Zhu Xian

Chapter 55: The demon dies


In the fiery underground cave, the heat wave was rolling, and the red magma below the platform kept churning, making bursting noises from time to time.

Zhang Xiaofan only felt that it was gradually difficult to breathe, as if the air he inhaled reached his lungs, it was also scalding hot. In this place where it feels like you will step out of sparks if you take any step, the white six-tailed fox in front of you is still lying there quietly, and it seems to be enjoying it.

He stood there, looking ahead, hesitating for a moment, and finally walked forward. At the same time, he subconsciously clenched the fire stick in his hand.

This platform is long and narrow, extending forward into the depths of the lava lake. As Zhang Xiaofan got closer and closer, the surrounding temperature became hotter and hotter, almost unbearable.

I don't know if it's the scorching temperature or some other reason, Zhang Xiaofan's throat was very dry, but he didn't dare to be distracted at all, his eyes were fixed on the fox.

When he was three steps away from it, he stopped.

As the distance got closer, he could see it more clearly. He suddenly realized in his heart that this was indeed a beautiful fox, with pure white fur from top to bottom, especially in this place like a fiery hell, it was actually like snow. Usually, not to mention a stray hair, there is not even a trace of scorching.

However, its eyes were closed, and there was a slight frown between the eyes, as if there was a trace of pain hanging between its brows.

Zhang Xiaofan looked at it, but countless thoughts flashed through his mind like lightning, from Xiaochi town to now, all he heard was that there was a "three-tailed demon fox" entrenched here to do harm. But looking at the fox in front of him, it was obviously different from the three-tailed demon fox in the fight just now.

He vaguely remembered that when he was a child, he heard his big brother Song Daren say that the world is so big that there are many wonders, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, and there are many monsters and ghosts. According to old legends, foxes are the intelligent species among animals, and most of them become demons through cultivation. Among the fox demons, those with the most spiritual energy have a special feature, that is, the higher the cultivation and the deeper the way, the more tails they have.

Looking at the six-tailed fox in front of him, Zhang Xiaofan's heart skipped a beat.

At this moment, the six-tailed fox in front of him seemed to wake up from a deep sleep suddenly, its tail swayed slightly, and its head shook slightly.

Then, it opened its eyes.

In the black and deep pupils, the figure of the slightly nervous boy in front of him was reflected.

Zhang Xiaofan was startled, took a step back, put the fire stick across his chest, concentrated on his guard. Unexpectedly, the six-tailed white fox just looked at him, but its body was still lying on the bluestone nest, without any sign of making a move.

One person and one fox, just facing each other. There is no sound around, only the sound of the magma lake that seems to have existed for thousands of years, but it seems so far away.

The air is still scorching hot, floating among the humans and foxes.

"Young man." A low, tired voice seemed to come from the fox's mouth, breaking the silence here: "What are you doing here?"

From the voice of the fox demon, Zhang Xiaofan once again confirmed that the fox was injured, that's why he spoke so weakly, but even so, he still didn't dare to be careless, and said in a deep voice: "You monsters, what harm is there? People of the world, I am a follower of the righteous way, and I will eliminate harm for the people today."

The six-tailed white fox looked at him, its eyes flickering, neither angry nor sneering, it just looked at him indifferently, after a while, it looked away and said calmly: "You are so ambitious!"

Zhang Xiaofan was stunned for a moment, then frowned and shouted: "Stop doing this, get up quickly, I..."

"Are you going to kill me?" The six-tailed white fox suddenly interrupted him and asked peacefully.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't expect it to say it so directly, he was suffocated for a while, but immediately came to his senses, and said: "You demon foxes are doing harm to the world, and you are doing a lot of harm, I kill you to do justice for the heavens!"

The six-tailed white fox turned its head sideways, there seemed to be a bit of sneer in its eyes, but also a bit of desolation, and said: "Young man, I think you are only twenty years old, right?"

Zhang Xiaofan snorted, said: "So what, I also want to subdue demons."

The six-tailed white fox lowered its head slightly, as if suddenly feeling a little bit emotional, and whispered: "Yes! You humans are really unique in cultivating the Tao. Our fox clan has worked hard for more than a thousand years. Among you, the best in aptitude, but It only takes a few hundred years to beat us, just like that old fellow Shangguan..." At this point, it suddenly stopped, smiled wryly, shook its head, looked at Zhang Xiaofan, and said slowly: "Young man, how old are you?" If you are so young, how can you know that our fox clan is doing harm to the world and harming people a lot?"

