Yu Ren

Chapter 43: 043 Heroines are useless


Lie Dang had expected that he would not agree easily, and said with a smile: "Your Highness is forced to do this. He heard that General Lu has recently caught a group of barbarian spies. He got the news and plans to lead troops out of the pass tomorrow and set up an ambush to destroy the enemy. The city lacks the leadership of the general, so it is uncertain what will happen. It is better to let His Highness go out with the army. First, he can observe our army's military situation on the ground. In the future, he can also report to the emperor in detail when he returns to Beijing, so as to reassure his heart. Second, it is also convenient Take care of each other. The villain has long heard that the general leads the army well, the Zhenbei Army has strict military discipline, and is united as one. It is really safe for Your Highness to be in the army. If you can lure the assassins out, you will be able to wipe them out in one fell swoop, won't you The best of both worlds?"

With a sullen face, Lu Ying thought: Why do I need the care of a pampered prince like you? What is observing the military situation, this is clearly moving out of the emperor to suppress me!

However, these words are not easy to say clearly, so Lu Ying can only use the fierce battle of the soldiers, and dare not let the sixth highness repeatedly shirk on the grounds of personal danger, and refuse to agree.

Yang Heng looked at Lie Dang and Lu Ying who would not give in to each other, and suddenly smiled and said: "It's okay if my palace doesn't go out with the army, but there are many people coming and going in Beiguan City, and there are no generals in charge. This place is not very suitable, it is better to temporarily move to the Baijiazhuang of Baili Mountain. My palace sees that the terrain of Baili Mountain is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and there are no outsiders in the mountain. Many servants and servants are not weak in martial arts, the most safe and secure..."

Lu Ying frowned, and finally said coldly: "The Baili Mountain is located in a remote place, and it would be inappropriate for His Royal Highness to set up the camp there... His Highness intends to follow the army to supervise, but the lower officials are disrespectful. At the beginning of tomorrow, the lower officials will wait for His Highness at the camp of the Zhenbei Army .”

Yang Heng smiled very gracefully... Sure enough, as soon as she got in touch with that little girl, Lu Ying would become easy to talk to!

Lu Ying said goodbye with a straight face and left, and went to Baili Mountain. Every time he went out to patrol the border, he would go to the Bai family to bid farewell. Over the years, it has become a habit. His parents have passed away, and there is no blood relative in this world. I have long regarded the three members of the Bai family as close relatives.

Before he arrived at Lengquan Bieyuan, Bai Fuling was already holding the little raccoon flower and walked outside the bamboo building to wait for him with a smile. Seeing the familiar pretty figure, Lu Ying's expression immediately relaxed, and all her troubles were temporarily forgotten. the back of the head.

The two sat down on the platform outside the bamboo building. Little Lihua couldn't wait to jump onto Lu Ying's lap, arched her body, and with a "meow", she generously spread herself into a big character—expressed in action, Ask General Lu to personally provide the service of tickling and smoothing the cat's fur.

The most amazing thing is that Lu Ying, who is usually unsmiling in front of people, actually complied with it, reached out and stroked the fluffy and smooth fur on its back, so comfortable that the little raccoon squinted her cat's eyes and snored straight away.

The little raccoon flower is Bai Fuling's favorite pet, and it is also her portable "killer weapon". If the masters of the rivers and lakes want to harm her, even if they pass the test of the Bai family guards, it is extremely difficult to avoid this fierce cat fangs and claws. For the "guards" around her righteous sister, whether they are people or cats, Lu Ying will always be more tolerant and gentle.

Bai Fuling reached out and rubbed Xiao Lihua's big head with some jealousy, and said with a smile: "You are a bad cat who opens a dyeing workshop if you give me some color!"

Xiao Lihua's response was to rub her head against Lu Ying's leg even more aggressively, and put on a proud gesture of incomparable enjoyment.

Bai Fuling made a face at it, raised her head and asked Lu Ying, "Brother, are you going to patrol the border again?" She also vaguely heard that Baishanglu mentioned that Lu Ying seemed to be gathering troops again, and it is estimated that he will go out soon up.

Lu Ying nodded and said: "Yes, this time I will be back in three or five days at most. Several barbarian spies were arrested in the city, and I got the news that Caowu gathered a group of desperadoes outside the pass, and got the support of several tribes. I plan to slaughter the Dajian tribe. I plan to lead troops to set up an ambush near the Dajian tribe tomorrow, and annihilate the remnants of Caowu's defeated generals in one fell swoop."

Cao Wu was a big leader of the barbarians outside the pass five years ago. He had a fierce temperament, was brave and good at fighting, and led his people to annex several barbarian tribes. Later, he was beaten by Lu Ying's troops and ran away, even losing the base camp. But Caowu is not a simple person. Although Lu Ying has disabled his power, he has never been able to capture him. The older this guy is, the more he can jump around, and he has been desperately encouraging the various tribes of the barbarians to fight against Lu Ying. , and even recruited a group of brave and ruthless barbarian youths to plunder everywhere.

Because they acted like the wind, the grass crow still had some prestige among the barbarians, so Lu Ying has not been able to completely eliminate him so far. This person has a lot of energy, and it can be said that he is a huge unstable factor among the barbarians outside the pass. After getting news of him this time, Lu Ying naturally hopes to take this opportunity to solve this confidant's trouble.

