Yu Ren

Chapter 113: 113 Li Cheng


When Bai Fuling first came to this world, she only wanted to complete the task of helping thousands of people, but after being with the people around her for many years, she couldn't help feeling for them, and she sincerely hoped that even after she left, they could live happily and carefree go down.

People in the Bai family are more or less influenced by her, and they are a bit deviant. This is a world where imperial power is respected. Everyone's life and death are only in the mind of the superior, and these "heretics" are suppressed The possibility of being a child is much higher than that of ordinary people, which makes her feel very insecure.

She knows that she doesn't have the power to turn the world around, nor does she have the time and energy. The safest way she can think of is to find an overseas island and build her own kingdom. She doesn't want to live forever, at least she can let her care about people in the next hundred years In times of crisis, there is a place where you can be free and independent and live in peace and contentment.

This goal will be achieved in the near future. Before that, what she has to do is to accumulate enough capital as much as possible. Most people have a knot in their homeland. It is best not to have to live overseas. It’s really here When you have to leave, you must already have enough strength to manage the isolated island to make it suitable for living in.

Because of what happened to Lu Ying when he was young and he was too deeply "poisoned" by Bai Fuling, although on the surface he still looks like an upright general who is loyal to the emperor, patriotism, iron and courage, he has long given up on the emperor's court in his heart, and has no intention of doing it for him. This country has devoted itself to being a general for life. When he was in Beiguan City, all he thought about was to protect this three-acre land so that the Bai family could live a stable and prosperous life.

As an official of the imperial court, he couldn't help himself in many things, so when Bai Fuling told him about the "Island Project", he decided to join it without much thought.

After discussing with several people, the ideal is to leave immediately after Bai Fuling and Ji Li, but Mu Peilan still can't let go of her seriously ill mother, and the final compromise is to return to Beiguan City first after the new year . Although the Bai family's power was less than 50% of what they had back then after being harmed by the ghost face Gu, they were much stronger than Bai Fuling who didn't know martial arts at all. Insurance is not a problem.

Taking advantage of the situation, Bai Fuling brought up the issue of the succession of the Duke of Zhongguo again: "It's a pity to give up this title for nothing, and those guys who are cheap are not worth it. Why don't we give Bai Pingzi a new identity and let him inherit the title as a descendant of the Lin family. At any rate, we can take care of each other with other people in Beijing. And, if his physiognomy is really accurate, when the 'bastard' ascends the throne in the future, he will be given some face, and it will be much more convenient for him to do things for us."

She had discussed this idea with her father before, and Bai Chou thought it was very feasible after careful consideration, and now she proposed to formally seek Mu Peilan's consent and ask her to persuade her grandmother.

Mu Peilan thought for a while, and said bluntly: "I watched Pingzi grow up, and I already regarded him as half a son in my heart. Anyway, your father and I don't intend to let our children and grandchildren get involved in court disputes. That's fine. I'm going to talk to my mother."

"There are two other houses in Lin's hometown in Chongzhou. One of them is extinct. There is no need to mention it. In the other house, there are only three members of the family. Twenty years ago, the two couples took their son who was just one month old to see his grandmother. On the way, they were robbed by bandits. I have sent people to investigate, and they all died. I asked people to find their bodies and bury them under the nearby cliff. The news of their deaths has not been spread. If the child is still alive, he will be not far from Pingzi's age. , At that time, because he was too young, he had not yet made a name, so Pingzi happened to be his identity."

"Okay, okay!" Now that she has an identity, Bai Fuling quickly agrees, thinking in her heart: Although both of them are pretty faces, it's a good thing Lin Pingzi is not Lin Pingzhi. It's better to be a prince of Huahua than a blind eunuch many!

The four people in the room talked happily, never realizing that all the conversations fell into the ears of Xiao Mi who was hiding outside the window.

In the shadows, Xiao You's eyes shone with a strange light, and she didn't know what he was planning in his mind.

The news in the capital always spreads extremely fast, especially with the deliberate fueling of people with good intentions. Lu Ying has not yet left the Duke's Mansion. The news that he came to visit the family of his adoptive father and adoptive mother in person has already alarmed many "big shots", even Both the first prince and the second prince sent people to wait outside the Duke's mansion, hoping to invite him to meet before he left, to talk about life ideals and careers, etc.

In the end, they were disappointed to find that Lu Ying did not come out after entering the Duke's Mansion—he directly lived in the outer courtyard of the Duke's Mansion.

Those officials who were still hesitating whether to attend Miss Sun and Jili in the Duke's Mansion, or who had decided not to appear for various reasons, were ordered by the adults in the family to go no matter what, and tried their best to get along with Duke Zhong's mansion. Close relationship, so as to inquire about the movements of General Zhenbei and so on.

As a result, on the second day, the number of guests participating in the Bai Fuling and Ji ceremony more than doubled as expected. Some female family members who had not been invited before suddenly ran over, and the street in front of the Duke's Mansion was crowded with carriages of all sizes. .

People in the Yasukuni Mansion were very sad. Such a grand event had never happened before, but now it happened for a girl who was only fifteen years old. But this was another rare opportunity to show their faces, so all members of the Duke Yasukuni's mansion were mobilized, except for the recovering Duke Yasukuni himself, who took the initiative to entertain guests for the Bai family.

