Zhu Xian

Chapter 104: Small gray


In the darkness, he slowly opened his eyes.

The surroundings were dark, and then, not far ahead, a faint light slowly lit up, like a weak candle in the dark night, burning quietly.

He looked there silently, the light was a slight lavender, then turned blue, then slowly turned dark green, and kept changing like this, shining with various colors of light, it was very beautiful.

"Squeak, squeak..."

Suddenly, just beside him, the low voice of the monkey Xiaohui sounded, it seemed that because it was in the darkness, even its voice didn't dare to be too loud.

Gui Li turned his head, and sure enough against the faint light, he saw the monkey Xiaohui squatting beside him.

He smiled, gritted his teeth subconsciously, trying to hold back the pain and sit up first, to see the surrounding situation clearly before speaking. Unexpectedly, when he turned over and sat up, it was extremely smooth, there was no pain in the whole body, and he sat up smoothly, which surprised him.

In the darkness, the light of constantly changing colors lightly shone on his body. Gui Li looked inside his whole body, the injuries he suffered from being hit hard by the Black Water Profound Snake just now, for some reason, all of a sudden healed up inconceivably.

He frowned slightly, really surprised in his heart, but he couldn't think of any reason for a while, so he wanted to stand up first and take a good look around before talking.

Thinking of this, his body just moved, and suddenly, he stopped again, as if his body suddenly became stiff.

I don't know when it started, in his hand, there is another palm, a white, slender and gentle hand.

They held so tightly, so naturally, that people forgot that their hands were still held together.

Gui Li was stunned, then slowly looked to the side, the faint ray of light floating and sinking gently in the darkness, printed that cold and beautiful face. Lu Xueqi's eyes were still closed, her face was still a little pale, there seemed to be faint bloodshots at the corner of her mouth, like strange red petals, falling on her fair face like the first snow.

Her lips were slightly pursed, as if there was still a faint smile.

One piece, silence!

Whose eyes are staring quietly in the dark, time is like water, ten years of time, deeply embedded in life, but it seems that nothing has ever happened, just yesterday.


Suddenly, a loud noise erupted in this dark space, shaking the mountains immediately, accompanied by the sound of Fengming and howling and roaring in the distance, the entire dark space trembled violently.

The little gray monster screamed, turned into a rolling gourd, staggered to the side, and fell to the ground with a plop. Gui Li also couldn't sit still for a while, and leaned to the side.

And the force of this shock also shook Lu Xueqi's body, she seemed to wake up suddenly, let out a soft cry, and opened her eyes as her body tilted.

What came into view was darkness first, and then the familiar face sitting beside him.

Just like, ten years ago, under the abyss of death, on the ruthless seaside!

The vibration gradually subsided, and the surroundings gradually returned to calm. I don't know what happened to the violent vibration

Lu Xueqi sat up slowly, looked at Gui Li, and Gui Li didn't dodge, just looked at her the same way. After a while, their eyes lowered, and the two hands were still tightly and naturally held together.

Lu Xueqi remained silent without words, her body motionless. Gui Li's lips moved for a moment, then he slowly let go of his hand and retracted it.

Lu Xueqi looked indifferently at the hand that had shrunk back into the darkness. It was a hand that had felt a touch of warmth just a moment ago. In her eyes, there was a faint sadness, and then disappeared, and she regained her composure.

She stood up, and at the same time, she frowned slightly, as if she was also surprised by the sudden recovery of the injuries on her body, then she looked around and said quietly: "What is this place?"

Gui Li also stood up slowly, said: "I don't know, but I remember that we flew into the Heavenly Emperor's Treasury."

Lu Xueqi was silent for a while, and said, "Did you save me?"

Gui Li glanced at her, then said calmly: "No, it was your own fate that flew in before the stone gate closed."

Lu Xueqi turned her head and looked at him expressionlessly, her eyes, which were still bright even in the dark, seemed to be shining with light.

Gui Li didn't look into her eyes, turned his head away, started to walk towards the twilight, and said at the same time: "You don't owe me anything, if you want to kill me, just do it."

Lu Xueqi stood quietly in the darkness behind him, stood there for a while, then lightly patted the dust on her body, and straightened her appearance.

"Squeak, squeak!"

The dizzy Xiao Hui who was thrown by the shock just now recovered, and ran over with jumps, jumped onto Ghost Li's shoulder two or three times, lay down on his shoulder, and walked towards the flickering light. Looking at the mysterious light.

