Zhan Yue

Chapter 100: You are a devil



"Go in peace."

Erdan stepped forward, held it in the palm of his hand, then rushed towards me, laughing loudly and said: "We grabbed the July Flowing Fire, come on, you are the inheritor of Fengyuntai, here you go!"

At the same time, there were also a lot of people who died in the Scarlet Royal Court, which made my contribution soar to 72W again. It can be said that I have made a lot of money on the Qilin Mountain battlefield this time.

With a loud noise, the blood spell turned into dozens of explosive storms that raged through the crowd. Jin Lan, who was the first to bear the brunt, was immediately vomited blood. He screamed, and the blood all over his body spurted out, condensing into a shield to resist the blood. The power of the talisman, but the others were not so lucky. Under the ravage of the blood talisman, the bodies of a large number of blood-colored royal court disciples were turned into powder, while the ringing in my ears seemed to have never stopped—

With a loud noise, the blood spell turned into dozens of explosive storms that raged through the crowd. Jin Lan, who was the first to bear the brunt, was immediately vomited blood. He screamed, and the blood all over his body spurted out, condensing into a shield to resist the blood. The power of the talisman, but the others were not so lucky. Under the ravage of the blood talisman, the bodies of a large number of blood-colored royal court disciples were turned into powder, while the ringing in my ears seemed to have never stopped—

Under the effect of the white clothes, the whole person jumped down from the tree and landed behind Ghost Ax. The two daggers interacted and hit the four consecutive hits of annihilation + basic attack + backstab + basic attack "swishingly". Behind Ghost Ax, his body suddenly trembled crazily, and his 32% health bar instantly dropped to 14%. He suddenly turned around, holding the battle ax, and roared: "Qiyue Liuhuo, you bastard!"

At the same time, there were also a lot of people who died in the Scarlet Royal Court, which made my contribution soar to 72W again. It can be said that I have made a lot of money on the Qilin Mountain battlefield this time.


With a whimper, Ghost Ax walked the last part of his life and turned into a cold corpse lying in this desolate forest. I bent down and entered the stealth state again, just swaying like this. After taking a detour, I looked at the upper right corner. The countdown to the Qilin Mountain Trial has begun. There is still half an hour left. Don't be in a hurry. Let's go back when the time is almost up.


In this case, it will be even more impossible to keep him!


The next second, an unimaginable scene appeared. I reached into the package, and with a "swish" sound, another bloody talisman appeared in my hand. The blood energy activated, and the flames flew and ignited, directly facing the densest crowd in front of me. The area is just a click!

System prompt: Congratulations on killing [Feng Po] (middle stage of Ling Gang Realm), you will receive a reward of +120,000 experience points and +6,000 contribution points!

In an instant, at least thirty descendants of the Scarlet Royal Court were killed with blood spells, and I ate up all the experience points and contribution points. In an instant, a light rain fell from the sky, bathing my whole body with warmth. I had already reached level 43. Moreover, the contribution rate has also skyrocketed to 56W. This time we came to the Qilin Mountain battlefield at the right time!

Although he is reckless, he obeys my words. Well, he is teachable!

In the crowd, Dong Yuanbai roared: "Disciples of Fengyuntai, come with me. Even if we at Fengyuntai are on the battlefield of Qilin Mountain, we must not let them bully us!"

"The golden cicada escapes from its shell!"

"July Fire!"


The crazy energy of the blood spell was raging. In the crowd, Ghost Ax was holding a battle ax and swung his sharp blade repeatedly to chop up the bloody murderous intent. However, he could not defend himself at all. The neck, chest, abdomen, and legs exploded everywhere. There were blood holes, and in the blink of an eye, there were no human figures anymore, and the group of disciples from the Land of Reincarnation who followed him were even worse. Their cultivation was far inferior to the ghost axe, and many of them exploded and died on the spot.



[Incomplete Qilin Armor Plate]: It records a secret Qilin skill called "Green Qilin Strike". After understanding it, you can practice it and learn the limited bloodline: the bloodline of the holy beast.



"Okay, after leaving the Qilin Mountain battlefield, you said that you obtained this Qilin armor piece by yourself. In fact, it is also the case. I won't say any more. I have something to do, so I'll leave first."


Turning around, I activated my speed skill and disappeared into the Qilin Valley. Then I entered the white-clothed state and sprinted through the jungle. At the same time, I focused my mind and energy and expanded my spiritual sense while running to find that ray of belonging. The death aura of Ghost Ax.

System prompt: Congratulations on killing [Jin Han] (middle stage of Linggang Realm). You will receive a reward of +120,000 experience points and +6,000 contribution points!

At the same time, there were also a lot of people who died in the Scarlet Royal Court, which made my contribution soar to 72W again. It can be said that I have made a lot of money on the Qilin Mountain battlefield this time.

You actually have this skill

However, Jin Lan used this move to escape, but also lost a lot of vitality, and may not be able to fight anymore.

I took it away politely and glanced at it -

Although he is reckless, he obeys my words. Well, he is teachable!

Accompanied by the sound of the wind, I landed on the trunk of a maple tree after several leaps. With one hand holding on to the branches that were wet after the rain, and with the other hand holding a dagger glowing with cold light, I cast my gaze forward. Just in front of the forest clearing, I saw Ghost Ax, filled with purple aura, lying on the body of a Fengyuntai disciple, gnawing at his body!

I raised my eyebrows: "Then I'll wait for you!"


"July Fire!"

I breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "This thing... I can't understand it. Erdan, you have the blood of a holy beast. Although it is not pure, you should be able to learn. I'll give it to you."

"Follow Senior Brother Ghost Ax and kill Qiyue Liuhuo in Qilin Valley, go up!"

I breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "This thing... I can't understand it. Erdan, you have the blood of a holy beast. Although it is not pure, you should be able to learn. I'll give it to you."

Accompanied by the sound of the wind, I landed on the trunk of a maple tree after several leaps. With one hand holding on to the branches that were wet after the rain, and with the other hand holding a dagger glowing with cold light, I cast my gaze forward. Just in front of the forest clearing, I saw Ghost Ax, filled with purple aura, lying on the body of a Fengyuntai disciple, gnawing at his body!

System prompt: Congratulations on killing [Lei Kang] (middle stage of Linggang Realm). You will receive a reward of +180,000 experience points and +9,000 contribution points!

System prompt: Congratulations on killing [Lei Kang] (middle stage of Linggang Realm). You will receive a reward of +180,000 experience points and +9,000 contribution points!


Yes, Ghost Ax is the proud disciple of the Land of Reincarnation. His strength is obvious to all. In a fair duel, I may not be his opponent. Moreover, Ghost Ax has repeatedly attacked Luo Erdan, Dong Yuanbai and others. Once he has the chance, he He will definitely kill someone. I can't keep such a person anyway, and one of my creeds is to kill the crisis before it happens. Since Ghost Ax has threatened my existence in Black Castle, I can't keep him. And today is the best time to kill him.

Accompanied by the sound of the wind, I landed on the trunk of a maple tree after several leaps. With one hand holding on to the branches that were wet after the rain, and with the other hand holding a dagger glowing with cold light, I cast my gaze forward. Just in front of the forest clearing, I saw Ghost Ax, filled with purple aura, lying on the body of a Fengyuntai disciple, gnawing at his body!

In the crowd, Dong Yuanbai roared: "Disciples of Fengyuntai, come with me. Even if we at Fengyuntai are on the battlefield of Qilin Mountain, we must not let them bully us!"


Ghost Ax turned around and left first, leaving a group of teenagers in the land of reincarnation dumbfounded and not knowing where to go. But at this time, it was obvious that the biggest winner was Fengyuntai. Erdan, Xiao Jianjian and a group of people were besieging them. The Qilin Dharma Appearance was already on the verge of collapse. Suddenly, he let out a wailing cry, and his body suddenly collapsed. Wisps of green light swirled around, turning into a piece of blue scales and falling on the grass.

