Youthful Spirit

Chapter 76: At that time, the world will be vast


Days pass day by day, and it’s not long before the National Day.

This year is the 70th anniversary of the birth of the motherland, so the Octopus girl has arranged the plan early.

On the 1st, I stayed at home to watch the military parade in the morning. In the afternoon and evening, I watched the National Day files "Me and My Country", "Captain of China" and "The Climber". From the 2nd to the 6th, stay at home and study for five days. Go mountain climbing on the 7th Double Ninth Festival.

Yu Shan took great pains and refused to let Wang Zhao go back to his own home when he returned home from the holiday on the 30th. Pull him home directly and let him live in Team Lin's house. Of course, Wang Zhao was very happy in his heart. He liked Yu Shan's quirk of being a pair, so he had to match the people around him.

They went home after eating Mala Tang near the school. When the meal was finished, the street light was already on.

On the way home, Yu Shan led the Lin team and walked in front, Wang Zhao and Su Song lagging behind.

After walking quietly for a while, Wang Zhao tapped the back of Su Song's hand with his fingertips and asked, "Are you happy?"

Su Song didn't understand, "Huh?"

Wang Zhao said: "This feeling of walking home together makes me very happy."

Walk home together...

Su Song looked straight ahead, not daring to turn his head to look at him, and nodded with a stiff neck.

Wang Zhao quickly tilted his head to Su Song's ear and asked, "Shy!"

"No... ... "

Before Su Song's lingering sound, Wang Zhao said: "Sophistry." Then he said to himself: "Octopus said, tomorrow morning she will take you to Captain Lin's house, and then we will watch the military parade together."

"Yeah. She told me."

"Then are you looking forward to it?" After saying that, Wang Zhao grabbed the strap of Su Song's bag to prevent her from leaving.

He was like a little boy, and he insisted on Su Song to give him a serious and precise answer.

His movement was sudden, and Su Song was taken aback for a while, originally wanting to train him. But in the end, when he looked into his eyes, what he said was a light and soft "You let go".

That tone is too problematic.

Those three words were spoken by Su Song like a joke among lovers, of course Wang Zhao could hear them.

He raised the corner of his mouth, and deliberately pulled it several times. Su Song's face burned instantly.

Su Song's brain was hot, and he threw the bag directly to Wang Zhao, and walked forward by himself, thinking about staying away from this great devil.

Su Song was just angry and threw the bag with a mentality of "just give it to you". Of course, Wang Zhao didn't think so. After all, when a female boyfriend is dating, the man carrying the bag is the one.

With joy in his heart, Wang Zhao graciously put the bag away, and shouted towards Su Song's back: "I don't care about losing things~"

Su Song glanced back at him, "Just pay."

Wang Zhao's legs are long, and he catches up within a few steps, tilting his head and continuing to provoke, "What do you want me to pay for?"

I don't know why, Su Song just thinks what he said is weird. So she decided that it would be better to say less.

Sure enough, Wang Zhao said again to himself, "I don't have any money, there is only one person..." The ending sounded a long time ago.

"Wang Zhao!"

After all, he is a teacher, so professional majesty and vibe is still there.

Wang Zhao pressed his mouth tightly, saying that he would not speak any more.

But after not taking a few steps, he continued, "Should the teacher treat all students equally?"

Wang Zhao just remembered one thing suddenly. Recently, he discovered that the Octopus girl could beg Su Song for a hug when she brought her yogurt. So he also wanted to...

Su Song didn't understand why this person suddenly asked such a sentence without thinking, and replied a little hesitantly: "Yes."

He further clarified, "I think when Octopus gives you yogurt, you will give her a hug."

Su Song looked at Yu Shan who was walking in the front, she was obviously a big girl. But she still walked like a child, so she walked crookedly around Team Lin.

This is a child who is eager and eager to embrace. Even in many cases, Su Song always has a strong feeling, the feeling that Yu Shan regards her as his own mother.

Before Su Song's body resisted being hugged, Yu Shan always glared at Su Song with a pair of extremely aggrieved eyes. Now that Su Song's body is not resisting, he hangs himself on Su Song every time he meets Yu Shan.

Yu Shan longs for the love of his parents. Although it is not something outsiders can make up for, it can replace some. So when Yu Shan said that he would exchange yogurt for hugs, Su Song said yes.

Su Song squinted at him, "Are you trying to ridicule me and drink the students' yogurt?"

"No. I mean to say, I will take it to you in the future too! But... Teacher Xiaosu will treat him equally."

The abacus was really loud, and Su Song said, "Be careful, I chop you off and feed the fish."

Wang Zhao's expression turned and stopped. He lowered his voice and said, "You think I'm a bully, don't you?"

Su Song really couldn't smile, "What did I bully you?"

Wang Zhao's eyes were dark. He said, "Don't you know."

This is an interrogative sentence, but he said with certainty.

Su Song's pace was stopped by these words, and she also stopped. But as soon as she stopped, Wang Zhao continued to move on.

The distance between them is widening.

Su Song looked at his back, and she felt that for a moment, she saw herself truly. Also, the emotion towards him.

He asked, don't you know

Yup! How could she not know!

There is no absolute difference between people and people. Someone has to play a little bit while the other suffers a little.

Wang Zhao, who was held up and grown up, had never been led by anyone before, and he was not willing to be led by the nose like this invisibly. But now, when facing Su Song, he always couldn't help it, looping around his nose, and then had to ask Su Song to tighten the rope.

However, Su Song always doesn't want it.

So he felt wronged.

Such Wang Zhao felt strange to him himself. But he couldn't stop himself.

Who made him see all the good and bad of Su Song.

Okay, let him addicted. It's not good, it makes him feel bad.

"Wang Zhao..." Su Song clenched his hands subconsciously, "I... didn't want to bully you."

Wang Zhao stopped, turned around and walked to Su Song, and said every word: "But you bullied."

Su Song lowered his head, "I'm sorry..."

Wang Zhao continued to complain, "At that time, I thought you really stopped paying attention to me. You scared me to death, do you know?"

Su Song looked up at him, "If I really don't care about you anymore, what would you do?"

Wang Zhao said: "Make you feel guilty for a lifetime, remember me for a lifetime."

Su Song's eyebrows trembled slightly, and his heart became heavy.

He said: "Anyway, I have not crossed that hurdle for two years, so I won't cross it. Anyway, the person who brought me into this world has already left me and left, and the one I want to love People don’t want to care about me, so I will..."

Su Song interrupted him, "No. I didn't ignore you."

"what is that?"

"I can not."

I don't dare to care about you.

I dare not let the emotions that I don't understand.

I dare not, because I can't tell, what do I like about you

Therefore, I was scared to death.

He said: "Coward. Those you dare not, leave it to me!"

He also said: "Su Song, wait for me after the college entrance examination. By that time, the world is vast and we are all free."

Su Song looked at him quietly, his eyes clear and his heart frank.

He said that when the time comes, the world will be vast.

Can you believe it

Su Song didn't know.

But she knew that she wanted to believe it.