Zhu Xian

Chapter 10: glen


Zhang Xiaofan came up to the mountain, came to the familiar bamboo forest, saw the green mountains, layers upon layers, where the mountain wind passes, the bamboo sea undulates, like the waves of the sea, it is very magnificent, his heart suddenly widens.

He took a deep breath of the fresh mountain air, moved his body, and walked into the bamboo forest with a hatchet. The place he went to now was different from when he first came three years ago. It was in the deepest part of the bamboo forest, where there were many big bamboos, and the bamboo was even harder.

In the morning, the light mist floats in the forest, like a veil, and on the green bamboo leaves on both sides of the path, there are crystal dewdrops, which are beautiful and clear.

After walking for a while, I was in the green ocean. The black-jointed bamboos here are mostly towering, with luxuriant branches and leaves, reaching straight into the sky. The light penetrates through the gaps in the branches and leaves, leaving patches of shadows on the ground. Zhang Xiaofan looked left and right, picked a big black knotted bamboo, made a gesture, then raised his knife to chop it.

"Puff", suddenly there was a muffled sound, Zhang Xiaofan only felt a pain in the forehead, but it was hit by an object on the forehead. He looked down and saw a pine cone rolling on the ground. There are black knotted bamboos in the front, back, left, and right. There are many bamboo shoots, but there are absolutely no pine cones.

He thought for a while, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, looked around, and said loudly: "Senior sister, is that you?"

His voice spread far and wide among the bamboo forests, but no one answered for a long while. Zhang Xiaofan knew that his senior sister was always naughty and teasing people, he was about to shout again, suddenly there was another pain in his forehead, the pain was excruciating, he was hit by a pine cone again, and "吱吱吱吱" came from above his head screams.

Zhang Xiaofan reluctantly raised his head and saw a gray-haired monkey crawling on the black knotted bamboo tree at some point, holding a few pine cones in his hand, his tail hanging upside down on the bamboo branch, "Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi" laughed shrilly He looked like he was gloating about his misfortune.

Zhang Xiaofan was stunned for a while, he had never seen a monkey in the bamboo forest in the past three years, moreover, the Big Bamboo Peak was almost covered with bamboo forests, only a wild pine and cypress forest in the deep valley in the shadow of the mountain, it seems that this monkey lived there, somehow today Will run up the hill.

Big Bamboo Peak is tall and steep. Although it is not as high as Tongtian Peak, it goes straight into the sea of clouds. There is almost no way to climb up from the foot of the mountain. Most of the disciples of Qingyun Sect come and go by Yukong.

Zhang Xiaofan's cultivation level is superficial, apart from chopping bamboo every day, he also heard from his seniors that there is a forest of pines and cypresses in the deep valley behind the Big Bamboo Peak, deep and unfathomable, rarely visited by people.

Back then, the patriarchs of the Dazhu Peak lineage also used their swords to explore the deep valley, but there was only a virgin forest there, and there was nothing strange about it, but there were more beasts and poisonous insects, but they never came out of the valley, so all these years have been peaceful. thing.

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly saw the monkey lift his hand, his heart skipped a beat, and he quickly moved away. Sure enough, another pine cone fell down. If he didn't dodge, he would suffer again.

Seeing him dodging away, the gray monkey screamed twice, with an angry face, as if blaming Zhang Xiaofan for not dodging.

Zhang Xiaofan made a face at the monkey, ignored it, walked away, thinking that this monkey takes pleasure in beating people, it is rare, it is really an ignorant beast.

He walked two steps, suddenly heard the sound of the wind behind his ears, he couldn't dodge in time, with a "poof", the back of the head was hit by a hard pine cone again, this time the force was not light, Zhang Xiaofan felt his eyes go dark, he couldn't help but let out a cry .

I saw the monkey clapping and laughing on the bamboo branch, dangling to and fro, very happy. Zhang Xiaofan was furious in his heart, rushed over to shake the bamboo violently, he shook the huge black knotted bamboo from side to side, but the gray monkey just wrapped its tail around the bamboo, let him swing it around, not afraid at all, instead "Zhi Zhi Zhi" laughed non-stop.

Zhang Xiaofan saw that the monkey couldn't do anything, he felt even more annoyed, he pulled out the hatchet and chopped the bamboo hard. The monkey was not afraid either, and just looked at him with interest from the bamboo.

Zhang Xiaofan was sweating all over his head from chopping, he managed to chop seven or eight points, and seeing that success was imminent, he suddenly heard a scream from Zhushang, looked up, and saw the gray monkey's tail swung, its body flew up, and it actually jumped to the side Another black knotted bamboo, and then "pop", threw another pine cone down.