Bai Fuling's Jiji Ceremony was held in the main hall of Duke Zhong's Mansion. Bai Chou and Mu Peilan stood in front of the steps to welcome the guests, and Princess Yingluo, who was in charge of the department, stood on the other side. When the guests arrived, please go to the flower hall to rest first. The official female family members who came were amazed by the appearance of the Bai family. Bai Chou was wearing a green lotus-colored brocade treasure-faced floral collar and narrow-sleeved gown. Couldn't help but blush, secretly envious of Mu Peilan, but after thinking about it, it was a pity for Bai Chou's status as a merchant. If such a heroic man had a good background, he would simply fascinate all women in the world!

Today no one dares to show any disrespect to Bai Chou, his godson is Lu Ying, the Great General of Zhenbei!

Then look at the person in charge of Yousi turned out to be Princess Antai's precious daughter Princess Yingluo! I heard earlier that Miss Guogong's Mansion and Princess Antai exchanged handkerchiefs, today it seems that this is absolutely true. Besides the royal princess in the capital, who else could invite the emperor's niece to hold a plate at the ceremony for his own daughter

On the other side, Bai Fuling was taking a bath and changing clothes with the assistance of several maidservants, changing into clothes and clothes, waiting for the auspicious time.

The whole process of today's Jiji ceremony requires three plus three bows. The ceremony is not long, but the clothes need to be changed three times. Bing and worshiping heaven and earth mean to thank parents for their upbringing, to thank elders for their legacy and teaching, and to express respect for the gods of heaven and earth.

And the three sets of clothes also have their own meanings, the first set is bright and lively, the second set is plain and elegant, and the third set is dignified and grand.

The Bai couple chose the word "Longevity" for their daughter. Others didn't understand what it meant, but Bai Fuling's heart moved when she heard it, and once again suspected that they knew that she would return to dust at the age of eighteen.

At the end of the ceremony, Bai Fuling had to kneel in front of her parents to listen to the training. Bai Chou and Mu Peilan looked at their grown-up daughter, and remembered how thin and petite she was when she was born, and how she was tortured by illnesses. He looked very vulgar, bursting with happiness and emotion, almost crying on the spot, and finally Bai Chou suppressed his excitement and said: "My son is safe and happy." They originally thought of a lot of words of exhortation and blessing, but at this moment, all they could think of was this sentence.

Mu Peilan and her husband looked at each other. These words were exactly what she wanted. They didn't want anything but their daughter's safe and long life, and they were satisfied with a happy life. There is only parental love in the world that is so unrequited.

The guests heard black lines all over their heads. Is this a warning? The requirements are too low! If I change to another house, even if I love my daughter no matter how much I love her, I still have to pretend to bring out the Fourth Nvshu to encourage her and teach her the principles of life.

Bai Fuling blinked away the tears in her eyes, raised her head and bowed to Zhuang Rong: "Although my son is not sensitive, I dare not accept it!"

After listening to the lecture, Bai Fuling got up and bowed to the guests, guests, musicians, officials, praisers, and parents one by one to show his gratitude.

It took less than an hour from the beginning of the Jiji ceremony to the completion of the ceremony, but Bai Fuling felt in a daze that it seemed as long as a century. However, this matter was finally completed, and my mother's wish was fulfilled, and I felt a lot more relaxed.

After the ceremony, Bai Fuling went back to rest in the backyard, and Bai Chou got up and left, leaving Mu Peilan to host the female guests. Many people took the opportunity to ask about the relationship between their family and Lu Ying. Mu Peilan just smiled. Only then left one after another.

Mrs. Jing Guogong's wife, Mrs. Li, returned to the room and sneered at Jing Guogong who had just woken up: "Your niece and daughter's family are so majestic, you have accepted such a great adoptive son without saying a word, a little girl and Ji present please There are more guests than Mrs. Xiage's 70th birthday, and a mere merchant married to her was also held up to the sky by those wives."

Lord Yasukuni was silent, his own children and grandchildren were not as good as one daughter, so what could he say

Mrs. Li continued: "It's no wonder they didn't feel bad about my family's proposal to elect her daughter to be the princess concubine. With the support of such a powerful adoptive son, I'm afraid even the eldest prince and the second prince would not dare to underestimate her precious daughter." .”

"Then what do you want to do?" Duke Jing said helplessly. He has always known that his niece is not something in the pool, even Mrs. Zhong Guogong who has been lingering on the hospital bed for many years, is it easy to deal with? Now I don't have any powerful bargaining chips in my hand, and I am completely passive in the matter of inheriting the title.

Mrs. Li glanced at him and said: "I said what to do, master, are you willing to do it?"

Lord Jingguo sighed: "Speaking of which, my family owes a lot to my second brother's family. He originally earned the dukedom of this country. Now that Peilan and the others have General Lu as their backer, one thing more is worse than one thing less. let it go."

Mrs. Li snorted coldly: "Let it be? I'm afraid that the title will fall to that uncle! You don't have to worry about this matter, I have my own way."

Lord Jingguo knew that nothing he said could persuade his wife, so he could only give up with a wry smile. I hope Madam knows how to measure, and don't make trouble so that the two brothers and sisters turn against each other completely, and there is not even a little bit of incense left.