Youthful Spirit

Chapter 83: Keep a group of cats with one person. (3)


Qin Huaiyang really wanted to know how unlikable he was? Even the poor can't

A psychiatrist, when faced with obvious hints like his, can he suppress his own professional habits

Forget it! So be it! Don't be ashamed. Qin Huaiyang could only tell himself that.

He quickly changed the subject and said, "What about me! Sometimes when I enter the classroom, I see them lying on their desks and tired, and they have to work hard in their heart to shout out the phrase "class is in". There are also many times when they doubt their body. It is the teacher's responsibility. I feel that I am just a machine, forcing students to learn from the textbooks that they are suffering.

There is always a voice in my heart saying that learning shouldn't be like this. But what should it be like? I can't tell. "

Su Song was also troubled by such a problem.

Almost all students are wondering, why is learning so hard? Why do people study

To answer, as long as you are willing to talk nonsense, there will be too much to talk about in general. But these things are just useless rhetoric for students.

Su Song said: "I think that the question of'what should learning be like' is not something that a teacher can tell students.

Learning is a verb, not a noun. It is not like knowledge points, which can be explained clearly in words.

We all know that learning is something that must be done personally. It requires students to practice and perceive it, but also their perseverance to persevere.

This is a very long process of growth, which runs through a person's life.

For a single teacher, we can only appear in their growth for two or three years at most. We can only tell them awkwardly at best that learning is worthwhile.

And they will have to wait until years later, when they truly enter society, before they can truly believe such words. "

This is the truth that Su Song, who stepped out of the ivory tower, was willing to believe after working for more than two years-learning is worthwhile and beneficial to him.

Su Song, who was a student, would also find it boring to study! It's just that she has a good foundation who was strictly educated by her parents since she was a child, so studying is a very easy thing for her, so she didn't feel that studying is hard.

Qin Huaiyang asked Su Song, "Do you think it's worthwhile to spend the best time on learning such boring things?"

"Of course it's worth it!" Su Song replied without stopping for a moment, "Otherwise, what are you going to do during this time? Play it? Are you in love?"

Qin Huaiyang nodded, "Students who have such thoughts are a large percentage of them, don't they?"

Yup! Too young, always unable to weigh the consequences correctly. I don't even realize that there will be some destiny in my future life. It is just a choice made by my young self unconsciously, and then the butterfly effect will happen many years later.

Su Song said: "Yes. But after ten years, if there is a chance to re-election, I think most of them will choose to go to school."

After hesitating, Su Song asked Qin Huaiyang, "Do you read online articles?"

"Huh?" Then he shook his head.

Su Song said with a look of "I know you won't read it": "There is a very popular category, called Rebirth. As the name suggests, it is to go back to childhood or even a baby to rewrite fate.

Su Song, who has lived in this small town for two years, has seen many real examples that happened before her, and argued to her that "reading changes destiny". Children in big cities, especially those with good backgrounds, are gifted with many possibilities when they are born. But the children in Xiaocheng didn't. They had to fight for it themselves.

Su Song finally said: "Huh! You need something called possibility to break your own destiny. At least, for most children, going to college is to provide the possibility to change their status quo in this way. Sex."

In this case, Qin Huaiyang certainly understood.

He was originally a child rotten in a pile of mud, and this is how he changed his muddy life by relying on the suffering of reading that others did not want to endure.

Therefore, he understands what the opportunity to read to a child like him means.

Therefore, he has a hatred in his heart when facing students who "have a good opportunity to study but fail such an opportunity".

People who hate the injustice of fate, and hate such opportunities even more, live better than those who cherish opportunities.

The truth of life like this, he experienced personally when he was too young. Therefore, he cannot love this world.

However, why is it always the person in front of him, always poking at a certain point in his heart inexplicably, and then surprise him by surprise, even the bottom of his heart suddenly becomes soft

What to say at this time is too scarce.

Qin Huaiyang lowered his head and stretched out his hand to tease and talk, but in the faintly vague surroundings, there were all the people in front of him.

The night is soft, and the moonlight outlines a shadow painting, which falls on the ground for a long time.

Two people, a group of cats.

Qin Huaiyang looked up at the night sky, not letting something fall.

He finally knew what kind of life he wanted to live.

He wanted to live a life like this:

Keep a group of cats with one person.

It's just... Is this kind of life possible for him