Zhang Xiaofan was furious, he didn't care if the monkey could understand or not, he pointed at it and said loudly: "If you have the guts, come down."

The gray monkey scratched its head, tilted its head and thought for a long time, maybe it didn't understand what kindness is not kind, it just laughed loudly and made faces at Zhang Xiaofan.

Zhang Xiaofan was so angry that he was half dead, but there was nothing he could do, this day he managed to finish his homework, but the monkey hit him seven or eight times on the head, and it was in constant pain.

Zhang Xiaofan was full of anger, he went down the mountain resentfully, ignoring the monkey. Unexpectedly, the monkey became addicted to playing, and spent several days waiting in the bamboo forest, once Zhang Xiaofan came to chop bamboo, he would take pleasure in hitting him, seeing Zhang Xiaofan annoyed, he was very happy.


Before dinner that day, Tian Linger pulled Zhang Xiaofan aside, and secretly asked, "Xiaofan, what's wrong with your head?"

Zhang Xiaofan was bullied by that gray monkey for several days, his head was smashed black and blue, he was in pain, but he felt that it was embarrassing to be teased by a monkey, so he didn't say anything to anyone, when he heard his senior sister ask, he hesitated , finally told her.

Tian Linger's red lips were flattened, and she couldn't help laughing, two small dimples appeared on the side of her face, she was really beautiful and compelling. Zhang Xiaofan seemed to be being teased by her, or something else, his face became inexplicably hot, and he lowered his head.

Tian Ling'er patted Zhang Xiaofan's shoulder carelessly, and said: "Don't worry! Junior brother, these days my mother wants me to practice more in the Taiji Cave, to prepare for the Qimai Martial Arts Competition two years later, but I didn't expect you to be killed A monkey bullied you. Don’t worry, I will accompany you up the mountain tomorrow and teach that bad monkey a lesson.”

Her tone was old-fashioned, and she meant to coax children, but Zhang Xiaofan was used to it since he was a child, so he gave a wry smile and didn't care.

In the early morning of the next day, Tian Linger really got up early, and went up the back mountain with Zhang Xiaofan.

The cool breeze from the mountain was blowing slowly, Tian Linger was dressed in red, just like the first time she and Zhang Xiaofan went to the mountain to cut bamboo, bouncing and walking ahead.

Zhang Xiaofan followed behind, looking at the beautiful girl in front, she was like a red cloud, fluttering gently in the mountains, with the mountain wind, there seemed to be a faint fragrance coming from it.

There was a trance in his heart, and suddenly he had a feeling of wishing to go on like this forever.

He was lost in thought, but Tian Linger had gone too far, looked back, and shouted: "Xiaofan, why are you so slow!"

Zhang Xiaofan woke up startled, his face flushed, he didn't dare to think any more, he hurriedly chased after him.

The two of them came to the bamboo forest, Tian Linger said to Zhang Xiaofan: "Xiaofan, you go in alone first, I will follow behind."

Zhang Xiaofan nodded, walked in with the hatchet, walked a few steps, suddenly thought of telling Tian Linger to be careful, turned around to look, but she was nowhere to be seen.

He was stunned for a while, feeling inexplicably bewildered for a while, then shook his head, put aside those idle thoughts, and walked towards the depths of the bamboo forest. At the destination, the forest was silent. Zhang Xiaofan looked around, but he couldn't find the gray-haired monkey. He murmured in his heart: Don't let that monkey become spiritually aware, expect him to find helpers today, and dare not come.

Thinking in his heart, he looked around, but it was useless to find the monkey, so he walked to a black knotted bamboo and tried to cut it.

"Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi", suddenly, a familiar scream sounded from above his head.

Zhang Xiaofan immediately jumped away like a conditioned reflex, but felt a pain in the top of his head, but it was too late, being hit by a pine cone, it really hurt. Zhang Xiaofan looked up, saw the gray monkey hanging upside down on the bamboo branch as usual, laughing non-stop.

He was overjoyed, jumped up and pointed at the monkey and laughed loudly, "Haha, you are finally here!"

He didn't make a sound, but the monkey was startled by him, thinking that this person is usually furious and furious when he gets smashed, why is he so happy today? Could it be that he became addicted to being smashed by me for a few days? Feel uncomfortable if you don't smash it, but happy if you hurt it

At this moment, a red shadow suddenly flashed in the bamboo forest, Tian Ling'er stepped on the "Amber Scarlet Silk", came from the sky, swift as lightning, five fingers formed into claws, and grabbed the monkey.

