Zhu Xian

Chapter 4: Surprised


In the morning, the rain finally stopped.

The water droplets on the tree were crystal clear, slipped quietly from the edge of the leaves, fell down, because of the wind, they drew a beautiful arc in the air, and hit Zhang Xiaofan's face.

The icy coolness awakened Zhang Xiaofan from his dream, he opened his eyes, and subconsciously called out: "Master..." But there was no one in the field, only Lin Jingyu was lying beside him, dreaming soundly.

It seemed like a dream.

But the broken grass temple in the distance, and the playmate sleeping soundly beside him, all told him that all this was true.

He thought in a daze for a while, shook his head, walked to Lin Jingyu's side, pushed hard, Lin Jingyu muttered a few words, woke up slowly, rubbed his eyes, and before he could speak, he Feeling a chill hit, I couldn't help sneezing.

He opened his eyes to look, but saw himself and Zhang Xiaofan were soaked, lying under a pine tree in the field, he couldn't help being dumbfounded, and said: "I'm not sleeping at home, how did I get here?"

Zhang Xiaofan shrugged his shoulders, said: "I don't know, but I'm very cold, I'd better go back soon!"

Lin Jingyu had many questions in his mind, but his body was really cold, he nodded immediately, got up and ran towards the village together with Zhang Xiaofan.

Before arriving at the village, the two of them realized that something was wrong. Normally at this time, the villagers would have already woken up, but today it was extremely quiet, not even a single person was seen, and with the morning wind blowing, there was a faint smell of blood. taste.

They looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes. At the same time, they quickened their pace and ran towards the village. It didn't take long before the two arrived at the entrance of the village. Looking in from the main road at the entrance of the village, they saw that on the flat ground in the middle of the village, there were more than forty families in Caomiao Village, more than two hundred people, big and small, men and women, were lying in the open space. On top of it, the body stiffened and turned into a corpse, blood flowed like a river, flies flew around, and the smell of blood rushed to the face.

Lin Jingyu and Zhang Xiaofan suddenly saw this terrifying scene, they were frightened, they cried out and passed out.


I don't know how long it took, Zhang Xiaofan woke up suddenly, sat up all of a sudden, panting heavily, his hands trembling slightly. When he fell asleep just now, his mind was full of vicious grimaces, blood and bones, and he was full of nightmares.

He collected himself and looked around, only to see that this was an ordinary wing room with two small windows, and the furnishings in the room were simple and clean, with only a few pinewood tables and chairs, with kettles and cups on them. Occupying half of the room is a large kang with four beds. Except for the one he was lying on now, the bedding beside him was also a little messy, as if someone had just slept on it. As for the other two, the quilts were folded neatly and meticulously.

On the wall directly above the four beds, there is a banner with a large character written on it:


Looking at it like this, it looks like an ordinary guest room in an inn, or a room where several disciples who are studying art from a teacher live in the same room.

Zhang Xiaofan sat for a while, a thought suddenly came up in his heart: maybe everything last night was a nightmare, right? Maybe I've been sleeping here all this time? Maybe when he walked out of this room, his mother would smile and scold him as usual: "You little slob!"

He got out of bed slowly, put on his shoes, and walked towards the door step by step.

The door is ajar. From the gap in the door, if there is no place, the wind blows in, and it is cool.

He walked step by step, but his two little hands were clenched tighter and tighter. His heart was beating violently and he held his breath. Soon, he walked to the door and put his hand on the door.

At that moment, the wooden door was as heavy as a mountain and as heavy as iron.

He gritted his teeth, and with a cruel heart, "哜呀", opened the door.

The bright light outside suddenly shone in, making him squint his eyes. The warm sunshine fell on his body, giving him a faint warmth.

However, his heart suddenly fell into the ice cellar.

Outside the door is a small courtyard, with a few pines and cypresses, a few bushes of vegetation, and a few small fragrant flowers in between, which bloom happily. In front of the door is a corridor leading to the outside of the courtyard. Four feet in front of the door, there are several steps leading to the yard and corridor.

At the corner of the steps, a child sat alone, resting his face on his hands, sitting there in a daze, motionless.

Perhaps the sound of the door opening startled him, the child hesitated for a moment, then slowly turned his head.

Lin Jingyu.

Zhang Xiaofan opened his mouth wide, he had thousands of questions in his mind, but when the words came to his lips, they became silent.

He wanted to yell again, but he was so depressed that he couldn't yell out.

Two lines of tears, just like that, slipped down silently.

