Zhu Xian

Chapter 108: ancient temple


The bad land in the southern border is the extreme south of the vast land of Shenzhou. It is said that there are poor mountains and bad waters, and it is rich in poisonous insects and beasts. The most obvious boundary between it and the Central Plains is the mountain range that suddenly rises like a flat land in the extreme south. The tall and majestic mountains are connected one after another, towering into the clouds, separating the north and the south.

Since ancient times, few people from the fertile Central Plains have traveled to the southern border. There are no other reasons. First, the roads are steep; second, there are too many beasts, poisonous insects, miasma and bad water; Later, I don’t know when it started, the world began to spread that in the endless mountains in southern Xinjiang, there are all kinds of barbaric alien races, who are cruel and easy to kill, and there are even terrifying orcs who cannibalize human flesh. Since then, no one has dared to go there. Instead, the world was terrified, worrying day and night that those alien races would one day suddenly run out of those mountains, invade the Central Plains, and endanger the world.

However, for thousands of years, there have been no rumors of barbarians harming people. Although in the southern borderlands, there have been a few cases of seeing monsters with strange alien appearances from time to time, but most of them died without any problems and were gradually forgotten by people.

Today, even the people living in the borderlands of southern Xinjiang probably only say the words "If you don't obey me, those barbarian monsters will come to catch you" when the mother is putting her child to sleep at night, but on weekdays, they never No one would have thought about whether these alien races in the deep mountains really existed, let alone the Central Plains thousands of miles away.

Speaking of it, the one hundred thousand mountains shrouded in layers of mist are now forgotten by the people of the world.

Although the ordinary people in the world have forgotten these alien races, some practitioners of Taoism have not. Regardless of righteousness or evil, as long as the seniority is older, you will know that the reason why the foreign races in the south have not been able to harm the world for thousands of years is that the righteous sect "Fenxiang Valley" has made great achievements.

Hundreds of thousands of majestic and towering mountains cut off the communication between the north and the south. The people of the Central Plains could not go south, and it was difficult for those barbarians of other races to go north. But thousands of years ago, an unimaginable catastrophe fell from the sky, killing and injuring countless people within a thousand miles.

After the catastrophe, someone found that in the majestic mountain range, the giant force of the sky thunder forcibly split a certain part of the mountain, revealing a dark path with a width of only three feet.

That is to say, from that time on, it was spread in the world that among the 100,000 mountains, hidden barbarians and weirdos harassed the people from time to time, and the people in the border areas were miserable until the Fenxiang Valley lineage appeared.

Fenxianggu has the most mysterious origin among the righteous sects. As early as 1,500 years ago, there were disciples of this line who traveled the world. In terms of origin alone, only Qingyunmen and Demon Sect have a longer history than Fenxianggu, and even Tianyin Temple is not as good as it.

Even so, this faction was extremely low-key in the past. Although there would be a few people with profound morality and morality from time to time, they had little impact on the situation in the world. Until 800 years ago, this faction found a valley near the dark tunnel in the southern border and settled down, and called themselves "Fenxiang Valley" ever since.

In the past eight hundred years, unimaginable masters have emerged in large numbers, and their power has grown day by day. Up to now, they have become one of the three major sects of righteousness in the world.

Correspondingly, Yun Yilan, the current owner of Fenxiang Valley, is also a giant in the righteous way who is as famous as Master Daoxuan of Qingyunmen and Master Puhong of Tianyin Temple, but this person has always been low-key, and his reputation is not as good as the above two.

Because of the geographical relationship, Fenxiang Valley almost instinctively took care of the dark path called "Black Hole" in the local area. Since then, there have been no rumors of barbarian monsters harassing the people. Therefore, in the hearts of the local people, Fenxiang Valley has a very high reputation and is revered as a first-class god.

These materials are all recorded in the Ghost King Sect of the Demon Sect, Ghost Li has also read them in the past ten years, and now he is slowly turning them over in his mind. It was already the third day he had gone south after asking Zhou Yixian about the Murloc monster. He hurried along the way, and finally arrived near Shiwan Dashan.

It was late at night, and the moon was shining in the sky this night, the clouds were quite thick, and there were not a few stars, but the moonlight shone on the world, and it also illuminated the mountain he was in quite brightly.

Ghost Li stood on the hill, looking south, frowning slightly. The monkey Xiaohui was still lying on his shoulder, holding a wild fruit that he picked from nowhere, and was nibbling with relish.

Along the way, in the first two days, he still found the mark left by his subordinate, the killing monk, but today, the killing monk has completely lost the news. However, judging from the information he left a few days ago, the killing monk who is proficient in tracking has confirmed that the mysterious murlocs are heading south quickly, and the goal is obviously to return to their lair in southern Xinjiang.

