Yu Ren

Chapter 117: 117 Snow Night Stranger


Xiao You frowned and stared at Bai Fuling. He felt that Bai Fuling was hiding something from him, but it didn't matter, anyway, sooner or later he would find out all her secrets.

"Is there anything else you want to know?" Xiao You asked with a weird smile.

Bai Fuling thought for a while and finally shook her head. In fact, what she wanted to ask was "What is your relationship with the Demon Cult?" But she didn't think Xiaoyou would tell her such an important matter. There is a major implicated in teaching, who will believe it

"Really gone?" Xiao Mi confirmed.

"What do you want to do?" Bai Fuling became vigilant, but it was too late. The scene in front of her eyes quickly became blurred, she loosened her hand holding Xiao Lihua, and she fell limply backward on the bed.

Little Lihua also fell into a coma and limp like its master, and rolled to the side.

Xiao You jumped to the bed, stretched out her hand and gently painted Bai Fuling's delicate eyebrows and eyes, and smiled infinitely softly: "Sleep obediently, and forget everything that should be forgotten when you wake up. I have fully explained my affairs to you.”

Bai Fuling closed her eyes, her breathing was slow and shallow, and she was obviously in a deep sleep.

In the evening, Bai Fuling woke up in a daze, vaguely remembering seeing off her parents, then returning to the room, and then falling asleep, not knowing that the most important piece of memory was missing.

Now there are only more than ten days left before the New Year, which is the busiest time for people. The official and commercial courtyards in the area of Yunque Mountain are quiet and no one is patronizing. Bai Fuling can finally live her life with peace of mind and go to Baishu’s village every day. Go for a stroll and see how the people who have been sent over from the Ning'an River area are resettled.

Over the past few days on the Ning'an River side, the buying has been going smoothly. More than 200 people have been bought, a total of 40 households plus 62 orphans and adult men and women who were separated from their relatives.

The entire family was placed in other branches of the Bai family, and the other 62 people without relatives and reasons were sent to the village on the Baishu side. The houses in the village were vacated because a group of people were released. Used to accommodate the sixty-two newcomers.

Bai Fuling counted the deeds of prostitution that were sent in from everywhere one after another, seeing that she was getting closer to the goal of ten thousand people, and her mood was getting better every day.

The closer to the New Year, the colder the weather, Bai Fuling is gradually reluctant to go out, every day she nests in another courtyard, Xiao Mi is not seen all day long, and she happens to be happy to be quiet.

One day, suddenly an old man knocked on the door with two servants, saying that he was passing through here and encountered heavy snow, so he had no choice but to stay overnight. Bai Fuling thought that there were dozens of her own guards living in the yard, even if an old man and two servants were bad guys, they could do nothing, so she agreed without saying anything.

During dinner, Yang Mei came over and said: "The old man said he would come to express his thanks to the lady, thank you for taking her in."

Bai Fuling was very bored staying in the house every day, so she simply went to the front to meet the guests.

The old man is about sixty years old, dressed plainly and cleanly, well-behaved, tall and personable, with very good-looking facial features, he is a handsome... old man, the strangest thing is that Bai Fuling always feels very familiar when looking at his face .

This old man was not young, but he was full of energy, with piercing eyes, and although his expression was gentle and elegant, his temperament was clearly that of a person who had been in a position for a long time.

As soon as he came up, he thanked Bai Fuling politely and repeatedly. Bai Fuling didn't dare to push her too much. This place is close to the capital, and there may be a few "bastards" and their relatives who come and go at any time. It's better to be careful if nothing happens.

After the old man sat down, he said a few words and then naturally brought up the homework: "It's a coincidence that the old man is also surnamed Bai. He was originally from Taizhou and now lives in the capital. Because he was separated from his relatives and children in the early years, he has been unable to find them. Recently, I heard that my son I came to look for the news in a hurry, but I didn’t expect to encounter this heavy snow when no one was found. There were only a few housekeepers in the nearby mansions, and I didn’t dare to take in the old man’s master and servant. It's big."

Xue Ye was bored, and the other party was an old man who was easy to like. Bai Fuling let go of her guard and said with a smile: "You are welcome, grandpa. What are the characteristics of your son? Does he live nearby? If it is convenient You might as well let me know, if the weather is better another day, my family can look for it for you.”

Mr. Bai let out a long sigh and said, "He left me when he was three years old. I only remember that he looks like his dead mother, and there is a star-shaped scarlet birthmark on the back of his waist."

"That's it..." Bai Fuling was at a loss, God knows what the old man's wife looks like? !

Old Mr. Bai was very passionate, and he said to himself: "Speaking of which, the old man is sorry for him. Back then, the old man brought his wife and children to Beijing to take the exam. In the end, he not only failed the exam, but also fell seriously ill, and used up all his savings. She didn't even have the money to buy medicine and eat. Madam, she really had no choice but to secretly sell her son to a childless old couple for ten taels of silver. With the ten taels of silver and Madam's careful care , the old man finally survived."

