Yu Ren

Chapter 39: 039 The so-called assistant does not help relatives


When such a thing happened under the watchful eyes of the public, even if Lu Ying was partial to Bai Fuling, she still had to be fair. Moreover, with this incident, Bai Fuling's reputation as unruly and unreasonable would definitely become even louder. The gesture wins the sympathy of others.

Of course, this refers to the chain reaction that would occur under normal circumstances...

The real situation at the scene was that Lu Ying rushed over after hearing the sound, glanced at the scene, and shouted at Liu Zhenzhen and Cui Zhenyi's servant girl: "Hurry up and help Madam up? What are you doing in a daze?!"

When Liu Zhenzhen came to her senses, she quickly ran in and helped Cui Zhenyi up. Cui Zhenyi was so wronged that she called out "General" in a low voice and broke down in tears.

Yang Heng, who came after him, looked at the scene with interest, smiled and said nothing.

Lu Ying didn't seem to see Cui Zhenyi's pitiful pear blossoms with rain at all, she just frowned and said to her maids and servants: "Take Madam back to freshen up."

Cui Zhenyi was so angry at his indifference that she almost wanted to jump up and curse: Don't you ask "what's going on" when you see your wife in such a mess? ! However, she couldn't destroy the pitiful image she had worked so hard to create, and she was almost hurt internally.

Fortunately, she still has Liu Zhenzhen by her side!

This superficial and impulsive cousin who was useless in her eyes finally showed her light and heat at this moment, and uttered her heart loudly: "Cousin husband, cousin has been wronged like this, why don't you ask me a little?!"

After hearing this, Cui Zhenyi was so excited that two genuine teardrops burst out.

Lu Ying was still very calm: "The imperial envoy is here, don't be rude! You go back to the general's mansion first, and we will discuss this matter later." After speaking, she patted Bai Fuling's shoulder gently, and whispered: " After playing enough, go home earlier, so that your adoptive father and mother won't worry." After speaking, he turned around and made a gesture of invitation to Yang Heng, and went to the private room in front with his own people.

Liu Zhenzhen wanted to say something else, when he saw a tall and burly soldier behind Lu Ying approaching, with a deadpan expression on his face, he said in a cold voice: "The general ordered his subordinates to escort Madam and Miss Biao back to the mansion." This expression and tone sounded like The jailer will escort the prisoner back to the prison.

Cui Zhenyi's face was pale, tears welled up in her eyes, and this time the tears were real.

She didn't expect that Lu Ying would treat her like this in this situation, which was more humiliating than slapping her twice in public.

She didn't expect that the scene she carefully planned would have no effect in the end, and instead made herself lose face.

She originally wished that more people would see Bai Fuling's evil appearance, but at this moment she couldn't help being deeply grateful that there seemed to be no other guests in the private seat on the second floor.

Bai Fuling glanced at her with a half-smile, and said to the maid next to her, "After watching the show, I invite you to have another meal at Tongyun Building! The food here is really unaccustomed!"

The four servant girls laughed and agreed, surrounded her and went downstairs.

Liu Zhenzhen was trembling with anger, and yelled at the soldier: "Why are you going?! Miss, I'm not full yet! Shopkeeper, serve another table of wine and food!"

The shopkeeper timidly came out of the corner, rubbed his hands, nodded and bowed his waist, and said, "Mrs. Lu, please forgive me. This, the imperial envoy is here. General Lu has ordered that no more foreign guests be accepted. All the guests have already left. This... This… "

Liu Zhenzhen almost wanted to scream, but Cui Zhenyi grabbed her arm and said coldly, "Let's go!"

"Cousin!" Liu Zhenzhen stamped her feet angrily.

"If you don't go, I'll go." Cui Zhenyi didn't want to stay in this place for a moment, and she didn't want to look at the people around her. They must have seen the scene just now. She lost all face!

Last time it was Tongyun Tower, this time it was Beiyue Tower, every time she met Bai Fuling, the scene was always the same.

Two servant girls stepped forward to help Cui Zhenyi, and hurried downstairs without daring to take a breath. The accompanying servants quickly drove the carriage to the gate of the restaurant. He wiped his eyes, wiping all the tears from his eyes.

At this moment, Bai Fuling's ebony carriage turned around and walked back. When the two carriages passed by, they stopped suddenly. Bai Fuling brushed the curtains of the car, smiled and said to Cui Zhenyi who was in the carriage next to her, "You don't know my elder brother at all, he's always been a helper but not a relative."

Liu Zhenzhen got into the carriage one step later than Cui Zhenyi, just in time to hear Bai Fuling's provocation, and shouted angrily: "Little vixen, is it reasonable for you to bully my cousin?!" He pushed Cui Zhenyi to the ground and smashed the banquet.

Bai Fuling wasn't angry when she heard her words, she smiled with crooked eyebrows, and what she said could make her angry enough to vomit blood three times: "Idiot, teach you to be good, in my elder brother's heart, I always have the final say on whether it's right or not! Don’t play these silly tricks if you have nothing to do, you will lose face, I really can’t stop you!” Before Liu Zhenzhen vomited blood, he knocked on the wall of the car with his finger, and the driver in front waved his whip, The team of carriages and horses marched away with the crisp sound of camel bells all the way.

