Youthful Years

Chapter 62: Embarrass others and debase yourself


Hearing Zhao Qian's question, Jiang Tian smiled.

This is not the first time that Zhao Qian asked him this way, but he replied sincerely every time: "I like everything about you."

Zhao Qian lowered her head with a thoughtful expression. After walking more than ten meters, she suddenly stopped and said: "Then let's be together!"

"What?" Jiang Tian was stunned, with an unbelievable look. He rubbed his ears and made sure that he could hear clearly, he was overjoyed and said, "You mean, you promised to associate with me?"

Zhao Qian still looked at the road ahead, her expression was calm, she just nodded gently...

Class 10 classroom of high school.

Wu Xiu still kept what he was in class: lying on the table with a pensive expression on his face.

He was wondering: After waiting for several days, why hasn't Wang become revenge? Anyway, people are also a small flag-bearer. If they are beaten, they will not retaliate. This is unscientific!

"Am I suffering from persecution delusions?" Wu Xiu shook his head, comforting himself: "Wang Cheng should be conquered by my great personality."

Thinking about this, Wu Xiu felt much more comfortable. After all, he is so upright and sunny, handsome and unrestrained, and thinking about it carefully, it seems that he and Wang Cheng have no direct contradiction, and the reason for the fight is only because of Luo Shiyu.

"It's such a disaster!"

Wu Xiu sighed, but thinking of Luo Shiyu, he smiled again. After what happened last time, their relationship has improved a lot. At least now Luo Shiyu sees him, and occasionally greets him.

Look at our Wu Xiu classmates, it is so easy to satisfy.

"Hey! Brother Xiu!"

A sudden shout not far away pulled Wu Xiu back from his wild thoughts. Wu Xiu looked up at the breathless man in front of him, and said in a bad mood: "Brother Tian, I said you can't help but be shocked? It was Wang Cheng who came to take revenge?"

"I don't have time to pay attention to him." Jiang Tian said with an excited expression on his face, pulling Wu Xiu, and said as he walked: "Go, go to the toilet and smoke a cigarette, I have good news to tell you."

Boys toilet.

Wu Xiu looked at Jiang Tian and wondered: "What's wrong? Mysterious all the way, what excites you like this?"

Jiang Tian took a big puff of cigarette and let it out slowly. With an expression of enjoyment on his face, he said, "My hard work for more than a month has finally yielded results."

"What do you mean?"

"She agreed to be with me."

Wu Xiu didn't react, and asked, "Who?"

"Zhao Qian!"


Wu Xiu was stunned for an instant. He wanted Zhao Qian and Jiang Tian to be together, but he didn't want them to be together.

He has always been contradictory, so he took the initiative to find Luo Shiyu. He felt that only by diverting all his attention, he would not be thinking about it all day. However, deep in his heart, there is always a place for Zhao Qian.

"Brother Xiu! What do you want?"

Looking at Wu Xiu who was stunned, Jiang Tian was depressed all of a sudden. I'm going to get out of the singles, and I'm not happy for my brother.

Wu Xiu smiled awkwardly, and said, "It's okay, but the surprise came too suddenly and was a little caught off guard. Congratulations, and remember to treat you when you come."

"That must be!"

After a while, the two of them finished their cigarettes and prepared to go back to the classroom.

"Damn! Brothers, do it for me."

Suddenly a man's roar came from the two of them diagonally in front of them, and Wu Xiu was taken aback, thinking that Wang Cheng was leading someone to take revenge. He looked up and saw that not far in front, a familiar figure with a dozen people, all holding steel pipes or stool legs in his hands, directly hit with the opposite group.

Both sides were fighting fiercely, Wu Xiu looked at this familiar figure, kicked one down, and smashed one down.

"I didn't expect that Wang Liang's melon skin is quite awkward. When Deng Jun cleaned him up last time, I didn't think how he was. Now playing with these students, my strength is immediately evident."

Wu Xiu squinted his eyes and said, "That Deng Jun-not to mention that he was a soldier, I always feel that he is an extraordinary person. He must clean up Wang Liang just like playing."

Jiang Tian looked at the person fighting in front of him, thought for a while, and said, "Who is this hatred! Li Qiao has already carried his sophomore year, who else would dare to provoke him?"

"Looking at these two groups of people, they don't seem to be freshmen, they should be in the second and third grades."

The two people watched the battle while discussing. Obviously, they are still very interested in this kind of thing.

"Run, the ceiling fan is coming."

At this moment, I don’t know who in the crowd yelled. I saw that the two groups paused, and then quickly dispersed. There were people running in all directions...

At the same time, on the balcony of Class 10.

Luo Ling looked at Zhao Qian, who was staring in a daze in the distance, and smiled bitterly: "Heh! We are still together after all."

Zhao Qian sighed, and said guiltily: "I'm sorry!"

"You didn't sorry me." Luo Ling said: "To be honest, although I like Jiang Tian very much, I also hope he can be happy. I know that his happiness is you. But I don't know whether your happiness is him.

A woman’s instinct tells me that Wu Xiu likes you. Perhaps, in order to be truly happy for each other, you should wait. "

"Since you understand, why did you want to be with Feng Fei in the first place?"

Seeing that Luo Ling's expression was a little ugly, Zhao Qian explained: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that."

"It's okay, it's my own choice anyway." Luo Ling smiled bitterly.

Zhao Qian didn't speak, and the scene she saw at the door of Class 5 classroom again appeared before her eyes. She smiled helplessly: "In fact, compared to intuition, sometimes I believe in facts more.

There are only so many places around a person, and only so much you can give. In this small area, if some people come in, some people will have to leave. Since you can't wait, don't insist. It's hard to be deceived for others, why bother

As night falls, the weather is getting colder and colder. A cold wind passed by, and the few remaining leaves on the branches were also blown into the air, lingering in the air constantly with the rhythm of the cold wind.

Moonlight entered the house, through the window, in the living room, two men stared at the TV with wretched and obsessive expressions, their eyes wide open. On the TV screen, there is an island country love action movie starring only two people.


The door of the room was pushed open, Wu Xiu carrying two bags to eat in front, Zheng Peng and Jiang Tian came in behind with a case of wine alone.

"Let me go! Are you two still human? We worked hard to buy things, but you two are better off, indulging in the world of movie duo, are you embarrassed?"

Wu Xiu looked at these two people and said depressed: "There is one more thing, I wonder, I won't talk about it when I was young, you have to know, Fei, you have a girlfriend, why are you still addicted to this?"