The two children, just like that, looked at each other silently.

From an unknown place in the distance, there is a quiet bird song, the sky is blue, and there are a few white clouds.


Zhang Xiaofan sat on the other side of the steps, lowered his head, looking at the stone-paved path in the courtyard.

In the small courtyard, there was silence.

It didn't know how long after that, Lin Jingyu said slowly: "I woke up earlier than you, how many people were still in the room at that time, I asked them, this is Tongtian Peak of Qingyun Mountain."

Zhang Xiaofan whispered: "Qingyun Mountain..."

Lin Jingyu said: "I heard from them that it was a few disciples of the Qingyun sect passing by who saw the village, the village..." At this point, his voice could not help but choke. He stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyes vigorously, took a deep breath, and continued: "Later they found the two of us at the back of the village, and brought us up the mountain."

The corner of Zhang Xiaofan's mouth twitched, but he didn't raise his head, he said: "What shall we do in the future, Jing Yu?"

Lin Jingyu shook his head and said sadly: "I don't know."

Zhang Xiaofan wanted to say more, when he suddenly heard a strange voice from the corridor behind him: "Ah! Are you all awake?"

The two looked back at the same time, and saw a young Taoist priest standing there, wearing a blue Taoist robe, quite heroic. I saw him walking over quickly, and said: "It happens that several masters also want to meet you and ask you some questions. You just follow me!"

Zhang Xiaofan and Lin Jingyu looked at each other, stood up, Lin Jingyu said: "Yes, please lead us there!"

The young Taoist glanced at Lin Jingyu, nodded, and said, "You follow me."

Following the Taoist priest, the two walked out of the courtyard, and what appeared in front of them was a longer and larger circular corridor with red pillars every two feet on the edge. Between every two pillars, there is also an arch.

They walked forward along the corridor, passed one by one arches and pillars, only to find that inside each arch was a small courtyard that was almost the same as before. It seemed that this was the living place of Qingyunmen disciples.

Not to mention anything else, in terms of this scale alone, there are probably no fewer than a hundred such small courtyards, which shows that there are so many Qingyun disciples.

After walking for a while, I saw the end of this corridor, which was an extremely tall white wall, and a door was opened below it. Two thick wooden door panels were as high as ten feet, and I almost looked up. How did you find such a huge piece of wood in the first place.

The young Taoist turned a blind eye to it, probably going in and out on weekdays, he was numb to seeing, his face was not as moved as that of the two children, and he walked out of the door with a blank expression. Zhang Xiaofan and Lin Jingyu hurriedly followed.

As soon as they stepped out of the door, the two children held their breath at the same time, looking at everything in front of them in disbelief.

Here, it is almost the legendary fairyland.

An extremely huge square, the ground is paved with white marble, shining brightly, at a glance, it makes people feel small. The white clouds in the distance, like a veil, are floating under the feet.

In the center of the square, a huge copper tripod is placed every tens of feet, divided into three rows, three in each row, a total of nine, arranged in a regular manner. From time to time, light smoke would rise from the tripod, and the taste would be clear but not scattered.

"Go here." Seemingly understanding what the two children were thinking, the young Taoist priest showed a smile on his face and let them watch for a long time before waking them up and continuing to walk forward.

"This is the 'sea of clouds' among the six sceneries of Qingyun, and there are even better ones ahead!" The young Taoist said as he walked.

Lin Jingyu couldn't help asking: "What is it?"

The young Taoist pointed and said, "'Hongqiao'."

Looking far ahead, the two saw something shining behind the misty clouds at the end of the square in the distance ahead. They quickened their pace and walked forward.

Gradually, there was the sound of water, and occasionally there were one or two strange thunderous sounds, which came from nowhere.

They got closer and closer, and the cloud was like a gentle fairy, gently surrounding them, gradually pulling away the vague veil, revealing a clear face.

At the end of the square, there is a stone bridge, without a seat or a pier, rising from the sky, with one end on the square, stretching straight upwards, into the depths of the white clouds, like a dragon leaping into the sky, with aloof and arrogant aura. There is a slight sound of water, and under the sunlight, the whole bridge emits colorful colors, like a rainbow in the sky, falling into the world, gorgeous and beautiful.

Zhang Xiaofan and Lin Jingyu were dumbfounded.

The young Taoist smiled and said, "Follow me!" As he spoke, he walked onto the stone bridge first.

