Zhu Xian

Chapter 36: strange eyes


In the distance behind, the sound of howling and fighting can be heard endlessly, and the light is shining, obviously the three of Qingyunmen are fighting fiercely with other monsters in the dark, but in Zhang Xiaofan's place, they suddenly fell into a strange silence.

Zhang Xiaofan was in a daze, but secretly the owner of the yellow flying sword and gray fangs witnessed the weird scene just now, he was overly surprised, he didn't know what to do for a while

"Wild dog, I read that right! Youngest Jiang sucks human blood, why does it seem like he was sucked dry instead?"

Another person in the dark said in a rough voice: "Damn it, there are people in Qingyun sect who can practice this 'blood-sucking method'. Could it be that this guy is a disciple of our immortal sect?"

The person who originally spoke gave a "bah", but after a while he couldn't say anything, and said angrily: "No, this guy has a strange background, you must ask clearly!"

Two balls of light lit up in front of Zhang Xiaofan, two figures gradually appeared, Zhang Xiaofan came back to his senses, startled, quickly put aside distracting thoughts, and concentrated on facing the enemy.

In the light, the yellow flying sword and the gray fangs flew back to the hands of the two of them respectively, and the person on the left took the flying sword. It was a tall and thin man with a thin face, a hooked nose and small eyes. Black and white were distinct in the eyes, shining fiercely. .

The person next to him was even more weird, Zhang Xiaofan was shocked when he saw it.

I saw that he was also quite tall, but his appearance was very strange, his eyelids were downcast, his nose was protruding, his ears were upturned, his lips were bright red, and he had a rather long tongue, sticking out from time to time, he looked like a dog.

The gray fang flew back to his hand at this time, Zhang Xiaofan immediately thought subconsciously, this could not be the tooth of some big dog, could it

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan looking at him, the man called Wild Dog couldn't turn his eyes away, his eyes were full of surprise, he was furious, and shouted: "Hey! You little brat, why are you staring at you, Daoist Wild Dog?"

"Wild Dog Daoist?" Zhang Xiaofan frowned, only to realize that this wild dog-like person was wearing a black Taoist robe, and it seemed that he was still from the same sect of belief as Qingyunmen, but he didn't know if it would be possible to go back three thousand years. There will be some origins.

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan's obvious disdain, the man who claimed to be Taoist Wild Dog was even more annoyed, and said, "Little devil, Daoist, I'm asking you how you killed the vampire?"

Zhang Xiaofan was stunned, and said: "What vampire?"

The tall man next to him said angrily, "Isn't that the one on your back!"

Only then did Zhang Xiaofan remember that he was still carrying that corpse, and suddenly felt a chill on his neck, he jumped away in shock and threw the corpse off.

There was a muffled sound of "bang", the guy who had turned into a leather bag and skeleton fell to the ground, Zhang Xiaofan saw it, felt sick, and turned his head away.

The wild dog Taoist and the tall man glanced at the skeleton, and then looked at each other, both seeing surprise in each other's eyes. Blood-sucking Dafa is cruel and weird. Although it is powerful, it does great damage to the body. After practicing it, people will not look like humans, and ghosts will not look like ghosts. I still know a thing or two about the law.

But the person lying dead on the ground in front of him, the vampire known as the only heir of the vampiric art, was sucked dry of blood in the blink of an eye.

As far as the two of them know, it goes without saying that this skill is far superior to that of the dead vampire Jiang Laosan, and even the rumored vampire may not have such skills.

But looking at the kid from the Qingyun sect in front of him, he doesn't have the strange and hostile spirit of the blood-sucking sect anyway.

Daoist Wild Dog took a look at Zhang Xiaofan, and said, "You are a vampire old... old senior's sect?"

Zhang Xiaofan was taken aback, and said, "What blood-sucking senior?"

The wild dog Taoist opened his mouth, the elder's long tongue turned around, Zhang Xiaofan saw it, and couldn't help but think of the big dog Rhubarb from the Big Bamboo Peak on Qingyun Mountain.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly heard a scream coming from the back of the cave, flying swords flickered, and a man in black fell out from the darkness, his face was covered with blood, he struggled a few times underground, he seemed unable to survive.

