Youthful Spirit

Chapter 57: The girl who loves to laugh has scars on her body (2)


"The doctor said that it is a type of depression called smile depression.

I think it's very funny. Smile can also be put together with depression. How funny.

I remember very clearly that I walked out of the hospital with a smile while holding the diagnosis card, and then smiled and got on a bus casually. I didn't get off the bus, I sat until the end, and then returned to the original route, and got off the bus at the entrance of the hospital.

It seems that it was just going out to sober up, and then come back to confirm it again.

I was standing at the bus station, still smiling, smiling and facing the door of the hospital. The sun is really good, but the crowd is crowded, but the human eyes are confused.

I was smiling the whole time, smiling and smiling suddenly... Suddenly, I felt that I was finally relieved, and I felt that even my breathing was very smooth.

It felt like... came alive again.

I know that this statement may be very strange. But it really was like this back then, and I still remember it very clearly. It feels a bit lost and regained.

I thought at the time, isn't it just depression? At least it's not an incurable terminal illness!

It's pretty optimistic!

But in the next year, I felt that living like that was not much better than death.

Sometimes I sometimes tell myself that it’s really nothing but a cold in my heart.

However, it is not that simple..."

Wang Zhao once again stroked the scar that represented her past with his fingers.

In fact, in the morning, when he helped Su Song into the office, he found the scar, and then he reached out and touched it.

The newly healed skin was abrupt and soft. There is a very strange touch, strange enough to make people tremble.

At that time, Wang Zhao stood in front of the window and imagined a lot about why she had that scar. He also imagined the reason for committing suicide for love, but in the end, he did not expect the real reason to be like this.

It makes people sad and distressed anyway, and it feels terrible. Moreover, this scar now under the moonlight seems to be even more shocking.

The stitched scars are like centipede's feet, crawling through people's hearts, eating blood.

Wang Zhao raised his head and blinked hard. He looked at the night sky, which was blurred.

"But," Su Song said with a sudden smile like a child, "There are some things that you can only understand when you have been sick."

Wang Zhao was startled, his eyes stopped blinking, something slowly fell from his eyes.

He thought, maybe he should try to respond to her smile, but... I really can't laugh.

He continued to raise his head, blinked, and looked at the night sky.

There are infinite secrets in the universe, and so do people.

Wang Zhao wants to know how much pain is hidden in the heart of this silent person? Only then will I cry like a child on this moonlight night, and smile like a child after crying.

But he can't do anything...

"Now I am finally looking at this matter calmly. Maybe... I have always been obsessed with... why such a thing happened to me, so I have been angry.

But just at a certain moment when I was speaking, I suddenly turned a big turn and looked back.

At that time, at that point of life, it seemed as if there were two hands there ready to start toppling the clouds and rain.

Maybe it just wants me to experience a storm and then meet a rainbow. "

A storm, a rainbow

Wang Zhao's heart suddenly knocked, this feeling... He has experienced it, right

At the gate of the scenic spot, when I looked up at her, it felt like this, right

It turns out that this feeling that I have always been unable to describe is called "a storm and a rainbow."

Wang Zhao looked down at her with watery eyes.

Su Song still looked at the bright moon and said, "In the past few days, I have been thinking that if my life goes smoothly and remains clear, then everything in the future will be done step by step.

I will take the road my mother walked again. Graduate school, graduate, work, get married, have children.

I will still be trapped in the city where I was born, repeating my mother's life, I will definitely become a mother like her, even if I know that a mother like my mother, my daughter herself hates and fears.

do you know? Even if there is no such thing to trigger everything, even if the disease does not break out obviously, it does not mean that all these undercurrents do not exist.

The undercurrent in my heart will only remain lurking, like a hidden bomb, but I don't know when it will be triggered, and then blow me to pieces. It was triggered in advance, so there is actually nothing wrong with it.

I didn't really lose anything, but I was told in advance the secrets in my heart that I had never known for myself.

A secret that will make people sick. "

"But..." Wang Zhao's voice trembled a little.

Su Song cut off his words and said, "Wang Zhao, I recently envisioned countless possibilities, different situations, and Su Song that each situation may ultimately shape.

Including if that didn't happen, if I successfully finished graduate school, etc. But after thinking about it, I still like the current Su Song.

She can be happy and sad sometimes, and she can cry and laugh.

Really! I think this kind of self is very nice and cute. "

Su Song still looked at Mingyue, and Wang Zhao still looked at Su Song.

I don't know why, her side face always makes Wang Zhao's heart weak. Whether it was the first meeting, reunion, or now, her profile always moved him and made him feel an unknown force.

He knew that Su Song had really smashed the hard shell and saw his fragile inner core. It's like myself screaming at the flyover on the day of school, smashing the shell of my disguise.

She saw her disguise, saw through her so-called upbringing, and finally saw the reason behind her despair but still wanting to live.

Su Song retracted his gaze and met Wang Zhao's, "Wang Zhao, do you know? If there weren't that thing, if I didn't get this disease, I wouldn't be able to come to this small town, and I wouldn't be able to meet you. ."

If the disease is a storm, then you are the rainbow I met.

They looked at each other and they laughed together.

Who has never faced the wind and rain, looking forward to a rainbow.

If you are lucky enough to meet the rainbow, you don't have to complain about the wind and rain.