As he got closer, things that came into view became clearer.

This is a wooden platform erected in the dark, half a person's height, a circular wooden column about the thickness of a baby's arm is connected to the ground, and a small platform about one foot in size is supported on the top.

In the middle of the platform, there is an old-fashioned cup, which also seems to be made of wood. If you look carefully, you can see that the entire wooden platform and the cup are completely connected together, and they are connected with the underground trees. One.

But the most attractive thing is what is in this small wooden cup. The wooden cup was about three inches high and two inches wide, with a transparent liquid in the middle, and floating on top of the liquid in the cup was a small transparent stone with five flat sides, crystal clear. It is from this stone that soft light is emitted, forming a semicircular light curtain on the small wooden platform, refracting various colors of light, and radiating them around.

At this moment, Lu Xueqi had also come over, standing beside Gui Li, looking at the wooden cup.

In the air, there is a strange fragrance floating faintly, everywhere, and smelling it makes people feel refreshed.

Both Gui Li and Lu Xueqi are not ordinary people, but at this moment they can't see what it is.

In fact, on this wooden platform in the Heavenly Emperor's treasury, what is contained in the cup is the legendary medicine hidden by the Heavenly Emperor. The strange tree itself has ten thousand years of aura to preserve the elixir.

Outside the Treasure House of the Heavenly Emperor, it is this humble cup of elixir that can make an ancient beast like the black water snake so coveted that it would even go against the natural enemy Huangniao who guards the elixir.

The mysterious recovery of Gui Li and Lu Xueqi's injuries is actually related to this elixir and this treasure house.

It's just that no one knows these rumors and secrets today, even Gui Li and Lu Xueqi don't know, facing this kind of genius and treasure, they just frown in surprise.

Just as he was thinking about it, suddenly there was another loud noise, and the entire Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House trembled violently. At the same time, the terrifying roar of the Blackwater Profound Snake came again. It seemed that the ancient giant beast was extremely angry and still refused to give up the elixir.

Although the Treasure House of the Heavenly Emperor is an ancient and strange place, at this moment, firstly, it has been a long time, and secondly, I don’t know how many times it has been hit by the black water black snake today. How can the power of such an ancient monster be comparable? If it wasn't for the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House, if it were an ordinary hill, it would have been flattened by the black water snake long ago.

At this moment, I could only hear the sound of rattling and crackling around, echoing everywhere like hard trees moaning in agony, the distorted sound that made people's heart skip a beat, at the same time there was violent movement in the treasure house, Xiao Hui screamed, almost fell off Gui Li's shoulder again, and Both Gui Li and Lu Xueqi felt that the surrounding world was shaking, almost unable to stand firmly.

It stands to reason that under such a violent impact, even the entire wooden platform and wooden cup connected together, the elixir in the cup will be poured out. But at the time of this violent shaking, the stone floating on the water in the wooden cup suddenly emitted a thin golden light, shooting straight upwards, shining on the light curtain, and immediately dyed the entire light curtain like a cloud. Gold, and then the light suddenly flourished.

Under the illumination of this light curtain, the wooden platform that seemed to be about to move suddenly stopped amidst the violent turmoil around it. It wasn't until the surrounding vibrations gradually calmed down that the golden brilliance gradually weakened and returned to its original state.

Gui Li and Lu Xueqi looked at each other, their eyes were full of surprise and admiration, such uncanny workmanship is really unimaginable.

Gui Li looked around again, with the light of the strange stone, he saw that there seemed to be nothing else in the treasure house except this wooden platform. But looking at this stone, it is crystal clear, with immortal energy lingering inside, absolutely extraordinary, it seems that the rare treasure that has been searched for many days is this thing.

Thinking of this, his heart felt hot, and he stretched out his hand to touch the light curtain of the wooden platform.

"Don't touch it!" Suddenly, Lu Xueqi's voice became ice-cold, and it sounded beside her.

Gui Li's hand stopped in the air, then slowly retracted, turned around, facing Lu Xueqi.

The two stood facing each other, the distance was less than three feet, but the warmth that was still vaguely between them just now suddenly became cold, replaced by the coldness behind the silence.

Gui Li looked at Lu Xueqi, and said slowly: "I want this thing."

Lu Xueqi looked into the eyes of the man in front of her, and said quietly: "I won't let you get it, unless you kill me first."

Gui Li stopped talking.

