Yu Ren

Chapter 31: 031 Debt collection


While talking, a few maidservants came to deliver iced fruits, sweet-scented osmanthus and plum soup, and warm tea. The tea soup was nothing more than that. Those fruits were rare varieties in Beijing. Yang Heng and Liedang ate a little of each. , I just feel sweet and fragrant, which is completely different from the usual fruits.

The maid specially brought yogurt, and poured it on one of the bowls of mixed fruits cut into pieces. This is Bai Fuling's favorite way to eat, similar to yogurt and fruit salad, but the taste is not everyone's favorite, Yang Heng Yu Liedang tried to eat a little and didn't feel particularly cold, but he was a little curious about the origin of yogurt.

Although Bai Fuling didn't intend to stand on Yang Heng's side, she also wanted to have a good relationship with him. First, she had the grace of saving his life, and then she had the feeling of hospitality. Whatever happened in the future, he would always show some sympathy , so he took the initiative to introduce the names of various fruits to them, and when he asked about yogurt, he said: "This is made by barbarian herdsmen outside the customs. It is fermented milk. It can also be made with goat's milk, but the taste of goat's milk is too strong Heavy, I don’t have a cold. The yogurt is very nourishing, and my parents and I like it very much. Although most of the barbarians are poor and backward, they still have a lot of good things.”

Bai Fuling understands the principle of making yogurt, but she doesn't know what kind of fermentation to use and how to ferment the milk to a suitable level. The sent people asked many tribes, and she actually found out that there are herdsmen in a small tribe who can do it. She immediately asked for advice and came back. Since then, the Bai family has eaten yogurt.

Mu Peilan didn't get used to it at first, and she reluctantly ate it for a while after her daughter tried hard, but she gradually got used to it and found it quite delicious. Nowadays, Tongyun Building in Beiguan City also makes this kind of yogurt, and there are quite a few guests who join in, especially in summer, when the supply is often in short supply.

After listening to Bai Fuling's introduction, Yang Heng nodded repeatedly and said, "No wonder the Bai family settled down here, living in a fairyland on earth, eating rare and exotic fruits, and exotic delicacies. It's a life like a fairy."

Bai Fuling said: "Yes, brother also likes this place very much, we all want to stay here forever."

Finally got to the point, Yang Heng's heart moved, and he said: "I'm afraid this will not be so easy..."

"Why is it not easy?" Bai Fuling pretended to be innocent and innocent. That's the advantage of her tender appearance. No matter what she asked, she could use the excuse of being young and ignorant to get rid of it. A little girl cares.

Yang Heng pretended to be helpless and said: "Where the Bai family wants to live, as long as it does not interfere with the laws of the court, it is naturally fine, but General Lu is an official ordered by the court and a general, so he will inevitably be dispatched by the court to fight in all directions. How can I stay here forever?"

"That's it! Is there any way to keep my elder brother here forever? He is not the only general in the imperial court. With my elder brother in Beiguan City, the barbarians don't dare to come here to make troubles. Everyone lives so well." Bai Bai Poria continued to pretend to be tender and pure.

"There is no way, but..."

"But what?" Bai Fuling asked.

Yang Heng purposefully said: "Let's talk about this matter after meeting with General Lu."

Bai Fuling pursed her mouth and fell silent. In the first round, she was defeated. She glanced at Yang Heng who was eating honeydew melon, and cursed in her heart: It's better not to acclimatize to the water and soil, and eat you so that you will vomit and have diarrhea!

After resting for a while, Yang Heng wanted to continue today's itinerary, and this time the destination was the cold spring courtyard where Bai Fuling was currently living.

There is a main house of Baijiazhuang built on the mountainside in front of Baili Mountain. The Bai family and his wife usually live here. The main house is simple in construction, except for the relatively high courtyard wall and relatively large door. It is completely in the style of a rural landlord's mansion.

In addition, in several "scenic spots" designated by Bai Fuling, there are also small-scale courtyards with different styles. Because of the flat and wide terrain beside Heling Lake, the largest and most exquisite courtyards were built, so it is logical that they became the reception hall for Yang Heng. The place where Lengquan Bieyuan is the smallest is a small building with bamboo and wood structure. It is built on the side of the stream on the side of Lengquan, and it is specially used for summer escape. On the roof of the platform, the spring water flows through the roof and falls into the spring again. The sound of the water is tinkling. You don't need to go there to imagine how cool and comfortable it will be to sit on the platform.

When Yang Heng met Bai Fuling for the first time, he had seen this small building from afar, and secretly admired the ingenuity of the craftsmen for a long time. However, he asked to visit here today, not to see the bamboo building clearly, he purposely went to sit where Bai Fuling was sitting that day, and smiled softly: "There is one thing that I have always been very strange about."

The situation was stronger than others, so Bai Fuling had to obediently sit on the stone bench under his finger, and said with a smirk, "I don't know what it is?"

"If Bengong is really inconvenient, how long will Miss arrange for Bengong to pay off the five hundred and twenty-eight taels?"

