Yu Ren

Chapter 47: 047 Stare until dawn


Cui Zhenyi was even more dissatisfied when she heard that Shi Wei's words clearly attached great importance to Bai Fuling, and he actually lifted her up to the same height as the generals defending the city. Finally, she sneered and said, "It's just a general and a single general. Miss Bai is a daughter." Home, you can't lift your shoulders or lift your hands, what can you do?!"

Shi Wei didn't take it seriously, and was about to say something, when he suddenly heard a noise coming from the front yard of the General's Mansion, Cui Zhenyi was shocked, and hurriedly said to Shi Wei: "Go ahead and have a look, but what happened?! "

As soon as Shi Wei left, Fen Shuang, who was sent to the west chamber, came back, and she replied with a strange expression: "Ma'am, the west chamber...is asleep, and no one has been found..."

Cui Zhenyi had just been irritated by Shi Wei and frightened by the movement in the front yard. It was the time when she was impetuous and emotionally unstable. When she heard Fen Shuang's words, she waved her hand and slapped her face, and shouted: "What is that?" Didn't find anyone? Could it be that there isn't even a maid on duty at night?! With such a big commotion outside, can they still sleep to death?!"

Cui Zhenyi seldom beats a maidservant, this kind of thing is very disrespectful, she always thinks that only a village shrew would do such a disrespectful thing. It's not that she is really "compassionate", but she is more used to punishing disobedient servants "dignifiedly and calmly", or making them kneel and punish the basin, or ordering people to slap their mouths. She rarely works Jade hands. But today she was startled and angry. The evil fire that had accumulated in her heart for the past few days couldn't help but erupt once. She was full of violent urges to destroy something, and finally took the little maid beside her to vent her anger and became a shrew.

Fen Shuang was beaten to the point of tears, and she didn't dare to argue, she also found it very strange, she walked back and forth in front of the West Wing Corridor a few times, but no one came to answer her, she pricked up her ears and listened under the window for a while, the room was silent. Quietly and vaguely heard a few slow breathing sounds, and she didn't know who was in the Bai family. She was so scared that she was dying, and they could still sleep soundly.

The people on Cui Zhenyi's side didn't know anything about them, and the people who served Bai Fuling knew about their movements, but they just ignored them on purpose. Bai Fuling doesn't sleep for a long time every day, and hates being disturbed the most. If Fen Shuang is bold enough to call out, Bai Guo will probably jump out and try to make her shut up. She doesn't make a sound, so Bai Guo and the others also Let her come and go quietly.

Ms. Deng rarely saw Cui Zhenyi so irritable and lost her composure. She was stunned for a moment and stepped forward to persuade her, "Since there is no movement in the west chamber, I'm afraid that what Steward Shi said makes sense. I guess nothing will happen. Madam, I'd better rest at ease." Come down."

Cui Zhenyi clenched her fists and said, "Wait until Steward Shi comes to report what happened in the front yard. It's so noisy... how can I sleep?"

The women in the room were panicked and silent, Cui Zhenyi was right, it was the first time for them to encounter such a terrible thing, how could they sleep peacefully as if they hadn't heard it

After a while, Shi Wei came to report briskly: "Miss Bai sent someone to catch the spy who was trying to open the city gate for the barbarians. General Bu Shen is interrogating in the front yard. Famous general! Tsk tsk! If it weren't for Miss Bai's ingenious plan, she might have let those savages break into the city! No wonder the general is always full of praise and trust for the lady... "

He shook his head while praising him endlessly, his face was full of admiration and pride, sweeping away the drowsy virtue before.

Cui Zhenyi felt uncomfortable, and sneered coldly: "Didn't you say before that after the general arrived in Beiguan City, the barbarians never broke into the city? Why are you saying that they almost broke into the city now?"

Shi Wei was choked by her, but he didn't get angry, shrugged his shoulders and said: "If you really want to break into the city gate, you can't get here. There are arrangements near all the gates of the Zhenbei Army, and the barbarians who enter the city are also a dead end. "

Cui Zhenyi was even more dissatisfied when she saw that he was still stubborn, but in case something happened in such a terrible time, she could not rely on him, so she could only hold back her breath and waved him to go back to rest.

Liu Zhen was really terrified, and refused to go back to sleep without saying anything. Cui Zhenyi's face was calm, but her heart was also a little hairy, so the two of them huddled together affectionately and slept together in a bed and clothes. Sitting outside, I waited anxiously for the dawn.

Cui Zhenyi finally got used to the shouting and killing in the distance, closed her eyes, and suddenly heard the beating of gongs again, and someone shouted: "It's flooded! It's flooded! Come and put out the fire!"

This scare was no small matter, Cui Zhenyi and Liu Zhenzhen almost jumped out of bed and ran to the outside, Mother Deng rushed to find Shi Wei without ordering.

Shi Wei yawned and walked into the backyard, and said: "It's okay, there are probably spies trying to set fire to cause chaos, this sound is at least a few blocks away, it will be put out soon, Madam, rest at ease. "

How can people rest in peace like this? !