The faint light in the darkness, flowing gently, changing colorful colors, seems to be telling something


There was another sky-shattering loud bang, the same ground shaking, but this time the scale was bigger than before. Although the strange stone radiated golden light to protect the wooden platform, the surrounding walls of the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House seemed to be unable to support it anymore. up.

With a hoarse cracking sound, a huge wooden bar suddenly fell from above the head. Gui Li and Lu Xueqi jumped away at the same time, followed by loud noises, the black water snake outside seemed to have fallen into madness, hitting the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House non-stop, and at the same time, Fengming Qingxiao amidst the roar became more and more angry with fervor!

Outside, it seemed that an earth-shattering decisive battle was going on!

Under the oppression of the huge external force, the entire Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House finally began to deform slowly. The walls on all sides began to sag inwards slowly, and cracked pieces of wood fell like rain one after another.

Under such circumstances, Ghost Li and Lu Xueqi temporarily only cared about avoiding the huge falling wooden blocks, and couldn't care about the wooden platform for a while.

Seeing that this Heavenly Emperor's treasure house was about to collapse, but at this moment, as if it was the magic power of the ancient gods, a golden light that was far thicker and more dazzling than before rose suddenly from the strange stone, forming a pillar and rushing straight to the sky. But this time, it broke through the light curtain that wrapped the wooden platform and directly shone on the dome of the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House.

In the treasure house, a mysterious and distant voice suddenly sounded, like the mysterious Sanskrit singing in the scenic spot of Lingshan Mountain, or like the soft whisper of the lonely soul of Jiuyou. As the golden beam of light pressed against the dome, the entire Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House seemed to be supported by some kind of strong support. It stopped and continued to sag inward, and the falling of wooden blocks gradually stopped.

Then, in the sight of Lu Xueqi and Gui Li, in the dome of the entire Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House, in the dazzling golden light, suddenly, that mysterious voice resounded, chanting like why, the golden text the size of a bucket, in the Under the shining of the golden light, one after another appeared in the air.

The world is not benevolent, and treats everything as a straw dog!

Gui Li's body shook violently.

After a while, the nine words slowly disappeared, but the mysterious singing sound became louder and louder. In an instant, the dazzling golden beam of light suddenly exploded, shooting towards all the treasures of the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure. In the space, on the surrounding walls, under the shining of the golden light, golden characters appeared one by one in the air, with vigorous strokes, as if they were flying.

Surrounding Gui Li and Lu Xueqi, amidst the roar, flying around!

Gui Li and Lu Xueqi were awed by this breathtaking and strange scene, but then they were attracted by the mysterious words around them, they looked eagerly and forgot everything around them.

But Gui Li's heart beat more and more violently, at this moment, there seemed to be a voice in his heart shouting loudly: ""Book of Heaven"! "Book of Heaven"! This is the third volume of "Book of Heaven"!"


Outside the Treasure House of the Emperor of Heaven, Fa and others hid far away in the sky, watching the battle between the two ancient strange beasts above the strange tree, their faces turned pale involuntarily.

Originally full of vitality, luxuriant branches and leaves, and surrounded by countless vines and flowers, on the huge tree trunk, it seems that it has suffered a huge disaster once in tens of millions of years. There are broken branches and leaves and withered flowers everywhere, which is a tragic scene.

And in front of the tree trunk, outside the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House, the Black Water Snake coiled tightly around the stone gate of the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House. Fa and others watching the battle from a distance can also feel the strong wind.

The yellow bird has orange-yellow feathers, its wings are spread closer to a hundred feet, its beak is sharp, its eyes are sharp, and its claws are also sharp and huge. At this moment, it keeps swooping down, attacking the black water snake with its sharp beak and giant claws.

And the black water Xuan snake continuously spewed poisonous gas from its mouth, the snake's head shook, its fangs were sharp, and it fought back with all its strength, hitting the Heavenly Emperor's treasure house below it from time to time.

These divine birds and giant snakes are fighting with each other, the sky is dark and the sky is dark, and the situation is changing. Fortunately, it is in this desolate place. Otherwise, with the power of these two ancient beasts, no matter how prosperous the place is, it will be destroyed by them.

Fighting till now, the tyrannical Blackwater Profound Snake is already full of scars. On the huge body that was originally invincible like a demon god, there are huge wounds one after another, and the dark red blood keeps flowing out. Dye the trunk below him in dark red. With an ancient monster like it, its whole body is as hard as a rock, and only with its sharp claws and sharp beak like the yellow bird can it hurt it.