Unexpectedly, the monkey was very clever, glanced out of the corner of its eye, and immediately reacted, the tail wrapped around the bamboo branch immediately let go, and the whole body fell down. Tian Ling'er calculated its running directions, front, back, left, and right to give chase, but she didn't expect the gray monkey to fall down, she couldn't help being startled, and caught nothing.

Zhang Xiaofan was about to make a move on the ground, but he saw the monkey stretch its arms lightly in mid-air, grabbed the bamboo pole, immediately attached to it, then stopped without hesitation, seemed to know that the woman in red above was powerful, immediately swayed and jumped, from a One bamboo swings to another bamboo and then to the next bamboo, trying to escape.

Tian Linger was eager to win, and shouted in mid-air: "Chasing!" She drew her left hand, Hu Po Zhu Ling broke through the air and went away, Zhang Xiaofan ran on the ground, striding to chase.

If it was on the open ground, with the speed of Amber and Scarlet Silk, Tian Linger would have caught the gray monkey in a short while, but now in the dense bamboo forest, it is a big hindrance.

The gray monkey was extremely clever, and never ran away in a straight line. It swayed left and right in the forest, twisted and turned, and ran forward. While Tian Linger has to pay attention to the monkeys, she also has to beware of the ubiquitous black-jointed bamboos, which is very troublesome. As for Zhang Xiaofan, he could only chase on the ground in a hurry, unable to help.

The two monkeys chased so hurriedly, under the scream of the gray monkey "Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi", I don't know how long they have been chasing, Zhang Xiaofan's breathing became heavier and he felt tired, he expected to have chased a long way.

But seeing the verdant bamboo forest in front of him, it seems endless, layer by layer coming towards him. Zhang Xiaofan's mouth was dry, suddenly he saw a gray shadow flashing in front of him, and he fell straight down. He was overjoyed, he regained his energy immediately, and charged forward with all his strength, at this moment, Fang Fangtian Linger suddenly shouted urgently: "Be careful!"

In front of Zhang Xiaofan, suddenly appeared a cliff, Zhang Xiaofan hastily stopped his feet, and almost fell down. He calmed down, but saw a deep valley under the cliff. In the distance in the valley, there was thick fog, and he couldn't see clearly. On the nearby valley wall, there were no longer black knotted bamboos, but various wild trees, mostly pines and cypresses. They have chased to the valley far away from the back mountain.

Seeing the gray monkey fall, Zhang Xiaofan repeated his tricks in the air, grabbed the branches and swung around, then he lost the force of the fall and fled forward.

He was in a hurry, when he heard the sound of piercing the sky, he looked up and saw Tian Ling'er in red clothes fluttering, coming from the sky, stretching out a jade-like hand to him, shouting: "Come up."

Zhang Xiaofan didn't have time to think, stretched out his hand and grabbed Tian Linger, Tian Linger pulled him onto the scarlet silk, "Amber Scarlet Silk" sank for a moment, but returned to its original shape immediately.

Zhang Xiaofan had this experience for the first time, he was at a loss, Tian Linger pulled him behind, angrily said: "Hold my waist, hurry up."

Zhang Xiaofan hugged him according to his words, Tian Linger eagerly led Aya to fly away, the red shadow flew by, the two of them followed the "Amber Scarlet Silk", rushed straight into the deep valley, and chased after the gray monkey figure.

The wind was harsh, Zhang Xiaofan could feel the whirring, he could hardly open his eyes, but the "Amber Scarlet Silk" under his feet seemed soft, making people feel like they were going to fall if they were not careful. He felt a little scared in his heart, and couldn't help hugging Tian Ling'er a little tighter, only to feel that the red dress was like a cloud, floating in front of his eyes, and his senior sister's back was like a nine-day fairy, extremely beautiful, and even a faint fragrance wafted into his nose, in his heart A burst of joy, I really hope that time will not pass by the best.

Tian Linger didn't think of the little boy behind him having all sorts of whimsical thoughts, all his thoughts were on the gray monkey in front. She is usually favored and praised by her parents and fellow seniors, and she has a rather arrogant temper. Now that she can't catch up with a monkey, it is absolutely unacceptable.

So in the deep valley, among the shadows of the trees, the gray shadow was in front, and the red shadow was chasing after him, swaying around, chasing and running.

After chasing like this for another half an hour, the gray monkey didn't know what kind of alien species it was, but it didn't show any sign of fatigue, and still ran away quickly. But after such a long chase, Tian Linger has gradually become familiar with the method of traveling through the forest, and she is getting closer and closer.

