Zhu Xian

Chapter 91: Good guy wild dog


In the dead marsh, accompanied by more and more rain, the wind gradually blew.

The monkey Xiaohui's fur was wet and stuck to his body. At this moment, he curled up and hid motionlessly in Xiaohuan's embrace. There were only a pair of clever eyes, which were still turning around, looking at the distance, and then at it. ringlet.

The rain fell all over the sky, and the originally gloomy swamp looked even more gloomy at this moment, and the surroundings were gray.

Zhou Yixian pulled out his robe to cover his head, and sat under the small tree, while Xiaohuan didn't stand or sit. After a while, he gave a wry smile, squatted down gently, and hugged Xiaohui tightly, so as not to let the wind and rain When I hit it, as for myself, I was drenched anyway at this time, and I couldn't think about it.

Daoist Wild Dog was triumphant, and walked over holding an umbrella. Looking at his expression, he naturally couldn't find words such as brave deeds, pulling out umbrellas to help, pity and pity, and so on. He only heard him say: "Hey, little girl, do you want to?" Umbrella! It’s hard to be caught in the rain, isn’t it?”

Xiaohuan raised her head in the wind and rain, glanced at the wild dog Taoist, and smiled softly. The rain hit her fair and beautiful face, bursting like scattered pearls.

Daoist Wild Dog choked for a moment. Originally, he came here to let Xiaohuan beg him for an umbrella to cover the rain, and then Daoist Wild Dog laughed at the girl a lot, and finally walked away proudly. , It really is very happy and comfortable!

Unexpectedly, Xiaohuan unexpectedly surprised him, he didn't say anything, let alone beg him, his self-satisfied calculations suddenly came to nothing, Daoist Wild Dog was very annoyed, and gave Xiaohuan a hard look.

This glance, but for some reason, made him a little distracted.

The young and beautiful girl in front of her squatted quietly, silently enduring the wind and rain. The wind and rain whistled between the sky and the earth, and suddenly in the eyes of the wild dogs, it seemed that all the raindrops were falling on her slightly thin body.

The clothes were wet and stuck to her body, her black hair was a little messy, and a few strands fell on her cheeks, against her pale cheeks due to the wind and rain, there was a thrilling and desolate beauty.

Her shoulders turned out to be a little thin and thin, each raindrop fell and then bounced and scattered like crystal debris, as if trembling slightly, the faintly visible white skin was sticking to the clothes.

Daoist Wild Dog suddenly turned around, stopped looking at her, grabbed the umbrella involuntarily, as if to remind someone: "I am a bad person, I am a bad person, I am a bad person..."

Xiaohuan didn't intend to pay attention to him at first, but now he became a little curious. Seeing the wild dog's strange behavior and what he was still saying inexplicably, he said strangely: "Master Daoist, what did you say?"

Daoist Wild Dog was startled, felt a little guilty for some reason, glanced at Xiaohuan, saw that Xiaohuan had a strange look in his eyes, and was looking at him, with rain falling down his snow-white face.

Even her figure, in the wind and rain, is somewhat pitiful.

"I want you to take care of it!" The wild dog suddenly became furious and roared loudly.

Xiaohuan was stunned for a moment, shrugged his shoulders, lowered his head, but saw the monkey Xiaohui looking at him, couldn't help smiling, and stuck out his tongue at it.

Xiao Hui grinned and squeaked twice.

When the wind blows and the rain blows, it seems that this storm will never end, Xiaohuan gradually feels a little chilly all over her body, and when she is worried, she suddenly utters a "Huh", only to feel that the wind and rain above her head have suddenly become much lighter, and she looks up. Look, but he was stunned.

Daoist Wild Dog walked back to her side at some point, and stretched out his hand to cover her head with the umbrella. In just a moment, the rain soaked his body.

"Here, I'll give you the umbrella!" Taoist Wild Dog said in a vicious voice, as if he was having trouble with someone.

Xiaohuan stood up and said in surprise, "Master Daoist, you..."

Daoist Wild Dog glanced at her face, but saw that on Xiaohuan's slightly astonished face, there were crystal drops of water slipping down quietly, and some fell on her slender eyelashes, reflecting the sparkle in her bright eyes. Beautiful and radiant, breathtaking.

Daoist Wild Dog immediately seemed to be on fire, he put the umbrella into her hand, and immediately walked away, ignoring the wind and rain, and cursed loudly: "You little girls, you like to pretend to be pitiful all day long, damn it, damn it! "

Holding the umbrella, Xiaohuan looked at the back of the wild dog Taoist, and suddenly laughed, her voice was like a wind chime that was still clear and melodious in the wind and rain, and laughed loudly: "Taoist, you are a good person!"

Daoist Wild Dog didn't dare to turn his head back, he let out a "bah" and said angrily, "Nonsense, your Daoist is a bad person from birth, and he will fight against you righteous and good people for the rest of his life!"

