Youthful Spirit

Chapter 81: Keep a group of cats with one person. (1)


On the night of the 2nd, Su Song received a call from Wang Zhao as soon as he washed the dishes.

"I ate sweet and sour fish made by grandpa tonight, it was super delicious."

A little boy ate a piece of candy and then showed it off to the child who was given a sugar ban by his parents because of tooth decay.

With such a tone, Su Song's head was full of a little person with teeth knocking, making people hate and angry.

Su Song squatted, "It's delicious! It's good to show off, brother!"

Wang Zhao said poorly, "Sister Xiaosu, do you want to come! Grandpa will definitely make it for you."

Ever since Wang Zhao pointed the sentence on the graffiti wall to Su Song that day, the whole person has become poorer and poorer when facing Su Song.

Su Song did not answer, and was silent for a while. Wang Zhao said: "I mean it. I'm serious."

Wang Zhao believes that in this world, the only relative who loves him the most is his grandfather. So he had long wanted to take Su Song home to see his grandpa.

The other end of the phone murmured again, "Grandpa is my only relative now."

Su Song knew very little about the real Wang Zhao. Regarding the affairs of his family, she only vaguely knew that his mother was gone and that he had a very bad relationship with his father, so she had always lived in her grandfather's house.

Su Song knows that people are like the moon and shouldn't be shown to people in all aspects. There is always another side, you can only hide it by yourself.

If he didn't say, she didn't ask.

Su Song promised him, "Okay. When you finish the college entrance examination, take me to eat sweet and sour fish made by grandpa."

"That's a deal. Whoever regrets it will be a dog."

Wang Zhao looked at the hand he had stretched out and was about to pull the hook, and wondered what he was doing! It turns out that the legend is true that falling in love will reduce IQ.

Su Song asked; "Want to pull the hook?"

As soon as he said this, Wang Zhao's face flushed. It is always a shame to be guessed at such a naive mind.

He scratched his head and asked, "How do you know?"

Su Song did not answer, she said: "Then we will pull the hook next time we meet. I'm serious too."

Wang Zhao smiled like a mentally handicapped, he said, "Okay."

Very happy! Because in front of her, some thoughts can be known without speaking. Just like a kid who loves to eat sweets, you can eat sweets without being coquettish.

Su Song heard his grandpa calling him over there, Wang Zhao responded, and then said to Su Song, "I'll go play chess with Grandpa first."

"Yeah. Go ahead."

After Su Song hung up, he completed the unfinished part of next week's lecture on mental health according to his work plan. However, after searching all possible places, I didn't see the USB flash drive.

broken! It's in the office.

Su Song thought that he would go back to pick it up tomorrow. But with a very serious obsessive-compulsive disorder, she was fidgeting, and there was a voice in her heart saying: No! It was planned to complete that task tonight.

So in the end, Su Song still couldn't feel his itching and uncomfortable heart, and decided to go back to school and get the USB flash drive right away. Thinking that the school is very close anyway.

When Su Song took the USB flash drive and walked back, he walked on the path near the playground.

It was already eight o'clock in the evening, and some classrooms in the teaching building had lights on, and those students were studying on their own. Quietly on the playground, there was only Su Song alone.

When he approached the banyan tree, Su Song heard a lot of cat calls coming from the back of the banyan tree. She knows there are cats in the school, but are there so many

Su Song was curious, so he walked quietly to the other side of the banyan tree.

The only light here is above Su Song's head at this time.

Su Song used the light to clearly see the person squatting under the tree, and there were more than a dozen cats around him.

Su Song was stunned. She didn't make any sound, but the cat was very alert. Seeing her appearance, several of them screamed and rushed into the flower garden on the side.

Su Song suddenly didn't know what to do? Is it going forward? Or should he turn his head and run away right away

She always can't deal with sudden situations, and it has always been like this. In the end, he spoke first, and of course he was surprised, "Su Song!"

Su Song looked at him in surprise, and when he thought of the cats that were scared by her and also scared her, he blurted out, "I'm sorry."

Qin Huaiyang asked, "I'm sorry?"

Su Song pointed to the cat remaining at his feet and said, "...I scared them."

He laughed softly, "They said it's okay."

As soon as he finished speaking, the cat at his feet meowed at Su Song several times. It seems to be saying: "It's okay~ Forgive you~"

Su Song looked at the cat carefully, what a fat and big tabby cat!

Su Song has liked such fluffy living creatures since he was a child, but his parents wouldn't let him touch them, saying that they were all carriers of bacteria and parasites. After being brainwashed for a long time, Su Song thinks so.

Later, she would only occasionally smoke cats online, but she never thought of raising cats.

Qin Huaiyang smoothed the hair of the tabby cat. It meowed meekly, twisting its soft body around Qin Huaiyang's feet.

What a soft body! Su Song's hands were itchy, she asked the cat, "Meow, can I go there?"


Su Song, who was mentally handicapped when he encountered a cat, quickly asked Qin Huaiyang, "Ms. Qin! What did it say."

Qin Huaiyang pursed the corners of his lips and smiled, changing his tone in response, "He said, humans! Come on!"

After Su Song got permission, she bowed her body and approached cautiously. She was still afraid that she would scare them away.

The cats ignored her approach as a stranger, and buried their heads intently to eat!

It shouldn't be!

Su Song thought, is this not vigilant? It's probably the guys who want to eat their lives! Although she wouldn't do anything to these little creatures, it should be a basic instinct to stay alert to strangers!

People are like this, shouldn't animals be more like this to people? Su Song was very puzzled.

Su Song squatted next to the tabby cat just now, his fingers were already itchy and uncomfortable, and tentatively asked Qin Huaiyang, "Can I touch it?"

Qin Huaiyang asked the cat, "Well, would you like to let this young lady touch her head?"

While eating, it looked up at Su Song, and pulled the old man with a cry, "Meow~"

Su Song was completely adorable, looking at Qin Huaiyang with his eyes flashing, he nodded at her, and Su Song cautiously tried to reach out his hand.

This is the first time in life.

Su Song finally touched the cat when he was 22 years old!

The hair is too soft, one slips smoothly, and the hand slides from the top of the head to the tail.

It's so soft! Su Song was amazed, while sliding several times.

Su Song asked the cat, "Are you called Huahua? Is it the flower of a flower?"

Qin Huaiyang smiled and said, "If it's not a flower, it's a lot of talk. He is the noisiest of all cats, so he talks."

The words are understandable, and a hurried meow is a sign of protest.

Su Song smiled and continued to touch his soft fur.

"Boy, I can't say you yet~"

Su Song's hand paused.

The tone of Qin Huaiyang's words was something that Su Song had never heard from him for more than two years.

How can you describe the tone