Could it be that Shasheng has already clashed with those mysterious murlocs

Gui Li sighed slightly, a trace of worry flashed across his eyes. The barbarians in southern Xinjiang are completely different from the people in the Central Plains. This has been mentioned many times in the surviving records of the Ghost King Sect. The people there don't know much about cultivation, but they seem to have all kinds of strange witchcraft and strange methods, which are unimaginable.

The killing monk is young and has a violent temper, but he is really an outstanding figure among the new generation of disciples of the Ghost King Sect. He is really a capable subordinate who follows Ghost Li on weekdays.

This mysterious disappearance made Gui Li faintly worried. At this moment, he stared ahead, only to see that the night was deep, and there were many black shadows in the south. It seemed that there was some giant with its teeth and claws in the night. It seemed to be the legendary Hundred Thousand Mountains. And somewhere under that mountain range is the legendary and mysterious Fenxiang Valley.

The southern border has always been the sphere of influence of Fenxiang Valley, and it goes without saying that the disciples of the Demon Cult entered alone, which is dangerous.

When Gui Li was contemplating, he suddenly felt something, looked up at the sky, and saw a solitary moon in the sky, shuttling between the faint black clouds, it seemed a bit strange.

A dark red light suddenly appeared in the night sky, and under the bright moonlight, it swept across the sky and fell towards a mountain in the south.

Gui Li stared at the strange red light, his brows gradually frowned, and after a while he seemed to have made up his mind, he patted Xiao Hui on his shoulder, and then a blue light appeared under his feet, Soul Eater shone with a faint light, supporting him He and Xiao Hui rose slowly, then suddenly accelerated, chasing in the direction of the red light.


I don't know when it started in the night sky, black clouds gradually increased, and the brilliance of the lonely moon in the sky gradually dimmed, but there was a dark and strange atmosphere unique to southern Xinjiang, which became more and more intense this night.

The mysterious red light flew for a while, and landed in a mountain ten li south of the mountain where Gui Li was hiding. There are many mountains in the southern border, and there are many vegetation on the mountains, but there is a desolate ancient temple in the forest of this nameless hill. The red light fell right in front of the ancient temple, and the light flickered for a while, revealing a thin old man.

He looked around a few times, and after confirming that there was no one there, he walked into the ancient temple.

In the barren mountains and ridges, in the deserted ancient temples, but some people come here late at night, there is naturally something unspeakable. A moment later, in the shadow of the forest outside the ancient temple, Ghost Li's figure slowly appeared. He sized up the nameless ancient temple, and then looked up at the sky. The dark clouds in the night sky were heavier, gradually covering the moonlight.

His figure swayed, and he flew towards the ancient temple without making a sound.

This ancient temple has obviously been abandoned for a long time. There are ruins everywhere in the temple. From the outside, even the main hall is extremely damaged, with holes everywhere. The night wind blew coldly, the dilapidated windows creaked and shook, and the low voice seemed particularly desolate in the night, and there was also a faint sense of eerieness.


There was a slight sound, as if someone had lit the torch, and a faint light lit up in the hall. It's just that the lights are dim, and can only illuminate the main hall a little bit, and places a little further away are still shrouded in darkness.

"Chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp chirp..."

Suddenly, a strange and inexplicable sound resounded in the hall. This sound was like a ghost crying in the middle of the night, or like a poisonous insect walking at night. Hearing it immediately made people feel numb and extremely uncomfortable.

Gui Li hid himself in the darkness, quietly looking into the hall.

He suddenly saw that under the dim lights of the main hall, apart from the old man just now, there were actually two other people. One was in his thirties, with a medium build, and the other was quite tall, but for some reason, his whole body was tightly wrapped in a cloak, not even a part of his head was exposed, and that strange and inexplicable voice came from From under this man's cloak.

The sound echoed in the dark ancient temple, becoming more and more strange, as if an evil spirit had awakened.

Gui Li looked at it coldly, it was the first time he had heard such strange words, naturally he didn't know the meaning, but seeing the expressions of the other two, he knew there would be a result.

Sure enough, the mysterious man talked for a while, then stopped temporarily, and the middle-aged man standing beside him who had been listening intently turned his head to the old man and said: "The patriarch said: 'This time, I returned without success, but let my clan lose people. Hand, exposing Xingzang, it is because of your inaccurate information. After the beast god king heard about it, he lost his temper...'”

When the middle-aged man said the word "Beast God", his voice suddenly dropped, and the tall figure wrapped under the cloak seemed to tremble.