"When the old man woke up, he found that he could not see his son. My wife was afraid that I would be hurt by my anger, so she just said that I was unable to take care of him, so she entrusted my son to a temple outside the city to take care of him temporarily. The old man did not doubt that he was there, but told his wife to visit him more often. Wait for the old man to recover. Great, I can get up and walk, it has been three months. The old man asked his wife to pick up his son, and the wife knew that she couldn't hide it, so she cried and told the truth."

"The madam suffered so much for the old man's illness and sold her son to others. She must have felt a thousand times more painful than the old man. I blamed the old man for not being up to date. How could the old man have the heart to blame her? We want to find the old couple. Begging them to return the son to us, the old man was willing to pay ten times the price to redeem it. As a result, the old couple moved to nowhere. We thought they didn't want us to return the son, so they relied on my son to inherit the incense. I will definitely not abuse him. So I held back my thoughts and asked someone to look around, while staying in the capital to work and study, preparing for the next exam."

"Three years later, the old man finally got his wish to be named on the gold list. Since then, his official career has been smooth, and his wife has given birth to two sons for the old man. However, our husband and wife still feel ashamed of the eldest son, and we miss him more and more. The old man sent people to investigate everywhere. I searched for the whereabouts of the old couple, and finally found them, but... but... "

Mr. Bai became more and more excited as he spoke, his voice choked up. Bai Fuling felt a little strange in her heart. It was only the first time she met this old man. Isn't it a bit strange that he told her his private affairs so clearly and meticulously

Bai Guo, who was listening intently, couldn't help but urged, "What's wrong with that old couple?"

Old Mr. Bai said tremblingly: "That old couple were the accomplices of a group of human traffickers. They used the name of adoptive boys to inherit the incense, and tricked the poor people who couldn't live on to sell their sons to them! Poor my son has been changed hands by them. I sold it, and I don’t know where it went..."

The ancients valued sons over daughters, and they were unwilling to sell their sons unless they were desperate. Even if they sold, there was a difference in where they would go. Selling them to old couples who had lost their heirs was the best way out. , You don't have to be a slave and a lowly family. If you are lucky, you can become the young master of a rich family and enjoy a large fortune to yourself. But if they were sold to ordinary human traffickers, they would be close to death, and life would definitely not be easy. It is not surprising that some were sold as domestic slaves, and some were instigated to become thieves, or even sold to workshops to work to death. Using inheritance as an excuse is the easiest way to trick poor families into selling their sons at a relatively low price, and some families even just seek a way out for their sons and don't accept money from the sale.

Bai Fuling buys people all the year round, so she is very aware of the strangeness. Hearing Mr. Bai say this, he understands that his son is in danger, but he said just now that there is news about his son. , she almost wondered if his son was lucky enough to bump into her hand

But it’s not right, looking at Mr. Bai’s age, his son was at least in his thirties, and he was only three years old when he was sold, so how can it be said that it was at least twenty or thirty years ago, and her parents were still hairy children at that time !

However, it is not ruled out that they will be sold to her family after changing hands several times. For example, in Baishu's village, there are some male servants in their 30s and 40s, and even elderly people in their 60s and 70s.

"Grandpa, there is a small mountain village near here, where many foreigners live. Maybe your son is there. If you haven't looked there yet, you might as well wait until the weather clears up tomorrow. I'll let my family accompany you for a walk. " Bai Fuling said.

"Thank you, Ms. Bai, I already have clues about my son's whereabouts. If I can't find him, I will definitely go to the village that the lady mentioned. The old man is just worried now. My son has suffered so much over the years. The old man is resentful or unwilling to recognize the old man, then... hey..." Mr. Bai looked worried and worried, as if he was very entangled in this matter.

"You sincerely ask him to forgive, explain the matter clearly, and don't force anything else. Maybe he has lived a good life these years, so he won't care about these past events." Bai Fuling persuaded with reservations.

If it were someone else, they would definitely say something like "there are no wrong parents" and "you are also forced to be helpless, it is understandable" for comfort, but Bai Fuling has seen too many children who were sold by their parents. In such a bleak situation, the words of this "Holy Mother" cannot be uttered.

"Understanding" is easy to say, but if you haven't experienced such a tragic experience, how can you truly understand the helplessness of being betrayed and abandoned by your relatives? How can I understand the fear and desolation of being beaten and scolded day and night, and being precarious

Mr. Bai's expression was a little weird, he seemed a little disappointed and there seemed to be something else, Bai Fuling saw it, and felt very strange in his heart, could it be that she said that his son would forgive him, and this would come true

Does she have that much influence? It's not true that the Buddha Dharma is boundless, tsk.