Zhang Xiaofan suddenly realized that his fellow disciples were fighting to the death, but he was talking to these demons here, he was really confused, he immediately got up and went to help.

Daoist Yegou and the tall man were startled when they saw Zhang Xiaofan's body move suddenly, they thought he was protruding and made trouble, and hurriedly took precautions, but saw Zhang Xiaofan's body just moved, but suddenly fell down with grinning teeth, half kneeling on the ground, breathing in the cold He was so angry that cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

It turned out that in Zhang Xiaofan's anxiety, he forgot that the small dark red fork was still stuck in the flesh and blood of his shoulder, this movement of his body immediately hurt his heart, and fell down again, the blood that had been temporarily stopped , At this moment, it flowed out from the wound that was pulled.

Seeing this golden opportunity, how could the wild dog Taoist and the tall man miss it, they would rather kill the wrong than let it go, the eyes of the two were fierce, and the flying sword and fangs in their hands shone again.

But at this moment, there was a clear howling sound from behind, and among the various lights in the darkness, a dazzling blue light suddenly lit up, dazzling and brilliant, immediately suppressing all the lights.

In the blue light, I saw "Tianya" proudly out of its sheath, in the mid-air behind it, Lu Xueqi is peerless, standing in the air, her whole body's clothes are fluttering and fluttering with the wind.

While the wild dog Taoist and the tall man were stunned, the blue light of Tianya Divine Sword exploded, transforming into a huge blue lightsaber, and slashed towards the dark place. Immediately, multiple rays of light of different colors flew up to resist, but as soon as it came into contact with the huge and pure blue light It will be ashes and annihilation.

There were strange screams, and five or six figures jumped out from the shadows. With a "bang", the blue lightsaber slashed on the stone wall, and the broken stones flew randomly, with astonishing power.

Almost all of the people who jumped out were killed. At the same time, the white light of Qihao's ice sword also shone brightly, and suddenly rushed out from the slanting stab. Popsicles. Followed by Zeng Shushu's Yujian like flying, smashing them one by one.

The tall man in front of Zhang Xiaofan exchanged a look with Taoist Wild Dog, and at the same time let go of Zhang Xiaofan and charged forward, the yellow flying sword and gray fangs were raised at the same time, resisting Qi Hao and Zeng Shushu's offensive.

Their Taoism seems to be better than that of the Demon Cult, and they immediately blocked the attack of Qi Hao and others, but they both groaned in their hearts.

They spied Qi Hao and others being attacked by bats last night, so they set up an ambush in the depths of this ancient cave. The disciples defeated each one.

This plan was indeed completed as scheduled, but unexpectedly these Qingyun disciples had unexpectedly high morals and were difficult to deal with.

For this ambush, the demon sect was led by the wild dog Taoist, the tall man, and the vampire Jiang Laosan. They also saw that Zhang Xiaofan seemed to be the weakest of the four, so they arranged for the three to launch an attack together, intending to solve it quickly Zhang Xiaofan, then deal with the other three separately.

Unexpectedly, the situation was strange. Although Zhang Xiaofan was injured, the vampire Jiang Laosan was inexplicably sucked dry of blood and died.

At this moment, although they are resisting Qi Hao and Zeng Shushu for the time being, there is still a beautiful woman with a blue strange sword at the side. Although the stinky boy behind him is injured, it is very strange. If the two of them come up together, the situation will be very different. wonderful. After fighting for two more rounds, seeing Lu Xueqi wounding several Demon Cultists in succession, she turned her head when Taoist Wild Dog was the first to yell, "Run!"

The tall man next to him had a tacit understanding with him, and he withdrew the magic weapon at the same time, possessed him, made two swishing sounds, and turned into two strange lights and fled to the depths of the cave. The other Demon Cultists watched, screamed and fled in all directions.

Qi Hao made a decisive decision, and shouted: "Chasing those two people." As he spoke, he got up with his sword and chased after him.

Zeng Shushu followed closely, Lu Xueqi's blue sky light turned, and was about to chase, suddenly remembered something, was about to turn around, but suddenly saw Zhang Xiaofan flying up into the sky with the fire stick shining in the blue light, with blood streaming from his shoulder , but the dark red fork stuck on his shoulder has been pulled out.