Zhang Xiaofan sneered, and said: "Your companion of the three-tailed demon fox harassed the residents of Xiaochi town day and night, looted countless cattle and sheep, and even killed people, isn't this a disaster for the world and a lot of harm?"

The six-tailed white fox was silent for a while, and said: "That's right, I've heard from her. It's true as you said, when she went to Xiaochi Town three days ago, the father and son dared to come out to stop her. Again, she was in a bad mood, so she killed those two foolish people."

Zhang Xiaofan said angrily: "Then what else do you have to say?"

The six-tailed white fox said indifferently: "You're mistaken, I'm not judging you, even if it was me who went there that day, I would have killed you."

Zhang Xiaofan was furious, he pointed his halberd and said angrily: "Then you still dare to say that you are not doing harm to the world and harming people a lot. The evildoer will be killed!" At the sound of the angry shout, the burning stick glowed blue, and it was about to burst into space out.

The six-tailed white fox didn't intend to move, and still lay still on its stomach, and said indifferently: "What do you mean by the world?"

Zhang Xiaofan was startled again, his thoughts turned around, suddenly for some reason, he looked at the six-tailed white fox in front of him, and listening to his deep words, he inexplicably remembered that ten thousand people.

Faintly, as if somewhere deep in my heart, there was an inexplicable voice calling.

The light of the fire stick gradually faded away. But the white fox's voice continued: "In your eyes, the so-called world is up to your human race to be the masters, right? Everything in nature is for your human race to take whatever you want. As long as there is any resistance, it will be Doing harm to the world and harming others is an unforgivable crime and deserves death, right?"

Zhang Xiaofan looked at it, remained silent without speaking. He didn't know why the three-tailed demon fox and the six-tailed white fox seemed to like talking to him. But what he didn't understand was why these words that sounded deviant had such a big impact on his mind

"However, have you ever thought about the feelings of other races? How do those beasts that were killed and eaten by your people feel? In the final analysis, it's just because your human race is strong, and the beasts are powerless to resist, so you have to fight Killing." The white fox's voice continued flatly: "Since this is the case, our fox demon clan is stronger than some of you humans, so what's the point of killing some of you? Anyway, in this world, the weak eat the strong." It smiled , looking at Zhang Xiaofan, said: "What do you think?"

Zhang Xiaofan stared at it, pursed his lips tightly, and didn't speak.

"Also, even among you human races, why not? You have cultivated the truth and cultivated the Dao, and you have not cultivated immortality until now, but you are fighting with each other. The so-called righteous way and evil way are not only in your own mouth What it said in the book is nothing more than that the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit." It smiled again, looked at Zhang Xiaofan, and repeated: "What do you think?"

Zhang Xiaofan closed his eyes, raised his head, and took a deep breath. The white fox didn't speak either, it seemed that after talking so much, it also felt a little tired.

a long time.

"What do you want me to say?" Zhang Xiaofan said suddenly.

The white fox looked at him and found that he had opened his eyes. The boy's complicated but bright eyes were looking at it.

"Every one of you told me this and that reason." Zhang Xiaofan said coldly: "It seems that I am wrong for being righteous, and you are right to kill and rebel. You evil spirits, heretics, besides deceiving people, What else?"

The white fox suddenly frowned, with a gleam in his eyes, and suddenly said: "Why, has anyone else said such a thing to you?"

Zhang Xiaofan didn't answer, but the dark blue light of the fire stick gradually lit up again, reflecting his complexion, changing. Just listening to his voice said: "Monster, do it!"

As promised, the blue light came faintly, but it overwhelmed the ubiquitous fiery red light, like a mountain descending horizontally, coming from the sky.

The six-tailed white fox looked at the oppressive blue light, and there was a trace of ice-coldness in the hot lava, and his whole body suddenly trembled involuntarily.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaofan suddenly heard behind him, in the tunnel where he fell just now, the sound of galloping and roaring.

The sound was like the roar of wild beasts, or like thousands of horses and horses raging with iron hooves, with a menacing momentum, and the momentum had arrived before it was seen. Zhang Xiaofan was shocked, but he didn't dare to take the six-tailed white fox in front of him lightly, so he immediately retracted the fire stick, put it across his chest, and focused on it.

