Zhu Xian

Chapter 100: giant tree


The sky gradually brightened.

The rain stopped and the wind stopped, and the first ray of light in the morning spilled through the thick clouds in the sky and the fog floating in the dead marsh.

In the forest, there was silence everywhere, but slowly, following the ray of light, it gradually began to become noisy. From an unknown place, the first bird song sounded. Immediately, with the rays of light sprinkled from the gaps between the branches and leaves, the whole forest seemed to wake up from the slumber of the night. From far or near, there were cheers in the morning everywhere, welcoming this new day.

In the forest at this moment, mist as thin as a white gauze floats everywhere, and people walking in it will have a faint feeling of moisture on their faces. Coupled with the particularly fresh air in the forest, inhaling the body, it really feels open-minded.

Gui Li took a deep breath of the morning air, looked forward expressionlessly, even Xiao Hui who was lying on his shoulder stretched a long way.

Tens of feet away in front, in the direction of the golden beam of light last night, the fog suddenly thickened, confusing and confusing, making it hard to see clearly. It's just that this mist is different from the miasma on the edge of Inezawa, the color is not gray, it is already pure white. Looking from a distance, I can see the mist floating gently in the forest, one strand after another, layer upon layer.

There, maybe it is where the strange treasure is!

Gui Li slowly turned his head and looked to the side, Lu Xueqi was standing two zhang away from him, dressed in white clothes like snow, silently staring at the fog in front of him.

After all, they still didn't make a move.

For a whole night, after the surprise and faint excitement at the first meeting, there was a long silence between the two of them.

The distance between the two was only three feet, but it seemed that there was a gap even bigger than the "Abyss of Necromancer" back then, deeply engraved between them and even more so in their hearts.

Even when the brilliant golden beam of light shot up into the sky, they turned around to look at it. Their faces illuminated by the golden light in the sky felt a little colder when they looked quietly in this strange place. .

The past has finally changed...

Lu Xueqi seemed to sense something, she turned her head, and met Gui Li's gaze, her eyes were as clear as water, perhaps there were faint ripples deep in her bright pupils, but at this moment, no one could see them anymore.

She looked at the man in front of her, he was standing next to her in the forest, looking so carefully at this moment, she finally realized that he was no longer the boy he was back then!

On the once so familiar face, there are more vicissitudes and tranquility, but less innocence and smile.

She lowered her head slightly, her eyes were like water, she stayed on the Tianya Divine Sword she held in her hand, as if she was thinking about something, after a while, her voice was soft and erratic, and suddenly said: "You come back!"

She didn't raise her head, didn't move, even her expression didn't change the slightest bit, only she was holding Tianya's hand, her slender and white fingers gradually tightened.

"... Junior Brother Zhang!" She said softly, softly.

you come back...

These four words were words floating in the morning wind, surrounding him, and then rushing into his heart one by one like stones.

Gui Li took a deep breath and closed his eyes. The cold soul devourer in the sleeve robe is in his hand, like the most loyal friend, never let him go!

for a long time.

When he opened his eyes, there was a faint smile, and he said slowly: "I don't need this name for a long time."

The corners of Lu Xueqi's mouth twitched, and she slowly raised her head, but in the end she didn't say anything and fell silent.

They have been standing like this, but the distance between them seems to be a little farther at this moment. The morning light shone on that beautiful woman's face, slowly exuding a soul-stirring beauty, and the misty mist in the forest seemed to be attracted by her, dancing around her gently.

At that moment, her face seemed to be a little blurred.

Lu Xueqi turned around, walked forward without saying anything, and walked into the depths of the mist, leaving the man behind her.

However, when her figure was gradually blurred in the mist, she suddenly heard the voice of the man behind her, slowly saying: "Will you kill me?"

Her figure disappeared into the white mist, and no one could see her eyes, her expression, or her body anymore.

In this silent early morning, I don't know how long it took before her erratic voice came from the mist: "I will. So when you can kill me, go ahead..."


The sky is bright, but the feeling of walking in the mist is still dim. The fog in this area is far thicker than other places, and the sight cannot be seen too far.

Walking in the forest, Gui Li already found that apart from the mist, although it is also a forest, it is very different from the outside. Except for the tall trees still standing in the mist, there are very few dense bushes and thorns in the forest outside on the ground. I don't know if it is because the fog here is too thick to see the sun.