The old man also frowned, and said: "Our original agreement was to inform the Beast God King of the location of the 'Heavenly Emperor's Underworld Stone'. As far as we know, that strange stone is indeed in the Heavenly Emperor's treasure house in the Dead Marsh. How can we blame our inaccurate news?" He looked at the mysterious figure under the cloak, and a sneer suddenly crossed his lips, and said, "I'm afraid it's because you can't do what you want?"

As soon as this remark came out, the mysterious man wrapped in a cloak responded immediately: "Chichi, chirp chirp, chirp chirp..."

This strange voice came out one after another, although Ghost Li who was hiding at the side didn't understand the meaning, but hearing the voice was rapid and sharp, it was obvious that the mysterious person was very angry.

The mysterious man said "cheep chirp chirp" for a while, and the middle-aged man who was translating in the middle gradually turned ugly. Finally, when he stopped, the middle-aged man hesitated for a moment before saying: "The patriarch said: 'Although they I have never been to the Death Swamp, but I also know that there has never been an inhabited place. This time, there are suddenly countless middle-earth cultivation masters. Naturally, your news is wrong.'”

Seeing that the middle-aged man seemed to have finished speaking, the old man couldn't help being startled. The mysterious man talked for a long time just now, but the middle-aged man translated it, but there were only these few sentences. Presumably, the mysterious man in the middle swears a lot, and the middle-aged man is unwilling to translate.

The old man pondered for a moment, and seemed unwilling to turn his back on the mysterious man, and said: "The birth of the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House is huge and shocking to the world. I think those middle-earth cultivators also left after hearing the news, so we can't do it." Take control."

The mysterious man wrapped in the cloak was still angry, and there was another strange sound. The middle-aged man listened attentively, nodded frequently, and then said to the old man: "The patriarch said: 'The Heavenly Emperor's Stone is very important to the Beast God King. Important, this time he returned without success, the beast god king was furious, and killed several clansmen on the spot...'"

Hearing this, the old man's face was solemn, as if his heart was heavy, but a trace of sarcasm still couldn't help but flashed across his eyes.

The middle-aged man continued to translate: "'So please quickly find out who owns this gem, so that they can go to fetch it again and dedicate it to the king of beast gods!'"

Gui Li, who was hidden at the side, suddenly felt a movement, heard them mentioning the Heavenly Emperor's Underworld Stone a few times, could it be that strange stone that was swallowed by Xiao Hui

The old man pondered for a moment, then nodded and said: "Okay, this matter is on us, within three days, we will give you an answer."

The mysterious man snorted and said a few words "Chi Chi Chi Chi". The middle-aged man nodded to the old man and said: "The patriarch agreed, and said that we will meet here in three days."

The old man nodded and was about to say something, but the mysterious man turned around and walked out without looking at them at all, extremely arrogant and rude.

The old man's face changed, and he looked at the back of the mysterious man with a gloomy expression. The middle-aged man hastily pulled him and shook his head again and again. The old man took a look at him before he endured it.

After the tall figure of the mysterious man disappeared into the darkness, the old man suddenly let out a "bah" and cursed: "What are they, just a bunch of beasts!"

The middle-aged man smiled and said: "Uncle, don't be angry, don't be as knowledgeable as them."

The old man sneered and said, "I don't bother to talk to them." Then he turned his head and glanced at him, and said, "Speaking of which, Sun Tu, you have lived among those beasts for three years and learned their bird language. A lot of suffering, right?"

The middle-aged man named Sun Tu smiled, and said: "This disciple has received great kindness from the master, but his qualifications are shallow, and he is suffering and unable to repay the kindness of Master Gu and all the masters. This opportunity just so happens, how dare the disciple not do his best?" !"

Gui Li suddenly heard the word "Valley Master", and his heart shuddered.

The uncle smiled, seemed to be very appreciative, stretched out his hand and patted Sun Tu's shoulder, and suddenly said with a sneer: "Fortunately, Master Gu Mingjian knew that I was always calm, so he sent me here to meet these beasts. If that old fellow Shangguan Ce came, he would have ruined it on the spot!"

Sun Tu let out a dry laugh, with a strange look on his face, and he responded in a low voice, but he didn't seem to dare to talk about Shangguan Ce behind his back.

Gui Li at the side has no doubts at this moment that Shangguan Ce is one of the top figures in the "Fenxiang Valley" in the south, although he never walks in the world, his reputation has long been established. Especially in the battle of Qingyun ten years ago, the ghost king even used clever tricks and sent Zhou Yin to pretend to be Shangguan Ce to assassinate the monks of Tianyin Temple. At that time Gui Li was Qing Yun's disciple named Zhang Xiaofan, he was in the arena, naturally he was deeply impressed by this name.