System prompt: Congratulations on killing [Feng Po] (middle stage of Ling Gang Realm), you will receive a reward of +120,000 experience points and +6,000 contribution points!

"go back!"

My eyes were cold, and I raised my hand to strike, dazing him on the spot. Then I circled behind him and performed three consecutive attacks of basic attack + backstab + basic attack. I cut with the double daggers, and the sound of "pap-pap-pap-pap" continued, and the ghost ax Blood was constantly splattering on the body that was almost torn to pieces.

"you you… "

The power of Bai Yi + Long Jue's palm was too strong. After the palm force was activated, it directly shattered Ghost Ax's chest. A golden palm print burst out from behind him and stirred in the wind. This palm was powerful and natural. It also knocked out the last trace of Ghost Ax's vitality. After all, he was just a perfect Linggang realm, completely incomparable to a Heavenly realm master like Wind Whale.

"July Fire!"

In an instant, at least thirty descendants of the Scarlet Royal Court were killed with blood spells, and I ate up all the experience points and contribution points. In an instant, a light rain fell from the sky, bathing my whole body with warmth. I had already reached level 43. Moreover, the contribution rate has also skyrocketed to 56W. This time we came to the Qilin Mountain battlefield at the right time!

I took it away politely and glanced at it -

Lordan was already on his way to kill him. He gritted his teeth and suddenly turned around: "Let's go and listen to Qiyue Liuhuo!"

"Boom boom boom~~~"

"you you… "


System prompt: Congratulations on killing [Feng Po] (middle stage of Ling Gang Realm), you will receive a reward of +120,000 experience points and +6,000 contribution points!

"July Fire!"

A group of disciples from the Land of Reincarnation, each using their own weapons, followed the ghost ax to kill with ferocious momentum. At this time, each of them looked fierce, as if they had forgotten that they belonged to the black castle like me, and they were already eager to kill them.

In the crowd, Dong Yuanbai roared: "Disciples of Fengyuntai, come with me. Even if we at Fengyuntai are on the battlefield of Qilin Mountain, we must not let them bully us!"

However, Jin Lan used this move to escape, but also lost a lot of vitality, and may not be able to fight anymore.

He roared, and the moment he turned around and swept across with an axe, I had already opened my white clothes. The dagger in my right hand suddenly disappeared. The five fingers opened, driving a majestic force to rise. For a moment, the void was in the huge sky. It twisted and deformed crazily under the force of the squeeze, and wisps of golden ancient writing fell from the sky. Dragon roars circled above the head, and Haoran hit Ghost Ax straight in the chest with a palm!

Although he is reckless, he obeys my words. Well, he is teachable!

In the bloody mist, Jin Lan's whole body glowed so brightly, and his face was full of murderous intent: "You have done a good job, this time, our Bloody Royal Court will never let you go. Go ahead and kill Qiyue Liuhuo first!"

"Beast, go to hell!"

"The treasure is born!"


At this time, I had already retreated to the edge of the rock wall with no way to retreat. The people headed by Jin Lan and Gui Ax had also come in an aggressive manner. The crowd was dense, and people from the Blood Royal Court and the Black Castle were shoulder to shoulder, but there was no interaction with each other. The fight happened only because they had the same enemy, and that was me.

"good chance!"

Lordan was already on his way to kill him. He gritted his teeth and suddenly turned around: "Let's go and listen to Qiyue Liuhuo!"

Ghost Ax turned around and left first, leaving a group of teenagers in the land of reincarnation dumbfounded and not knowing where to go. But at this time, it was obvious that the biggest winner was Fengyuntai. Erdan, Xiao Jianjian and a group of people were besieging them. The Qilin Dharma Appearance was already on the verge of collapse. Suddenly, he let out a wailing cry, and his body suddenly collapsed. Wisps of green light swirled around, turning into a piece of blue scales and falling on the grass.

"Beast, go to hell!"

I kicked his broken chest and said calmly: "I have never been a good person in front of evil people. You just don't understand me too well."

"Follow Senior Brother Ghost Ax and kill Qiyue Liuhuo in Qilin Valley, go up!"

Just when I took a few steps back, a sharp light passed behind me and turned into the image of a battle ax and suddenly hit my shoulder. Suddenly the whole shoulder seemed to be split apart, and I lost 2W+ in an instant. He had a lot of energy and blood, and this very heavy ax came from the ghost ax in the land of reincarnation. After the sneak attack, he screamed, his body suddenly flew into the air, holding the battle ax in both hands, with the aura of death lingering all over his body, he shouted: "Today Anyone can leave, but Qi Liuhuo, you have repeatedly provoked my place of reincarnation, and today you must die!"

I took it away politely and glanced at it -

He knelt down softly on the ground, his eyes full of unwillingness, and he looked up at me and said, "Qiyue Liuhuo, how dare you kill me here? Just... aren't you afraid of my master's revenge?"

In the bloody mist, Jin Lan's whole body glowed so brightly, and his face was full of murderous intent: "You have done a good job, this time, our Bloody Royal Court will never let you go. Go ahead and kill Qiyue Liuhuo first!"

"Follow Senior Brother Ghost Ax and kill Qiyue Liuhuo in Qilin Valley, go up!"

"Boom boom boom~~~"

Just when I took a few steps back, a sharp light passed behind me and turned into the image of a battle ax and suddenly hit my shoulder. Suddenly the whole shoulder seemed to be split apart, and I lost 2W+ in an instant. He had a lot of energy and blood, and this very heavy ax came from the ghost ax in the land of reincarnation. After the sneak attack, he screamed, his body suddenly flew into the air, holding the battle ax in both hands, with the aura of death lingering all over his body, he shouted: "Today Anyone can leave, but Qi Liuhuo, you have repeatedly provoked my place of reincarnation, and today you must die!"

In this case, it will be even more impossible to keep him!


A group of disciples from the Land of Reincarnation, each using their own weapons, followed the ghost ax to kill with ferocious momentum. At this time, each of them looked fierce, as if they had forgotten that they belonged to the black castle like me, and they were already eager to kill them.

Under the effect of the white clothes, the whole person jumped down from the tree and landed behind Ghost Ax. The two daggers interacted and hit the four consecutive hits of annihilation + basic attack + backstab + basic attack "swishingly". Behind Ghost Ax, his body suddenly trembled crazily, and his 32% health bar instantly dropped to 14%. He suddenly turned around, holding the battle ax, and roared: "Qiyue Liuhuo, you bastard!"

"Save senior brother!"

You actually have this skill


This time it was even more exciting. At least more than 80 people were within the raging range of the blood spell. Jin Lan, who was already injured, screamed and roared for the first time. The blood in his body rose. The next second, the blood on the surface of his skin It condensed into a figure of its own, and its real body suddenly ejected backwards!

"you you… "

"good chance!"

In the crowd, Dong Yuanbai roared: "Disciples of Fengyuntai, come with me. Even if we at Fengyuntai are on the battlefield of Qilin Mountain, we must not let them bully us!"

With a whimper, Ghost Ax walked the last part of his life and turned into a cold corpse lying in this desolate forest. I bent down and entered the stealth state again, just swaying like this. After taking a detour, I looked at the upper right corner. The countdown to the Qilin Mountain Trial has begun. There is still half an hour left. Don't be in a hurry. Let's go back when the time is almost up.

Turning around, I activated my speed skill and disappeared into the Qilin Valley. Then I entered the white-clothed state and sprinted through the jungle. At the same time, I focused my mind and energy and expanded my spiritual sense while running to find that ray of belonging. The death aura of Ghost Ax.

"go back!"

"this… "

I lowered my head and whispered in his ear: "Let me tell you, sooner or later, your bullshit master Zhuang Huaishui will also die in my hands. I have been worried about his life for more than a day or two."

With a whimper, Ghost Ax walked the last part of his life and turned into a cold corpse lying in this desolate forest. I bent down and entered the stealth state again, just swaying like this. After taking a detour, I looked at the upper right corner. The countdown to the Qilin Mountain Trial has begun. There is still half an hour left. Don't be in a hurry. Let's go back when the time is almost up.

