Yu Ren

Chapter 82: 082 Dating


Thinking of Huiyun's tone of talking about Bai Fuling just now and the idea of the grandma next door, several people all looked very ugly, only Bai Fuling didn't care about it, and was still in the mood to pull Mu Peilan to ask questions. oo.

"Mother, why did you make such a wiretapping tool in the tunnel? Could it be that those rooms used to be used to entertain some special guests? And how did the sound transmission mechanism work? They must have some problems moving into this room." It’s been a while, why didn’t you find out?”

Mu Peilan knew that her daughter had her own opinions. Although she was annoyed that the people in the Yasukuni government were not only rude to her precious daughter, but also dared to hit her, she didn't say anything more, and replied following Bai Fuling's words: "Those are the entrances and exits connecting the tunnel here. When they were built, sound-transmitting copper pipe organs were embedded in the wall columns. Unless they demolished the house and rebuilt it, they would not be able to discover the secrets of this room. These organs used to be It is convenient for people in the tunnel, first listen to the movement outside, and make sure that no one will open the mechanism before going out, so as not to be discovered."

"The building of this mansion was at a time when the government was in turmoil, so your grandfather built this authentic secret room, in case something happened, he could escape through these secret passages. Later, he became the head of Tsing Yiwei. One of them was deeply trusted by the late emperor, so this place became the place where he discussed important matters with Tsing Yi Wei."

Tsing Yi Wei! A famous secret service organization directly under the emperor! Even ordinary people in the Qi Kingdom are famous for their reputation. It is said that the Tsing Yi Guards specialize in espionating secrets for the emperor, monitoring officials, and scouting out lawbreakers. It is a first-class mysterious organization that recruits a large number of strange people. All have the right to directly report to the emperor face to face.

The number of Tsing Yi Guards, some say there are only a few hundred people, and there are rumors that there are tens of thousands of them. They act mysteriously. Members know their real names and backgrounds.

Bai Guo was still young when the Bai family left Beijing, and Yang Mei came to the Bai family later, so they didn't know the real details of the Bai family. Bai Shanglu knew a little bit, but he never mentioned it to them. The girl turned out to be from Tsing Yi Wei back then, and obviously her position was not low. Bai Guo's eyes suddenly turned into star eyes, and Yang Mei couldn't help feeling awe-inspiring.

Only Bai Fuling knew about it a long time ago, so she just pretended to be surprised. Bai Chou and Mu Peilan took them to familiarize themselves with the various passages of the tunnel, including the location of the exit, how to activate the mechanism, etc., and then returned to Bai Fuling's room the same way.

After coming out of the tunnel, it was already the shadow of the moon slanting to the west, Bai Chou and his wife went back to their room to rest.

Bai Fuling didn't intend to spend the night here, so she only brought Ginkgo and Yangmei with her. She didn't even bring a change of clothes and daily necessities. It was messy and messy, so I just waited until tomorrow they were all packed up, and then sent the miscellaneous things.

Mu Peilan thought of staying here for a while, so she brought four maids with her, and wanted to call two of them to take care of her daughter first, but Bai Fuling refused.

In the early morning of the next day, Bai Pingzi and Bai Awu lived up to their trust and brought over Bai Fuling's luggage and belongings, as well as Xiao Lihua who was left in the other courtyard, together with ten stewardesses and maidservants. gets a little crowded.

Mu Peilan had already made preparations, and immediately invited Nanny Yun, saying that she would move to Liufen Pavilion to take care of her mother. All the maidservants moved to other places, including Wang Momo and Zhong Momo.

This move was so swift that Liufen Pavilion was thoroughly cleaned without leaving a trace. When the Yasukuni Mansion received the news, it was too late to do anything. But the place is someone else's place, and the people are also their people in name, they can't control it if they want to, so they can only secretly feel angry.

Bai Fuling didn't have many things, he only brought some daily necessities that couldn't be bought outside, and the jewelry and dresses carefully selected by Mu Peilan. One of the great joys of Mu Peilan's life is to dress her daughter up like a doll. If it wasn't for Bai Fuling's persuasion and persuasion, I don't know how many such things she would drag to the capital. But even so, there are still two big cars.

The number of people serving Bai Fuling increased from two to eight, and Yang Mei instructed the maids to put their things in order and arrange their accommodation. It took a whole morning to calm down.

Looking at this group of young and beautiful maids and maids dressed in gold and silver, they got out of the car from all over the Jingguo mansion. Their eyes were a little straight. Just looking at these maids and maids, you can tell that the fourth aunt has lived these years. Not bad at all.

Huiyun and the other girls saw it from a distance, twisted the handkerchief angrily, snorted "upstart" in disdain, and turned back to the room to see it.

Bai Fuling didn't care about their opinions and feelings. After lunch, she reported to her parents, left Yangmei to look after the house, brought Baishao and Ginkgo and disguised herself as three ordinary-looking maids, went into the tunnel and left. The Zhongguo government went to do its own business.

