Youthful Spirit

Chapter 75: The gentle beast is waking up (2)


Unconsciously, Li Xiaoen's gaze has been on Xiao En. The smile on the boy's face is better than what Li Xiaoen had seen before.

There is a certainty of the future in the bright of his eyes-an unshakable certainty.

"However, having said that, I have never slackened my studies. I am not very indulgent in my after-school hobbies.

I dare to waste precious time on these things in my senior year, not only because these things can make me happy and relaxing, but also because I still have some self-control about myself.

Know that you have a sense of control, know what goals you want to achieve, and understand what your abilities can achieve. On this basis, I judge how much I can let myself go. And these points are definitely more advantages than disadvantages for performance. "

When Sean said these things, Li Xiaoen was very inferior. It also made her realize for the first time that the real essential difference between people is in these non-materially measurable cognitions—the kind of thinking and reaction in the same situation but completely different.

Sean showed her another way of cognition, which greatly impacted her worldview.

Li Xiaoen smiled bitterly, what a stupid and ignorant animal he is

She has a lot of doubts, she wrote:

[The advantages outweigh the disadvantages? 】

That question mark, she wrote very big and was heavily bolded.

"How should I say it! After realizing that life should be doubled, I am less confused and troubled than others. Because I don't have to look forward to the node of the college entrance examination like everyone else. I look forward to it soon. Click to end this painful state of life, and then start the so-called "real life".

Because for me, every day of mine is a'real life'. As a result, my mentality was very good, so the final college entrance examination results were extraordinary, which surprised me. "

After being silent for a while, Sean turned his head and looked at Xiaoen with a bitter smile, "Are you wondering why I dropped out of school?"

Li Xiaoen nodded, then shook his head again. She seemed to know why he dropped out, but she was not sure.

"The test scores are too high. It was the parents who decided to apply to the school to choose the major. It was purely for fame and not to waste test scores."

He smiled and talked about this reason, the tone seemed to say, "I ordered a new dish in the cafeteria today, but it doesn't suit my appetite."

Li Xiaoen understood. For her nerd who doesn't have a lot of hobbies, the 12-year head-covered study is to do what she really likes when she is in college. What's more, what about Sean, who has many hobbies

The songs in the headphones loop back to the song "why nobody fights" I listened to at the beginning.

This song is asking, why not fight

Sean said that what this song really expresses is that no one is fighting alone.

right? Li Xiaoen turned to look at Sean. Yeah! No one fights alone.

So she also became curious, wondering what Sean's real ideal is? He gave up the prestigious school and returned to restudy. What is the future he wants to fight for

Very curious, but she didn't ask. I don't know why, she just has a certainty. Certainly one day soon, Sean will tell her everything.

And she! She will also begin to work hard to find her true ideal-the future she wants to fight for.

Li Xiaoen stretched out his hand, and the warmth of the sun fell on the palm of his hand.

The girl is curious, how far can these small hands reach? What can be caught

Suddenly, the girl was no longer afraid of the future.

She knew that there was a gentle beast awakening in her heart. That beast, although it may still be confused and uneasy, it must be brave and fearless. Because it is a gentle beast who knows that life should be at least double.

Just like that sentence-there is a tiger in the heart, sniff the rose.

Later, college student Li Xiaoen once participated in a poetry recitation. At that time, she chose "To Me, Past, Present, and Future" by British poet Sigliffe Sassoon.

[In me the tiger sniffs the rose. (There is a tiger in the heart, sniff the rose.)

look in my heart, kind friends, and tremble.

since there your elements assemble. (Because that is your true face.)]

When practicing, Li Xiaoen always repeats these last three sentences.

Every time she repeats it, she recalls the boy who shared half of the earphones with her back then.

How lucky!

For a girl, how lucky it is to meet such a star-like teenager in her youth!

The teenager made the girl understand that if we, small and ordinary, could steal a small space to raise a gentle beast under the "painting skin" that is necessary for daily life.

So when facing the torrent of the outside world, you can be less afraid and doubtful, and be more brave and determined.

Gentle beasts, both rigid and soft, are the best posture for an ordinary person to exist.

These were told to Muzi by the boy with "different appearances".

The teenager personally told the girl that this hodgepodge of the world is worthy of love.