I took it away politely and glanced at it -

"go back!"

"Oh, is it so?"

As I turned around and retreated, I shouted to the Fengyuntai disciples in the distance: "Luo Erdan, Dong Yuanbai, you lead people to seize the Kirin secret skill. Leave these people to me! Listen to my orders immediately!"

I took it away politely and glanced at it -

"July Fire!"



"this… "

"this… "


"Go in peace."

With a whimper, Ghost Ax walked the last part of his life and turned into a cold corpse lying in this desolate forest. I bent down and entered the stealth state again, just swaying like this. After taking a detour, I looked at the upper right corner. The countdown to the Qilin Mountain Trial has begun. There is still half an hour left. Don't be in a hurry. Let's go back when the time is almost up.

I raised my eyebrows: "Then I'll wait for you!"

At this moment, my disgust for the people in the Land of Reincarnation has even surpassed that of the Bloody Royal Court. These people are eating everything in and out, and it is not a pity to die!

Lordan was already on his way to kill him. He gritted his teeth and suddenly turned around: "Let's go and listen to Qiyue Liuhuo!"

Ghost Ax turned around and left first, leaving a group of teenagers in the land of reincarnation dumbfounded and not knowing where to go. But at this time, it was obvious that the biggest winner was Fengyuntai. Erdan, Xiao Jianjian and a group of people were besieging them. The Qilin Dharma Appearance was already on the verge of collapse. Suddenly, he let out a wailing cry, and his body suddenly collapsed. Wisps of green light swirled around, turning into a piece of blue scales and falling on the grass.

"good chance!"

System prompt: Congratulations on killing [Jin Han] (middle stage of Linggang Realm). You will receive a reward of +120,000 experience points and +6,000 contribution points!

Although he is reckless, he obeys my words. Well, he is teachable!

Just when I took a few steps back, a sharp light passed behind me and turned into the image of a battle ax and suddenly hit my shoulder. Suddenly the whole shoulder seemed to be split apart, and I lost 2W+ in an instant. He had a lot of energy and blood, and this very heavy ax came from the ghost ax in the land of reincarnation. After the sneak attack, he screamed, his body suddenly flew into the air, holding the battle ax in both hands, with the aura of death lingering all over his body, he shouted: "Today Anyone can leave, but Qi Liuhuo, you have repeatedly provoked my place of reincarnation, and today you must die!"

"Oh, is it so?"

I took it away politely and glanced at it -

Lordan was stunned: "Is this... okay?"

In an instant, at least thirty descendants of the Scarlet Royal Court were killed with blood spells, and I ate up all the experience points and contribution points. In an instant, a light rain fell from the sky, bathing my whole body with warmth. I had already reached level 43. Moreover, the contribution rate has also skyrocketed to 56W. This time we came to the Qilin Mountain battlefield at the right time!

"good chance!"

Lordan was already on his way to kill him. He gritted his teeth and suddenly turned around: "Let's go and listen to Qiyue Liuhuo!"

Lordan was already on his way to kill him. He gritted his teeth and suddenly turned around: "Let's go and listen to Qiyue Liuhuo!"

In the crowd, Dong Yuanbai roared: "Disciples of Fengyuntai, come with me. Even if we at Fengyuntai are on the battlefield of Qilin Mountain, we must not let them bully us!"

I took it away politely and glanced at it -

System prompt: Congratulations on killing [Feng Po] (middle stage of Ling Gang Realm), you will receive a reward of +120,000 experience points and +6,000 contribution points!

He knelt down softly on the ground, his eyes full of unwillingness, and he looked up at me and said, "Qiyue Liuhuo, how dare you kill me here? Just... aren't you afraid of my master's revenge?"

At this time, I had already retreated to the edge of the rock wall with no way to retreat. The people headed by Jin Lan and Gui Ax had also come in an aggressive manner. The crowd was dense, and people from the Blood Royal Court and the Black Castle were shoulder to shoulder, but there was no interaction with each other. The fight happened only because they had the same enemy, and that was me.

"Follow Senior Brother Ghost Ax and kill Qiyue Liuhuo in Qilin Valley, go up!"

Gui Ax shouted violently, and his body turned into a black cloud and retreated, condensing into his body dozens of meters away. He was scarred and his eyes were filled with fierce light. He growled: "Wait, Qilin." I will never forget the hatred of the mountain, and I will definitely settle it with you!"

At this moment, my disgust for the people in the Land of Reincarnation has even surpassed that of the Bloody Royal Court. These people are eating everything in and out, and it is not a pity to die!

"July Fire!"

"July Fire!"

Ghost Ax turned around and left first, leaving a group of teenagers in the land of reincarnation dumbfounded and not knowing where to go. But at this time, it was obvious that the biggest winner was Fengyuntai. Erdan, Xiao Jianjian and a group of people were besieging them. The Qilin Dharma Appearance was already on the verge of collapse. Suddenly, he let out a wailing cry, and his body suddenly collapsed. Wisps of green light swirled around, turning into a piece of blue scales and falling on the grass.


At this moment, my disgust for the people in the Land of Reincarnation has even surpassed that of the Bloody Royal Court. These people are eating everything in and out, and it is not a pity to die!

In an instant, at least thirty descendants of the Scarlet Royal Court were killed with blood spells, and I ate up all the experience points and contribution points. In an instant, a light rain fell from the sky, bathing my whole body with warmth. I had already reached level 43. Moreover, the contribution rate has also skyrocketed to 56W. This time we came to the Qilin Mountain battlefield at the right time!

The next second, an unimaginable scene appeared. I reached into the package, and with a "swish" sound, another bloody talisman appeared in my hand. The blood energy activated, and the flames flew and ignited, directly facing the densest crowd in front of me. The area is just a click!


With a whimper, Ghost Ax walked the last part of his life and turned into a cold corpse lying in this desolate forest. I bent down and entered the stealth state again, just swaying like this. After taking a detour, I looked at the upper right corner. The countdown to the Qilin Mountain Trial has begun. There is still half an hour left. Don't be in a hurry. Let's go back when the time is almost up.

"you wanna die!"

System prompt: Congratulations on killing [Lei Kang] (middle stage of Linggang Realm). You will receive a reward of +180,000 experience points and +9,000 contribution points!

This time it was even more exciting. At least more than 80 people were within the raging range of the blood spell. Jin Lan, who was already injured, screamed and roared for the first time. The blood in his body rose. The next second, the blood on the surface of his skin It condensed into a figure of its own, and its real body suddenly ejected backwards!

The crazy energy of the blood spell was raging. In the crowd, Ghost Ax was holding a battle ax and swung his sharp blade repeatedly to chop up the bloody murderous intent. However, he could not defend himself at all. The neck, chest, abdomen, and legs exploded everywhere. There were blood holes, and in the blink of an eye, there were no human figures anymore, and the group of disciples from the Land of Reincarnation who followed him were even worse. Their cultivation was far inferior to the ghost axe, and many of them exploded and died on the spot.


Yes, Ghost Ax is the proud disciple of the Land of Reincarnation. His strength is obvious to all. In a fair duel, I may not be his opponent. Moreover, Ghost Ax has repeatedly attacked Luo Erdan, Dong Yuanbai and others. Once he has the chance, he He will definitely kill someone. I can't keep such a person anyway, and one of my creeds is to kill the crisis before it happens. Since Ghost Ax has threatened my existence in Black Castle, I can't keep him. And today is the best time to kill him.

"Okay, after leaving the Qilin Mountain battlefield, you said that you obtained this Qilin armor piece by yourself. In fact, it is also the case. I won't say any more. I have something to do, so I'll leave first."

This time it was even more exciting. At least more than 80 people were within the raging range of the blood spell. Jin Lan, who was already injured, screamed and roared for the first time. The blood in his body rose. The next second, the blood on the surface of his skin It condensed into a figure of its own, and its real body suddenly ejected backwards!