But the most astonishing thing is that the countless poisonous insects, beasts, exotic flowers and plants that once spread all over the Dead Marsh forest suddenly disappeared. Ghost Li walked in this forest for at least half an hour, and didn't even see a single poisonous insect.

Here, it seems that there are no animals at all, and it is lifeless.

Gui Li frowned, and continued to walk forward. Xiao Hui on the shoulders was also much quieter at the moment, his hands were tightly clutching his clothes, but his clever eyes were still rolling around, constantly looking around. Because there are fewer thorns and bushes, and those annoying poisonous insects and beasts, walking on the ground is much easier. This is the first time since entering Nezer.

Lu Xueqi was ahead of him in this mist, Gui Li was outside the mist, deliberately waited for a long time before entering, at this moment, he has no idea where Lu Xueqi is at all

It's just that, as he was walking in the forest like this, while carefully paying attention to the possible changes around him, the figure of the woman in white was always passing by in his mind unexpectedly.

"Come back..." Gui Li said these four words softly to himself with a voice that only he could hear.

Qingyun Mountain, Big Bamboo Peak, Shoujing Hall, Small Courtyard, Bamboo Forest...

The corner of his mouth moved slightly, a slightly bitter smile appeared, and he said, "I can't go back anymore, right, Xiao Hui?"

"Squeak!" The monkey Xiaohui called out twice, but he didn't know what it meant.

Gui Li stretched out his hand, touched Xiao Hui, and after a while, he suddenly cheered up, smiled freely, took big steps, and walked towards the depths of the mist.


After walking for another half an hour, the trees in the forest became thicker and thicker, and almost everywhere in the back were giant trees larger than two people hugging each other. Gui Li looked around, secretly startled.

Over the past ten years, he was stimulated by the battle at Qingyun Mountain, coupled with the subtle influence of the blood-devouring orb and soul-devouring magic weapons around him. Apart from concentrating on cultivation and gradually becoming violent and killing, he also learned other knowledge from the King of Ghosts. And the ghost king of this generation is really an extraordinary talent, not to mention his extraordinary abilities, he is even more well-read and has everything in his chest.

Because of Baguio's relationship, the King of Ghosts almost treats him as his own, and teaches him wholeheartedly. Under his intentional cultivation, the current Ghost Li is not only practicing Taoism, but even his knowledge and experience are far from the ignorant Qingyunmen back then. Young disciples can be compared.

He observed the giant trees in the forest at this moment, but they were not all rare and strange trees. Among them were oak trees, maple trees, locust trees, etc., and they were replaced by ordinary mountains outside the Dead Marsh. There is in all. But Qijiqi's various trees here are particularly huge, as long as the ordinary ones are half the size of them, it is already astonishing, not to mention so many trees all gathered together.

What's even more strange is that the place where these giant trees are located should be full of life, but under the thick fog, not only can't I see a single animal, even the thorns and shrubs that I saw occasionally when I first came in are all gone. up. Even above the ground, apart from the occasional roots of giant trees protruding from the ground, it is firm and slightly yellowish soil, and there is not even green grass.

Under the cold mist, there was a sense of chilling.

Gui Li frowned deeply, pondered for a long time, looked around, saw giant trees towering up to the sky, straight and tall, walking in the forest by himself, as if he had fallen into a huge maze.

He suddenly waved his sleeve robe, and he jumped up, not wanting to stay in this strange place any longer, he controlled Soul Eater, and flew forward in the dark blue light.

This way the speed is naturally much faster, but considering that the treasure may be nearby, Ghost Li did not fly above the forest, but only six feet above the ground, while flying fast, while carefully searching the ground.

Time passed quietly, and there was still silence in the woods, only the sound of him breaking through the air echoed in the forest. The trees in the forest, as Ghost Li gradually penetrated, the torso became bigger and bigger, what caught his eyes at this moment, most of them were ancient trees so thick that it would take six or seven strong men to hug them, he could know it even if he didn't want to , the trees here may not all have a lifespan of hundreds or even thousands of years!

In an increasingly thick and strange atmosphere, Ghost Li's figure suddenly stopped.

It has been dawn for a long time now, but the fog here does not seem to dissipate at all, as if layers of fog have coexisted with this forest since ancient times.

In the deepest part of this forest, Gui Li stood in mid-air, looking forward.

In front of him, stood a wall impressively!

wooden wall!