A silk handkerchief in Liu Zhenzhen's hand was severely pierced into a rag by her sharp nails on the spot. She glanced at Cui Zhenyi who was strangely calm in front of her, and swallowed all the words in her stomach with a grunt.

She had never seen Cui Zhenyi like this before, and the coldness in her eyes made her feel terrified, and she didn't dare to say anything more.

Cui Zhenyi stared straight ahead, and slowly spit out a few words: "Bai, Fu, Ling, you, good! Very, good!"

From this moment, Bai Fuling officially became her, Cui Zhenyi's life-and-death enemy in this life, and she will never die!

Among the group of the Bai family who were leaving far away, Bai Guo pulled the reins of the white camel, ran to Bai Fuling's ebony carriage, bent down and smiled at the window, and said, "Wow! It was so satisfying to see that woman's face just now." !"

Bai Fuling raised the curtain of the car, curled her lips and said, "Binguo, pay attention to the formation, your running around like this will affect the neat image of our team!"

Bai Guo said with a hippie smile: "It doesn't matter, miss, don't you always say that being messy is also a kind of beauty? You didn't even praise my hand that smashed the cup just now, how well it matches your mighty image!"

"Huh! You have the nerve to say that if you didn't scatter the broken porcelain all over the floor, I could still take two steps to imitate the pervert and touch her little face to scare her. It must be more enjoyable! Next time you pinch the cup Always pay attention to where the debris falls, and don't block my way forward." Bai Fuling complained.

A pair of unscrupulous masters and servants discussed in-depth details of various intimidation methods, and only the guards of the Bai family who followed the carriage began to sympathize with those who unfortunately offended them.

Love life, don't mess with the women of the Bai family!

In the private room of Beiyue Building, while drinking wine, Yang Heng looked at Lu Ying with strange eyes, but Lu Ying didn't seem to notice anything.

It's about Lu Ying's first wife's family members, so it's inconvenient for Yang Heng to ask anything openly, but Lu Ying's performance just now clearly didn't put Cui Zhenyi, the original wife, in his eyes, but his words to Bai Fuling were all gentle and concerned, so obviously Any fool can see the differential treatment.

Is it true that the relationship with the Cui family has become so cold, or is it just a show in front of him, expressing that he does not intend to be attached to the First Prince's family? Yang Heng and Lie Dang looked at each other and did not draw conclusions easily.

Everything I have seen and heard these days shows that Lu Ying is determined to stay in Beiguan City. However, Yang Heng and Liedang, who have been in the power center of the capital for many years, find it hard to believe that a man who is in his prime and has a promising future Will have the idea of retreating bravely so early. If it is for the beauty, Bai Fuling has a good relationship with him, but Yang Heng feels that there is no affection between the two of them. Lu Ying seems to have a heart for Bai Fuling, but Bai Fuling treats Lu Ying very well. Frankly, it doesn't seem to be interested in it at all.

Today Yang Heng and Lu Ying went to inspect the Zhenbei army camp, but saw that the army was neat and the morale of the soldiers was high, and they did not relax because of the peace in the past two years. I couldn't help but ask a few more questions about Lu Ying's experience and training methods as a leader.

Leaving aside their identities, Lu Ying also began to feel that this Yang Heng was not simple. Even military affairs that he was not familiar with, he could understand a little bit, draw inferences about other cases from one instance, and he was open-minded and informal. , is a person worthy of friendship, of course, if he can stay away from Bai Fuling, it will be more perfect.

The belated luncheon was a joy for both the host and the host. After the banquet, Lu Ying planned to send Yang Heng to the government office to rest, but the barracks sent a message that there was an urgent military situation, so Lu Ying had to plead guilty and leave.

Yang Heng took his bodyguards out to get into the car, and walked non-stop in the barracks for a long time during the day. Now that he is full of wine and food, and the summer heat is steaming, he is a little drowsy.

He was the only one in the car, so he lay down on the car seat and rested disregarding his manners. His consciousness soon fell into a haze due to the swaying of the carriage. Yang Heng's heart trembled between half-dream and half-awake, before he could react, he heard the sound of a sharp arrow piercing the air, and the car board not far above his head burst.

The strength of the sharp arrow was astonishingly strong, and it shot through the car window on the other side of the car wall, and even the car was shaken by the arrow. Yang Heng was completely awakened by this shock. If he was sitting upright in the car just now, his head might have been pierced by this cold arrow that caught him off guard!

Even if Yang Heng's martial arts is not weak and avoids the vital points, there will inevitably be an extra blood hole in his body... It's so dangerous!

The sound of guards shouting and running could be heard outside the car. Yang Heng leaned down to carefully peek at the figures shaking outside the curtains of the car, and then heard Liedang's commanding voice outside, knowing that his carriage had been surrounded by guards. Unable to attack.

He sat up slowly with a sullen face, raised his voice and said to Lie Dang: "I am fine, have you found any traces of the assassin?"