Xiaohuan stood holding an umbrella, looking at the figure of the wild dog Taoist with a smile.

The wild dog Taoist took the umbrella away for a while, and his whole body was already wet. He looked around, but couldn't find any place to hide from the rain. Finally, he walked under the small tree where Zhou Xian was sitting, snorted, and imitated Zhou Zhou looked like a fairy, pulled the collar over his head, covered his head, and kept silent, letting the wind and rain blow.

Zhou Yixian looked at the ugly face of the wild dog Taoist next to him, saw his complex and weird face, both annoyed and embarrassed, suddenly laughed out loud, and after a smile, he couldn't bear it immediately, and almost couldn't hold his clothes up. Not caring about letting go, "Hahahaha" laughed non-stop.

Daoist Yegou became angry from embarrassment, and said angrily, "What are you laughing at?"

Zhou Yixian pointed at him and laughed loudly, ignoring the wind and rain hitting his face, and laughed loudly: "I'm a bad guy, I'm a bad guy..."

Daoist Wild Dog blushed immediately, it turned out that Zhou Yixian's ears were quite sharp, and Xiaohuan couldn't hear what he said clearly, but he heard it from a distance.

At this moment, Zhou Yixian was very annoyed when he saw that Taoist Wild Dog did something good but seemed to violate some principles, he couldn't bear it anymore, he laughed out loud and almost fell down.

Daoist Wild Dog was very angry, and stood up abruptly. Zhou Yixian was startled, laughed to himself, and stepped back. Unexpectedly, the road was slippery on a rainy day, and his feet were inattentive, and he fell backward with a "bang" Go out, fall into a mud pit, covered in mud.

Daoist Wild Dog was stunned for a moment, seeing Zhou Yixian dancing and dancing, it was very funny, his anger dissipated immediately, he couldn't help but also laughed out loud.

The two of them teased and scolded each other, and then quarreled endlessly. Xiaohuan stood in the distance, smiling slightly, but did not step forward.

At this time, the wind and rain were pouring down, as if the rain was getting heavier, and the world was full of chills, but within this dangerous and dead marsh, there was still a place where there was a touch of warmth.


At dusk, the rain came to an abrupt end. One moment before, the sky was still dark and it was about to fall to the end of the world, but the next moment, the clouds cleared and the fog cleared. I wonder if it is the unique weather here in Dead Marsh

Xiaohuan took a deep breath, closed the umbrella, and looked towards the sky, and saw that although it was dusk, after the heavy rain, the fog receded a little, but the sky seemed a little brighter than the daytime.

Even the rotten smell in the air has temporarily disappeared at this moment.

Xiaohuan turned her head and looked under the small tree. As expected, Zhou Yixian and Taoist Wild Dog were still sitting there. The two had been arguing loudly just now when it was windy and rainy, but now that they had been through the wind and rain, they obviously lost their energy.

Xiaohuan smiled slightly, turned around, put down Xiaohui, Xiaohui fell to the ground, jumped twice, then shook all over, splashing water droplets everywhere, even Xiaohuan couldn't dodge in time.

Xiaohuan laughed and cursed, and saw a piece of aquatic plants not far away, which looked like a small pond, so she walked over, found a place with less aquatic plants, and looked down.

The water plants in the pond are luxuriant, even this place where the water surface is a little wider, seems to be reflected in a faint and clear blue color, and it is hard to see how deep the pond is. Xiaohuan looked at the surface of the water, looked at her reflection in the water, slowly adjusted her appearance, and slowly gathered her hair that was disturbed by the wind and rain, but after all, the clothes on her body were wet by the wind and rain, and it was very uncomfortable to stick to her body.

In the distance behind, Zhou Yixian and the wild dog seemed to start bickering again, but the words were not loud, and they couldn't hear it clearly. silence.

Even the sound of the crystal water droplets slipping down the green veins on the green water plants next to it and dripping into the water surface of the pond seems to be particularly loud.

Xiaohuan couldn't help taking a deep breath, the slightly sweet air after the rain.

Suddenly, Xiao Hui, who had been quiet behind him, let out a sharp and nervous "Zhi Zhi" scream.

Xiaohuan was startled, opened her eyes and wanted to ask, but suddenly her voice became hoarse. In the pond in front of him, among the dense aquatic plants in front of him, there was a pair of eyes, more than twice the size of ordinary people, staring at her.

Xiaohuan cried out in shock, Zhou Yixian and Taoist Yegou were taken aback in the distance, but before they could react, they saw the water surface of the pond in front of Xiaohuan suddenly erupted, and a thick column of water burst up and hit Xiaohuan.

Xiao Hui screamed!

