Zhuge Kong Ming and the Outsider

Chapter 2418: In Volume 9, the chaos of heaven reappears


Although Kong Ming and Sheng Hun King Kong are powerful, they have never used such a huge amount of energy before this war, and it is normal for them to underestimate their destructive power.

Now that the fight has reached this level, Kong Ming and Sheng Hun King Kong can be regarded as riding a tiger. If anyone flinches a little at this time, their opponent will only seize the opportunity to kill them. In this case, let's just treat this battle as a life and death battle and decide the winner!

Next, Kong Ming and Sheng Hun Jingang just gritted their teeth and continued to fight, and let's see who can have the last laugh.

However, just as Kong Ming and Holy Mixed King Kong were engaged in a fierce battle, an extremely mysterious artistic conception quietly appeared in the chaotic void, and it silently sneaked into the void space formed by the dissipated energy.

Nothing exists in the void space. It is a true Jedi that is more powerful than the chaotic void where all magic is destroyed. However, after this mysterious artistic conception enters the void space, it seems to be at ease. It is just that the artistic conception is transformed into the void space. Spreading out like this, the void space that was still growing seemed to be restrained and could no longer expand at all.

Moreover, the void space is still retracting. It seems that this mysterious artistic conception is repairing the void space and restoring it to the chaotic void.

Is there any other possibility for the mysterious artistic conception that can achieve this besides the chaos of heaven

If Holy Mixed King Kong was not trapped in the false world and engaged in a life-and-death battle with Kong Ming, when he sensed this mysterious artistic conception, he would naturally be able to judge that this mysterious artistic conception was indeed the chaotic heavenly way that he had come into contact with!

The duty of the Chaos Heavenly Dao is to maintain the normal operation of the entire Chaos, and the battle between Kong Ming and the Holy Mixed King Kong caused too much noise, even more than the previous big explosion, which is equivalent to It has brought harm to Chaos, so is there any reason why Chaos Heavenly Dao should not appear

With Chaos Heavenly Dao presiding over the overall situation here, no matter how big the noise Kong Ming and Holy Mixed King Kong make, the damage caused will be within a controllable range. After all, no matter how powerful Kong Ming and Holy Hun King Kong are, they can't surpass the barrier of chaotic heaven!

In the false world, the fight between Kong Ming and Holy Mixed King Kong was at its most intense, so how could they have noticed that the chaotic heaven had appeared outside the false world? They just want to use as much energy as possible to suppress their opponents!

Unknowingly, the void space outside the false world gradually turned into chaotic void again under the influence of the chaotic heaven. Even though huge amounts of energy continued to be transferred from the false world, after encountering the chaotic heaven, , these energies are all naturally transformed into the invisible.

Chaos Heaven did not give birth to self-awareness. It repaired the void space into chaotic void. It just followed the laws of Heaven and did not include the slightest emotion. However, when Chaos Heaven sensed that the endless destructive energy came from the false world, as if to explore the source of this destructive power, Chaos Heaven began to penetrate into the false world on its own.

The false world is an extremely advanced space magical power, which can only be used when it reaches at least the level of a realm controller. The false world arranged by Holy Mixed King Kong integrates the power of various laws, and is different from ordinary The fake world is very different, and it is not easy to get in or out.

But for Chaos Heavenly Dao, what does it mean to enter the false world? It can almost be said that the chaos of heaven easily integrated into the false world without any sound.

The false world is filled with too violent energy, which Chaos Heaven is extremely displeased with, because this huge energy is already large enough to harm chaos. If this energy were not all imprisoned in the false world, If it is scattered in the chaotic void, it will probably have caused the strongest chaotic thunder disaster at this time.

Kong Ming and Sheng Huijingang, who were fighting fiercely, did not notice the appearance of the Chaos Heavenly Way. They were still fighting hard one after another. However, unknowingly, due to the invisible resolution of the Chaos Heavenly Way, the fake The energy accumulated in the world has a tendency to become weaker and weaker.

Kong Ming and Sheng Hun Vajra don't care about what is going on outside the false world, but the energy accumulated in the false world does not increase but decreases, so what's going on

Kong Ming and Sheng Hun Jingang, who were aware of this, regarded each other as a target of suspicion at first, fearing that the other party would use some weird means in secret. However, after thinking about it, now that both sides are trying their best to fight head-on, what's the point? Can Teng take action and use other means

Holy Mixed King Kong has had experience in contact with the chaotic heaven. When his thoughts changed, he couldn't help but think that such a strange situation could be because the chaotic heaven appeared again

Kong Ming is not as familiar with the Chaos Heavenly Way as the Holy Chaos King Kong, but Kong Ming has a changeable mind. After discovering such an anomaly, he quickly thought of the Chaos Heavenly Way. After all, with such a huge and terrifying energy at the moment, Chaos will be destroyed. Is it normal for the way of heaven to be drawn out

After realizing that Chaos Heavenly Dao might be secretly exerting influence, Kong Ming and Sheng Hun Jingang inevitably had some subtle changes in their minds. While they continued to fight hard, they also released their aura as much as possible, trying to see if it was possible to contact the chaotic heaven.

After reaching the level of Kong Ming and Saint Hun Jingjing, if you want to improve, in addition to controlling more realms, you can only place your hope on the chaotic heaven.

Only by controlling the Heavenly Dao of Chaos can you become the controller of Chaos. But if you don't even have the opportunity to come into contact with the Heavenly Dao of Chaos, how can you control it

In addition, it is possible to become the master of chaos by controlling the twelve realms of chaos at the same time, but the current situation is very strange. Kong Ming has already controlled ten realms, and the realm of Holy Mixed King Kong is equivalent to controlling six realms. The combined number of realms exceeds the limit of the twelve realms. Will this cause any changes

At least, after the auras of Kong Ming and Holy Mixed King Kong are fully opened, the power of laws after the fusion of various realms of heaven is very strange. The chaos of heaven should be able to identify them one by one, right

However, there are more than a hundred kinds of heavenly realms refined by the Holy Mixed King Kong. When he switches between various realms of heavenly ways at will, trying to attract the attention of the chaotic heavenly ways, it makes the composition of the power of law more complicated!

Thank you to the gods of all gods and Yanwu Huixiang for your monthly votes. Thank you for your strong support for this book! ! !

(End of chapter)