Youthful Years

Chapter 110: Student's vocation


"Damn! Can you speak well?"

Jiang Tian roared and rushed towards Zhang Zixin, followed by Wu Xiu and Hao Yunlai.

Zhang Zixin saw that he couldn't hide, gritted his teeth, and followed the three of them to greet him.

Jiang Tian fisted up, and Zhang Zixin avoided the blow. Wu Xiu kicked Zhang Zixin's belly next to him. Zhang Zixin held his belly and took two steps back.

Jiang Tian stepped forward and grabbed Zhang Zixin's collar and flicked it to Wu Xiu's side. Before Zhang Zixin stopped due to inertia, Wu Xiu stirred him up and turned him around.

Hao Yun looked at the timing, and went up and kicked a few times.

In fact, according to Wu Xiu and Jiang Tian's combat effectiveness, no matter who singled out Zhang Zixin was not a problem. Now that the three of them are combined, it is more than enough to beat him.

"How is it? Should you say something?" Wu Xiu asked, bending over, looking at Zhang Zixin's embarrassed face.

"There is a kind of you kill me!" Zhang Zixin yelled, staring at her eyes.

"Fuck you!" Jiang Tian followed Zhang Zixin and kicked again, only to hear Zhang Zixin's screams.

At this moment Hao Yunlai came in from outside, holding a brick in his hand. He looked at Zhang Zixin and aimed at with a brick, as if he was wondering where to shoot.

Zhang Zixin looked a little flustered when he saw Banzhuan.

Wu Xiu saw Zhang Zixin's reaction in his eyes, he smiled, and took the brick from Hao Yunlai and prepared to shoot.


Suddenly a shout came from the entrance of the toilet, and then a familiar face appeared in front of Wu Xiu and them.

"Brother Qiang, you are here." Zhang Zixin said anxiously as if seeing hope.

Zhu Qiang hurriedly squatted down in front of Zhang Zixin, and said with concern: "It's okay, Zixin? Brother is late."

"It's okay!" Zhang Zixin shook his head and said.

Zhu Qiang turned his head to look at the three Wu Xiu, and said, "Brother Xiu, stop here!"

"What's the reason?" Wu Xiu sneered.

In fact, the moment he saw Zhu Qiang, he still felt quite surprised.

Although he had long suspected that Zhang Zixin was not Li Qiao's person, he was always uncertain about the people behind him. He also had doubts about Zhu Qiang, but thinking that he had no grievances with Zhu Qiang, Zhu Qiang also helped him, so he ruled out Zhu Qiang.

"I admit that he attacked you before, and you also beat him now. I also admit that I used you before, but you can't deny that, Li Qiao and Lu Shuquan, I helped you that time, so we are even even. ?"

"Then what if I don't?" Wu Xiu asked rhetorically.

"Brother Xiu, I don't want to be an enemy of you, but don't make it difficult for me either."

Wu Xiu said with an indifferent expression, "Are you threatening me?"

Zhu Qiang shook his head and smiled: "Don't get me wrong, I have always wanted to make your friend."

"Really?" Wu Xiu thought for a while, pondering what had happened to him. After a while, he smiled and said: "Seriously, you are really good, at least among your peers, you are the same."

Wu Xiu stretched out his thumb at Zhu Qiang, and then walked with Jiang Tian and Hao Yun with puzzled faces.

"Brother Xiu, what were you talking about just now? I was totally confused. Let's just forget it?" Hao Yunlai asked, what was going on before he realized it.

Wu Xiu said: "This Zhu Qiang is really not easy. If I guessed right, all of this should have been planned by him."

"What do you mean?"

"I previously suspected that Lu Shuquan and Li Qiao could fight step by step from the previous peaceful state to the present situation. It should be someone operating in secret.

I thought for a long time, but I didn't have a clue. It now appears that all of this should be Zhu Qiangbu's game. Even if it wasn't him, he should have played a very important role in it. "

Wu Xiu smiled, and then said: "First of all, the person who pretended to be Li Qiao did Lu Shuquan. Anyway, Li Qiao has many brothers and is very temperamental. It is impossible for him to give him a soft explanation when Lu Shuquan comes up. Will start fighting.

He might be worried that Lu Shuquan would be beaten by Li Qiao too badly as before, so he tried to promote the conflict between us and Li Qiao. After all, we were at odds with Li Qiao. Then at a critical moment, he told me about the relationship between Lu Shuquan and Wang Cheng.

In this way, when Lu Shuquan beats Li Qiao, we can continue to prevent Lu Shuquan from taking a hit. And with Li Qiao's temperament, he would definitely not interfere with the issue of carrying the flag of No. 1 China, and he took the opportunity to win over Li Qiao's people, and finally took the one by himself. "

"I'll go, this kid has thought so far, and his mind is deep enough!" Hao Yunlai asked with a surprised expression, "Then what happened just now?"

Wu Xiu explained: "Did you not see it? Now Zhu Qiang is looking for Zhang Hexin, who should contact him, and then deal with Zhang Han and Wang Liang together.

Obviously, after the two people cooperated, Zhu Qiang couldn't deal with it. Although he has always been alone on the surface, since he also wants to carry one, he naturally has his own people, so they have to prepare in advance. "

Jiang Tian nodded and said, "That's right, so from this point of view, the first banner of No. 1 Middle School is about to be eye-catching."



Internet cafes in the new era, Hutongkou.

Zhu Qiang and Zhang Zixin squatted on the ground smoking a cigarette each. They turned directly from the toilet to outside the school, and Zhu Qiang bought Zhang Zixin some medicine for Chinese medicine.

Zhang Zixin looked at Zhu Qiang and said guilty: "Brother Qiang, I'm sorry, I was too careless and exposed. I thought the class time would be safe."

Zhu Qiang sighed, but quickly said with a smile: "That's okay, you can show up in advance."

"Then what shall we do next?"

Zhu Qiang thought for a while and said: "This is the end of the matter, let's be like this..."

This "meeting" between Feng Fei and Xing Ningning ended with Feng Fei stationing a class and cleaning the office three times by himself.

As for why it is necessary to clean three times after the penalty station

According to Feng Fei, Xing Ningning asked him to stop to reflect on his own problems, and clean the sanitation three times to let him remember this lesson. After all, one is born, the second is ripe, and the third is engraved.

Afraid that Feng Fei would sneak away like last time, Xing Ningning still stared at Feng Fei's every move.

Feng Fei did remember this time, and returned to the classroom to scold Xing Ningning for an hour and a half.

In a muddle, the day passed again.

One middle school and one teaching building, the corridor on the fourth floor

It was time for dinner at this time, and several prospective students in the corridor were working hard to learn scientific and cultural knowledge. Perhaps because the mid-term exam is about to arrive, these people are working harder to study.

There are also some students who are studying very hard, but they have not been able to get up the rankings, like Zhang Zhi.

In fact, he had doubted whether he was really suitable for learning this path, but after a series of ideological struggles, he still felt that he should study hard, after all, this is the bounden duty of a student.