Listening to the two people calling the mysterious person a "beast", the identity of the mysterious person seemed to be revealed just now, but the Fenxianggu lineage, which has always been righteous and awe-inspiring, unexpectedly revealed an inconceivable evil spirit at this moment.

Gui Li stared coldly at the two people in the hall, in the darkness, there was a cold and contemptuous sneer at the corner of his mouth.

In the arena, after the two discussed a few more words, Sun Tu blew out the candles in the main hall, and the two walked out, apparently wanting to leave here. Gui Li frowned in the dark, and when he was pondering, suddenly, a strange roar came from outside the ancient temple!

Everyone in the ancient temple was taken aback, the old man and Sun Tu stopped at the same time.

The voice was shrill and angry, and there seemed to be a hint of panic in it. It sounded like a beast roaring, not a human being screaming. It's just that Gui Li made a brief distinction, and immediately heard that the voice came from the mysterious figure wrapped in a cloak just now, and his brows furrowed involuntarily. At the same time, the old man and Sun Tu also heard it, and their expressions changed drastically. At the same time, they flew into the sky and flew out of the temple.

In the deep mountains and wild mountains, there are still people ambushing!

The moonlight is cold and cold, as if the strange color is more serious.


Outside the ancient temple, behind a hill in the distance, a ray of purple awn suddenly bloomed in the night, rushed into the air, and then chopped down.

A few tens of meters away, Gui Li could feel that cold and evil aura. The pupils of his eyes shrank, and he recognized what kind of magic weapon it was in a moment.

The two people from Fenxiang Valley arrived like flying, but the old man's morality was obviously much higher than that of Sun Tu. After a while, he pulled Sun Tu away by several feet, and at the same time, he already had a dark red fairy sword in his hand. Fly quickly to the place where the purple light shines.

But before he flew to the back of the hill, he heard a loud roar, full of despair, echoing in the dark night. The old man's face changed drastically, his feet became more anxious, and he flew over with a whoosh. Ghost Li quietly followed from the other direction, and circled behind the hill.

A bloody smell came to his face immediately. The cloak that was split in half slowly floated down from midair, and dark red blood was splashed everywhere. The mysterious figure who showed his real body was indeed a murloc with a fish head and a human body, but at this moment he was cut in half by Sheng Sheng from head to crotch, and his body fell to the ground, but the murderer had disappeared.

The old man was frightened and angry, the murderer shot to kill in an instant, and then disappeared, this kind of skill is really not trivial. Although he thought these murlocs were extremely distasteful, he knew that the owner of the valley had a serious discussion with these barbarians, and this time he was shot and killed right under his nose.

At this time, Sun Tu also rushed to the scene, seeing this bloody scene, he was stunned.

The old man's face was extremely ugly, he jumped up suddenly, with the dark red light under his feet, he flew into the air, looked around, but he saw the darkness all around, the vast forest, where can we find the trace of the murderer

Suddenly, he shouted loudly: "Which expert is here, please come out and see, Fenxianggu Lu Shun ask for advice!"

The voice spread far away, and after a while, there was a faint echo in the forest and mountains, and everywhere was "Lu Shun asks... Lu Shun asks..."

But other than that, there was no sound.

Lu Shun's eyes were about to burst into flames, he landed a moment later, and said to Sun Tuji, "Clean up the patriarch's body and bring it back to the valley. The murderer must be still nearby shortly after he struck. Someone find it."

Sun Tu nodded quickly and said, "Master, be careful."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Shun jumped up and disappeared into the dark forest. Sun Tu turned around and looked at the corpse that had been turned into two halves on the ground. A bloody smell came to his nostrils.

Gui Li slowly retreated back, pondered for a moment in the dark, then took a careful look at the surrounding terrain, then his eyes fell on the ancient temple he had just come out of, and immediately swept past it without making a sound.

The night was cold, with dark clouds covering the moon.

Although it only took a while, the inside of this ancient temple suddenly seemed to be much gloomy and dark again. Only the occasional moonlight peeking out from the dark clouds would illuminate some places, but it returned to darkness after a while .

Gui Li walked out slowly, stood on the open space in front of the main hall, staring at the main hall with both eyes.

The cold wind blew in, and the broken windows made a strange "squeak" sound, whispering in the darkness.

"My lord is really powerful. I can hide it from Lu Shun, but I can't hide it from you!"

In the darkness of the great hall, faint words suddenly sounded and floated out gently.