Youthful Years

Chapter 103: Bravely break into the girls' dormitory


An anxious female voice came on the phone, sounding a little familiar. Wu Xiu was stunned and didn't react, but he could be sure that Luo Shiyu was not the opposite.

"you are?"

"Oh, I'm Hou Jiao, Zhao Qian's deskmate."

Wu Xiu naturally knew Hou Jiao. Although he had never contacted her, he was in the same class after all, not to mention that she was at the same table with Zhao Qian now.

"Oh, Hou Jiao! Why do I sound so familiar! What's wrong?"

Hou Jiao said anxiously: "You hurry up and see Cici!"

Wu Xiu was stunned, and suddenly had an ominous premonition. He worried: "What happened to her?"


"Ah!" Not knowing why, Wu Xiu panicked. He took a coat casually, and asked as he ran outside: "She has always been in good health! Why did she suddenly get sick?"

"I don't know the specifics, but since I was at the same table with her, she has been depressed and not thinking about eating or drinking.

Originally, I wanted to ask her to go around today, but she refused to go, saying she was sleepy. As a result, when I came back, I saw her curled up in her arms, clutching her belly and shaking.

I asked her what was wrong, she just said that her stomach hurts. I asked her to see a doctor, but she refused. I said to call her family, but she wouldn't let it.

I will be outside the dormitory, secretly holding her mobile phone. She didn't save her family's number, and I don't know who to call, but I know you are in a good relationship. Come and see. Okay, she called me, and I hung up. "

Since today is Saturday, except for the make-up classes in the third year of high school, the first year and second year of high school are closed. Most students who are close to home will go home. Of course, there are some people who don't want to go home because of the trouble, so they just stay in the dormitory or go out to play on weekends.

Although Zhao Qian is a boarding student, since her home is not far away, she usually goes home. For some reason, she didn't go back this week.

There were not many people in the school at the moment. Wu Xiu stood downstairs in the girls' dormitory and looked around. Only occasionally a few girls went in and out of the dormitory, and he rushed in without any hesitation.

He is very flustered now, very worried about Zhao Qian's situation. He felt that Hou Jiao's language and literature was too bad, and he had to tell her if he had a chance in the future, so that she could study hard. Expressing a central idea, how can it sound vague.

Female dormitory, 406.

This is the room number of Zhao Qian's dormitory, Wu Xiu has known for a long time. He hurried upstairs, looking for the room.

He thought that there should not be many people in the dormitory today, but this is a female dormitory after all. Although there are a lot of people going out on weekends, there are still many people on each floor.

"Ah! There are boys! Help!"

As soon as Wu Xiu entered the girls' dormitory, he was hit by a girl who had just opened the door on the first floor. Although she is not very good-looking and wears a thick sweater, she has a very strong voice.

After that scream, many girls secretly opened the dormitory door and looked out. More girls ran out of the dormitory directly, either curious or watching the lively expressions.

"Where? Where?"

"Boy? Gosh, let me take a look"...

The girls talked a lot. Seeing Wu Xiu is like discovering a new world.

But it’s normal to think about it. Although boys are very common, it’s the first time they have seen such an upright entry into a girls’ dormitory.

This made Wu Xiu depressed for a while, but he didn't have the heart to think so much. He went straight to the fourth floor, looking for room 406.

"A boy came in? Where?"

At this time, the cry of a forty-something aunt came from the door of the toilet on the first floor. She saw the girls in the hall watching towards the stairs, and quickly stepped forward to push away the crowd and walked towards the stairs.

Although Zhao Qian's dormitory floor is not high, Wu Xiu feels as if he has never climbed such a long staircase. He ran to the door of Zhao Qian's dormitory with an anxious look on his face and pushed open the door of the dormitory.

Only she and Hou Jiao were in the dormitory of Zhao Qian, and no one else was there. Wu Xiu saw Zhao Qian curled up in her arms at a glance. She was pale and curled up, looking extremely painful.

Hearing the sudden opening of the door, Hou Jiao and Zhao Qian looked at the door at the same time.

"You finally came." Hou Jiao's anxious expression finally eased. She turned to look at Zhao Qian and explained: "I'm sorry, I can't help it. If you ask you to go to the doctor, if you don't go, I will ask him to come over. Up."

Zhao Qian was stunned for the moment she saw Wu Xiu. When she heard Hou Jiao's words, she smiled awkwardly and said weakly: "I'm fine, but I have a stomachache. Just drink some water."

"It's all like this, and it's still strong." Wu Xiu looked at Zhao Qian with a haggard face, very distressed.

"I'm really fine..."

"Then I don't care." Wu Xiu interrupted Zhao Qian. He walked to Zhao Qian's bed and said in an unquestionable tone: "I only know that you are going to the hospital. And my duty is to send you to the hospital."

Seeing Wu Xiu's firm expression, Zhao Qian thought for a while, and struggled to get up from sex. She pressed one hand on her right lower abdomen, and slowly sat up on the side of the bed with one hand. Then she put on her shoes and just about to stand up, another sharp pain came from her abdomen.


Zhao Qian took a breath, and she bowed her body with a painful expression.


Another sharp pain came, and Zhao Qian felt a little unstable in her standing, and even her eyes slowly began to blur—she fainted.

"Zhao Qian!"

Wu Xiu's eyesight was quick, and he grabbed one of Zhao Qian's arms and took her in his arms.

"What are you doing? What are you doing?"

Suddenly the angry roar of the auntie, she stood at the door of Zhao Qian's dormitory, panting, with a mop in her hand.

When she saw Wu Xiu holding Zhao Qian in her arms, she instantly became angry and cursed: "God! You rascal, let go of her. rascal, you can't run..."

Wu Xiu didn't want to be misunderstood, and hurriedly explained: "No, auntie, you misunderstood. I am not a gangster, I am..."

"I don't care who you are. I dare to break into the girls' dormitory. It's really against you." The auntie do not want to listen to Wu Xiu's words, she threatened: "I warn you, you quickly let go of that girl. I have already beaten the school. The phone call, the school is sending people to rush..."

Wu Xiu looked down at the pale Zhao Qian in his arms, anxious. He was worried that Zhao Qian would have an accident, so he picked up Zhao Qian, and went directly around the auntie.

"Hey—what are you doing?"

Suspended by the auntie in charge, Wu Xiu could only continue to explain: "Auntie, she fainted and must be taken to the hospital immediately. When I come back, I will still be at your disposal, okay?"


Aunt Suguan murmured, she didn't believe it, but seeing Zhao Qian's state at the moment, she hesitated.

Just when the auntie in charge was stunned, Wu Xiu took the opportunity to throw away the auntie in charge and ran away.

"Hey! Brat, stop for me, I haven't agreed with you to leave..."

Before the auntie was finished speaking, Wu Xiu had disappeared.