Xiaohuan's complexion turned pale, but her mind was still not flustered, she subconsciously took a step back in a hurry, and retracted her left hand into her bosom, it was too late to speak, and seeing that the water jet was about to hit Xiaohuan's body, it suddenly fell between Xiaohuan's left hand. An orange halo was emitted, forming a light curtain, blocking a block in front of her.

The thick water column was blocked in the face by the orange light curtain, and immediately stopped in mid-air, unable to move forward for half a minute. At the same time, a hoarse muffled cry came out from the water column, and the water column shook in mid-air for a while, and a black streak appeared among the white spray. The shadow of his body wants to fall back into the pond.

Xiaohuan was still in shock, and was about to back away, at this moment, there was a sharp howl in the air, a light yellow figure galloped towards her like lightning, flashed in front of her in an instant, it was Jin Ping'er.

Jin Ping'er's pretty face was full of evil, and she waved her right hand, the purple air surged up instantly, and went straight into the water waves of the pond, and there was a loud bang in a moment, a raging wall of water was stirred up in the pond, rushing straight to the sky, more than several feet high.

The black shadow was forced out by her, but there was still energy left, although he didn't dare to fight Jin Ping'er head-on, but he tossed backwards with the force of the water, and fell into the water plants with a splash, his body twisted like a Like a fish, it swam forward extremely swiftly.

Everyone was startled, the monster looked like a human, but it was impossible for ordinary people to do such actions in the water. Jin Ping'er frowned slightly, but did not chase after her. Seeing that the shadow of the monster was about to disappear into the mist far away from the pond.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the monster let out a hoarse and angry cry again, and a dark blue light with blood red light flashed slightly in the mist, and the monster immediately turned around and flew back, as if it was extremely afraid of the dark blue light.

It's just that it was flying in the air, but suddenly saw the green water plants in the pond under its feet, extending from the direction of its feet to both sides, all of which suddenly withered quickly and turned into a burnt yellow color, and even the water surface was faintly black. In the direction of Jin Ping'er, the aquatic plants remained unchanged.

The monster roared as if it was dying, but it didn't dare to land in the pond after all, and flew towards Jin Ping'er, obviously wanting to fight to the death.

Xiaohuan cried out in shock: "Sister, be careful!"

Jin Ping'er's expression remained the same, a sneer appeared on her pretty face, and she saw the black monster getting closer, Jin Ping'er's pretty eyes flashed, her right hand rose, and the purple awns flourished, and everyone around couldn't see clearly what was in the bright purple awns. He Fabao, saw the purple awn like a knife, and slashed at the monster's head. The monster let out a muffled cry of "roar", its body was shaken up to a height of ten feet in the air, and then fell heavily, its hands and feet twitched, it seemed that it was dead.

The surroundings gradually became quiet, and the water waves in the turbulent pond just now gradually calmed down. Everyone's eyes turned to the monster above the ground. After that, everyone, including Jin Ping'er, was stunned for a moment.

It really was a monster, but it was a normal monster.

It is also like a human being, with limbs, and even tight-fitting clothing on its body, but it seems to be for the convenience of being in the water, so there are very few clothes. On the exposed skin, there are pieces that look like fish scales.

But the most shocking thing is its head, which is actually the head of a fish. The lips, gills, and even the eyes are like fish, without eyelids.

At this moment, the monster with a fish head and a human body fell to the ground, bleeding continuously from its mouth, and its body was motionless. It seemed that it was struck to death by Jin Ping'er.

Looking at the monster in the ground, Xiaohuan really felt a little chilled, subconsciously shrank behind Jin Ping'er, Jin Ping'er reached out and patted her on the shoulder, comforting her in a low voice.

After a while, two people slowly walked out from the mist in front, although they walked out at the same time, they were quite far away from each other, they seemed to be wary of each other, it was Gui Li and Qin Wuyan from Wan Du Sect.

Gui Li turned his gaze, paused for a moment on Xiaohuan's face behind Jin Ping'er, then moved away.

Xiaohuan looked at Gui Li, then at Qin Wuyan, and felt a shock in his heart. The three most outstanding young masters of the Demon Cult suddenly met secretly. Stimulate.

Qin Wuyan walked up to the monster and kicked its body, the monster turned over and remained motionless.

Qin Wuyan said lightly: "Dead."

Xiao Hui who was hiding at the side uttered "Zhi Zhi" twice, and jumped onto Ghost Li's shoulder.

Gui Li looked at Taoist Wild Dog, then at Zhou Zhouxian and Xiaohuan, seemed to frown, then slowly said: "I've said everything that needs to be said, let's do it like this!"

As he said that, he turned around and wanted to leave, Qin Wuyan suddenly said: "Brother Gui Li, it's quite strange that this monster that is neither human nor beast suddenly appeared here, don't you have any ideas?"

Gui Li stopped in his tracks, did not speak, but Jin Ping'er glanced at Qin Wuyan and said, "Why, do you know what this is?"