I raised my eyebrows: "Then I'll wait for you!"

Turning around, I activated my speed skill and disappeared into the Qilin Valley. Then I entered the white-clothed state and sprinted through the jungle. At the same time, I focused my mind and energy and expanded my spiritual sense while running to find that ray of belonging. The death aura of Ghost Ax.

"Go in peace."

A few seconds later, my mind wandered, and I could already sense a very powerful breath of death, not far ahead. Yes, the location of the ghost ax had been found!

With a whimper, Ghost Ax walked the last part of his life and turned into a cold corpse lying in this desolate forest. I bent down and entered the stealth state again, just swaying like this. After taking a detour, I looked at the upper right corner. The countdown to the Qilin Mountain Trial has begun. There is still half an hour left. Don't be in a hurry. Let's go back when the time is almost up.

Yes, Ghost Ax is the proud disciple of the Land of Reincarnation. His strength is obvious to all. In a fair duel, I may not be his opponent. Moreover, Ghost Ax has repeatedly attacked Luo Erdan, Dong Yuanbai and others. Once he has the chance, he He will definitely kill someone. I can't keep such a person anyway, and one of my creeds is to kill the crisis before it happens. Since Ghost Ax has threatened my existence in Black Castle, I can't keep him. And today is the best time to kill him.

"The golden cicada escapes from its shell!"

"you… "

In the bloody mist, Jin Lan's whole body glowed so brightly, and his face was full of murderous intent: "You have done a good job, this time, our Bloody Royal Court will never let you go. Go ahead and kill Qiyue Liuhuo first!"

At the same time, there were also a lot of people who died in the Scarlet Royal Court, which made my contribution soar to 72W again. It can be said that I have made a lot of money on the Qilin Mountain battlefield this time.

You actually have this skill


"The treasure is born!"

"you you… "

The crazy energy of the blood spell was raging. In the crowd, Ghost Ax was holding a battle ax and swung his sharp blade repeatedly to chop up the bloody murderous intent. However, he could not defend himself at all. The neck, chest, abdomen, and legs exploded everywhere. There were blood holes, and in the blink of an eye, there were no human figures anymore, and the group of disciples from the Land of Reincarnation who followed him were even worse. Their cultivation was far inferior to the ghost axe, and many of them exploded and died on the spot.

However, Jin Lan used this move to escape, but also lost a lot of vitality, and may not be able to fight anymore.

Although he is reckless, he obeys my words. Well, he is teachable!

Just when I took a few steps back, a sharp light passed behind me and turned into the image of a battle ax and suddenly hit my shoulder. Suddenly the whole shoulder seemed to be split apart, and I lost 2W+ in an instant. He had a lot of energy and blood, and this very heavy ax came from the ghost ax in the land of reincarnation. After the sneak attack, he screamed, his body suddenly flew into the air, holding the battle ax in both hands, with the aura of death lingering all over his body, he shouted: "Today Anyone can leave, but Qi Liuhuo, you have repeatedly provoked my place of reincarnation, and today you must die!"

Under the effect of the white clothes, the whole person jumped down from the tree and landed behind Ghost Ax. The two daggers interacted and hit the four consecutive hits of annihilation + basic attack + backstab + basic attack "swishingly". Behind Ghost Ax, his body suddenly trembled crazily, and his 32% health bar instantly dropped to 14%. He suddenly turned around, holding the battle ax, and roared: "Qiyue Liuhuo, you bastard!"

His pupils shrank violently and said: "You are not a human being, you are simply a demon... You..."

"Follow Senior Brother Ghost Ax and kill Qiyue Liuhuo in Qilin Valley, go up!"

Gui Ax shouted violently, and his body turned into a black cloud and retreated, condensing into his body dozens of meters away. He was scarred and his eyes were filled with fierce light. He growled: "Wait, Qilin." I will never forget the hatred of the mountain, and I will definitely settle it with you!"

Just when I took a few steps back, a sharp light passed behind me and turned into the image of a battle ax and suddenly hit my shoulder. Suddenly the whole shoulder seemed to be split apart, and I lost 2W+ in an instant. He had a lot of energy and blood, and this very heavy ax came from the ghost ax in the land of reincarnation. After the sneak attack, he screamed, his body suddenly flew into the air, holding the battle ax in both hands, with the aura of death lingering all over his body, he shouted: "Today Anyone can leave, but Qi Liuhuo, you have repeatedly provoked my place of reincarnation, and today you must die!"

"go back!"

"Boom boom boom~~~"

He roared, and the moment he turned around and swept across with an axe, I had already opened my white clothes. The dagger in my right hand suddenly disappeared. The five fingers opened, driving a majestic force to rise. For a moment, the void was in the huge sky. It twisted and deformed crazily under the force of the squeeze, and wisps of golden ancient writing fell from the sky. Dragon roars circled above the head, and Haoran hit Ghost Ax straight in the chest with a palm!

"Boom boom boom~~~"

I raised my eyebrows: "Then I'll wait for you!"

You actually have this skill

I raised my eyebrows: "Then I'll wait for you!"

The crazy energy of the blood spell was raging. In the crowd, Ghost Ax was holding a battle ax and swung his sharp blade repeatedly to chop up the bloody murderous intent. However, he could not defend himself at all. The neck, chest, abdomen, and legs exploded everywhere. There were blood holes, and in the blink of an eye, there were no human figures anymore, and the group of disciples from the Land of Reincarnation who followed him were even worse. Their cultivation was far inferior to the ghost axe, and many of them exploded and died on the spot.

Ghost Ax turned around and left first, leaving a group of teenagers in the land of reincarnation dumbfounded and not knowing where to go. But at this time, it was obvious that the biggest winner was Fengyuntai. Erdan, Xiao Jianjian and a group of people were besieging them. The Qilin Dharma Appearance was already on the verge of collapse. Suddenly, he let out a wailing cry, and his body suddenly collapsed. Wisps of green light swirled around, turning into a piece of blue scales and falling on the grass.


Although he is reckless, he obeys my words. Well, he is teachable!

In the crowd, Dong Yuanbai roared: "Disciples of Fengyuntai, come with me. Even if we at Fengyuntai are on the battlefield of Qilin Mountain, we must not let them bully us!"

"The treasure is born!"

However, Jin Lan used this move to escape, but also lost a lot of vitality, and may not be able to fight anymore.

He knelt down softly on the ground, his eyes full of unwillingness, and he looked up at me and said, "Qiyue Liuhuo, how dare you kill me here? Just... aren't you afraid of my master's revenge?"

I breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "This thing... I can't understand it. Erdan, you have the blood of a holy beast. Although it is not pure, you should be able to learn. I'll give it to you."

At the same time, there were also a lot of people who died in the Scarlet Royal Court, which made my contribution soar to 72W again. It can be said that I have made a lot of money on the Qilin Mountain battlefield this time.

"Save senior brother!"

In the bloody mist, Jin Lan's whole body glowed so brightly, and his face was full of murderous intent: "You have done a good job, this time, our Bloody Royal Court will never let you go. Go ahead and kill Qiyue Liuhuo first!"

"July Fire!"

"Oh, is it so?"

"Boom boom boom~~~"

"go back!"


With a loud noise, the blood spell turned into dozens of explosive storms that raged through the crowd. Jin Lan, who was the first to bear the brunt, was immediately vomited blood. He screamed, and the blood all over his body spurted out, condensing into a shield to resist the blood. The power of the talisman, but the others were not so lucky. Under the ravage of the blood talisman, the bodies of a large number of blood-colored royal court disciples were turned into powder, while the ringing in my ears seemed to have never stopped—

A group of disciples from the Land of Reincarnation, each using their own weapons, followed the ghost ax to kill with ferocious momentum. At this time, each of them looked fierce, as if they had forgotten that they belonged to the black castle like me, and they were already eager to kill them.


Gui Ax shouted violently, and his body turned into a black cloud and retreated, condensing into his body dozens of meters away. He was scarred and his eyes were filled with fierce light. He growled: "Wait, Qilin." I will never forget the hatred of the mountain, and I will definitely settle it with you!"