Zhang Xiaofan flew forward, Lu Xueqi looked at his figure, seemed startled for a moment, and then followed him again.

This chase in the depths of the cave is a bit like the scene where Zhang Xiaofan and Tian Linger were chasing the monkey Xiaohui in the back mountain of Dazhufeng, with bizarre twists and turns, sometimes going left, sometimes right, sometimes straight up to the sky , suddenly fell straight to the ground, and then the road diverged, but the four of Qingyunmen didn't care about so many, they just looked at the two rays of light, one yellow and one gray, and they chased after them.

In the cave there are jagged rocks and steep peaks, Zhang Xiaofan followed closely behind his fellow disciples, concentrating on controlling the fire stick, some places were almost narrow enough for only one person to pass through, Zhang Xiaofan didn't even have time to think about it, with a whistling sound, he actually passed through it past.

This back and forth chase turned into six rays of light in the darkness of the cave, the speed was astonishingly fast, Zhang Xiaofan only felt that the strong wind and the darkness seemed to be entangled together, rushing towards his face continuously in front of him.

This chase lasted for another half an hour. Relying on their familiarity with the terrain, the wild dog and Taoist turned left and right. Although they couldn't shake off the four lingering guys behind them, they didn't draw them closer either.

Suddenly, a ray of light appeared in the distance in front of them, the wild dog Taoist and the tall man immediately flew towards it with all their strength, Qi Hao and others pursued closely, Zhang Xiaofan followed behind them, only feeling the pain in his shoulders gradually recede. Just now he endured the severe pain and pulled out the little fork, and he was able to keep up, which surprised even himself.

Although his shoulders are hurting at the moment, the energy and blood in his body are active, as if he can't exhaust his strength, but when he thinks of the scene just now, and the word "blood-sucking" that the wild dog Taoist said, his heart shudders. Cold down, cold to the bone marrow.

The spot of light ahead was getting closer and brighter, and the six of them rushed towards the spot of light like arrows leaving the string.


That light, like a strange flower suddenly blooming in the darkness, illuminated people's eyes. Zhang Xiaofan jumped into the light with the crowd, his eyes lit up, he was immediately taken aback by the scene in front of him.

It turned out that the last place they were chasing just now was a spacious and straight passage. Outside this passage, there was an unbelievably huge space. On the ground, there stood a huge boulder emitting a strong light, illuminating the entire space.

But the most surprising thing is not this boulder, but behind this boulder, deep in the light, there is a huge abyss suddenly opened. The light emitted by this boulder illuminates the dome of the cave, but it seems impossible Half a point deep into the abyss behind it, from the sky, it is pitch black, and even the other end of the abyss cannot be seen, only a lifeless and gloomy darkness.

In front of that boulder, there were three people standing at the moment, one was a bearded man, the other was a pretty young woman, and the third was a pale young man dressed in white with an evil look on his face.

The wild dog Taoist and his tall companion fell down and stood in front of the boulder. Qi Hao saw it, saw that all those people had strange appearances, so he didn't dare to be careless, he greeted his colleagues, and landed five feet away from the crowd under the boulder.

Zhang Xiaofan stood still, looked around, and saw three big characters engraved on the strange luminous boulder in ancient seal script:

Necromancer abyss!

Seeing the four people from Qingyunmen fall down, the few people standing under the boulder did not make any movement, only a bearded man frowned and said: "Wild dog, Liu Hao, you are too bad. A few juniors of Qingyun, who are in such a mess, even led them to this Necromancer Abyss!"

The wild dog Taoist dog blushed, and was about to distinguish, a middle-aged young woman standing behind the big man glanced at them, and suddenly said sharply: "Where is Jiang Laosan?"

The wild dog glanced at the Qingyun sect and said, "He died under their hands."

"What?" These people who were originally as stable as Mount Tai were moved, but it seemed that they didn't kill Jiang Laosan because of the high morals and deeds of Qing Yunmen.

The young woman was stunned for a moment, shook her head, and said, "Now that the old blood-sucking demon is going after her, we can't explain it!"

The bearded man pondered for a moment, turned around and looked at the Qingyunmen, and said: "Then let's take these Qingyun juniors and hand them over to the blood-sucking seniors, that's all."