Qin Wuyan was stunned for a moment, then shook his head slightly, looking at Jin Ping'er and Gui Li's expressions, the two seemed to have no idea where this half-human, half-fish monster came from. At this moment, suddenly a person next to him came out and said loudly: "I know the origin of this monster."

Gui Li and the other three were startled at the same time, but in the blink of an eye, it was Zhou Xian, even Xiaohuan was also startled, said: "Grandfather, you know?"

There was still a bit of mud sticking to his forehead on Zhou Yixian's face, but at the moment he had an extraordinary bearing, standing with his hands behind his back, with a haughty expression on his face, he said: "Your grandfather has wandered all over the world and walked more bridges than you. Do you think I lived in vain? This monster is called 'Murloc', and it's not actually a monster, but the Murloc, one of the sixty-three alien races in the Southern Border's Hundred Thousand Mountains."

Gui Li and the others were stunned. Of course, everyone knows about the 100,000 mountains in Southern Xinjiang, but it is unheard of that there are sixty-three alien races in the wilderness of Southern Xinjiang, but judging by Zhou Yixian's expression, it is not Random nonsense.

Jin Ping'er frowned and said, "That's strange, Southern Border is no less than ten thousand li away from this dead marsh, why did this murloc come here?"

This question overwhelmed Zhou Xian, who was still complacent just now, scratched his head, and said, "Then I don't know."

The people present were silent for a moment, there was no result after seeing and thinking again, Gui Li turned around first, and walked away, the monkey Xiaohui lay on his shoulder, turned back suddenly, waved to Xiaohuan, and grinned.

Xiaohuan also smiled.

The wild dog looked at Xiaohuan, and immediately followed, but before taking a few steps, he suddenly heard Xiaohuan shouting from behind: "Master Daoist, there are many dangers ahead, you have to be careful!"

Jin Ping'er was stunned, looked at Xiaohuan, but saw Xiaohuan smiling slightly, but his face didn't change much, but the wild dog Taoist in front walked quickly, he didn't know if he heard it or pretended not to hear it, and he didn't turn his head. Going back, quickly followed Gui Li.

Qin Wuyan glanced in the direction where Gui Li was walking, walked up to Jin Ping'er, smiled and said: "Fairy Jin's 'Purple Glow Blade' is famous all over the world, seeing it today, it really lives up to its reputation."

Jin Ping'er smiled faintly, and said: "Young Master Qin made fun of me, how can I compare to you, just use a little poison casually, and turn this pond into a poison pond, and not a single blade of grass will grow in fifty years."

Qin Wuyan's eyes were fixed, and his face seemed to be a little colder. After looking at Jin Ping'er for a while, he said slowly: "This little poison of 'Duckweed' has only been developed for half a year. When Fairy Jin actually found out about it, I really admire it, I admire it!"

Jin Ping'er met his gaze, without any intention of backing down, and said: "Young Master Qin has won the award."

Qin Wuyan looked at her again, a cold light flashed in his eyes, then a smile appeared on his face, he nodded, and said: "So, I will take my leave first, the appointment..."

Jin Ping'er interrupted him and said: "Don't worry, I know what to do about that!"

Qin Wuyan smiled slightly and said: "Okay." He nodded to Xiaohuan as he said hello, turned around and walked away, and soon disappeared into the distant mist.

When Qin Wuyan's figure disappeared, Jin Ping'er was still silent for a moment, and suddenly let out a long breath.

Xiaohuan stood behind her, and almost at the same time felt that Jin Ping'er's body had been tense all the time, and it was only at this moment that she relaxed.

"Sister, are you okay?" Xiaohuan was a little worried.

Jin Ping'er shook her head slightly, glanced at Xiaohuan, and said softly: "I didn't come in time just now, you were not injured, were you?"

Xiaohuan smiled, shook her head and said: "I'm fine, but when it rained just now, I got drenched a little bit, but fortunately there was... oops!"

Jin Ping'er was startled, and said: "What?"

Xiaohuan stomped and said, "I forgot to return the umbrella to that Taoist."

Jin Ping'er shrugged his shoulders and said, "Then keep it for now! I'll just return it when I see you later."

Xiaohuan nodded silently, Jin Ping'er glanced into the distance, suddenly seemed to be touched, and whispered to Xiaohuan: "Xiaohuan, you have to be careful of those two people in the future."

Xiaohuan was puzzled, and said, "What?"

Jin Ping'er's eyes flickered, and she seemed to have a cold light, and said calmly: "The two men just now are both ruthless and ruthless people. If you see them later, you'd better leave immediately, and you must not approach them!"

Xiaohuan silently nodded slowly, but for some reason, she suddenly felt bewildered, vaguely remembering that young man from Qingyun who was cheated by Zhou Yixian many years ago.