And in a farther place, the six-tailed white fox frowned slightly, looking towards the corridor.

Not long after, Zhang Xiaofan felt that the heat wave coming from the tunnel was getting hotter, and it was more difficult to breathe, it almost felt like people were going to be boiled in this lava cave.

Just as he was startled and suspicious, he heard the momentum getting closer and closer, and the momentum became more and more fierce. After a while, he only felt his eyes light up, and the dark corridor suddenly burst into light, and a huge fire dragon abruptly burst out from the narrow hole. After exiting the hole, the fire dragon let out a long roar, soared into the air, baring its teeth and claws. A white shadow flashed across the dragon's head, and a white figure floated down, but it was the extremely soft and charming three-tailed demon fox.

I saw her falling in front of the six-tailed white fox, her face was a bit anxious for some reason, and the clothes on her body that were originally clean now had several torn and filthy places. Actually suffered some losses.

Zhang Xiaofan was stunned for a moment, stood on the spot, didn't go forward, instead his eyes were attracted by the huge fire dragon that was still stopping in mid-air and wandering. I saw that the fire dragon's whole body was burning with flames, even in the dragon's eyes, there were two huge incandescent flames.

The fire dragon seemed to have been nourished by something in this huge underground lava cave, and its momentum became more and more fierce. Amid the sound of the dragon's chant, the fire dragon rushed down headlong.

Zhang Xiaofan was taken aback, stepped back quickly, only to see that the fire dragon just brushed past him, under the oncoming heat wave, the fire dragon roared and dived into the magma lake under his feet, disappeared in a blink of an eye, and scurried away again after a while Come out and enjoy rolling and swimming in this scorching lake.

Suddenly, I heard the faint voice of the three-tailed demon fox coming from the front: "Brother, are you alright?"

The six-tailed white fox smiled, and said lightly: "This little brother of the righteous way hasn't done anything to me, a dying fox!"

Zhang Xiaofan's face turned red, then he frowned, listening to what the six-tailed white fox said, it seemed that it was dying of illness.

The Three-Tailed Demon Fox's expression was somewhat sad, and he said in a low voice: "Brother, apart from the two people who came with this young man, there are also two people from Fenxiang Valley."

The six-tailed white fox seemed to tremble a bit, turned to look at her, and said, "Is that old fellow Shangguan?"

The Three-Tailed Demon Fox shook his head, and said: "No, they are two younger disciples, but they are very knowledgeable, and I, I am not their opponent..."

The six-tailed white fox was stunned for a moment, then sighed slightly, and said: "Oh! You only have three hundred years of Taoism, even if you have the Xuanhuo Jian, how can you resist these outstanding disciples of the famous sect, that's all, that's all."

On the extremely soft and charming face of the three-tailed demon fox, two tear streaks fell down in a daze: "But, brother, there is no way out in this 'Fire Dragon Cave' now, and the four of them have blocked it, and now we can only rely on the 'big black leech'." "Try to block it, but I think their magic weapon is powerful, and I'm afraid they will attack it within a stick of incense. What, what should we do?"

The six-tailed white fox looked at her, and raised its front paws with difficulty, as if trying to grab her, but when it reached midair, it fell down again. It gasped for a while, and Fang said: "Haven't you noticed? Even if they don't come, I can't do it either."

The three-tailed demon fox's tears dripped onto the white fox's snow-white fur.

But the voice of the white fox seemed to be much calmer: "For three hundred years, I ran here and there, living a life of darkness all day and all night. 'Nine Hanning Ice Spikes' methamphetamine attack. But today, I still can't escape."

The three-tailed demon fox said sadly: "Brother, stop talking, I'll take you out right away, we still have the Xuanhuojian, with your skills, you can definitely..."

The white fox shook his head slowly, and said in a low voice: "My nearly thousand-year-old foundation of Taoism has been broken bit by bit by the ice poison of the Nine Cold Ice Spikes in the past three hundred years. Now my whole body is cold, and the cold has entered my body. The bone marrow is already useless."

The three-tailed demon fox trembled, and could no longer speak.