The others nodded in agreement. Seeing that they were so entrusted to each other, Qihao was even more careful, and whispered to the three people behind him: "These people seem to be the masterminds of the Devil's Cult here, I'm afraid their skills are still higher than the few people just now, everyone should be careful Handle."

Zhang Xiaofan responded, turned his head, suddenly saw Lu Xueqi's eyes swept over the wound on his shoulder, he was slightly startled, Lu Xueqi immediately looked away.

At this time, the big man took a step forward and said to the Qing Yun sect: "I advise you guys to catch them without a fight! In case we will make a move later, you will have to shatter your bones and tendons, and suffer from flesh and blood!"

Qihao snorted, and before he could speak, he heard Lu Xueqi coldly say from behind him: "Demon clown, dare to be rampant, today is the day you are waiting to die."

Qi Hao and Zeng Shushu clapped their hands at the same time, and said, "Junior Sister Lu is right, that's exactly what it is!"

The big man's face changed, his face was as frosty, and he said coldly: "You are looking for death!"

Didn't see how he moved, just glared at the four people, Zhang Xiaofan was concentrating himself on guard, suddenly saw the big man's normal eyes, the right eye suddenly doubled in size and turned red. The entire giant eye appeared on his face, which was terrifying and comical at the same time.

He was feeling strange when suddenly a red light shot out from the big man's red giant eyes, and shot towards him quickly. Everyone in the Qingyun Sect saw his strange appearance, so they had paid attention to him a long time ago. Qi Hao immediately sacrificed the Frost Immortal Sword, made two "Kaka" sounds, and formed two ice walls in front of him.

Unexpectedly, the red light seemed to contain a fierce force, and after a while, it hit the ice wall, and instantly melted a small hole in the ice wall and passed through, rushing towards it silently but like a broken bamboo.

Qi Hao was taken aback, and before he had time to react, he immediately blocked the Frost Sword in front of everyone, the red glow hit the Frost Sword, flashed twice, and then disappeared without a trace in the white light of the Frost Sword.

But Qi Hao's body trembled, and he saw that on his Frost Immortal Sword, a small piece of the originally pure white blade was now stained with a faint dark red color.

The blade of the Frost Sword trembled slightly, as if it had been attacked by an evil thing. Qi Hao felt extremely heartbroken looking at it. In fact, whoever is a cultivator doesn't take his magic weapon very seriously.

But at this moment, he couldn't allow him to think too much. The red light had just disappeared, and another red light shot out from the big red eyes of the big man in the distance, rushing towards them, and when it collided with the two ice walls, it was also silent. Xi broke through two holes without losing momentum, and hit the four people.

Qi Hao frowned tightly, the ice sword flashed white light, and volleyed to meet it, the red light disappeared in a blink of an eye, but there was another red mark on the ice sword.

In the distance, the big man didn't say a word, his huge red eyes shot out red lights like arrows, the speed was extremely fast, and they arrived in a blink of an eye, Qi Hao blocked them one by one, but seeing more and more dark red lights , the white light of the Frost Immortal Sword gradually dimmed.

The three people around couldn't see it well, Zeng Shushu was the first to rush out, he raised his magic weapon "Xuanyuan", and was about to charge up from the side, but the big man turned his head slightly, and another shot shot out from his huge red eyes The red light came towards him, but Zeng Shushu couldn't dodge it in time, so he had to sacrifice Xuanyuan Xianjian to block the strange red light.

In mid-air, the Xuanyuan Immortal Sword glowed with lavender radiance, and immediately disappeared the red glow, but on the sword body, there was also a red mark like an awl attached to a bone, Xuanyuan Immortal Sword immediately let out a low tremor .

Zeng Shushu felt a sudden evil energy coming from the sword, which seemed to invade his body, but fortunately, it was far away and the power was not strong, and the Xuanyuan Immortal Sword immediately aroused auspicious energy to counteract the evil energy.

But at this point, he couldn't go any further. Looking at the big man in the distance, he just stood there leisurely, shaking his head slightly, and the huge red eyes kept shooting red light, and he nailed Qi Hao and Zeng Shushu in place, unable to make an inch of progress. And as the red marks gradually increased, the two felt that the evil spirit from the fairy sword was getting heavier and heavier, and using the sword body of the fairy sword as a medium, it slowly invaded their bodies.