After stepping on the stone bridge, the two realized that there was continuous water flowing down the sides of the bridge, which was extremely clear, but the middle part was not dripping. The sunlight shines on the bridge through the clouds, and is refracted by the water flow, forming a gorgeous rainbow.

The Taoist looked at their ecstasy, and said: "Be careful, there is a bottomless abyss under this bridge, if you accidentally fall down, you will die without a place to die."

Zhang Xiaofan and Lin Jingyu were startled, they quickly calmed down and walked carefully.

This Hongqiao is extremely tall and long, and the three of them walked on it, only feeling that the white clouds on the left and right were gradually sinking under their feet, and they wanted to go higher and higher. And the weird voice in front of him still kept coming.

After walking for a while, the white clouds gradually thinned, and they actually walked out of the sea of clouds. Suddenly, the sky lit up, and the sky was as clean as it was, and the blue was as transparent as it was. The sky on all sides is vast and boundless; there is a vast sea of clouds below, which floats and sinks gently.

And directly in front of it is the main hall of Qingyun Temple "Yuqing Hall" on the top of Tongtian Peak.

The green hills are emerald, and the temples are majestic. The "Yuqing Palace" is located on the top of the peak, surrounded by clouds, and sometimes there are a few auspicious cranes flying by with long calls, circling in the air, like a fairyland, which is admirable.

At this time, the Hongqiao stopped rising and made an arch in the air before falling to the edge of a turquoise pool in front of the hall. At the same time, Taoist verses were faintly spread in Yuqing Palace, giving off a sense of immortality. And that strange sound became louder and louder.

The three of them walked down the Hongqiao and came to the edge of the pool. A spacious stone step led from the edge of the pool to the gate of Yuqing Hall. The pool water is green, clear as a mirror, and the shadows of people and mountains are clearly visible.

They walked up the stone steps and were about to go to the upper gate, when they suddenly heard a roar from the depths of the pool, the sound was like thunder, it was the strange sound from before. Looking around, a huge vortex suddenly appeared in the center of the pool. After a while, a huge wave rolled up, a huge figure leaped out, and the sky was filled with spray.

The young Taoist priest seemed to have been on guard for a long time, he drew his left hand, and his body floated up in the air, and flew back about two feet, and stopped in mid-air. But the two children couldn't escape, and they were soaked in water all at once.

It's just that the two of them didn't notice their own situation at all, they just stared blankly at a gigantic monster that appeared in front of them, over five feet tall, with a dragon's head and a lion's body, covered in scales, with huge eyes and a big mouth, and two sharp fangs. Glittering in the sun, his face is hideous and daunting.

The monster shook its body, hula-la splashed again, and then seemed to have discovered something, and stretched its giant head towards the steps.

Zhang Xiaofan and Lin Jingyu saw that the monster's head was much bigger than the two of them, and under the sunlight, the sharp teeth were clearly visible. Seeing it getting closer and closer, they were really scared, and couldn't help but stick tightly together, their hearts Bang bang.

At this moment, the young Taoist priest floated back at some point, with one palm on his chest, he said respectfully: "Master Ling, they were specially summoned by your masters."

The monster glared at him, snorted with a "chi" sound, and the eyeballs in a pair of big eyes turned around, as if people were using their brains. Then he ignored the three of them, staggered to the side, lay down on the dry ground by the pool, yawned, lowered his head lazily, basked in the sun, and fell asleep.

The young Taoist motioned for the two people who were still in shock to continue walking, and said: "Lingzun is an ancient beast that I sent Patriarch Qingye to subdue thousands of years ago. The one who has made great efforts. Now it is our Qingyunmen's mountain-suppressing spirit beast, respectfully called Lingzun."

After finishing speaking, he bowed to the water unicorn again, Zhang Xiaofan was looking at it, but was pulled by Lin Jingyu, seeing him winking, he also bowed respectfully to the water unicorn. It's just that Shui Qilin didn't turn his head, didn't move, but snored loudly, so he might not be able to see it.

After the three of them saluted, they continued on their way. Walking through the high stone steps, you can see a golden plaque from a distance, with the words "Yuqing Palace" written on it. Before coming to the majestic hall, the door is wide open, and the light inside is full of light, enshrining the three pure gods of Yuanshi Tianzun, Lingbao Tianzun and Daode Tianzun, with a solemn bearing.

In front of the altar, on top of the main hall, there were dozens of people standing, all of them seemed to be under Qing Yun's sect. In front of the crowd, there were seven big sandalwood chairs, three on the left and three on the left, and another one in the front, but there were only six people sitting on it, only the last chair on the right row was empty.