Cui Zhenyi watched Shi Wei swaying away, and it took a lot of effort to control and not collapse on the spot. She has never been so wronged and frightened in her age! She hated this ghostly place, and even more hated everyone in this ghostly place!

In this way, Cui Zhenyi was suffering from various negative emotions such as fear, resentment, anger, regret, etc., until it was dark before she felt sleepy again... At this time, after a quiet night, the west wing room began to be lively. The sounds of maids from the Bai family coming in and out to wait for Bai Fuling to get up, freshen up and eat, as well as the laughter of young women, made Cui Zhenyi know that she was going to sleep.

She sat up with a cold face, Fen Shuang pressed half of her swollen face, and came forward to help her change her clothes and freshen up. Cui Zhenyi was upset when she saw her like that, and waved another servant girl, Fen Xun, who was also shocked and frightened. Fearing that he didn't sleep all night, his face was pale and haggard, as if he had suffered a serious illness.

Mother Deng went to prepare breakfast and brought it over, because Lu Ying did not agree with their plan to expand the General's Mansion, so now to boil water and cook, they can only go to the small kitchen in the front yard of the General's Mansion to start a fire, Shi Wei and others Cui Zhenyi felt that the food was crude and unpalatable, so she had to work hard for the maids and servants around her to buy additional ingredients to cook.

Looking at the few ingredients left in the kitchen, Mama Deng couldn't help worrying when she thought about how long the martial law would last in the city. Even if they could go out to buy food, there would be no hawkers on the street.

When she came back, Cui Zhenyi noticed that she looked a little weird, so she asked, "What's wrong?"

Deng's mother pretended to be innocent and smiled and said: "It's nothing, I'm afraid I was scared last night, and I'm just a little uneasy."

What should she say? She just saw Shi Wei Shizhu's two uncles and nephews and the four servants eating and drinking around the table, the dishes are more abundant and better than her wife's

The servants of the General's Mansion have never seen such a good meal, but today they suddenly had delicious food, and it is not necessary to guess that it was because of the visit of Miss Bai. These dishes are clearly not made in ordinary people's small kitchens I don't know what magical powers that young lady of the Bai family has, that she can still conjure up a table of good meals to entertain a few servants during the period of martial law

Saying this will only make Madam angry, so let's not say it.

Liu Zhenzhen was depressed and had no appetite, so she put down the bowl and chopsticks after eating a little, her maid, Ju Hong, came over and whispered something in her ear, Cui Zhenyi saw her sneaking, and said forcefully: "I have something to say. Let’s talk about it, what does it look like to whisper like this?!”

Liu Zhen was really disgusted, Nu Nuzui said to Ju Hong: "Since my cousin wants to hear it, you can speak louder."

Ju Hong thought of the fierceness of Cui Zhenyi's palm beating Fen Shuang last night, and she was afraid, and said timidly: "I just heard the servant in the front yard talking to Miss Bai's maid, and the maid said that the two generals used the falcon domesticated in the army to give me a falcon. The general sent a letter, and it is estimated that he should receive a reply at noon today at the latest, and when the two generals arrive later, let the servant call them."

Cui Zhenyi finally heard some valuable news, with a smile on her face, she said to Liu Zhenzhen, "You girl is quite good at inquiring about news."

She couldn't sleep last night, she thought over and over again, and felt that if she wanted to use Lu Ying's subordinates to influence Lu Ying, she might have to do something, so that those big bosses could deepen their good impression of her. Bai Fuling, the little vixen, has already taken the lead because of her family's wealth. No wonder Lu Ying values her so much. Not only does she have a charming face, but she can also contribute money and efforts to solve many problems for Lu Ying.

Cui Zhenyi asked herself that she had an advantage over Bai Fuling in terms of status and status, and she did a very good job of entertaining Lu Ying's subordinates before. As long as she manages it carefully, she will be able to turn defeat into victory.

Last night, I heard that Bai Fuling had captured a spy for the Zhenbei Army, but he was only busy and panicked, and his performance was really poor, so he had to find a way to recover. The most urgent thing at the moment is to understand Lu Ying's plan and the current battle situation, so that he can do something to cooperate, improve his status in the Zhenbei Army and Lu Ying's mind, and re-establish his image as a good helper.

Before Lu Ying left, she had asked her to leave and return to Beijing as soon as possible. Of course, she couldn't just leave like this, but when He Huan San was revealed, she felt more embarrassed and guilty in the face of Lu Ying, so she had to make a plan if she wanted to stay, even if she couldn't let her go. Lu Ying has a good impression of her, at least he must change his opinion of her.

This is the last fight, and if it doesn't work, she can only leave. Fortunately, from Lu Ying's tone that night, he didn't seem to intend to take refuge in any prince. As long as this news is well-decorated, it can be regarded as her credit, not counting. All in vain.

It was rare for Liu Zhenzhen to hear Cui Zhenyi's praise, and said humbly, "What kind of skill is she..."

Cui Zhenyi needed help the most at this time, she patiently praised Liu Zhenzhen a few words, and gave Juhong a reward, and ordered her to watch carefully the movement in the front yard, and notify her immediately when the two generals arrived.