Youthful Spirit

Chapter 92: Which way?


When the lights of the whole building dimmed in an instant, the sound of applause and carnival also exploded.

This is a repressive moment when you are accidentally gifted in the dark senior year.

"It's dark! Please close your eyes."

Yu Shan immediately took out his phone, turned on the light and put it under his chin, turned his head to look at Li Xiaoen and made a face.

Someone hadn't reacted yet, and asked, "Is there a power outage?"

"seems like it."

Someone applauded and responded, "Very good, very good! Tonight's self-study blown up."

Ok! Most guys think like this: Very good, very good! It's not that we don't want to learn! Who called the power outage!

Qin Huaiyang is the teacher who is guarding their class night self-study tonight. He is standing on the podium and facing a pan of chirping students. He said, "Quiet and quiet! Don't be happy too early! Probably something went wrong there, and it will be repaired in a while. ."

A basin of cold water poured down, and the audience sighed.

But there are still optimistic voices. Some people say: "It is better to be happy sooner than to be happy later! Haha~"

"That's it."

"Then what are we doing now? Play Truth or Dare?"

"Are you vulgar? You are still young! Play this!"

"Then you say one!"

"What a great opportunity! Of course play with Senior Qin!"

"..." Qin Huaiyang almost rolled his eyes, "Smelly boy! What are you talking about!"

"Senior Qin, we usually answer questions from you. Shouldn't we be courteous and change seats?"

The students in the audience had been booing long ago, and he went on to say, "This time, we ask, you answer."

Qin Huaiyang can be suppressed, who doesn't know what horrible questions these bastards will ask. But thinking of the downturn atmosphere of the whole team after a model, it was hard to get alive tonight, and it was not easy to pour cold water. Then you can only wrong yourself.

Qin Huaiyang's voice was very helpless, "Quickly ask. Otherwise, there will be no chance after the call comes in for a while."

"Senior Qin, how many girlfriends have you ever had?"

"..." What's the problem! He looks like that kind of person

Senior Qin said in an extremely arrogant tone: "I can't count ten hands anyway!"


"Who are you lie to!"

"Who doesn't know that Qin's mother is single solo."

Qin Huaiyang was helpless, "...then you still ask a ghost!"

"Haha~ I just want to see how you chant!"

Seeing the people in the audience stumbling with laughter, Qin Huaiyang instantly felt inexplicably that he could not guarantee the late festival.

"Senior Qin, I heard from Teacher Liu that when you got a full scholarship when you were in college, you can go to a very good physics college abroad. Why don't you go? Compared to being a teacher, that way is not okay. Is there a better future?"

The voice of the question was quiet.

This is asked by a girl who has always been quiet. She has always talked very little, not at all like the kind of person who would take this opportunity to ask questions. So the whole class was surprised, and it was strangely quiet in an instant.

Obviously Qin Huaiyang didn't expect this classmate to ask questions, but she really did ask questions.

He looked in the direction of that classmate, of course he couldn't see clearly, but his eyes could see her straight back when he adjusted to the darkness.

Yes it is. Qin Huaiyang was very impressed with this student, not only because she was the second oldest in the class, but also because she was the only person in the class who could keep sitting upright all the time.

The so-called "head is one foot away, chest is a punch away from the desk, and hands are an inch away from the tip of the pen."

This is the standard of sitting posture that is always taught in the first grade of elementary school. Who will really take it to heart and practice it all the time

But she will.

Qin Huaiyang paused and asked, "A better future? Is the future of being a teacher not good enough?"

She shook her head speechlessly, not daring to say that it was bad, because she felt it was not good enough anyway.

Yup. Most people have an unreasonable consensus: what can a teacher do

In her cognition, the teacher can only be an excellent teacher in her lifetime. But if he goes to study abroad, he might be a very powerful physicist!

The kind of great scientist who will advance the cutting-edge technology of mankind.

This is called out interest. Is not it

In the darkness, Qin Huaiyang saw several students nodding, and he understood what the students meant.

These students are feeling sorry for him and wasting good opportunities.

Qin Huaiyang said: "Someone once told me that those people who can promote the development of human civilization are not only those with top minds, but also those who are defined as ordinary people. Only a few people can stand by. Where they can be seen, and most people can only stand where they cannot be seen."

For example, Qin Huaiyang said: “For example, Fast, the world’s largest radio telescope, we all know that the chief engineer of this great project is senior Nan Rendong. But we should know that the results of this project that will promote the development of civilization belong to this project. The staff. Even the uncle in the cafeteria should be included.

We just ignore them. But not being seen does not mean that they are not people who have devoted their efforts, but that they cannot be known by us. "

The people in the audience are silent, who hasn't instinctively worshipped big heroes since childhood! How can they see the "extraordinary" and "important" of the little people, who are not in the world

And they don't quite understand, what does this have to do with that question

Qin Huaiyang deducted the question and concluded, "Under such a similar model, if you change the project to an adult, then you are the chief engineer, and our teacher must be regarded as one of the staff and one of the small promoters.

To understand a teacher’s future in this way, then the teacher’s future can also be defined as a better future, right? "

As soon as the voice fell, Wang Zhao took the lead in applauding, very hard.

Qin Huaiyang suddenly thought of Wu Huaiyue, the man destined to be seen.

Because he is also the one who knew what he loved when he was very young, and knew how to do it, and he kept doing it.

He met Wu Huaiyue in the first year of high school.

At that time, Wu Huaiyue had long understood an old saying-"If you want to be good at work, you must first sharpen your tools."

So for him, mathematics is the "tool" he must sharpen. To put it simply, mathematics is his tool subject for cultivating astrophysics.

This is why he has been participating in the Olympiad.

For the whole three years of high school, although he spent very little time in school in the first two years, they all stayed together when he was in school, so Qin Huaiyang knew Wu Huaiyue's efforts better than anyone. And more clearly, when that person talked about the universe, the light inhabited his eyes.

It was a kind of light that Qin Huaiyang couldn't describe. He had never seen this kind of light in anyone's eyes except in Wu Huaiyue's eyes.

Amidst these chaotic applause, Qin Huaiyang suddenly knew clearly that Wu Huaiyue's rare points corresponded to the difference between himself and him.

Yes it is! Qin Huaiyang understood it a long time ago, but he just didn't want to admit that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't be someone like Wu Huaiyue after all.

"Everyone has his own destiny." Perhaps I understand that these four words are not because of "recognizing one's fate", but because I understand my ability and my mission to this world.

And these things, there must be big and small differences.

Some people, his mission is to promote the great development of the world. For example, Wu Huaiyue. For some people, his mission is to try to influence a small person around him. Such as himself as a teacher.

But things like mission shouldn’t be distinguished between high and low.

Qin Huaiyang really thinks that it's good to be a teacher. He was really proud, he never deceived himself.

The night is quiet, and the noise of other classes is also far away at this time.

In his heart, he secretly said to that distant imaginary opponent Wu Huaiyue: "Ayen, I have no comparison with you regarding career choice. I know that you will be a very powerful astronomer in the future, but I will also Is a very good teacher."

Which way will there be a better future

The standard is in my heart.