Sure enough, they came here to settle old accounts. Could it be that these royal children are all cheapskates, Bai Fuling couldn't help but whispered: "It's true that those who owe debts are more arrogant than those who collect debts these days!"

Although Bai Fuling's voice was low, Yang Heng could hear it clearly with his inner strength. He secretly smiled in his heart and asked intentionally, "What did Miss Bai just say?"

"The little girl said that your highness is both civil and military, and he is a first-class talent. Let alone earning more than five hundred taels, it is easy to earn more than five thousand taels." Bai Fuling smiled flatteringly, but she still couldn't hide the dissatisfaction in her eyes. Taming and anger, she has been arrogant in this world for more than ten years, and she has almost become a habit. It is really difficult to adapt to humility to please people.

Yang Heng knew that she was very upset, but continued to criticize: "Thanks to Miss Bai, I am really curious, can you tell me in detail?"

Can she say "no"? Bai Fuling snorted coldly in her heart, pondered for a while, and said, "There are many methods, it depends on which one His Highness likes to use."

Yang Heng showed Bai Fuling to speak freely with an expression of all ears.

"The first method is quite fast, but it's a bit dangerous. My Tongcai Dental Firm also provides temporary rental services for bodyguards and guard homes for some merchants. According to the skills of the people dispatched, they charge different remuneration. Each trip ranges from 12 to 10 taels It can range from dozens of taels, with His Highness's skill, as long as you go a few more times, the money can be earned back quickly. As the party providing the labor credit guarantee, we will take one tenth of the income as a commission."

"The Bai family's dental clinic is really good at serving. Listening to what Miss Bai said, there seems to be other ways?" Yang Heng praised, and was amazed in his heart that he wanted money for Bai Fuling's wild goose plucking hair.

"The second method is faster and safer. Please Fang Hai teach you a set of exercises that use internal force to dredge the meridians and help others quickly recover from internal injuries. Then, His Highness only needs to walk among several big gangs in the rivers and lakes. With this set of exercises, as long as one or two people are cured, the profit will be more than five hundred taels. If three people are cured, it will be enough to pay off the tuition fees."

Although Fang Hai knows this kind of therapy, there is no one in the medical center who has achieved the required internal strength. There are such people in Baijiazhuang. They have also learned this method, but they are somewhat inconvenient to show up, and some are entangled in mundane affairs , how can there be such leisure time to earn such hard money

Most of the big gangs in the rivers and lakes are running some high-risk and high-yield businesses behind their backs. They have plenty of money, and this kind of healing method is exactly what they need most.

Yang Heng nodded with a smile when he heard this: "What else?" The Bai family really has some background in the world, otherwise he would not have thought of this. He has also seen Fang Hai's medical skills before, and Bai Fuling's method is indeed feasible, but this The girl's abacus is really terribly accurate, and she never forgets to charge fees everywhere. According to her tone, learning this exercise requires a few hundred taels of silver for tuition. Although it is worth the money, it sounds really awkward.

"The third method is the easiest and quickest." Bai Fuling looked up at him, her big eyes were full of cunning and provocation.

"What is it?" Yang Heng knew that there was a trap, but jumped down involuntarily.

"Find your subordinates and ask them to deliver the money for you." Bai Fuling said as she turned her head and smiled at Liedang. The meaning is obvious, your hand is down, it is convenient at hand, you should pay back the money!

Yang Heng couldn't help laughing out loud, and Lie Dang couldn't help but let out a wry smile on his face that had been tense all the time. He honestly took out six official tickets of one hundred taels of silver from his sleeve and handed them to Bai Fuling: "Great grace! Thank you, this is a mere six hundred taels, please accept it, Miss Bai."

How good is it to be so knowledgeable early? !

"So, thank you very much!" Bai Fuling was not polite, and Bai Guo stepped forward to take the official ticket and put it in her sleeve.

Yang Heng raised the teacup made of green bamboo tube at hand, took a sip of the fragrant tea, suddenly remembered something, and asked: "I heard that Miss Bai has raised a lot of 'beasts', can you take me to have a look?"

Bai Fuling smiled strangely and said: "Since Your Highness wants to see it, the little girl just let them come over. But I'm afraid that they are wild and unruly and offend His Highness by frightening them, and the little girl will die."

"Miss, worry too much, I'm not so easily frightened." Yang Heng knew that Bai Fuling was trying to squeeze him out on purpose, and the "beasts" that appeared later would probably be very vicious, but he wanted to see how this little girl could The white tiger has seen all the ostentation, can it be more fierce than that

Bai Fuling acted reluctantly and said, "Okay!"

As he spoke, he raised his index finger and thumb to his lips, followed by a clear whistle, and suddenly there was a wolf howling in the distance, and there were several sharp long cries in the sky, it was the blue sky and the sun, listen It also makes people feel cold.

Yang Heng and Liedang looked at each other, unmoved, waiting for the beast to appear.