Youthful Spirit

Chapter 79: Know it is impossible and do it (1)


Su Song quickly turned to look at the others. Team Lin, who just drank less, is now competing with those big brothers and uncles.

Su Song hummed in his heart, this little boy, where is their opponent!

Sure enough, a few bottles were overturned. On the contrary, Yu Shan was very energetic after singing, and now he is singing vigorously.

It was the song "Sister Seven Immortals Fortune Telling" that Su Song was forced to be very familiar with.

The same is an old song sung in the local dialect. Obviously, these are the songs that this octopus after 00 only likes under the influence of grandmother.

For Su Song, this song is really love. In the past two years, she was forced to listen to her grandma and Yu Shan singing countless times. It's just a pity that Su Song can barely understand a few of them so far.

[Sister Qixian comes to the fortune-telling

Is it good or bad

Good or bad is destined

Even on rough roads]

(Lyrics source: Kugou)

The singing people are excited in the lingering fireworks and alcohol, it is really lively, as if the New Year.

Listen and listen, Su Song is a little bit lost and a little confused...

Is fate really destined

Weak people, in the face of the so-called "destined to heaven", are they really unable to resist? Is it the only way to accept it

Su Song didn't watch the movie "Nezha's Devil Child Comes into the World", which was very popular this year. But the hot sentence in it, she knows.

【I control my own life. 】

Su Song remembers the summer vacation in the sixth grade, and her mother asked her to read a book called "Four Trainings of the Fan". The theme of that book is "My fate is my fate, and I ask for my own blessing."

Of course Xiao Su Song at that time did not understand. But she remembered another sentence when her mother explained it to her at the time-knowing it is impossible.

At that time, Su Song couldn't listen to his mother's explanation. She just thinks purely, this sentence is very cool!

Obviously knowing "no", but still have to do it.

That kind of attitude is cool, free, and free.

Later, Su Song, who started to contact and understand Confucianism by himself, finally understood this sentence.

The meaning of "not possible" is not "not to be done" as Xiao Su Song understands, but "not to care about success or failure".

Now, Su Song is listening to Yu Shan singing the last sentence of the song, "Good or bad is destined by nature, and rugged roads also travel." Doesn't its essence express "knowing that it is impossible to do it"

[Knowing the quality of it is destined, but the rugged roads must also be "not to be done." 】

Feeling bored, Su Song picked up the beer and took another big sip.

Looking at them who are also drinking, imagine their possible life, their possible distress, and their helplessness.

Yup! Everyone, with anticipation and helplessness, bears the "destined destiny" and understands the ups and downs of his life, but he still walks this rugged road called life carefully and cautiously.

But... Isn't this kind of life worth it


Su Song was given the answer tonight. It was them who answered Su Song.

They sang the song "First Class in the World", just as they sing in the song, knowing that no matter how fate is, they don't have to blame others, so they just work hard to live this life lovingly and righteously. Even if they can only be at the bottom of society, even if the ideals of their youth cannot be realized, they are all frank.

They are rough, they don't have great abilities, and they care about life's firewood, rice, oil and salt.

However, the beating heart in the body, like those with ideals and abilities, loves life and looks forward to tomorrow.

Isn’t there another famous saying

"There is only one kind of heroism in the world, that is, after recognizing the truth of life, you still love life."

For these heroes who are constrained in life, life can be very simple-"a glass of wine and two cents of silver" is a good life that is hard to buy.

Su Song couldn't help pouring himself a bottle severely. She wants to respect these heroes in life.

At this moment, she is very awake and awake, who says that beer will definitely make people dizzy!

She wants to respect the life of "short time, long fate, and love and wine is a hero."

Su Song stretched out his hand and touched the back of Wang Zhao's hand, whispering softly, "Knowing it's impossible, do it."