look down at my watch from time to time, and I still have to have the mood to go off early.

More than an hour has passed. Just after Su Song confirmed the time, he heard the people on the stage say, "Next, we have to ask our student representative Wu Huaiyue to speak."

Wu Huaiyue...

There was a flash in Su Song's heart. This was not the first time he heard his name through the amplified sound of the microphone. Even in different colleges, he could always hear his name from time to time.

Su Song stretched his neck curiously, thinking that he could finally see this great god who was sent to the School of Mathematical Sciences with his own eyes. A perfect score gold medalist for two consecutive imo (International Mathematical Olympiad)...

There are too many rumors about this man of the wind. However, in Su Song's ears, the one that impressed me most was a person who could not take a bath for a month in order to overcome a mathematical problem.

Well, after all, it is the future scientific research leader. It is reasonable and reasonable, and it should be accepted...

However, since then, Wu Huaiyue's original vague image in Su Song's mind has begun to materialize. Hearing the three words Wu Huaiyue again, Su Song always automatically thinks of the persistent Forrest Gump with a long beard and running across the United States, an extremely inspirational character.

Since then, Su Song, who has not seen Wu Huaiyue's real person, has been letting it go, and has always believed that Wu Huaiyue is a research-minded, uncut... sloppy man.

Su Song raised his eyes anxiously to confirm whether he really had a beard, so anxious that he even lifted his butt away from the chair slightly.

As a result, I was dumbfounded.

That day, he was wearing a white long-sleeved shirt with party member badges on his chest, his hem was tucked into black trousers, and a black belt with a square buckle was on his waist.

Su Song went over his brains and tried to look at him, feeling in his heart that he turned out to be a thin, thin boy with a long waist and straight legs.

He stepped onto the stage, stood in the center, dressed clean and tidy, standing upright, he smiled slightly, then bowed ninety degrees, and then walked to the side of the podium.

He began to speak, his voice low and clear, like a chill on the edge of a spring, which swept away the dull fatigue in the afternoon.

At this time, Su Song couldn't hear what he was talking about anymore. He was just looking at his appearance, while muttering in his heart, "Yue, rotten jade. But, the appearance alone is clearly a piece. Beautiful jade."

His skin is fair, his eyebrows are staring, the edges are like cuts, the haircut is centered, and the slightly retro silver-framed glasses.

Su Song couldn't help wondering what is called book spirit, or what is called contemporary book spirit.

She thought, she understood.

A living example, smashed in front of her, smashed out a beautiful jade.

Su Song was muttering in his heart while admiring it. As expected, the rumors were half true and half false. I didn't believe it. Such a person would not take a bath for a month.

I didn't believe it to death.

So, Su Song, a good example of a student, began to fish in troubled waters. From the schoolbag resting on his lap, he took out the paper, put it on the table, and then found the pen and held it in his hand. He raised his head and glanced at the people on the stage again, lowered his head, the tip of the pen touched the paper, and began to rub and whisper.

A peaceful young girl began to slowly derail her mind.