Rough tree textures, hard and slightly cracked, suddenly protruded from the depths of the mist. A wooden wall as high as three feet, as strong and powerful as a horned dragon, lay across the giant wood forest and penetrated deep into the soil.

Gui Li looked at it coldly, remained motionless, looked at the wooden wall carefully, the corners of his eyes began to twitch slightly. Afterwards, he slowly moved his figure, leaned against it, and stroked it gently with his hand.

At the moment of touching, there was a gentle and rough feeling, Gui Li thought of something in his heart, but he couldn't believe it. He withdrew his hand, and slowly floated forward along the wooden wall.

The white mist gradually dispersed in front of it, and then slowly condensed behind it. The wooden wall in front of it was getting higher and thicker, gradually becoming a circular shape, and its height was also slowly rising.

Finally, when the height reached six zhang, at the end of the wooden wall, Ghost Li stopped.

He took a deep breath, but he still couldn't calm down his mind. In the unstoppable heartbeat, everything in front of him passed through the fog and finally appeared before his eyes.

This great wooden wall, at the end of the mist, merged harmoniously into a still larger object.

In the sky, a ray of sunlight suddenly shone from the mist, and then disappeared, blocked by the mist.

Gui Li finally confirmed the incredible conjecture in his mind just now.

That huge wooden wall, a section of tree roots...

The fog was layered and erratic. He gasped slightly because he was too surprised, and then suddenly raised his head, his eyes rushed away like rays of light passing through the fog, and rushed straight up.

It was like a flash of lightning in a silent place, a roar, and the entire forest trembled. What appeared in front of him was a giant tree that was completely beyond imagination. The trunk was so thick that it could not see the edge in the fog. The trunk wrapped in rough bark towers like a huge hill, straight to the sky, submerged in the mist, just like entering the sky!

Ghost Li is like an ant, insignificant before this giant tree.

What would it be like for a giant tree whose roots were even six feet high

Gui Li slowly withdrew his gaze, at this moment, Xiao Hui on his shoulder let out a low cry, as if he was also a little uneasy. Gui Li turned his head slightly, smiled suddenly, and said indifferently: "The world is so big, there are many wonders, we are indeed frogs in the well. Xiao Hui, let's go! Let's take a good look at this tree!"

Underfoot, the dark blue light emitted by Soul Devourer suddenly lit up, and after a while, half-tilted upwards, Ghost Li let out a soft whistle, and following the sound of piercing the sky, one person and one monkey rushed straight into the sky, submerged in layers of mist middle.

The gust of wind hits the face, and it looks a little fierce because of its fast speed. In this mist, it is a bit like the situation in the wall of miasma when first entering Nei Ze, but it is different after all. First, there is no poisonous gas, and second, you can see farther. It's just that this layer of fog has condensed to a very high place. Ghost Li flew upwards along the inconceivably huge tree in front of him. After flying for half an hour, the fog has not dissipated. Connected with the clouds in the sky.

At the same time, Gui Li also noticed that the trunk of the giant tree in front of him also gradually changed. When it was on the ground, it was naturally the bottom of this giant tree, which was also unimaginably thick, and on the top of the tree, except for the rough bark, there was nothing else.

But after flying for a long time, branches have gradually appeared on this giant tree, and the most striking thing is a strange plant that looks like vines that has appeared just now, entwined around the trunk , criss-crossing, leaves are huge, but there are colorful flowers blooming on the top of the branches and leaves, red and yellow, orange and purple, really beautiful, blowing in the wind, as if there is a faint fragrance.

But until now, he still can't fully see the trunk of this giant tree, how thick is it

The wonder of good fortune is really unimaginable. The strange tree in front of me must be so huge if it is really thousands of years old!


There was a sharp sound breaking through the sky, and a dark blue light flashed, rushing out of the mist. The mist under his feet also floated up a little along with his figure, and then fell gently, as if the waves were gently subsiding.

Ghost Li finally broke out of this fog!

The world suddenly opened up!

The sky is blue, cloudless, and the blue sky is like washing, while the white mist under the feet is boundless, wrapping around the giant tree in front of him, and the closer to the giant tree, the thicker the fog.

At this moment, Gui Li was already high above the sky, and finally saw the giant tree in front of him clearly.

Even at such a high place, the trunk of this giant tree in front of him is still hundreds of feet thick, and thinking of the distance from the ground to the present, what is in front of him is not a tree at all, but a majestic towering tower. Alpine!