My eyes were cold, and I raised my hand to strike, dazing him on the spot. Then I circled behind him and performed three consecutive attacks of basic attack + backstab + basic attack. I cut with the double daggers, and the sound of "pap-pap-pap-pap" continued, and the ghost ax Blood was constantly splattering on the body that was almost torn to pieces.

Ghost Ax turned around and left first, leaving a group of teenagers in the land of reincarnation dumbfounded and not knowing where to go. But at this time, it was obvious that the biggest winner was Fengyuntai. Erdan, Xiao Jianjian and a group of people were besieging them. The Qilin Dharma Appearance was already on the verge of collapse. Suddenly, he let out a wailing cry, and his body suddenly collapsed. Wisps of green light swirled around, turning into a piece of blue scales and falling on the grass.

"this… "

"July Fire!"

"Oh, is it so?"

Ghost Ax turned around and left first, leaving a group of teenagers in the land of reincarnation dumbfounded and not knowing where to go. But at this time, it was obvious that the biggest winner was Fengyuntai. Erdan, Xiao Jianjian and a group of people were besieging them. The Qilin Dharma Appearance was already on the verge of collapse. Suddenly, he let out a wailing cry, and his body suddenly collapsed. Wisps of green light swirled around, turning into a piece of blue scales and falling on the grass.

At this moment, my disgust for the people in the Land of Reincarnation has even surpassed that of the Bloody Royal Court. These people are eating everything in and out, and it is not a pity to die!

Gui Ax shouted violently, and his body turned into a black cloud and retreated, condensing into his body dozens of meters away. He was scarred and his eyes were filled with fierce light. He growled: "Wait, Qilin." I will never forget the hatred of the mountain, and I will definitely settle it with you!"

I raised my eyebrows: "Then I'll wait for you!"

In this case, it will be even more impossible to keep him!

In the crowd, Dong Yuanbai roared: "Disciples of Fengyuntai, come with me. Even if we at Fengyuntai are on the battlefield of Qilin Mountain, we must not let them bully us!"

I took it away politely and glanced at it -


Lordan was stunned: "Is this... okay?"


Yes, Ghost Ax is the proud disciple of the Land of Reincarnation. His strength is obvious to all. In a fair duel, I may not be his opponent. Moreover, Ghost Ax has repeatedly attacked Luo Erdan, Dong Yuanbai and others. Once he has the chance, he He will definitely kill someone. I can't keep such a person anyway, and one of my creeds is to kill the crisis before it happens. Since Ghost Ax has threatened my existence in Black Castle, I can't keep him. And today is the best time to kill him.

"July Fire!"


Gui Ax shouted violently, and his body turned into a black cloud and retreated, condensing into his body dozens of meters away. He was scarred and his eyes were filled with fierce light. He growled: "Wait, Qilin." I will never forget the hatred of the mountain, and I will definitely settle it with you!"

"good chance!"

I lowered my head and whispered in his ear: "Let me tell you, sooner or later, your bullshit master Zhuang Huaishui will also die in my hands. I have been worried about his life for more than a day or two."

Ghost Ax turned around and left first, leaving a group of teenagers in the land of reincarnation dumbfounded and not knowing where to go. But at this time, it was obvious that the biggest winner was Fengyuntai. Erdan, Xiao Jianjian and a group of people were besieging them. The Qilin Dharma Appearance was already on the verge of collapse. Suddenly, he let out a wailing cry, and his body suddenly collapsed. Wisps of green light swirled around, turning into a piece of blue scales and falling on the grass.

You actually have this skill

A group of disciples from the Land of Reincarnation, each using their own weapons, followed the ghost ax to kill with ferocious momentum. At this time, each of them looked fierce, as if they had forgotten that they belonged to the black castle like me, and they were already eager to kill them.

[Incomplete Qilin Armor Plate]: It records a secret Qilin skill called "Green Qilin Strike". After understanding it, you can practice it and learn the limited bloodline: the bloodline of the holy beast.

"you… "

Under the effect of the white clothes, the whole person jumped down from the tree and landed behind Ghost Ax. The two daggers interacted and hit the four consecutive hits of annihilation + basic attack + backstab + basic attack "swishingly". Behind Ghost Ax, his body suddenly trembled crazily, and his 32% health bar instantly dropped to 14%. He suddenly turned around, holding the battle ax, and roared: "Qiyue Liuhuo, you bastard!"

With a loud noise, the blood spell turned into dozens of explosive storms that raged through the crowd. Jin Lan, who was the first to bear the brunt, was immediately vomited blood. He screamed, and the blood all over his body spurted out, condensing into a shield to resist the blood. The power of the talisman, but the others were not so lucky. Under the ravage of the blood talisman, the bodies of a large number of blood-colored royal court disciples were turned into powder, while the ringing in my ears seemed to have never stopped—

"The treasure is born!"

Turning around, I activated my speed skill and disappeared into the Qilin Valley. Then I entered the white-clothed state and sprinted through the jungle. At the same time, I focused my mind and energy and expanded my spiritual sense while running to find that ray of belonging. The death aura of Ghost Ax.


As I turned around and retreated, I shouted to the Fengyuntai disciples in the distance: "Luo Erdan, Dong Yuanbai, you lead people to seize the Kirin secret skill. Leave these people to me! Listen to my orders immediately!"

"July Fire!"


Accompanied by the sound of the wind, I landed on the trunk of a maple tree after several leaps. With one hand holding on to the branches that were wet after the rain, and with the other hand holding a dagger glowing with cold light, I cast my gaze forward. Just in front of the forest clearing, I saw Ghost Ax, filled with purple aura, lying on the body of a Fengyuntai disciple, gnawing at his body!

[Incomplete Qilin Armor Plate]: It records a secret Qilin skill called "Green Qilin Strike". After understanding it, you can practice it and learn the limited bloodline: the bloodline of the holy beast.

"Boom boom boom~~~"

Erdan stepped forward, held it in the palm of his hand, then rushed towards me, laughing loudly and said: "We grabbed the July Flowing Fire, come on, you are the inheritor of Fengyuntai, here you go!"

On the other hand, Ghost Ax's health bar is growing little by little, from 29% to 32% in the blink of an eye. This is an ability to devour flesh and blood. Obviously, although Ghost Ax has obtained a human form through cultivation, his predecessor is clearly a A disgusting ghoul, he killed a Fengyuntai disciple and gnawed on the corpse to restore his own life. This was almost an instinct.

"you you… "

A few seconds later, my mind wandered, and I could already sense a very powerful breath of death, not far ahead. Yes, the location of the ghost ax had been found!

You actually have this skill

In an instant, at least thirty descendants of the Scarlet Royal Court were killed with blood spells, and I ate up all the experience points and contribution points. In an instant, a light rain fell from the sky, bathing my whole body with warmth. I had already reached level 43. Moreover, the contribution rate has also skyrocketed to 56W. This time we came to the Qilin Mountain battlefield at the right time!

"Okay, after leaving the Qilin Mountain battlefield, you said that you obtained this Qilin armor piece by yourself. In fact, it is also the case. I won't say any more. I have something to do, so I'll leave first."

In this case, it will be even more impossible to keep him!

I took it away politely and glanced at it -

I breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "This thing... I can't understand it. Erdan, you have the blood of a holy beast. Although it is not pure, you should be able to learn. I'll give it to you."




You actually have this skill

However, Jin Lan used this move to escape, but also lost a lot of vitality, and may not be able to fight anymore.

Accompanied by the sound of the wind, I landed on the trunk of a maple tree after several leaps. With one hand holding on to the branches that were wet after the rain, and with the other hand holding a dagger glowing with cold light, I cast my gaze forward. Just in front of the forest clearing, I saw Ghost Ax, filled with purple aura, lying on the body of a Fengyuntai disciple, gnawing at his body!

"The golden cicada escapes from its shell!"

