Yu Ren

Chapter 7: 007 Let's keep a low profile!


Bai Shanglu remained silent, but it didn't mean he was persuaded, he just didn't want to waste his words and protested silently instead.

"Well, I said before that in the first half of this year, you will expand the dental business to the coast and build relationships with marine merchants. Have you done it?"

Bai Fuling suddenly talked about the business, and Bai Shanglu did not dare to neglect, and replied solemnly: "Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life. I asked Su Mu, the chief manager of the car and horse dealership under the southeast sub-rudder, to take charge of this matter. Everything went smoothly. The largest Wujiahai The merchant has already made a cooperation agreement with us. In addition, Su Mu is negotiating with some small maritime merchants to jointly form a fleet to open up relations with the island countries in the South China Sea and open up new routes. By the beginning of next year, the first batch of cargo should be arranged. "

"Yeah, then excluding the cost of coastal business and new route expansion, the dental office's income will double this year, okay?" Bai Fuling nodded and continued to ask.

"This goal can be achieved by mid-October." Bai Shanglu said with confidence, and all the other managers in the accounting room raised their heads and chests with pride.

Since the establishment of the tooth bank, the growth rate of annual income has been unbelievably high. However, this year, there have been many large and small famines in Qi, and the situation is the worst in history. It is not easy to double the income compared with last year. !

But they did it, not only did it, but they finished it ahead of schedule! This is something everyone in the dental industry can be proud of!

"That's right, you've done what I asked you to do, why should I worry about it? I'll just wait and collect the money." Bai Fuling said with that playful smile again.

Bai Shanglu was dumbfounded and completely speechless.

Bai Fuling looked up and glanced at the many senior executives present, and said with a smile: "Everyone has worked hard, this year's dental office's income beyond the goal will be used as a dividend for everyone. For the rest of the half year, please Everyone, work hard, earn more money, and have a good year!"

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard this, and I don't know who took the lead in cheering. The accountant's room suddenly burst into thunderous cheers, and only Bai Shanglu had a straight face like Huang Shiren's face that everyone owed him a million taels and refused to pay back.

After they all calmed down, Bai Fuling said with a smile: "I have something to discuss with you, Senior Manager Bai, so you go back to your own affairs first."

Everyone left cleanly, and after the surrounding area was completely cleared, Bai Shanglu was no longer polite, stood up with a hush and said angrily: "Miss, you...you, how can you..."

Bai Fuling smiled innocently: "Don't get excited, don't get excited, just talk about it! Are you trying to call me a prodigal?"

"Miss, you said it yourself." Bai Shanglu had a coffin face, accusing Bai Fuling with his eyes - so you also have self-knowledge!

"Money is endless. Doubling the income of the dental clinic this year is enough for my expenses and the basic consumption of the Bai family's industry next year. Talent and people's hearts are the most valuable things in the world. The extra income should be invested in buying People's hearts and talent recruitment are the long-term business that can make money without losing money. It is more beneficial than spending money on building a dozen more fleets and opening a few more routes. Don't be so pessimistic! You will get the biggest share Oh! You make such a face to me, you don’t know that I’m mean to you and let you work for nothing.” There is no one around, and the black-faced handsome man in front of her is one of the people she trusts most in the world, and Bai Fuling is even more unscrupulous. Sitting down on the table.

"What do you say!" Bai Shanglu was already a little moved, but his mouth was still very angry.

"I know you want to save more money to start the sea route as soon as possible, so that the business of the Baijia Company in the capital and the mainland can expand faster, but have you ever thought about it? Too fast development is not necessarily a good thing. Our business branch The luxuriant leaves have grown into a towering tree, but there is not enough foundation underneath. The tree is beautiful in the forest and the wind will destroy it! In Beiguan City, the sky is high and the emperor is far away. The elder brother cares about the brother-sister relationship and lets me do whatever. What about other places? If the development is too fast and obvious, and it attracts the attention of the imperial court, our semicolon life will be difficult." Bai Fuling explained to Bai Shanglu in a rare and serious manner.

"I also want to expand my business to the prosperous places in the capital, but those royal family members and high-ranking officials are all blood-sucking leeches. Our people are all middle- and lower-level officials, traders, and stewards of rich and famous families with only a few years of foundation. If something big happens, there are limited places that can help us. For now, we will first close the business along the border The foundation has been stabilized step by step. After a few years or more than ten years, our people in the court will be in power, and we have enough human resources and capital strength in our hands, so what can we do?" Bai Fuling painted a beautiful picture with a smile on her face. prospect.

"I understand." Bai Shanglu took a deep breath, what the lady said made sense, maybe it was the success of the past few years that made him a little eager for success.

"It's good if you understand. I'll ask Ding Xiang and Ma Lian to look at the account book for me. They are getting old and should do more work. Come with me to see the warehouse!" Bai Fuling stood up and straightened her dress. , Pulling the sleeves of Pokeweed and said.

Bai Shanglu shook his head helplessly: "Yes, it's time to share your worries and solve your problems, and do your best."

"Yeah, let them learn more from you, you are the best horse under my command!" Bai Fuling said very bachelorly.

Just like that, Bai Fuling left two hard-working maids to work in the account room, and brought the rest of her entourage with Bai Shanglu to the big warehouse of Yahang to ransack it.

Bai Shanglu has been in charge of the dental shop for many years, and his vision is extraordinary. He can see things that are specially left behind, and any one of them is a rare treasure, but Bai Fuling is more picky than him. It was not until the end of the application period (5:00 pm) that we returned with a full load.

Bai Shanglu was called to "pick up customers" on the way, and when his subordinates reported that the lady was about to leave, he accused the merchants present and left temporarily to see them off.

As soon as he walked to the front hall of the dental clinic, he heard a male voice with an obvious foreign accent say loudly: "People here say that Miss Bai's eyes are the best at seeing people, but you can see how much I am worth, sir? If the price Reasonable, the uncle will stay and take good care of the young lady! Hahaha!"

This person deliberately said the words "serve well" very loudly, and it was clear that there was something in his words, and he meant to be flirtatious. However, except for the few people who came with him and laughed obscenely, everyone else quietly looked at the big man who spoke with the eyes of a madman.

This was obviously here to cause trouble, Bai Shanglu walked into the hall with a sullen face, and saw Bai Fuling standing in the hall with a large group of maids and guards, seven or eight women were blocked in front of the gate of the tooth shop, A big man with a beard.