As for the Big Arrow Department, it was the first barbarian tribe to belong to Lu Ying. The tribe's activity range is about two hundred miles away from Beiguan City. All of them are keen on hunting and grazing and go to Beiguan City to do business and make money. The life of the people in the tribe is very different from that of five years ago when there was no meal. Only Lu Ying and Bai who brought them a good life The company is like a god, and its relationship with Beiguan City is also very close.

However, in the minds of many barbarians who are still ruthless and remember the "good old days" when they robbed money, food and women unscrupulously, the Arrow Department is undoubtedly a big traitor, so it is not surprising that Caowu made them the target of massacre.

After hearing Lu Ying's words, Bai Fuling hesitated for a while and said, "Is the news true? That guy from Caowu has been bouncing around for several years, and I still can't believe that he would come to my door suddenly."

Lu Ying nodded and said: "I have confirmed it in many ways. The news should be correct. This time I brought a lot of elite soldiers and the terrain is very familiar. Even if the news is wrong, the mob of Caowu can't eat us."

"Brother, as long as you are prepared! Hey, I don't know when the Sixth Highness will leave? I can go out as soon as he leaves." The Bai Chou and his wife don't have much hope for catching the assassin. If they really want to assassinate Yang Heng, They will definitely not only send two groups of people, it is estimated that they will come one after another. They all thought that as long as Yang Heng, who provoked the assassin, gets out, the assassin will also get out, and the daughter will be safe when she goes out.

As soon as Lu Ying heard her words, she immediately felt that it was a good decision for her to go out and agree to bring Yang Heng with her: "The Sixth Highness will go out with me tomorrow, and he said he wanted to lure the snake out of the hole so that the assassin would take the initiative to send him to the door. He will find a way to spread the news. If he leaves Beiguan City, it should be fine for you to go out."

When Bai Fuling heard the good news, she immediately became happy, and immediately called Ding Xiang to prepare for going out tomorrow. Originally planned to stay with Lu Ying for dinner before going back, but Lu Ying said that the general's mansion had booked a banquet, and he was going to host a banquet for the central army general Yi Zhuang tonight, so Bai Fuling sent him away without thinking too much.

Seeing Lu Ying walking away, Ding Xiang came out from nowhere, and said mysteriously, "Miss, isn't it strange? In the past, all meals were eaten in the barracks, and General Lu seldom attended. Why did you move to the General's Mansion this time?"

Bai Fuling glanced at her and said, "If you have gossip, gossip quickly! Cats will bite you if you are tempted!" As soon as the little raccoon flower heard its master mention it, it immediately poked its head out of the master's embrace, and stretched out its majestic voice "Meow" sounded, with a strong momentum.

As soon as Ding Xiang saw the vicious cat showing its power, she immediately backed away two steps, afraid to say: "It's that woman surnamed Cui, I don't know where I got the news that General Lu is about to go to the army, and secretly sent someone to send a post to the barracks, All the generals and officers who counted were invited back to the general's mansion for a banquet. When General Lu found out, all the posts had been sent out. He didn't want to embarrass that woman in public, and he didn't want to disappoint those under his command, so he had to agree to go back to host tonight. It's a banquet. That woman surnamed Cui is looking for trouble, and she doesn't know what she's planning?!"

Yang Mei happened to come over to listen to Ding Xiang's words, and said with a sneer, "What else could she have planned? She just wanted to buy off people around General Lu to establish her status. I heard that Cui's private house will be held tonight. The money was set, and when everyone was happy, she would come out as the general's wife to toast everyone, say a few good words, and try to let everyone know that she paid for food in private to comfort her husband's subordinates The 'little care', those big bosses don't know her dirty things in the past, are there any who don't accept her love? Before tomorrow, her famous name will be spread all over the Zhenbei Army. Her general's wife The momentum has been made!"

After listening to her analysis, Ding Xiang was overwhelmed with admiration, and Bai Fuling couldn't help but sighed, "It's really a huge waste for you to marry Mrs. Bai!"

Ding Xiang immediately joined in the fun and asked, "What are you wasting?"

"Yangmei is clearly a master of house fighting with strong fighting power. She is married to Mr. Bai, a bachelor who has no parents, no difficult brothers and sisters, and no ex-wife, concubine or old lover. It's not a waste of her." Do you have the ability?" Bai Fuling sighed while stroking the little raccoon flower.

Little Lihua also "meowed" twice for fun. Yangmei didn't know what "house fighting" was, but she could still understand Bai Fuling's meaning, so she gave her an angry look on the spot, and said angrily, "Forget me!" I won't say anything in the future!"

"Don't, don't, don't! Without you, how much gossip I would lose!" Bai Fuling laughed, only making Yangmei dumbfounded.

That night, Bai Fuling had dinner with her parents early, thinking about various plans to go to Beiguan City tomorrow, and fell asleep peacefully.

In the North General's Mansion in Beiguan Township, the banquet had just ended, and a group of generals left happily in twos and threes, rubbing their chubby bellies.

Cui Zhenyi is very satisfied with her performance tonight, she consciously did a good thing to please Lu Ying, and asked people to prepare hot water, and waited for Lu Ying to come back after the banquet so that he could wash up... If all goes well, maybe she will be able to become The veritable wife of the general... secretly pinching the small paper bag in her sleeve, Cui Zhenyi felt her face start to heat up.