Youthful Spirit

Chapter 54: Will he protect the world? (3)


Team Kobayashi liked "One Piece" during the summer vacation when they met Yushan.

So beautiful, so passionate, so inspiring, you must like it!

Dad Lin also loved Team Lin so much. After knowing that Team Xiao Lin liked "One Piece" at that time, he spent his entire life thrifty and hard-working to buy DVDs and a full set of discs.

In the 273rd episode, when the Rufu Pirates rescued Robin and Frankie on Judicial Island, the Kobayashi team found the answer to the question that was not answered by the Octopus girl.

Will he protect the world

Captain Ruf, he won't protect the world! However, he will protect everyone he loves.

While striving to become strong, he also dared to fight for his life to protect.

Rufu never wanted to be a great hero in the world. In his voyage in pursuit of the man who became the One Piece, what he has been working hard to do is to become the stronger captain of the Rufu Pirate Group.

Team Lin knew early on that Rufu was what he wanted to do.

In that episode, Rufu said, "Even if they are not strong, they are the companions I have always been together. If I cannot become stronger than anyone, I will lose them."

The real reason a person wants to be strong is actually because there are people who want to protect.

To become stronger is to not lose.

Let me protect you forever, okay

If Yu Shan heard this sentence, he would immediately respond with joy, okay.

However, she cannot do it now.

"Don't say forever, it's always difficult to do." Yu Shan said, looking ahead.

"I didn't say this lightly. I never said this to anyone before, and I only want to say it to you in the future."

Yu Shan moved his body, looked at his eyes a little uneasy and said, "That promise, if I fail to make it, what should I do? Do you want you to be like abandoning the No. 1 Middle School to Mian'an No. 1 Middle School again? I will break with you by doing this."

Team Lin shook his head, "University and middle school are different, so I won't be like that again.

I think that the physical distance of space will not hinder the staying and company of two people. Of course it is best to be in the same school, but it is also very good to be in the same city. As long as I can be in the same city, I can go to you on weekends.

And there is Wang Zhao too! If you don't trust me, let him be your eyeliner. how about it? "

It turned out that he had thought about everything a long time ago.

Yu Shan suddenly felt that the troubles were all thought of by himself, and finally he could let go of the lumps in his heart.

Work hard by yourself, good or bad by destiny.

She nodded, her eyes were bright, and she said excitedly, "But isn't it still a year! I won't give up! I have to try my best! And I don't want that bastard to be my eyeliner! He must Will threaten me with this! I don't want to betray my sister Song."

Captain Lin stretched out his hand and rubbed Yu Shan's hair and said, "That's fine! Don't ignore me anymore."

Yu Shan suddenly felt a warm current in his heart. With this intimate action, he could do it so naturally, as handsome as a male pig's foot in a soap opera.

Also, Yu Shan really realized that the little boy who was shorter than himself was already tall enough to rub her head condescendingly.

The years are so interesting.

Suddenly Yu Shan wanted to save everything.

She looked up, smirked and confessed, "Captain Lin, I like you."

It must be that the night is too warm, and it must be the demon who moved people in front of you.

Little devil, come out and make trouble!

It is a joy to bravely admit that you like it.

It's very simple and pure. You don't have to think about the other person's mind, and you don't need to weigh your own weight.

It's just a joy that I want to admit.

How good this is!

Team Lin bowed his head, approached, stamped, and lifted away.

Everything is gentle.

Gently stamped, gently possessed, and gently expressed that you will be mine in the future.

The first kiss is the smell of cola.

After it was over, Yu Shan felt very shy and embarrassed. She broke her silence and asked, "You just drank Coke!"

"Hmm! I want you to remember forever, I like Coke, and I like you."

and so? He has a plan!

Yu Shan raised his foot and gave him a rubber stamp of Lufu.

Team Lin smiled and continued to carry her into his arms.

When Yu Shan understood, he told himself plainly:

Let go of your worries and be brave to love!

Many distresses are actually self-inflicted.

They sat back on the high platform again, intending to escape tonight's self-study.

They chat together, talking about their favorite "One Piece".

"Remember, where did Captain Ruf start the second gear?"

"Of course I remember! When I was on Judicial Island..."

Anyone wants to be that swordsman with three swords, how cool!

But in the end, they had to do that cowardly deceit, so timid!

Everyone will always get a disease, a disease called fear.

But it doesn't matter, there must be a kind of luck, called the luck of encounter.

When you meet someone, you will grow from a timid and deceptive cloth to a powerful three-sword flow Sauron.

The strong he will protect the world, because his world is the one he loves.