Youthful Spirit

Chapter 89: Like growing up


Time flies like an arrow.

This sentence has been heard since elementary school, don’t deceive anyone.

In a flash, the results of the first model have also come out. There is no doubt that most of the people in the school will be hit by the number of curly faces on this day.

Yu Shan is a member of the majority. The Lin team, of course, is a very small minority.

The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment, and this sentence is equally honest and non-deceptive.

After Yu Shan knew the grades, he went straight to Qin Huaiyang's office, and ran to the school gate with a blank slip. Then he just got on the first bus that stopped in front of her.

When she came back to her senses, it was already the terminal, and it was the driver who reminded her to arrive.

After getting off the bus, Yu Shan was surprised to find that it was a group of arcades near the junior high school. It was time for school to be over, and the students who were staying made it very lively.

The joy and excitement here made Yu Shan suddenly forget the reason why she ran away, and even remembered her junior high school happily. She was like that. He won’t go home immediately after school, so he must go around in the nearby shops. You must have something to eat in your hand.

The days at that time were really full of carefree happiness.

It's been a long time since I returned here, Yu Shan walked curiously, looking around, looking around to see if there are any new and interesting stores around him.

At a certain corner, a familiar aroma floated in the air, the smell of egg cakes.

Yu Shan walked a few steps forward and saw the familiar stall. She was instantly excited because she was still the old lady boss.

The stall was still the same as it was then, surrounded by students after school, and business was still so good.

One of the boys said, I want two.

Another boy asked him why he should buy two.

The boy stammered and said, I want two... No reason.

Yu Shan couldn't help but smile. She stood on the opposite side and could see clearly, but the boy's gaze floated to the girl on the side.

When she was in junior high school, she would definitely buy two egg cakes every Friday afternoon, and then quickly ran to the bus stop and returned to her grandmother's house.

Why should a person buy two egg cakes? Because the other one is for the one in my heart.

When Yu Shan turned and was about to leave, she heard the boy still faintly asking, "Do you... want... what sauce?"

Yu Shan looked back again, and sure enough, the girl lowered her head slightly, her cheeks blushing.

The girl said: "I want sweet and spicy sauce."

The boy instantly said cheerfully: "Okay."

Yu Shan never adds any sauces, because the sauces will soften the crispy skin on the surface and won't be crispy.

Team Lin likes to eat crispy things, and so does she.

Yu Shan's eyes were a little moist in an instant, because he suddenly understood that the liking at that time was really simple. It is to bring him an egg cake every week, and then sit together on the stone steps of the alley to eat.

The liking at that time was just a common form of happiness, so there is no need to be afraid of anything.

But now the liking after growing up has gradually become a kind of desire, which must be managed carefully. Because you have a common goal for the future, you have to weigh your own jins, and you can't hold him back, so you can go hand in hand, or you will lose him.

She, in front of what she likes, began to fear losing.

Yu Shan wiped away the tears, forced herself not to think about it, and forced herself to move on.

When I walked, I came to an elementary school. Yu Shan knew that his brother was studying in this elementary school.

The best elementary school in the city.

There are many elementary school students in school uniforms on the street waiting for their parents to pick them up. Yu Shan knows that if she waits carefully, one of them will be her brother.

But she didn't want to take a closer look.

She still cares a lot. The scene when her younger brother is holding her father and mother by one hand makes her very unhappy, even disgusted.

But now, she needs this kind of unhappiness to dilute her other kind of pain.

She walked against the crowd, deliberately looking at the children holding their parents' hands.

They are so happy! Su Song thought.

Walking and walking, the sadness comes from it.

The reason for the grief is not because she is alone and has no partners at this time. But suddenly realized how much less than Shan back then she longed for the love of her parents.

I grew up with my grandmother’s parents. I always miss my parents when I see other children holding their parents’ hands. Parents who are in the same city but can’t meet, let alone call them parents in front of others. Parents.

At that time, Yushan, when he liked to buy stationery, he stood in front of the stationery store and spent a while, imagining that her parents were like parents of other people’s homes, holding her little hand into the store, and then pointing at the items on the shelf. The mechanical pencil asked her, which one do you like? Mom and Dad will buy it for you.

Yu Shan always thought that if one day her parents asked her like this, she would call her mom and dad babblingly, and then coquettishly said, I want the pink one. Then, when Mom and Dad handed her the pen, they would give them a big bite sweetly on their faces.

However, such a simple wish has never been realized.

Yu Shan's eyes blushed instantly, she lowered her head, the drop fell on the back of her hand, and she squeezed it on the back of her hand severely.

"Little stupid boy, why are you stupid!"

When Yu Shan returned to school, it was dark early.

The first person she saw after entering the school was not Uncle Wu, but Team Lin.

He stood upright under the first street lamp of the school. The figure of the boy was thin and Yu Shan couldn't see his expression clearly.

Yu Shan hesitated for a while before walking over slowly. She didn't know how to say the first sentence.

But when he stood in front of him and saw his face clearly, Yu Shan asked nonchalantly: "Will one day you will hate me!"

Yu Shan grew up so big, for the first time today, she realized how ridiculous the cheerfulness she showed.

Her cheerfulness is because she is afraid of being hated, and her cheerfulness is because she is trying to please others.

Her cheerfulness is because she was not a child to be expected and liked since she was born, so she must work hard to be liked.

Team Lin did not answer, but instead asked her, "What about you? Will you hate me?"

"How could I..."

Unprepared hug.

"If one day, you hate me, you must tell me in advance. Then I will try to please you again."

Yu Shanhao wanted to tell him that likes are unforgettable. But it's easy to hate it.

Team Lin suddenly smiled inexplicably, "But this assumption doesn't exist."


"Because just like I can't dislike you, you can't hate me either."

"Who said this."

"Captain Lin said."


"Isn't this face from Girl Octopus?"

Yu Shan stopped being poor with him, and said seriously: "I... did poorly in the exam."

Team Lin said very flatly: "I know."

Yu Shan smashed him, "Hey! Don't bring this? Don't comfort me?"

"I have read your test papers, and I have sorted out the points that you missed. Then I will give you a good lesson. We will start from..."

The boy spoke seriously, and Yu Shan felt warm.

The girl knew that it was not that she was chasing behind him foolishly, but that the young man took her hand in front of her and walked forward. Like every time he goes to climb a mountain, he opens the road ahead.

Yup! She defined it wrong.

The liking after growing up is not a desire. Only after the simple liking of the past, something called co-growth was added.