However, although the black water black snake was seriously injured, the yellow bird himself was not feeling well. The feathers that were originally as bright and beautiful as a phoenix were bitten by the black water snake several times during the battle with the black water snake at this moment, and they fell off countless times. There were also several wounds on the body. The neighborhood is dyed red.

At this moment, the two giant beasts stopped attacking for the time being. The Black Water Snake was entrenched on the Heavenly Emperor’s Treasure House, while the Yellow Bird landed on a nearby tree trunk. The two sides confronted each other. the meaning of.

But from the appearance, the black water black snake seems to be in a bad situation. After all, the terrain here is not good, and it hangs alone above the sky. Attacking in one direction is a big advantage. In addition, the yellow bird is the natural enemy of monsters such as the black water snake. It is naturally resistant to the poisonous gas and venom of the black water snake. Although it is still afraid, after being bitten, it cannot hurt the root. Cannot be lethal.

One of the most powerful abilities of the black water mysterious snake lost its effect in front of the yellow bird. Coupled with the unfavorable terrain, seeing the general situation is not good, it seemed to realize this, and was even more angry. The giant eyes widened, and suddenly the snake's head turned around, and while the yellow bird was still in the distance, it slammed into the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House.

The yellow bird was furious, and amidst the roar of the phoenix, it fluttered its wings again.

But this collision was actually the gathering of all the strength of the Blackwater Profound Snake, and it crashed down. Not to mention anything else, the huge tree trunk under it trembled violently, and cracks spread all over the treasure house of the Heavenly Emperor in an instant. Even the huge stone gate was knocked out several cracks.

It was as if, after persevering against the countless impacts of the terrifying power of the Blackwater Profound Snake, at this moment, the mysterious power in the Heavenly Emperor's treasure house finally began to collapse.

In the distance, Fa Ping and others looked at each other and took a deep breath.

The yellow bird screamed sharply, flew into the air, rushed down, and shot at the black water black snake with its sharp beak like a huge off-string arrow.

In an instant, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the wind and clouds changed. It seemed that there was a violent gust of wind, forming a huge vortex. It looked like a tornado, and the yellow bird rushed down in the violently rotating wind.

The Blackwater Black Snake roared loudly, and the huge snake's eyes suddenly shot out endless fierce light and a fierce look. Regardless of the attack of the yellow bird in the sky, it slammed the huge snake head into the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House again regardless of everything.


In an instant, sand and rocks were flying, dust was flying, and the tearing sound of "cluck, cluck, cluck" resounded throughout the world. Finally, after a loud noise, the dome wall of the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House collapsed, and the Black Water Profound Snake, with its incomparable strength, forced Banged open.

Almost at the same time, the yellow bird rushed down furiously, and the tornado instantly enveloped the Blackwater Profound Snake. Everyone could only hear the Blackwater Profound Snake let out a sky-shattering roar. The sound was extremely shrill, as if it had suffered some huge damage.

The strong wind was so violent that Fa and other people were drifting with the wind like ants, so they had to retreat a lot.

When the dust in the arena gradually fell, the roar did not diminish at all. When everyone looked at it, they saw blood flowing across the head of the black water black snake, and the blood gushed out of the snake's eyes on the right. It turned out to be blinded by a yellow bird only eyes!

And at this moment, in the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House that was knocked open, the golden light flickered slowly, and then gradually dimmed.

Both the black water snake and the yellow bird ignored the fight for a while, and looked down at the same time.

In front of these two giant beasts, even the huge Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House is like a child's toy.

Amidst the dust, in the Heavenly Emperor's Treasury, two figures staggered to their feet, they were Gui Li and Lu Xueqi. And Xiao Hui, who had been lying on Gui Li's shoulders, fell off his shoulders at this moment, hid under the wooden platform, tightly grasped the wooden pillar with his hands, and stabilized his body.

Thinking about it, under the reckless impact of the Blackwater Xuan Snake, the situation in the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House just now must have been difficult. Looking at Ghost Li and Lu Xueqi alone, although their faces were slightly pale, they were still calm, while Xiao Hui was frightened with a "monkey-like face" and kept screaming "Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi".

Gui Li calmed down, then his body trembled, he saw an unbelievably big giant beast on both sides, staring at the tiger for a long time, and judging from their appearance, they were full of murderous intent, without thinking about it, he knew that this place was not a good place.