[Incomplete Qilin Armor Plate]: It records a secret Qilin skill called "Green Qilin Strike". After understanding it, you can practice it and learn the limited bloodline: the bloodline of the holy beast.

Lordan was stunned: "Is this... okay?"

Although he is reckless, he obeys my words. Well, he is teachable!

Just when I took a few steps back, a sharp light passed behind me and turned into the image of a battle ax and suddenly hit my shoulder. Suddenly the whole shoulder seemed to be split apart, and I lost 2W+ in an instant. He had a lot of energy and blood, and this very heavy ax came from the ghost ax in the land of reincarnation. After the sneak attack, he screamed, his body suddenly flew into the air, holding the battle ax in both hands, with the aura of death lingering all over his body, he shouted: "Today Anyone can leave, but Qi Liuhuo, you have repeatedly provoked my place of reincarnation, and today you must die!"

I raised my eyebrows: "Then I'll wait for you!"



My eyes were cold, and I raised my hand to strike, dazing him on the spot. Then I circled behind him and performed three consecutive attacks of basic attack + backstab + basic attack. I cut with the double daggers, and the sound of "pap-pap-pap-pap" continued, and the ghost ax Blood was constantly splattering on the body that was almost torn to pieces.


I breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "This thing... I can't understand it. Erdan, you have the blood of a holy beast. Although it is not pure, you should be able to learn. I'll give it to you."

However, Jin Lan used this move to escape, but also lost a lot of vitality, and may not be able to fight anymore.

You actually have this skill


I took it away politely and glanced at it -

He knelt down softly on the ground, his eyes full of unwillingness, and he looked up at me and said, "Qiyue Liuhuo, how dare you kill me here? Just... aren't you afraid of my master's revenge?"

Lordan was stunned: "Is this... okay?"

I kicked his broken chest and said calmly: "I have never been a good person in front of evil people. You just don't understand me too well."

I gritted my teeth, and there was murderous intent in my eyes. This time, it gave me a reason to kill him!

At the same time, there were also a lot of people who died in the Scarlet Royal Court, which made my contribution soar to 72W again. It can be said that I have made a lot of money on the Qilin Mountain battlefield this time.

"Beast, go to hell!"

"go back!"

"Okay, after leaving the Qilin Mountain battlefield, you said that you obtained this Qilin armor piece by yourself. In fact, it is also the case. I won't say any more. I have something to do, so I'll leave first."

A few seconds later, my mind wandered, and I could already sense a very powerful breath of death, not far ahead. Yes, the location of the ghost ax had been found!

"this… "

With a loud noise, the blood spell turned into dozens of explosive storms that raged through the crowd. Jin Lan, who was the first to bear the brunt, was immediately vomited blood. He screamed, and the blood all over his body spurted out, condensing into a shield to resist the blood. The power of the talisman, but the others were not so lucky. Under the ravage of the blood talisman, the bodies of a large number of blood-colored royal court disciples were turned into powder, while the ringing in my ears seemed to have never stopped—

On the other hand, Ghost Ax's health bar is growing little by little, from 29% to 32% in the blink of an eye. This is an ability to devour flesh and blood. Obviously, although Ghost Ax has obtained a human form through cultivation, his predecessor is clearly a A disgusting ghoul, he killed a Fengyuntai disciple and gnawed on the corpse to restore his own life. This was almost an instinct.

This time it was even more exciting. At least more than 80 people were within the raging range of the blood spell. Jin Lan, who was already injured, screamed and roared for the first time. The blood in his body rose. The next second, the blood on the surface of his skin It condensed into a figure of its own, and its real body suddenly ejected backwards!

"The treasure is born!"

His pupils shrank violently and said: "You are not a human being, you are simply a demon... You..."


Yes, Ghost Ax is the proud disciple of the Land of Reincarnation. His strength is obvious to all. In a fair duel, I may not be his opponent. Moreover, Ghost Ax has repeatedly attacked Luo Erdan, Dong Yuanbai and others. Once he has the chance, he He will definitely kill someone. I can't keep such a person anyway, and one of my creeds is to kill the crisis before it happens. Since Ghost Ax has threatened my existence in Black Castle, I can't keep him. And today is the best time to kill him.

I kicked his broken chest and said calmly: "I have never been a good person in front of evil people. You just don't understand me too well."

Erdan stepped forward, held it in the palm of his hand, then rushed towards me, laughing loudly and said: "We grabbed the July Flowing Fire, come on, you are the inheritor of Fengyuntai, here you go!"

Turning around, I activated my speed skill and disappeared into the Qilin Valley. Then I entered the white-clothed state and sprinted through the jungle. At the same time, I focused my mind and energy and expanded my spiritual sense while running to find that ray of belonging. The death aura of Ghost Ax.

At the same time, there were also a lot of people who died in the Scarlet Royal Court, which made my contribution soar to 72W again. It can be said that I have made a lot of money on the Qilin Mountain battlefield this time.

With a loud noise, the blood spell turned into dozens of explosive storms that raged through the crowd. Jin Lan, who was the first to bear the brunt, was immediately vomited blood. He screamed, and the blood all over his body spurted out, condensing into a shield to resist the blood. The power of the talisman, but the others were not so lucky. Under the ravage of the blood talisman, the bodies of a large number of blood-colored royal court disciples were turned into powder, while the ringing in my ears seemed to have never stopped—

System prompt: Congratulations on killing [Feng Po] (middle stage of Ling Gang Realm), you will receive a reward of +120,000 experience points and +6,000 contribution points!

In this case, it will be even more impossible to keep him!

Lordan was stunned: "Is this... okay?"


Yes, Ghost Ax is the proud disciple of the Land of Reincarnation. His strength is obvious to all. In a fair duel, I may not be his opponent. Moreover, Ghost Ax has repeatedly attacked Luo Erdan, Dong Yuanbai and others. Once he has the chance, he He will definitely kill someone. I can't keep such a person anyway, and one of my creeds is to kill the crisis before it happens. Since Ghost Ax has threatened my existence in Black Castle, I can't keep him. And today is the best time to kill him.

"you you… "

"go back!"

System prompt: Congratulations on killing [Jin Han] (middle stage of Linggang Realm). You will receive a reward of +120,000 experience points and +6,000 contribution points!

"good chance!"

Lordan was stunned: "Is this... okay?"

"Follow Senior Brother Ghost Ax and kill Qiyue Liuhuo in Qilin Valley, go up!"

A few seconds later, my mind wandered, and I could already sense a very powerful breath of death, not far ahead. Yes, the location of the ghost ax had been found!

"go back!"

You actually have this skill

I lowered my head and whispered in his ear: "Let me tell you, sooner or later, your bullshit master Zhuang Huaishui will also die in my hands. I have been worried about his life for more than a day or two."

"this… "

At the same time, there were also a lot of people who died in the Scarlet Royal Court, which made my contribution soar to 72W again. It can be said that I have made a lot of money on the Qilin Mountain battlefield this time.

"July Fire!"

At the same time, there were also a lot of people who died in the Scarlet Royal Court, which made my contribution soar to 72W again. It can be said that I have made a lot of money on the Qilin Mountain battlefield this time.




Under the effect of the white clothes, the whole person jumped down from the tree and landed behind Ghost Ax. The two daggers interacted and hit the four consecutive hits of annihilation + basic attack + backstab + basic attack "swishingly". Behind Ghost Ax, his body suddenly trembled crazily, and his 32% health bar instantly dropped to 14%. He suddenly turned around, holding the battle ax, and roared: "Qiyue Liuhuo, you bastard!"

Accompanied by the sound of the wind, I landed on the trunk of a maple tree after several leaps. With one hand holding on to the branches that were wet after the rain, and with the other hand holding a dagger glowing with cold light, I cast my gaze forward. Just in front of the forest clearing, I saw Ghost Ax, filled with purple aura, lying on the body of a Fengyuntai disciple, gnawing at his body!

System prompt: Congratulations on killing [Feng Po] (middle stage of Ling Gang Realm), you will receive a reward of +120,000 experience points and +6,000 contribution points!

