Youthful Spirit

Chapter 87: There is a North Star


"But that failure also made me soberly aware of a problem that I have been ignoring. imo is only limited to elementary mathematics, which is far from the scenery that mathematics really should have. Competitions, after all, can only cultivate limitations. Ability. So if you look at it from another angle, it can be said that this failure made me jump out of the fulcrum that will inevitably limit my own future development.

It's just that this way is cruel. "

Su Song understood what Wang Zhao meant. When she was in college, she went to listen to several lectures by Wu Huaiyue, and he was also a member of the imo national team. He said that the competition is not a road that can go all the way to the dark.

Those who really want to explore the field of mathematics should realize the limitations of mathematics competitions at a certain point in time, and then jump out of this prison to expand their abilities. This is a crucial step in order to become a true researcher in the future.

After winning two consecutive imo full score gold medals, Wu Huaiyue refused to compete again in the Olympics, and also refused to enter the university in advance to study non-stop. Instead, he chose to take the college entrance examination to enter the university, treating this year as a lazy little thief at the adult student node.

Wu Huaiyue is the kind of premature person who knows that the real life race is a marathon, so he knows how to stop and repair himself at certain points in his life, and prepare for the next goal in a better state.

Wang Zhao said: "In these years, the self-willing and degenerate life is actually only superficial. In the middle of the night, when you are alone, you still can't help but pick up those things about mathematics and keep attacking.

Just when facing outsiders, I will lose. So I was cynicism to show everyone, in order to paralyze myself, and also tried to resist the pitifulness of outsiders to me.

I was scared, and disgusted with the way people looked at me after I failed. "

The young man's voice has a high and clean aura, so even if he says something unbearable, he still has an understatement with calmness.

Unlike his frivolous appearance at that time, no one had ever seen Wang Zhao who was so calm, sober and honest but not fragile. The boy finally opened the other side of the truth to someone to see.

"Later I learned that the fear of facing the exam may only be because I couldn't face that failure correctly, my mother's departure, and the next life without a mother. Because I really didn't know what to do. it is good."

Generally speaking, it is the last straw that is destructive. But for a person like Wang Zhao who grew up smoothly, it was of course his first fall, and it was the hardest thing to get up. What's more, he lost his mother while losing the gold medal.

Mother is the most important person in a child's life. Besides, for Wang Zhao, his mother is also the person behind him silently supporting him on the road of Olympiad, the kind of support he is present almost every second.

When Wang Zhao started the training class, he was literate but could write very few words. His mother took the class with him and sat next to him to help him take notes. In daily learning, his mother acts as an alarm clock to remind him to get up and rest. Every time when the test is not ideal, he needs his mother's comfort and encouragement.

Such a child who grew up closely connected with his mother is like a child who has not been weaned. How can you let him face the life without a mother anymore

"I know, maybe because I have been protected too well. So things that others have a way of accepting are very difficult for me to accept." He paused and said, "However, people have been hit a lot. It's true. Failure is easy to accept."

Su Song knew how difficult it was for a proud young man to say these simple words.

Wang Zhao was smiling when he said this, and Su Song felt that it was not a wry smile. In fact, for the current Wang Zhao, that incident has tortured him for more than two years, so he was forced to recognize and accept it a long time ago.

"Grandpa said, people will experience devastating frustrations like that in all their lives. If you survive such frustrations and don't lose your way, you will definitely find North in your heart.

Although I couldn't explore further on that road, at that time, I had already done what I had to do. It can barely be regarded as a kind of success! So I think, I can say a word sincerely without regret. "

The sky is still bright, but the moon can already be seen clearly.

The moon does not only exist in the night, but also exists in the day after the night.

Wang Zhao pointed to the moon and said to Su Song: "By the way, I remember that from that time, I always slept during the day, and then at night, I watched the night sky in a daze, counting the stars like a fool. Then I watched. Once I became interested in the universe, I began to understand the universe. Because mathematics and astrophysics are inherently related, in such a process of understanding the universe, I can always use some of the mathematical knowledge I am already familiar with.

This fact made me realize once again that even if I left the field dingy on the road to Olympiad, the things I learned never betrayed me. Those years were not in vain, and the things learned in those years will always be mine. And will always be useful, for my future. "

At that time, Wang Zhao, after knowing that the Olympic Mathematics road would not go anymore, found a new learning goal.

The universe allowed him to regain the thrill of conquering the Olympics. The universe is even more mysterious. The more he understands, the more fascinated he will be.

His plan for himself was to pass the college entrance examination to enter the school with the best physics department in the country.

However, during the exam, he would still be interrupted by that kind of fear.

Teenagers who have fallen from a height understand that life is not like a math problem, it has a clear result-oriented, and it can't be deduced by calculation.

The choice of life direction is sometimes the place of talent and interest, sometimes it is the inner impulse, and sometimes it is just the "forced choice" of the objective environment.

So he has to try to take a path, with a new belief that what dominates the ultimate direction of life should not be those "forced to accept dilemmas", but the self-wish he truly awakens after experiencing setbacks.

In the past, he enjoyed the pleasure of solving problems and even the honor of being bombarded by trophies. But now, he is starting to face up to and value the possibility discovered after that setback-astrophysics, and strive to fight for it regardless of success or failure.

The young man who once only admired great men had even vaccinated himself.

He told himself that no matter what it was in the end, even if he could only become an extremely mediocre person after hard work, he could still be qualified to say:

This life is worth it! And, do not regret it!

Su Song gently attached his hand to the back of Wang Zhao's head and gently stroked his back. Wang Zhao turned his face and smiled at Su Song.

The boy's stiff shoulders finally relaxed.

He is upset, he is afraid, and he needs affirmation and encouragement from others.

Isn't it Su Song

They are all people who are "forced" to make choices in the frustration of the objective environment, and they have strongly denied themselves. Fortunately, in the end, they did not give up, and slowly recovered.

Between the sky and the earth, above the clouds, they looked at each other silently and smiled, the mountain wind suddenly became gentle, and time seemed to have stopped.

At that moment, they understood a sentence tacitly:

The world is big, the future is long, and you are enough.

No matter how mediocre people will become in the future, let alone what will happen when life ends.

They will always remember that they met in each other's worst days, and they used to accompany each other on the top of Nanshan Mountain, and frankly faced their own frustrations.

They didn't really lose their way, because they had a North Star in their hearts.