Yu Ren

Chapter 67: 067 All beggars


Bai Fuling admitted that what her father said was very reasonable. Hai Pumice was able to sit in the position of martial arts leader. It was definitely not due to honesty, honesty and luck. The reason for the abnormal behavior is very intriguing... Is it because he deliberately tolerated her or pretended to be like this for other purposes

Bai Fuling prefers the former.

Throwing the murder weapon "door bolt" to Bai Guo casually, Bai Fuling walked up to Haifushi in a few steps. As soon as she approached, she could clearly feel the other person's embarrassment, her mood soared, and there was a slight smile on her face: "Those What do you use the stolen goods for? Let me hear it? Also, you left in a hurry last night, why did you suddenly think of going back and counting these things?"

Haifushi's eyes didn't dare to look directly at Bai Fuling's overly beautiful little face, so he tried to fix his gaze on the top of her head, and then calmly said, "Last night, I learned about the demon cult that I have been hunting down from the mouth of the thief." The news of the demon "Yanxia Three Thieves" was feared that they would escape, so they had to go all night. Now they have been captured by the subordinates. When interrogating their accomplices, they knew that this group of thieves had plundered a lot of property over the years. There are tens of thousands of taels... There was a flood in the Ning'an River a few months ago, and the victims were tens of thousands. That's why I want to donate this stolen money and stolen goods, as much as I can help."

Haifushi just stated quietly, his voice was not so passionate, but his eyes slowly showed compassion, and Ginkgo and Baishao couldn't help but feel a little moved.

The Ning'an River flooded a few months ago, and all the farmland on both sides of the bank was submerged. Although the flood has receded now, all the fields have been washed away, and there is no harvest. This winter, there is no ration. Distribute martial arts posts, hoping to raise two rice grains and distribute them to the victims.

The reason why Haifushi was willing to get in the way and lead a large group of young soldiers to hunt down the Yanxia Three Pirates was also because the sect family behind these young heroes and heroines promised to donate a large sum of money for Ning'an River disaster relief, so it was out of sympathy and had no choice.

Bai Fuling listened to his brief account of the cause and effect, thought for a while and said: "I can ask you where the stolen money is stored, and I can also help you exchange the stolen goods for silver or grain and cold clothes at a reasonable price within half a month. …”

Haifushi was overjoyed when he heard that, and quickly asked: "Miss, but I have something to ask, I will do my best... as long as it doesn't violate justice and conscience..."

He paused and added a supplementary condition, and Bai Fuling's furrowed eyebrows immediately frowned again. Is this considered? If you can't trust her character, are you afraid that she will let him commit crimes

Bai Guo and Bai Shao behind her were also very unhappy. Although their young lady behaved absurdly and did things in extreme ways, she never did anything that harmed kindness and saved many people. How could this fellow named Hai look down on others so much? !

Seeing their expressions, Haifushi knew that he had made a slip of the tongue, but the words had already been spoken, and he couldn't take them back even if he wanted to, so he apologized: "I'm treating a gentleman with a villain's heart, miss forgive me, what orders do you have?" But it’s okay to say.”

"Hmph! I can't think of what I want you to do now." Bai Fuling's anger came and went quickly, but she just wanted to see Hai Pumice look helpless.

Haifushi has also met many difficult women, and he just ignores them with a straight face, but now he can't face the girl in front of him, and he has to ask her, so he can't ignore... and he can't bear to reason.

He is about to escort the Yanxia three thieves back to the public trial to listen to Centipede Scar's confession. There are quite a lot of stolen goods. It is inconvenient to escort them on the road together, and it is even more difficult to sell them quickly at a reasonable price. Saving people is like putting out a fire. , Now the weather has turned cold, and it will snow in a blink of an eye. The victims are short of food and clothing, and every extra day, I don't know how many people will die. While the stolen money and loot only solves a small part of the problem, it's better than nothing.

The Bai family looks very rich, and they sound like rich merchants in the Northwest area. It is best to have their help. If you think of something to do, send someone to tell me in the future, how about it?"

Bai Fuling's goal was achieved, and she said with satisfaction: "Okay! It's a deal!"

"There is one more thing to trouble Miss Bai..." Hai Pumice felt very embarrassed when he thought of his request.


"Can those stolen goods be registered, specifying the price and where they were sold?"

Bai Fuling was really angry, she stared and said: "You can't trust me so much, why bother to ask us for help?! You should hire someone else!"

"No! Miss, don't get me wrong!" Seeing Bai Fuling angry, Haifushi hurriedly explained: "After all, these are other people's property, and we have no choice but to embezzle them for disaster relief. If the owner can be found, find a way to redeem the property and return it to the original owner.”

Bai Fuling was defeated, is this person real or fake? Be honest and pedantic like this? !