A group of disciples from the Land of Reincarnation, each using their own weapons, followed the ghost ax to kill with ferocious momentum. At this time, each of them looked fierce, as if they had forgotten that they belonged to the black castle like me, and they were already eager to kill them.

"The treasure is born!"

On the other hand, Ghost Ax's health bar is growing little by little, from 29% to 32% in the blink of an eye. This is an ability to devour flesh and blood. Obviously, although Ghost Ax has obtained a human form through cultivation, his predecessor is clearly a A disgusting ghoul, he killed a Fengyuntai disciple and gnawed on the corpse to restore his own life. This was almost an instinct.

On the other hand, Ghost Ax's health bar is growing little by little, from 29% to 32% in the blink of an eye. This is an ability to devour flesh and blood. Obviously, although Ghost Ax has obtained a human form through cultivation, his predecessor is clearly a A disgusting ghoul, he killed a Fengyuntai disciple and gnawed on the corpse to restore his own life. This was almost an instinct.


Lordan was stunned: "Is this... okay?"

In this case, it will be even more impossible to keep him!

At the same time, there were also a lot of people who died in the Scarlet Royal Court, which made my contribution soar to 72W again. It can be said that I have made a lot of money on the Qilin Mountain battlefield this time.

I raised my eyebrows: "Then I'll wait for you!"



"you… "

"you… "

"Okay, after leaving the Qilin Mountain battlefield, you said that you obtained this Qilin armor piece by yourself. In fact, it is also the case. I won't say any more. I have something to do, so I'll leave first."

Although he is reckless, he obeys my words. Well, he is teachable!

I gritted my teeth, and there was murderous intent in my eyes. This time, it gave me a reason to kill him!

I gritted my teeth, and there was murderous intent in my eyes. This time, it gave me a reason to kill him!


I took it away politely and glanced at it -

"Oh, is it so?"

"this… "

On the other hand, Ghost Ax's health bar is growing little by little, from 29% to 32% in the blink of an eye. This is an ability to devour flesh and blood. Obviously, although Ghost Ax has obtained a human form through cultivation, his predecessor is clearly a A disgusting ghoul, he killed a Fengyuntai disciple and gnawed on the corpse to restore his own life. This was almost an instinct.

"you wanna die!"


Turning around, I activated my speed skill and disappeared into the Qilin Valley. Then I entered the white-clothed state and sprinted through the jungle. At the same time, I focused my mind and energy and expanded my spiritual sense while running to find that ray of belonging. The death aura of Ghost Ax.



"July Fire!"

"this… "


The star soul explodes!

"The golden cicada escapes from its shell!"

The star soul explodes!

However, Jin Lan used this move to escape, but also lost a lot of vitality, and may not be able to fight anymore.

Under the effect of the white clothes, the whole person jumped down from the tree and landed behind Ghost Ax. The two daggers interacted and hit the four consecutive hits of annihilation + basic attack + backstab + basic attack "swishingly". Behind Ghost Ax, his body suddenly trembled crazily, and his 32% health bar instantly dropped to 14%. He suddenly turned around, holding the battle ax, and roared: "Qiyue Liuhuo, you bastard!"

He roared, and the moment he turned around and swept across with an axe, I had already opened my white clothes. The dagger in my right hand suddenly disappeared. The five fingers opened, driving a majestic force to rise. For a moment, the void was in the huge sky. It twisted and deformed crazily under the force of the squeeze, and wisps of golden ancient writing fell from the sky. Dragon roars circled above the head, and Haoran hit Ghost Ax straight in the chest with a palm!

The power of Bai Yi + Long Jue's palm was too strong. After the palm force was activated, it directly shattered Ghost Ax's chest. A golden palm print burst out from behind him and stirred in the wind. This palm was powerful and natural. It also knocked out the last trace of Ghost Ax's vitality. After all, he was just a perfect Linggang realm, completely incomparable to a Heavenly realm master like Wind Whale.

His pupils shrank violently and said: "You are not a human being, you are simply a demon... You..."

Under the effect of the white clothes, the whole person jumped down from the tree and landed behind Ghost Ax. The two daggers interacted and hit the four consecutive hits of annihilation + basic attack + backstab + basic attack "swishingly". Behind Ghost Ax, his body suddenly trembled crazily, and his 32% health bar instantly dropped to 14%. He suddenly turned around, holding the battle ax, and roared: "Qiyue Liuhuo, you bastard!"

[Incomplete Qilin Armor Plate]: It records a secret Qilin skill called "Green Qilin Strike". After understanding it, you can practice it and learn the limited bloodline: the bloodline of the holy beast.

I breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "This thing... I can't understand it. Erdan, you have the blood of a holy beast. Although it is not pure, you should be able to learn. I'll give it to you."

"Beast, go to hell!"

"you wanna die!"

In the crowd, Dong Yuanbai roared: "Disciples of Fengyuntai, come with me. Even if we at Fengyuntai are on the battlefield of Qilin Mountain, we must not let them bully us!"

My eyes were cold, and I raised my hand to strike, dazing him on the spot. Then I circled behind him and performed three consecutive attacks of basic attack + backstab + basic attack. I cut with the double daggers, and the sound of "pap-pap-pap-pap" continued, and the ghost ax Blood was constantly splattering on the body that was almost torn to pieces.

Turning around, I activated my speed skill and disappeared into the Qilin Valley. Then I entered the white-clothed state and sprinted through the jungle. At the same time, I focused my mind and energy and expanded my spiritual sense while running to find that ray of belonging. The death aura of Ghost Ax.

"Not afraid."

I raised my eyebrows: "Then I'll wait for you!"


"Okay, after leaving the Qilin Mountain battlefield, you said that you obtained this Qilin armor piece by yourself. In fact, it is also the case. I won't say any more. I have something to do, so I'll leave first."

I breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "This thing... I can't understand it. Erdan, you have the blood of a holy beast. Although it is not pure, you should be able to learn. I'll give it to you."

I lowered my head and whispered in his ear: "Let me tell you, sooner or later, your bullshit master Zhuang Huaishui will also die in my hands. I have been worried about his life for more than a day or two."

"you wanna die!"


"July Fire!"

With a whimper, Ghost Ax walked the last part of his life and turned into a cold corpse lying in this desolate forest. I bent down and entered the stealth state again, just swaying like this. After taking a detour, I looked at the upper right corner. The countdown to the Qilin Mountain Trial has begun. There is still half an hour left. Don't be in a hurry. Let's go back when the time is almost up.

"Save senior brother!"

At this time, I had already retreated to the edge of the rock wall with no way to retreat. The people headed by Jin Lan and Gui Ax had also come in an aggressive manner. The crowd was dense, and people from the Blood Royal Court and the Black Castle were shoulder to shoulder, but there was no interaction with each other. The fight happened only because they had the same enemy, and that was me.

He knelt down softly on the ground, his eyes full of unwillingness, and he looked up at me and said, "Qiyue Liuhuo, how dare you kill me here? Just... aren't you afraid of my master's revenge?"

He roared, and the moment he turned around and swept across with an axe, I had already opened my white clothes. The dagger in my right hand suddenly disappeared. The five fingers opened, driving a majestic force to rise. For a moment, the void was in the huge sky. It twisted and deformed crazily under the force of the squeeze, and wisps of golden ancient writing fell from the sky. Dragon roars circled above the head, and Haoran hit Ghost Ax straight in the chest with a palm!

At this time, I had already retreated to the edge of the rock wall with no way to retreat. The people headed by Jin Lan and Gui Ax had also come in an aggressive manner. The crowd was dense, and people from the Blood Royal Court and the Black Castle were shoulder to shoulder, but there was no interaction with each other. The fight happened only because they had the same enemy, and that was me.

"July Fire!"