The gray monkey fled all the way to the depths of the valley, Zhang Xiaofan looked forward from behind Tian Linger, saw the trees in front were thinning, the light came in, there was a vague open space, there seemed to be the sound of water. At this moment, the gray monkey's scream became more and more urgent. It seemed that the two did not give up after chasing for a long time, but there was no way out, so they had to run forward desperately.

After a while, a bright light suddenly appeared in front of my eyes, and it really was an open space, the ground was full of gravel, and there was a small green pool in the middle, with rippling water, flowing westward. The gray monkey fled here, apparently hesitating for a moment, but the sound of breaking through the air behind him came in the blink of an eye, and had no choice but to fall to the ground and run forward again.

But for some reason, its pace became extremely slow, it didn't look like running for its life, it was more like a walk. Even so, it is still moving forward step by step.

Zhang Xiaofan saw it in his eyes and felt strange, but Tian Linger wanted to avoid obstacles quickly and at the same time pay attention to the monkey's tracks, all his thoughts were highly concentrated, how could he think so much, seeing the gray monkey in front of him, he was overjoyed, he scolded and drove away Ling went straight in, rushed into the open space, and rushed towards the gray monkey.

Seeing that he was about to catch the monkey, Zhang Xiaofan suddenly heard a "boom" in his head, his body shook twice involuntarily, a nauseating feeling rose from his internal organs and rushed straight to his forehead, his whole body trembled for a moment.

Zhang Xiaofan was taken aback, at a loss, at this moment, his chest suddenly felt hot, a wave of heat radiated to protect his heart veins, and then counteracted the nausea.

Zhang Xiaofan looked at his chest subconsciously, and felt that the warmth came from the deep purple bead that Puzhi gave him. At the same time, Tian Linger's body at the front suddenly trembled twice, her body went limp, and she actually fell down.

The two of them were in mid-air, once Tian Linger lost control, Hu Po Scarlet Ling stopped immediately, and the two of them fell from mid-air immediately.

Zhang Xiaofan rolled on the ground a few times, it was very painful, but he didn't care about so much, before he stood up he hurriedly shouted: "Senior Sister, Senior Sister, are you alright?"

I saw Tian Ling'er lying in front of her, motionless, her face was pale, her forehead was covered with cold sweat, and she had already passed out.

Zhang Xiaofan turned pale with shock, guessed that it was probably related to the weird feeling just now, endured the pain, got up and ran to Tian Linger's side, pushed her and yelled several times, Tian Linger still didn't respond.

Zhang Xiaofan looked around again, he saw that with the pool of clear water as the center, within three zhang, there was not a blade of grass growing, but beyond three zhang, there were lush trees. He gritted his teeth, resisting the nausea that would arise in his heart from time to time, picked up Tian Linger on his back, and at the same time picked up the Amber Scarlet Silk that was thrown aside, and walked out.

The distance of two zhang is not worth mentioning in normal times, but under the constant attack of nausea, it is extremely difficult to walk. After finally walking three feet away and coming under a big pine tree, the nauseating feeling disappeared immediately.

Zhang Xiaofan put down Tian Ling'er, panted heavily, looked towards the pool, saw the gray monkey standing there, no longer moving, with a painful expression on his face, looking here, with a cry for help in his eyes mean.

Zhang Xiaofan frowned, couldn't bear it after all, stood up and walked in. After walking a few steps, the nauseating feeling reappeared, and at the same time, the warmth in his chest reappeared, resisting the uncomfortable feeling.

Zhang Xiaofan walked slowly to the side of the monkey, his head was already sweating profusely, the gray monkey saw him coming beside him, he didn't move, it seemed that he was overwhelmed and out of breath. Zhang Xiaofan took a deep breath, leaned over and picked up the monkey, turned around and walked out. The gray monkey was very obedient at this time, quietly lying in his arms.

After finally walking out again, walking to the side of Tian Linger who was still unconscious, the nauseating feeling disappeared. Zhang Xiaofan put the gray monkey down, sat down on the ground, panting heavily, the gray monkey also heaved a sigh of relief, lying on the ground, its eyes rolled around, but it didn't run away, it just looked at Zhang Xiaofan.

Zhang Xiaofan untied the skirt of his shirt, took out the bead tied with a red string and inspected it carefully, he saw that the original deep purple outside had turned into lavender, the green energy inside seemed to be stimulated by something, the speed of circling was actually very fast Ten times, turning non-stop, hitting the surface of the bead everywhere.

Just like before, every time Qingqi bumps into it, the Buddhist mantra "卍" will come out to block it. And the warmth that saved Zhang Xiaofan just now is also transmitted from this mantra.

It's just that Zhang Xiaofan clearly saw that compared with when he first discovered it three years ago, those Buddhist "卍" character mantras are much inferior in size and brightness.