Those merchants who have been looted by thieves are all passing merchants, and they don't know where they went. Even if they find them, God knows if they will take advantage of the money and pretend to be property indiscriminately

But she was too lazy to argue with Haifushi, so she said angrily: "Okay, okay! Everything will be done according to your wishes!"

Haifushi bowed deeply and said, "The disaster victims on both sides of the Ning'an River will thank Miss Gao Yi in the next generation."

After distributing the loot in front of a certain kind of thieves, Bai Fuling was so depressed that she planned to continue to extract a confession from the boss of the thieves, but when she turned her head, she realized that she could no longer bear the severe pain, foaming at the mouth, and passed out.

She rolled her eyes and landed on the other thieves. The thieves were all terrified when they saw their boss being tortured to death by a small pill. Before she could ask, the second and third thieves They have already scrambled to explain in detail the place where the stolen goods and money are hidden. The place is not far away, it is in a hidden cave in a barren mountain outside Puye Town.

Bai Fuling ordered Bai Guo to record the location in detail on a piece of paper, and said to Haifushi, "There is a pawnshop owner Ge in Puye Town, go and ask him to find someone to transport these things for you, and tell him the silver, grain, How much to exchange for the cold, where to send it, and my father will write a letter to him later, and he will take care of the rest."

Boss Ge is a steward trained by the Bai family. Although the pawn shop opened in Puye Town does not bear the name of the Bai family, it is one of the properties of the Bai family.

Haifushi thanked him again and said goodbye and left. Before he left, Bai Fuling suddenly stopped him and said, "I am your creditor now! My surname is Bai, and my name is Bai Fuling. You must remember it well."

Haifushi silently turned the words "Bai Fuling" in his heart a few times. How could he forget such a capricious, fierce, charming and frightening little beauty

After seeing off Haifushi, the Bai family also packed their bags and set off on the road. In the afternoon, they finally climbed over the mountain and arrived at the next town. This town is bigger than Lushan Town. There is only a small inn with several private houses around it. They were all booked by Bai Pingzi in advance, and they were cleaned up to welcome the distinguished guests.

Bai Fuling got off the car in front of the small inn, and was about to go in quickly to take a bath and rest, when suddenly a figure rushed out from a sideways direction and rushed towards her!

The guards of the Bai family were not good-looking, that person was still a foot away from Bai Fuling, and Bai Awu and Bai Aliu shot at the same time to stop him. But this man was very slippery, he didn't confront the two of them head-on, he changed his direction and rushed towards Bai Fuling again, his movements were so fast that Bai Fuling didn't even see his face clearly.

Bai Shao and Bai Guo immediately stepped forward to block Bai Fuling. The strange man kept silent and dashed left and right several times but couldn't break through the block of the Bai family guards. He hurriedly backed up a few steps, turned over and jumped onto the roof of the inn.

At this time, Bai Fuling could see clearly, it was an old beggar with gray hair and dirty facial features!

Bai Chou and Mu Peilan also got out of the car to protect their daughter when they heard the voice, Bai Chou said loudly: "I don't know which hero the senior is, why did you block my daughter's way?"

The old beggar was taken aback by the appearance of the Bai Ugly couple, then looked at Bai Fuling's beautiful and unparalleled little face, shook his head and said, "You are father and daughter? How is that possible?"

Many people have similar questions, but very few dare to speak out in person. The three members of the Bai family were unhappy and ignored him.

The old beggar shook his tattered clothes, stretched out his hand to catch the lice, and said with a smile: "The old beggar is the fourth son of the Yue family, but he wants to ask the little girl for some money to buy some food to satisfy his hunger. Your family is so vicious. He stopped the old beggar and refused to let him pass!"

There is no beggar gang in this world, but there is a similar organization called Jiyuntang. This organization has no leader and is controlled by a council of seven elders. The fourth elder Yue is the fourth in the council of elders.

Different from the gang of beggars, the members of the poverty-stricken hall have a wider scope, and all the poor people who have no food and clothing are the targets of their development. After hundreds of years of inheritance, a huge and special force has formed, not to mention the famous sect, even the emperor dare not do anything to them lightly.

It is precisely because Jiyuntang has such a mass base that even a three-year-old child in Qi State knows his reputation, and the seven elders in the family are even household names.

Hearing his name, the Bai couple looked at each other in amazement. They did not expect that in the barren land in the northwest, top figures in the martial arts would appear one after another in two days. Four elders.

Bai Fuling was relieved when she heard the name of Jihuntang. Although this organization is dominated by poor ghosts, it is still reasonable, and it strictly orders the members of the sect to bully ordinary people. It is even more upright than many famous sects.

It's not easy for villains to offend easily, but these poor ghosts who want to save face and pretend to be gentlemen are not afraid of offending.