Youthful Spirit

Chapter 62: The stone steps at the entrance of the alley (3)


"Hey! Get your head here."

Yu Shan's body was still attached to his knees, but he turned his head and tilted his eyes.

Team Lin tugged at the corner of Yu Shan's gaze and leaned his head obediently.

Yu Shan reached out and touched the left hair of Team Lin, and muttered, "It seems to be getting longer!"

"Because I have become smarter again in the past few years, and my head has also become bigger!"

Yu Shan let out a cry and pressed hard on the scar, "Does it hurt?"

Team Lin took Yu Shan's hand, squeezed it tightly, blinked and said pitifully, "It hurts to death."

Yu Shan said, "That also deserves it."

Team Lin shook his head and said solemnly, "Scars are a man's medal."

"Xun, your big head ghost! You scared me to death, you know?"

Even if more than four years have passed since that incident, Yu Shan still felt scared when he remembered, and his eyes suddenly became a little wet.

What if Team Lin was discouraged before the opponent? Or maybe, the knife is a little bit off

What will happen now

Not long after the beginning of the second year, Team Lin brought a group of people to make an appointment with a foreign school.

Unexpectedly, the other party hid the knife.

When the knife slashed at Team Lin, Team Lin couldn't dodge, and could only hold the opponent's wrist desperately.

It was the first time that the boy knew what death was, what was longing to live, and what the girl meant to him.

The strength of the two is not much different. When confronting each other, the other party wants to drop the knife, and Team Lin can only lift it up on a mission. After contending with each other for a long time, Team Lin used all his strength to push the knife aside when he caught the opponent slightly.

But when he pushed it down, he still saw blood.

The left side of Team Lin's head was stabbed by the tail of the knife, and eight stitches were sewn.

Later, Yu Shan listened to Zhiqiang who was also present at the time, saying that that day, the left half of the Lin team's shirt was full of blood, and the opponent directly frightened his legs to the ground, because the bleeding part was the head.

At that time, Yu Shan and Team Lin had not been in contact for almost a year, and they had never met.

At the beginning of the first year of junior high, Yu Shan knew that he was wrong, and sent messages to Team Lin every day, but he didn't reply to one. At the beginning, Yu Shan didn't care, as he thought he had seen it. But when Yu Shan went back to his grandmother's house to look for him, he refused to see her.

After a few times, Yu Shan became angry and ignored him. Putting a hot face on a cold buttocks is also important.

Afterwards, my studies became heavy, and I made more new friends in the new school, and they really never contacted anymore.

However, not contacting does not mean that you have forgotten or missed.

Yu Shan knew that Zhiqiang, who played the Sanjis in the Pirate game when he was a child, was in the same class as Team Lin, so he would often contact him and ask him about Team Lin. But classmate Zhiqiang was also provocative, saying that his study was still so lonely and invincible, but he didn't mention anything about fighting.

And what about Team Lin! The same goes for Zhiqiang as an information spy.

After stitching the stitches in the hospital, the first thing Team Lin did was to call Yu Shan.

When Yu Shan saw the "captain" on the call, he missed a few beats.

But she was angry and wanted to show her position, so she refused. But it didn't hang up, and it didn't shut down.

Team Lin didn't believe that she would not pick it up, so he kept playing until Yu Shan picked it up.

After Yu Shan connected, he didn't speak.

When Yu Shan insisted on not picking up, she was also afraid that he would not fight anymore. So when the second call came, she told herself secretly, the next one, and the next one will answer.

After the call was connected, Team Lin held his breath without breathing. When the limit was reached, Team Lin took a deep breath and said, "I miss you. I miss you every day."

Thus ended the year-long Cold War.

How simple, in a word, Xiao Mei found his Captain Ruf back.

But it's also very difficult. When I was young, no one wanted to be the one who gave in.