Youthful Spirit

Chapter 74: The gentle beast is waking up (1)


"Am I talking too much!" Shaun scratched his head embarrassedly.

Li Xiaoen shook his head. In fact, she wished he would keep talking like this, and the time would stop here!

Shaun talked about his favorite movies and books from his favorite singers. He said that even in the third year of high school last year, he spent a lot of time on these favorites outside of class.

Li Xiaoen was very moved. It was obviously the same age, but Xiao En's life level was divided into many layers and put a lot of things, from textbooks to songs and movies to humanities and arts.

And what about yourself? There is only a single layer of life layer, and it's all filled with textbooks, textbooks, and textbooks.

She wanted to know how much did she miss compared to Sean when she buried herself in the textbooks over the years? Can only sigh, countless.

Li Xiaoen stared at Xiao En unconsciously, both surprised and admired.

Very emotional! It turns out that the real schoolmaster is like this, and he can learn and entertain without fail.

Knowing more about Sean, Li Xiaoen's frustration also accumulates more. It's just that this young man who made her extremely frustrated did not hate her, and even made her happy.

That kind of joy came from the boy who seemed to be holding her hand to open the door to another wonderful world.

"Hey!" Sean frowned and said, "Don't look at me like that. Seriously, it's these things that have supported me through a lot of loneliness."

Does he feel lonely too? Li Xiaoen was surprised.

I don't know why, Li Xiaoen just thinks that people like him don't seem to get involved with these two words. People who love so many will be lonely? Shouldn't lonely people be nerds like her aggrieved

Sean went on to say: "Although for high school students, these extracurricular hobbies are the killer of learning, but they are only for the current studies. If they are put into the whole life of the whole person, who knows! These things will be in the future. How have I benefited a lot in the days."

Li Xiaoen is even more unable to understand this. Will the hobby still benefit people a lot? She looked at Sean very suspiciously.

"Um..." said Sean, "if I have to say something, I won't make it clear. But that's how it feels."

Li Xiaoen thought for a while, then lowered his head and wrote:

[Aren't you afraid to be immersed in these self-happiness, and then leave one behind? If it were me, I would be afraid that I would not be admitted to the school I wanted because of this. Have you never been afraid? 】

"Of course I am afraid."

Sean lowered his head to read those words. He kept his head down and said: "Looking at the people around me, I am still trying to write questions day and night, but I still steal the time to let myself go. There will definitely be moments of entanglement and choice, afraid And hesitation has always been there."

After speaking, Xiao En was silent, and Li Xiaoen didn't know what to say. Always at such a similar moment, Li Xiaoen would feel that it is a good thing to be unable to speak.

They are no longer children, and the silence among adults is often due to kindness. Adults have a lot of things that are difficult to talk about.

When I was silent, the headphones sang: "This doesn't belong to me. Because there is an impulse behind the silence, watching the heavy rain and the roar of the wind will make me go crazy and try my best to break free."

That song is singing—this doesn't belong to me.

What the hell does not belong to me? Then, what does it belong to me

At that moment, they thought the same-what does not belong to me? What belongs to me

Xiao En glanced at Li Xiaoen, and then continued to look at the kapok tree opposite. He continued: "You know what? It seems to be in the sophomore year of high school. For a while, I was very puzzled. When can it end? And me, when can I start my real life

Is it after the college entrance examination? After all, adults tell us this. "

After listening, Li Xiaoen asked herself secretly, she didn't know what the answer should be.

However, she vaguely felt that the answer given by the adults was not quite right. Because universities also have university courses, and after graduation, they have a job, and they have to work hard to buy a car and a house.

Their generation has been given a lot of vaccinations by the online media before they reach adulthood, and they have a lot of anxiety.

Anxiety started very early, and housing prices were forced to inform them very early. Parents have a few suites, and even some of the classmates’ show-off capital.

"I think the answer given by the adults is wrong. And I also think that people who have this idea may never have the so-called real life of their own.

I think that real life should be twofold.

The first is to make a painted skin for others. It is to prove one's abilities to others, such as studying hard and working hard. The other is the freedom left to oneself. For example, hobbies, you can experience and love, and even express and create.

Although it is very possible, I have this perception only because I am too young and have too little experience.

But did you know? That kind of happiness stolen outside of school is more real than grades. That level of freedom has made me less confused and uneasy, and let me know that even in the cage of high school, I am still free.

I am myself. I am not only an exam machine, not only the son of my parents, but also a person who loves and is exploring the world. "