However, this is clearly a tree in reality.

Moreover, it still stretches upwards, except for the equally astonishingly thick branches on the huge trunk, it still stretches straight to the sky.

Gui Li raised his head and looked far away, there seemed to be a faint shadow in the depths of the blue sky.

He suddenly smiled and turned towards the blue sky.

Which man, facing this situation, can not feel proud

He flew up and flew away through the air!

The speed is getting faster and faster, and the wind is blowing like a knife.

The more it flies up, the trunk of the giant tree gradually shrinks. Later, it has become only a few tens of feet in size. Even so, it is still shocking. At this moment, clouds have gradually formed, floating beside the tree from time to time.

This giant tree seems to be like the stairway to the sky in the ancient legend, which goes straight to the blue sky!

Flying upwards for another five zhang, Ghost Li's body finally stopped, in front of him, the straight tree trunk suddenly split into two huge branches, stretching out to the left and right.

Ghost Li pondered for a moment, then flew over slowly, and landed at the branch of this giant tree. It is said to be a branch, but in fact, with the huge size of this giant tree, it is not too crowded if there are dozens of people standing here. When Ghost Li just landed on the tree, with a "squeak", Xiaohui jumped down first, the monkey head looked around, then carefully touched the tree trunk here and there, obviously very curious, this It was the first time in my life to see such a huge tree, even a monkey was amazed.

Gui Li smiled slightly, and ignored Xiao Hui, flying up all the way, his heart was really shaken, before this, it was impossible to imagine such a huge tree in the world, but at this moment, after the initial astonishment, he has already Thinking of it, could it be that the rare treasure is actually on this incredible giant tree

The two branched branches are similar in size, almost tens of feet thick, flying across the sky, like two giant dragons leaping across the air. From here, the branches and leaves are gradually luxuriant, and it seems that the extension distance is quite long. Standing at this fork, you can't see the side on both sides.

Gui Li thought for a while silently, then made up his mind, turned around and called out: "Xiao Hui."

The monkey Xiao Hui was jumping up and down on the tree trunk, it seemed that he was not afraid of the height above the ground, sometimes he even ran to the edge of the tree trunk and looked down, the monkey was actually very brave. Hearing the master's shout this time, he yelled "Zhi Zhi" twice, happily jumped back, and jumped onto Gui Li's shoulder.

Gui Li smiled slightly and said, "Let's go!"

Little Gray's eyes rolled around, and he nodded frequently. It seemed that the monkey was also quite curious, grinning non-stop, looking very excited.

Ghost Li looked left and right, pondered for a moment, then without any hesitation, took up the control of Soul Eater again, and flew towards the left branch in a brilliant blue light.

This flight took a long time, but I saw that although it was high above the sky, there were still countless huge leaves on the huge branches of this giant tree, which were extremely luxuriant. But for some reason, I didn't see any fruit and flowers, but the nameless vines that have been entangled with this giant tree from the bottom of the trunk, the flowers are in full bloom, and the branches are beautiful.

As Ghost Li continued to fly, the branches on this side gradually became smaller, but for some reason, those vines became thicker and thicker, and there were more and more blooming flowers, until the end it was almost everywhere, dizzying , There is an inexplicable aroma in the air.

Suddenly, Ghost Li's body, which had been flying so fast, abruptly stopped in mid-air, coming so urgently, there was a faint sharp sound.

The tree trunk in front of me was suddenly completely covered by countless vines, and the flowers competed in splendor, like a sea of flowers from top to bottom, condensing into a wall, and in the sea of flowers, stood a stone gate impressively, five feet high, three feet wide, hard It was embedded in the tree trunk, surrounded by countless vines and flowers, leaving only a thick boulder in the middle, engraved with four big characters in ancient seal script.

"Treasure of the Heavenly Emperor!"

Faintly, there was a voice like Huang Zhong Dalu, echoing in the blue sky, shaking the soul.

Gui Li's gaze immediately retracted, and fell on the white figure in front of the stone gate, in the sea of flowers.

Seemingly hearing the movement behind her, the woman in white slowly turned around. Countless beautiful flowers were suddenly laughing together under the blue sky, and against her peerless face, they bloomed proudly!

Among the sea of flowers, she is the brightest and most beautiful color.

Gui Liren was in mid-air, he felt mixed feelings for a moment, he was stunned.