The authentic exit is in a small house in Shibu Lane, which is two streets away from Duke Zhong's mansion. Several houses here are all properties bought by Duke Zhong back then. Usually, people from the Bai family stay in the capital to take care of them. Now Bai Pingzi, Bai Awu and the others all lived in these houses. Before Bai Fuling and others came out of the tunnel, they heard Bai Shisan and other loud voices chatting and laughing happily, and their mood immediately improved.

Compared with the so-called relatives in the Duke's mansion who are smiling and not smiling, she prefers these guards and stewards who are like silly big brothers. They grew up together and are called masters and servants. In fact, everyone listens to her for important matters. For trivial matters, everyone cares about her like a sister. Those concerns come from the heart, and they are much more sincere than relatives who are related to this body by blood.

The exit of the tunnel is in the west wing of the second entrance of the courtyard. When Bai Pingzi delivered things to Duke Zhongguo's mansion this morning, Mu Peilan made it clear to him, so he personally guarded Bai Awu and Bai Shisan after lunch. Waiting for someone here, seeing the wooden boards on one side of the kang suddenly opened, he hurriedly went forward to help Bai Fuling and others out.

After a few people stood still, Bai Ah Wu immediately stepped forward and said impatiently: "The people from Jiyuntang sent a letter, saying that they want to invite the young lady to meet..." Whispering while talking, he accompanied him all the way, Haifushi and Bai Fuling Knowing everything about it clearly, Jiyuntang suddenly came to invite Bai Fuling to meet, probably on behalf of "someone".

Bai Guo immediately smelled the gossip, and looked at Bai Fuling with a smirk.

Bai Pingzi pushed Bai Ah Wu away with one hand, leaned over and asked directly: "What does Haifushi look like? Is he half as handsome as me?"

Seeing that everyone in the room looked ambiguous, Bai Fuling said angrily, "Better handsome than you!"

Bai Pingzi was greatly shocked, he shook his head and said in disdain: "How is it possible?! Tsk tsk, is he as handsome as I am, with a graceful manner, pleasant words, and romantic flair?"

Bai Guo likes to hit this guy who is always against her brother Bai Shanglu the most. Hearing what he said, she quickly stepped forward and said, "Much handsomer than you! When you see him, you will definitely say that he has the appearance of a king!"

The fact that Bai Pingzi broke out two "bastards" in one day has become a classic joke in the Bai family. Although it was later proved that what he said had a certain basis, other people still like to use this incident to amuse him. Especially Bai Fuling's summary - to see who looks more handsome than him, say that whoever has the appearance of a king.

Bai Pingzi glared at Bai Guo, and said: "You're such a yellow-haired girl, you don't understand the charm of a man at all, so it's useless to tell you!"

Bai Guo put her hands on her waist, raised her head and wanted to refute. Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, Bai Shao coughed lightly and said, "Okay, stop the quarrel. Let's see what Miss means?"

As soon as she opened her mouth, the two Bai glanced at each other, as expected they didn't dare to argue anymore.

Bai Shao's husband is Bai Ada, one of the oldest members of the Bai family, Bai Shao can be regarded as their sister-in-law, and she rarely speaks, but what she says is that everyone in the Bai family, from the head guard to the servant girl, Don't dare to ignore it.

Bai Fuling said with a reserved mouth: "It's okay to go and meet, they still owe me the Gu mother of the Ghost Face Gu! Maybe they have something."

Bai Guo covered her mouth and snickered, and the others echoed, but there was an ambiguous smile in everyone's eyes. Bai Fuling was a little annoyed, but if she got angry now, it would make her feel guilty, so she pretended to be generous and said, "Ah Wu, you Just go and make an appointment with them at this time tomorrow, as for the location... let Bai Qian decide, he knows the capital better than us, and find someone who haunts so many dignitaries, and it shouldn't be too dirty, just a place where you can talk easily." Bai Ah Wu responded with a smile.

Afterwards, under Bai Fuling's strong request, Bai Pingzi reluctantly let Bai Shao take medicine for him to make it easy and cover up his overly ostentatious face. A group of people secretly protected Bai Fuling, and went out together to inspect several properties of the Bai family in the capital.

The Bai family's properties in the capital are not many, and they are all very low-key. The most famous ones are a massage parlor, an embroidery shop, and Baiqian's dental shop. The scale is not large, and they only target certain levels.

Both the Chinese massage parlor and the embroidery shop are run in the name of Princess Antai, Mu Peilan's former boudoir friend. This princess is the younger sister of the current emperor. With such a backing, she can secure a place in Beijing. No one dares to covet and provoke easily.

They are now dressed like the stewards of ordinary rich families going out to do errands with the servants and maids, and ordinary people can't see anything wrong. But everyone left Shibu Lane and walked for a while, when Bai Ah Wu suddenly walked two steps behind without a trace, and whispered to Bai Fuling: "Miss, someone is following us from behind."