Yes, Ghost Ax is the proud disciple of the Land of Reincarnation. His strength is obvious to all. In a fair duel, I may not be his opponent. Moreover, Ghost Ax has repeatedly attacked Luo Erdan, Dong Yuanbai and others. Once he has the chance, he He will definitely kill someone. I can't keep such a person anyway, and one of my creeds is to kill the crisis before it happens. Since Ghost Ax has threatened my existence in Black Castle, I can't keep him. And today is the best time to kill him.

Yes, Ghost Ax is the proud disciple of the Land of Reincarnation. His strength is obvious to all. In a fair duel, I may not be his opponent. Moreover, Ghost Ax has repeatedly attacked Luo Erdan, Dong Yuanbai and others. Once he has the chance, he He will definitely kill someone. I can't keep such a person anyway, and one of my creeds is to kill the crisis before it happens. Since Ghost Ax has threatened my existence in Black Castle, I can't keep him. And today is the best time to kill him.


[Incomplete Qilin Armor Plate]: It records a secret Qilin skill called "Green Qilin Strike". After understanding it, you can practice it and learn the limited bloodline: the bloodline of the holy beast.

Erdan stepped forward, held it in the palm of his hand, then rushed towards me, laughing loudly and said: "We grabbed the July Flowing Fire, come on, you are the inheritor of Fengyuntai, here you go!"

"go back!"

He roared, and the moment he turned around and swept across with an axe, I had already opened my white clothes. The dagger in my right hand suddenly disappeared. The five fingers opened, driving a majestic force to rise. For a moment, the void was in the huge sky. It twisted and deformed crazily under the force of the squeeze, and wisps of golden ancient writing fell from the sky. Dragon roars circled above the head, and Haoran hit Ghost Ax straight in the chest with a palm!

The power of Bai Yi + Long Jue's palm was too strong. After the palm force was activated, it directly shattered Ghost Ax's chest. A golden palm print burst out from behind him and stirred in the wind. This palm was powerful and natural. It also knocked out the last trace of Ghost Ax's vitality. After all, he was just a perfect Linggang realm, completely incomparable to a Heavenly realm master like Wind Whale.


"Oh, is it so?"

"Go in peace."

In the bloody mist, Jin Lan's whole body glowed so brightly, and his face was full of murderous intent: "You have done a good job, this time, our Bloody Royal Court will never let you go. Go ahead and kill Qiyue Liuhuo first!"

"you… "

Lordan was stunned: "Is this... okay?"

"The golden cicada escapes from its shell!"

"you you… "

"July Fire!"



He knelt down softly on the ground, his eyes full of unwillingness, and he looked up at me and said, "Qiyue Liuhuo, how dare you kill me here? Just... aren't you afraid of my master's revenge?"

I took it away politely and glanced at it -

Lordan was stunned: "Is this... okay?"

"Not afraid."

Gui Ax shouted violently, and his body turned into a black cloud and retreated, condensing into his body dozens of meters away. He was scarred and his eyes were filled with fierce light. He growled: "Wait, Qilin." I will never forget the hatred of the mountain, and I will definitely settle it with you!"

The star soul explodes!

Yes, Ghost Ax is the proud disciple of the Land of Reincarnation. His strength is obvious to all. In a fair duel, I may not be his opponent. Moreover, Ghost Ax has repeatedly attacked Luo Erdan, Dong Yuanbai and others. Once he has the chance, he He will definitely kill someone. I can't keep such a person anyway, and one of my creeds is to kill the crisis before it happens. Since Ghost Ax has threatened my existence in Black Castle, I can't keep him. And today is the best time to kill him.

However, Jin Lan used this move to escape, but also lost a lot of vitality, and may not be able to fight anymore.

I lowered my head and whispered in his ear: "Let me tell you, sooner or later, your bullshit master Zhuang Huaishui will also die in my hands. I have been worried about his life for more than a day or two."

"July Fire!"

With a whimper, Ghost Ax walked the last part of his life and turned into a cold corpse lying in this desolate forest. I bent down and entered the stealth state again, just swaying like this. After taking a detour, I looked at the upper right corner. The countdown to the Qilin Mountain Trial has begun. There is still half an hour left. Don't be in a hurry. Let's go back when the time is almost up.

Lordan was already on his way to kill him. He gritted his teeth and suddenly turned around: "Let's go and listen to Qiyue Liuhuo!"


"you… "

In the crowd, Dong Yuanbai roared: "Disciples of Fengyuntai, come with me. Even if we at Fengyuntai are on the battlefield of Qilin Mountain, we must not let them bully us!"

You actually have this skill

The star soul explodes!

"Follow Senior Brother Ghost Ax and kill Qiyue Liuhuo in Qilin Valley, go up!"

His pupils shrank violently and said: "You are not a human being, you are simply a demon... You..."

At the same time, there were also a lot of people who died in the Scarlet Royal Court, which made my contribution soar to 72W again. It can be said that I have made a lot of money on the Qilin Mountain battlefield this time.

System prompt: Congratulations on killing [Jin Han] (middle stage of Linggang Realm). You will receive a reward of +120,000 experience points and +6,000 contribution points!


"Go in peace."

With a whimper, Ghost Ax walked the last part of his life and turned into a cold corpse lying in this desolate forest. I bent down and entered the stealth state again, just swaying like this. After taking a detour, I looked at the upper right corner. The countdown to the Qilin Mountain Trial has begun. There is still half an hour left. Don't be in a hurry. Let's go back when the time is almost up.

I lowered my head and whispered in his ear: "Let me tell you, sooner or later, your bullshit master Zhuang Huaishui will also die in my hands. I have been worried about his life for more than a day or two."

"The golden cicada escapes from its shell!"


Accompanied by the sound of the wind, I landed on the trunk of a maple tree after several leaps. With one hand holding on to the branches that were wet after the rain, and with the other hand holding a dagger glowing with cold light, I cast my gaze forward. Just in front of the forest clearing, I saw Ghost Ax, filled with purple aura, lying on the body of a Fengyuntai disciple, gnawing at his body!

Turning around, I activated my speed skill and disappeared into the Qilin Valley. Then I entered the white-clothed state and sprinted through the jungle. At the same time, I focused my mind and energy and expanded my spiritual sense while running to find that ray of belonging. The death aura of Ghost Ax.

I kicked his broken chest and said calmly: "I have never been a good person in front of evil people. You just don't understand me too well."

He knelt down softly on the ground, his eyes full of unwillingness, and he looked up at me and said, "Qiyue Liuhuo, how dare you kill me here? Just... aren't you afraid of my master's revenge?"

A few seconds later, my mind wandered, and I could already sense a very powerful breath of death, not far ahead. Yes, the location of the ghost ax had been found!

You actually have this skill

"you you… "

"this… "

System prompt: Congratulations on killing [Feng Po] (middle stage of Ling Gang Realm), you will receive a reward of +120,000 experience points and +6,000 contribution points!

With a whimper, Ghost Ax walked the last part of his life and turned into a cold corpse lying in this desolate forest. I bent down and entered the stealth state again, just swaying like this. After taking a detour, I looked at the upper right corner. The countdown to the Qilin Mountain Trial has begun. There is still half an hour left. Don't be in a hurry. Let's go back when the time is almost up.

Turning around, I activated my speed skill and disappeared into the Qilin Valley. Then I entered the white-clothed state and sprinted through the jungle. At the same time, I focused my mind and energy and expanded my spiritual sense while running to find that ray of belonging. The death aura of Ghost Ax.

In the bloody mist, Jin Lan's whole body glowed so brightly, and his face was full of murderous intent: "You have done a good job, this time, our Bloody Royal Court will never let you go. Go ahead and kill Qiyue Liuhuo first!"

Under the effect of the white clothes, the whole person jumped down from the tree and landed behind Ghost Ax. The two daggers interacted and hit the four consecutive hits of annihilation + basic attack + backstab + basic attack "swishingly". Behind Ghost Ax, his body suddenly trembled crazily, and his 32% health bar instantly dropped to 14%. He suddenly turned around, holding the battle ax, and roared: "Qiyue Liuhuo, you bastard!"