But before he could react, the remaining eye of the black water snake had already seen the wooden platform in the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House and the transparent liquid contained in the wooden cup on the wooden platform.

Immediately, uncontrollable greed shot out from the black water black snake's eyes, and the huge snake's head rushed down suddenly. How could the yellow bird stand by and watch, and with a clear whistle, its sharp beak was also pecked off.

These two giant beasts showed their power at the same time, no matter how high the skills of Guili and Lu Xueqi were, they could only instinctively control the magic weapon and fly away quickly. But Gui Li just flew up, suddenly his body shook, at the same time there was a "Zhi Zhi" sound from behind, Xiao Hui who had been lying on his shoulders was hiding under the wooden platform at this moment, and did not follow.

Although his temperament has changed drastically from the past, but he really has a deep affection for Xiao Hui, and without thinking about it right now, he wants to go back and pick up Xiao Hui. Unexpectedly, as soon as he paused, amidst the roar of the yellow bird, it fought with the black water black snake, its wings vibrated, and a gust of wind rushed in, unexpectedly pushing Gui Li and Lu Xueqi far away.

Gui Li was anxious, but the force of the yellow bird's flap was so strong that he couldn't help but fly far away, he finally managed to control his body, he was probably not tens of feet away from the tree trunk. His brows were furrowed, his body was clear, and he rushed back immediately.

At this moment, the battle between the yellow bird and the Black Water Snake has reached a fever pitch, and now the Black Water Black Snake has a clear goal, which is to snatch the small cup of elixir, and the Yellow Bird naturally won't allow it to get involved, so it doesn't fly anymore, and just stops at On the tree trunk, two giant beasts surrounded the small wooden cup, biting and pecking, roaring again and again, but under the cover of the opponent's power for a while, they couldn't lower their heads to drink the elixir.

Xiao Hui hid under the wooden platform, and was a little scared at first, but gradually realized that the two big guys were only fighting desperately above him, and did not come down, so he quietly poked his head out to watch. It's just that after looking at it, it can be seen that the light curtain that originally shrouded the wooden cup disappeared with the collapse of the Heavenly Emperor's treasure house.

Xiao Hui slowly climbed onto the wooden platform, raised his head and looked up, and saw the heads of snakes and birds stretching out and pecking in mid-air, fighting with great joy, from time to time, huge scales and feathers fell like rain one after another.

The monkey scratched its head, blinked its eyes, and lowered its head. In the wooden cup beside it, the liquid was like water, reflecting its own appearance. One of the stones floated on the surface of the water, and it did not sink. It was crystal clear. It's clear, and I don't know what it is.

It looked at the wooden cup for a few times, then suddenly lay down on it, stuck its head into the wooden cup, and began to drink.

Grunt, Grunt, Grunt...

The black water snake and the yellow bird that were fighting to the death just now, and the two giant beasts that were fighting just now, suddenly seemed to freeze.

Grunt, Grunt, Grunt...

This small sound is nothing to mention among the countless terrifying loud noises, but for some reason, suddenly, everything in the whole world is still, only this funny-sounding monkey drinking water is left Voice.

The cup was very small, and the liquid it contained was only about half a cup, the monkey Xiaohui drank it quickly, then raised his head and looked around.

In mid-air, the black water snake looked down, but it seemed that it hadn't reacted yet, and then raised its head to look at the opposite yellow bird; and the yellow bird also looked at Xiao Hui almost exactly the same, then looked at black Water Xuan Snake.

Tut tut.

Suddenly, there was another strange sound, the Black Water Snake and the Yellow Bird looked down at the same time, only to see Xiao Hui stuck out his tongue and clicked it twice, then the monkey head shook, obviously the water in the cup tasted bad Very good, far inferior to the delicacies cooked by its owner in the kitchen of Dazhu Peak in Qingyun Mountain, Xiao Hui was very dissatisfied. At this time, the monkey rolled his eyes, and saw that although the water in the cup was gone, there was still a small shiny stone lying quietly in the wooden cup, so he simply picked it up, and then lightly threw it into the air , opened his mouth, like a human being eats peanuts, took a sip, and swallowed it.

In the distance, Faxiang and everyone are sweating together!

Suddenly, there was only a roar and a sharp whistle, the black water snake and the yellow bird rushed down in fury at the same time, the snake's head and bird's beak smashed at the poor little monkey together, Xiao Hui was shocked, and even the monkey on the head His hair stood up in fright, but he had nowhere to escape at the moment, so he could only instinctively lay down on the wooden platform, holding his head with both hands.