The white fox raised his head, as if hesitating for a moment, and said: "I really can't do it, but you don't have to die in vain, and you have the profound fire sword in your body, wait for them to rush down the corridor, you drive the fire dragon, rush up, they When you are shocked, it may not be able to stop you. You, you still... "

It suddenly stopped talking. The three-tailed demon fox stood up slowly in front of it, stretched his hand into his bosom, and took out a magic weapon with red silk tassels at both ends, which was the Xuanhuojian.

In this fiery lava cave, the Xuanhuo Jian was also faintly glowing red, and the ancient flame totem in the middle of it seemed to be burning at this moment, almost gushing out.

The three-tailed demon fox, the soft and charming woman in white in Zhang Xiaofan's eyes, is staring at the Xuanhuo Jian in his hand, not long after, a drop of teardrop falls on the Xuanhuo Jian, and after a while, it turns into white smoke and rises up.

It turns out that the fox also has tears

It turns out that evildoers are also sentient

Zhang Xiaofan stood there in a daze, motionless.

"Three hundred years, big brother." She said in a low, mournful voice: "It has been three hundred years since I met you in 'Huqi Mountain' from the day I practiced Taoism, and since then, I have been with you You are gone. The ends of the earth, the barren world of heaven and earth, from now on there is no sky, from now on, worrying day and night, being hunted down by people. However, I have never regretted it... "

Zhang Xiaofan slowly approached a few steps, stood behind them, and suddenly felt an inexplicable confusion deep in his heart. When he heard the three words Hu Qishan, his heart moved, and he felt somewhat familiar, but I can't remember at the moment.

The soft and charming woman's eyes were full of crystal tears at this moment: "But today, why, why do you still ask me to go?"

The white fox lowered its head, at the same time Zhang Xiaofan noticed its body, it was not known whether it was because of the cold or excitement, it began to tremble slowly.


The soft and charming woman suddenly yelled, the voice was so shrill, the white fox raised his head quickly, Zhang Xiaofan was also startled by her, and turned his head to look.

The humble Xuanhuo Jian was gently placed on her chest by her, sticking to her gentle and undulating chest, emitting a faint halo.

The white fox's whole body trembled, but he didn't know where the strength came from. He braced his upper body and shouted loudly: "No..."


There was a muffled sound, but it seemed to hit Zhang Xiaofan's heart, he stood behind that charming woman, looked at her soft back vividly, with the light of Xuanhuojian showing.

Little by little, they converged into a fiery beam, penetrating through her gentle body.

The world around me, all the sounds, suddenly became so far away at that moment...

All the killing and attachments in my heart slowly receded.

In the boy's eyes, there was only dark red blood flowing from that gentle and beautiful body, dripping to the ground, turning into bright red flowers, and then slowly seeping into the rock.

The blood-red land will never fade!


She fell powerlessly, in front of the white fox. The white fox yelled hoarsely, but Zhang Xiaofan couldn't understand what it was yelling, only saw the white fox screaming, its whole body shaking, struggling to crawl forward, towards the fragile dying body not far in front. But it was so weak that after struggling for a long time, it only crawled out half a minute.

Zhang Xiaofan rushed over suddenly.

He rushed over, and at that moment, he seemed to have forgotten everything.

He carefully picked up the body of the seriously injured and charming woman, placed it in front of the white fox, then silently took a step back and stood in front of them.

At this time, there was another whistling sound from the tunnel in the distance, and then there was a loud noise, something fell from the tunnel, black and dry, but Zhang Xiaofan clearly recognized it, then Part of the giant tentacles that once trapped him.

He turned around in a daze, staring at the two fox demons in front of him.

The white fox grabbed the charming woman, and its whole body was shaking violently. Its once beautiful fur, at this moment, was withering at an almost visible speed.

"You..." His voice was hoarse, as if every word he said tore his heart apart.

The charming woman, that evildoer known as the Three-Tailed Demon Fox, her face was as pale as paper, without the slightest trace of blood, but unexpectedly she was still so gentle, as if the fear of dying and the pain of tearing her chest could not control her at all.

Until now, she still looked at the white fox tenderly.

"Brother, now, you can't tell me to go!"

The white fox choked up and couldn't make a sound.

She raised her hand, as if she wanted to touch him, but she reached halfway and finally dropped it. Her blood stained the white fox's chest red.

Even her voice gradually lowered.

"Brother, I will be with you... together..."

She closed her eyes and never opened them again.

The whole world fell silent.