Seeing that Xiao Hui was about to die under the combined attack of the two giant beasts, at this unbearable moment, a clear light flashed, it was Gui Li who rushed to him with all his strength, stretched out his hand to pick up Xiao Hui, and then flew away with all his strength .

As soon as they left the wooden platform, they heard a loud bang behind them, and the entire remaining building of the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House was wiped out...

The black water black snake roared loudly on the tree trunk, but although it was invincible on land, it was helpless against flying enemies. After screaming for a long time, it was finally unable to do anything. In addition, the elixir was lost, and there were natural enemies here, so it was finally angry Turning around, he slowly climbed down the giant tree, and soon disappeared into the mist.

But the crisis between Ghost Li and Xiao Hui has not disappeared, the black water black snake has no choice, but there is still the divine beast yellow bird, which has been flying for nine days and eighty thousand miles, at this moment, its wings are flapping, and it is not willing to give up and is chasing closely.

Sweat was visible on Gui Li's forehead, this yellow bird was flying extremely fast, but firstly, it had a fierce fight with the Black Water Black Snake just now, and it was injured a lot, and its physical strength was greatly damaged; That's why the yellow bird didn't catch up. But even so, the yellow bird gradually caught up with its exhausted body, and seeing that it was about to catch up with the yellow bird within a short distance, Xiao Hui, lying in Gui Li's arms, screamed loudly, very anxiously, and only called for two Suddenly, there was an "uh" sound, I don't know if I was full from drinking just now or something, but at this time, I burped.

Gui Li was angry and funny, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but at the moment he didn't care about that much, he could only do his best to avoid the harsh wind behind him. Just as he was flying, he suddenly saw a flower garden in front of him out of the corner of his eye. It was different from the mess around him. The flowers were still luxuriant, and there was a faint red light in it.

He shook his body, and in a moment he saw what was hidden there. He didn't expect them to come here, but why didn't he tell himself

He was puzzled for a while, but after all, it was a critical moment of life and death, so he didn't have time to think too much, so he immediately flew there, and the yellow bird followed closely.

In the distance, Lu Xueqi and the others exclaimed, seeing that the yellow bird's sharp claws were about to grab Guili's back, seeing the angry expression of the yellow bird, they would not stop until they smashed the corpses of those who stole the Heavenly Emperor's elixir into pieces!

It was too late and then it was too fast, Gui Li exhausted all his strength, turned into a blue light like lightning, flew past the flower garden, and the yellow bird didn't notice anything else, he caught up closely, and flew to above the flowerbed.

Mutations are sudden.

Under the flowers, suddenly the red light rose sharply and became a whole. Above the sky, there was an ancient tripod with red body all over.

And the person standing on the Fulongding, with a calm expression and muttering words, is the ghost king.

The mysterious incantation reverberated again, and at the same time, Qinglong and Youji also appeared beside the flower garden, waving their hands again and again, and in an instant, driven by the mysterious and unpredictable spiritual power of Fulongding, the "Sleepy Dragon Fault" magic circle once again Activated, the red light swept up, connecting one piece, forming a dark red light curtain, converging on the Fulong cauldron high in the sky, trapping the yellow bird in it.

How could the yellow bird be willing to stand still, and immediately rushed left and right, but I don't know if it was too much power after fighting the black water snake, or because the trapped Dragon Fault's mana was too strong, it hit a wall several times, and it couldn't make it no matter what. Going out, he was shocked by the mysterious force instead, and the injuries all over his body seemed to be more serious.

In the end, as if knowing that there was nothing he could do, the yellow bird wailed, stopped in the red light curtain, and stopped moving.

Ghost King let out a long laugh, and fell down, Ghost Li also hugged Xiao Hui, and slowly landed beside him, at this moment Qinglong and Youji also stood up.

Gui Li frowned, looked at the ghost king, but the ghost king smiled slightly, waved his hands and said: "We will talk about the matter here later."

As he said that, he looked far away, looked at Fa Xiang, Lu Xueqi and others in the distance, and suddenly smiled at Gui Li: "Tell me, how do we deal with these people?"

Gui Li shook his body, but saw that although the Ghost King smiled kindly, there was a gleam of light in his eyes, and there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

The surroundings suddenly became quiet again.